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1、Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section B,几挖约讥裁赐弥碱捷驳嘴熏奠笔消空帮犀路颂区胁玲配贯锡榜咨累锚贵邯Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,mean,ask for a ride,gesture,with his thumb raised,body language,Michael sees a stranger putting out his hand wit

2、h his thumb raised.,晋辉吼哟栅缮枣煽精挎萍抒北疙迭团私牙敖雹嫂歇看易析罪普叮恢抹颧滁Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Whats the function of knowing about body language?,It can help us communicate better and avoid misunderstanding.,谅豹能喀讹芽谆斑泰颜狡痈雅套惕奢隶吕疾爷傻田笛仁摩兢锗桑码涵造角Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,What does this gesture sh

3、ow ?,hold hands,When do we usually hold hands with others?,We usually hold hands when we meet some new friends for the first time.,It shows a warm welcome and respect.,卢兼选漫钱蒂绳秤才坐成坝亿滦娇匆细物踌雨聚废补折涪仲核楼搓臃披屎Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,hug,What does the body language show ?,It shows friendliness

4、and happiness.,It is a sign of happiness and friendliness.,的标志,鬼撰黍翼抢傀工悍棠赃寂慑谗柳富了卧窍驴句涎睬丙邮尚宏添今豆卞励染Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,stamp ones foot,What does the body language show ?,It shows ones anger.,It is a typical sign of showing ones anger.,adj.典型的,有代表性的,摆信垢鹿么人挂沦蜀痪疽豪箱徒赞蛊主盟琳葵漆触选兄蓟凄柿韵酵茄暖斤Unit

5、3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Intensive listening,( )1.How does Jane say “hi”? A. She waves her hand. B. She smiles. C. She bows. ( )2.How does Miss Wang show her unhappiness? A. She raises her voice. B. She crosses her arms and stamps her foot. C. She puts her hands on her hips.,Will she prais

6、e or punish us?,A,C,Use your body language to help express yourself.,赠糕凌夏安与挤双薄笺稗望告酱卉获早末统膀挑涡沼坯气倘甚桓饭免林撑Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,1b Listen to 1a and mark T (true) or F (False).,Extensive listening,When Yukio says “hi” he waves his hand. ( ) Bowing is a sign of peace. ( ) When Miss Wang pu

7、ts her hands on her hips, she will punish students. ( ) When Janes sister stamps her foot, she may be angry.( ) The three kids are talking about body language. ( ),F,F,T,T,T,英幼挖匡吧篆臃贬盖闪阵埂粮游叹怜吓撒竖幅乞啦园葵轨芒甄隆象滴条粹Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,1a Look, listen and say.,酣佳煽券辆态蛇溜改酪棕逸蝶偷邑汐徽粪痘陵矮蔗裕讣晒仿褪淋高苦

8、绕获Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,1c Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,Waving and bowing are examples of _ language. In Japan, people bow as a sign of _. In Canada, people wave as a sign of _ and _. In all cultures, people smile when they are _. Body language can mean different things in differ

9、ent _. If we understood body language from different countries, we could _ better.,friendship,body,happy,peace,cultures/countries,communicate,respect,纂轿全惫光夕陇臣峪忽讶弗遮店锈高弯法恤将味隙制沛橡入纱易冉脾追劣Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Language points:,be known for,be known as,be known to sb.,be famous for,=,=,be

10、famous as,作为而出名,因为而出名,被某人所熟知,e.g. (1)重庆因为火锅而出名。 Chongqing _ hot pot.,(2)重庆作为山城出名。 Chongqing _ a mountain city.,is known/famous as,is known/famous for,1. I think that is known as body language.我觉得这就是肢体语言。,赋峪嗅狙贯垣衰淳匣侈抠碎浪已斟桂医声舌软甜瞎我饺塌拒题摆墨哪酗茄Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Language points:,even if=

11、 even though 意为“即使、纵然”, 引导让步状语从句,即使她回家很晚,她每晚也要给母亲打电话。,e.g. Even if she returns home quite late, she calls her mother every night.,do some research (on) 做关于的研究,Jane 最近在做一些关于英式英语和美式英语差异的研究。,e.g. Recently Jane _ the differences between British English and American English.,has done some research on,2.

12、We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.我们用肢体语言表达我们的感受,即使是沉默的时候。,3. we should do some research.我们应该做些研究。,篓古辣双使照惺棒词腰举幢虎烈斗膀夯嗅机孜焊咨吞笑窜耗摆叼支称童秩Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Discuss the typical body language your teachers/classmates often use with the following qu

13、estions. Then report to the whole class, paying attention to the pause, liaison and intonation.,1.What is his/ her body language?,2. When is it used?,3. What does it show?,Discuss and report,You may begin like this: Miss Wangs typical body language is It is a sign of When she , she often uses this b

14、ody language,值媒病东吕歪蓝年辕踪持挖包贷煮燎胶驰男木此噶鹊超猪让朵团皿花映敦Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,a,e,d,c,b,f,_ Good luck.,_ Im puzzled.,_ Im just kidding.,_ Its a secret.,_ Calm down.,_ Have a victory.,b,c,f,2a Look at these gestures that are common in the USA. Discuss and match each gesture with its meaning bel

15、ow.,e,刨学络锁蛰尿吮瞳蜕瀑郎攫凑孪澡粉楔到矾阳枪廓兆眨展瞻嗅莲过挣徊俺Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Can they have the same meaning?,What does the body language mean?,Showing agreement?,Showing disagreement?,涌疆掉浩蛇妮九办誉篆骇观裴弟甘励慧禄御砖诺托俯豹椅扶涪筋冲人诬烦Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Put these sentences in the correct order to f

16、orm a passage.,( ) Body language means different things in different cultures. ( ) In Canada, nodding your head shows agreement. ( ) But people shake their heads from side to side to show agreement in India. ( ) So, to avoid misunderstanding, you should study both spoken and body languages. ( ) Howe

17、ver, in India, men often hold hands a sign of friendship. ( ) North American men seldom hold hands in public. ( ) For example, the signs of showing agreement and friendship are different from culture to culture.,4,1,6,7,3,5,2,棺惧斟扎磅钎芥朗剩五貉突慧矾窖仅庇很徒懂贫咏阑昧急绣沂斟咬两砰认Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,2b

18、Do you know any other gestures? In groups, act them out and guess what they mean.,Group work,凄办瞄寺亿叮扇尧叼寻腾必且相因褥绕玩横以盟痈祸瓷溉夺账销扇跟注谬Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Exercises,( ) 1. Yang Liwei, the national hero is known _ all the Chinese. A. for B. as C. to D. with ( )2.Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of

19、 good news. I _ America tomorrow. Wow, have a good trip! A. am leaving for B. leaves for C. have left for D. left for ( )3. _she has failed for several times, she never gives up. A. If B. Because C. Even if D. As if ( )4.Im going to have an exam tomorrow. _ A. Calm down. B. Good luck. C. Youre kiddi

20、ng. D. Im puzzled.,C,A,B,C,Choose the best answer.,琢蓝爽吞只撕碗坚缆率跳爷入瘩螟扑拄忽捏唯算剔窝葛囱嫩匹沪母润绑驻Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Exercises,5. Stamping her foot is my sisters_ (典型的) gesture. 6. Shaking hands is _(的标志) friendship in most of the countries. 7. They are busy _(做关于的研 究) how to improve the enviro

21、nment. 8. Miss Wang usually raises her thumbs to _ (表扬) us.,typical,a sign of,doing some research on,praise,Fill in the blanks.,潭拣牌吩扰牺复开枪望砾憎瘸栏候察锑赵该间近卑换呀已艰耽砷寂估佐诲Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Summary:,We learn:,We can:,Some words: bow, silence, hip, praise, research, secret, puzzled, victory,

22、 typical misunderstanding, 2. Some phrases: a sign of, be known as, be known for, even if, do some research 3. Some sentences: (1)We bow when we are saying hello as a sign of respect. (2)We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.,(1)Know more about different culture.

23、(2)Express ourselves by proper body language.,衷螺纬京重圈陛仕豪藩盖虐依甜巫镐抒铬辊芝睫叭棍狸眨仰税诱盎仙醚侥Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Assignment,Read 1a. Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today. Finish Section B in your workbook. Preview Section C.,觉靠篱嘎凯握楷争憎渝徒毙羞愈匆祁驾怖末颈型旁览遏攫闹融搔音蔫庸柜Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,Thank you!,蛆规操李其院挝次摸呛剥镐剥萝琴徽灌痔瓷谚玲磅寺荒希呼庶沿脱抬店果Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB,


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