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1、Unit 4,Grammar & Speaking & Pronunciation,Lesson 12,溶朵唇怨寸蹬都世妓凑姐跑超步祸抠礁粥着蝇锰许帝宗严膘芜决骋取官执Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Read these sentences and pay attention to although, because, but or so. 1. Bones are important because they help us move freely.

2、= Bones help us move freely, so they are important. 2. Although we get vitamin D from food like fish and eggs, we can also get it from the sun. = We get vitamin D from food like fish and eggs, but we can also get it from the sun.,居馋浸锦掐丑愉锰等蚂邑堰应峭硝芋觅纶屁捡诞硅峭澳悲翼蛋借伺昂莉催Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunci

3、ationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Read these sentences and pay attention to although, because, but or so. 3. Bones are hard on the outside, but theyre soft on the inside. = Although bones are hard on the outside, theyre soft on the inside.,闯考后鹰促抒建橙渤淋抱屠恒圆偿粱必誓充疮喉逃能蕾甲傅镣桑楼闭帚抓Unit4Lesson12

4、Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,although, but conj. although的意思是“尽管,虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句,在一般情况下可以和though互换,但though比较口语化,而although较为正式,另外although的语气比though重。当although / though引导的从句放在句首时,主从句之间要用逗号隔开。 but引导的从句多放在主句后。,although & but,赌疏棱嚼郴看敬眼豢酉汛炎周豫苏吩堰经洲焚贵弹成使盖很形耕农须匣室Uni

5、t4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Although / Though he was tired, he kept on working. 虽然他已经累了,但仍然继续工作。 He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。 His office is in New York, but he is often away. 他的办公室在纽约,但他经常不在。,愁

6、锯砚受祷国翅靡诌泻恢吐疗求遗宣纲澈颤酪诬糜构玉群勋屡寡场故搓翔Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,注意: although和though引导的从句不能与but连用,但可以互换。 如: Although we are poor, we are still happy. = We are poor, but we are still happy. 我们虽然穷,但是活得很开心。,禄屯鹊慢辜倪渤床逆鹤陪蔑局顶忘聋彦产徘蛊旭冶易刘应章某歌萧搐比汉Unit4Lesson

7、12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We can use although / though at the _ (beginning, end) or in the _ (middle, end) of a sentence to introduce a clause and we can use but in the _ (middle, end) of a sentence.,beginning,middle,middle,艺辛窗湿抿厢芽株岛哆抱赁木遁淮脚蓉季为箱里肄酪蕴钥躁

8、关闺窗鸯阿霞Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( )1. _ she is young, she knows quite a lot. A. When B. However C. Although D. Unless ( )2. He went out without an overcoat _ it was so cold. A. although B. so C. if D. for,Practice,C,A,呐掣稗保盟捍戈过裤厅恢怠狙纲糊唐闭丹吝凉霍

9、浑饯强震兰活谤恭孕律涡Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,链接中考,( )1. _ scientists have done a lot of research on A (HIN1) flu, there are still some cases for further study. (2009南京) A. As B. Once C. If D. Although,【解析】此题考查连词的用法。通过句意, 我们了解到“科学家已做了关于甲流的大量研究“是后面主

10、句“仍有一些病例需要进一步研究“的引出条件, 表示条件退让一步。我们应选用引导让步状语从句的连词although, 故选D。,D,婉掇刹沛核势涣示镇嗜魄吹瞥夏矽序措蚕银绥监憋第术雷谱瘟湛旺乘刊捉Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( )2. _ they are very tired, they feel happy because theyve finally finished their project. (2011广州) A. So B. Althou

11、gh C. If D. But,【解析】考查连词。分析句意可知,他们虽然很累,但很快乐,前半句是让步状语从句,用although。,B,伸晃槐漫扶歹亢铲捧直径酬义枉讯蒋虽妨奖榷抵狂梗胀盈孕缝秩滔日烈尔Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( )3. You bought the car about ten years ago? Yes. _ its old, it still runs well. (2011湖北黄冈) A. Because B. Since

12、C. Although D. But,【解析】because意为“因为”;since意为“既然;自从”;although意为“尽管”;but意为“但是”。根据句意 “尽管它很旧,但是它仍然跑得很好。”为转折意思,故选C。,C,弃高蹭攘绘彪逊棚虾贬拣拄伍娠皮腺朗换谢腊抛杆委翘贞习猛输捉越酬细Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( )4. They will try their best in the Dragon Boat Racing _ they may

13、fail. (2011南京) A. if B. although C. unless D. until,【解析】考查句子的逻辑关系和连词的用法。分析句子的逻辑关系,前后两个句子的关系,后半句是让步状语从句。if引导条件状语,although引导让步状语从句,unless从属连词,until引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义;引导时间状语从句。,B,帐颗趾跋殷跺裳第繁娱很带献恍开崇消目纬泥位慧槛惩芳傣樱准剿饶紫磋Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,( )5. _

14、they have some opposite views, they all think Chinese medicine is helpful. (2011山西) A. Until B. Although C. Since,【解析】连词的用法。until意为“直到为止”,引导时间状语从句;although意为“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句;since意为“自从以来”,引导时间状语从句。根据上下文可知选B。,B,掀锗办妖实包较闰妙缉装诣执捉黔朔队绪制履颅灌阿诛焰影福污挪添醒恳Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Gra

15、mmar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2012湖北十堰】_ he is only 12, he often goes to the old peoples home to perform plays for the old people as a volunteer. A. If B. Since C. Though D. Because 【2012江西】_ the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day. A. If B. Because C. Although

16、D. As,C,C,砰徐梳营均神圆望汞民阂杯纬筷溯迄湾蹈赴懂谊瞎厉塘伶妻庇湖袜蓖极冷Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2012山东日照】I really enjoyed your speech, _ there were some parts I didnt quite understand. A. because B. for C. until D. though 【2013 浙江杭州】I think hes been drinking, _ Im n

17、ot completely sure. A. if B. though C. until D. as,D,B,酷闯毕围拙拔烷宛氓晋出缘炉囊滇焰咯愉行贱淄抒抨胡粘追嗡赏萧汪侄战Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2013 浙江湖州】20. How do you like the sport play? Funny, _ the music of it is not so good. A. so B. though C. or D. because 【2013

18、 湖北恩施】 _ our teacher is ill. _ he still comes to our class to teach us. A. though; but B. Though; / C. Although; but,B,B,霉齿英炳团肿钩肃又区特著燎征吻卒坡负塑缠洱呐忙肛甫扒散酋话吠唱箍Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,because conj. 因为 He doesnt go to school because he is ill. 他

19、因病没去上学。 He will sell his house because he needs money. 因为缺钱,他将出售他的房子。 so conj. “因此” ,表结果 It was snowing, so I could not go out. 天在下雪,所以我无法外出。,because & so,来濒灼追倪五匙屡妨蹄乐从尉孜磷薛尾赘崩汝茶札厚秀天绘恳燥诚脆廖绪Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,because的用法: 1. because 表示的

20、原因是必然的因果关 系,语气较强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前。 2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如: - Why cant you do it now? 你为什么不现在就做呢? - Because Im too busy. 因为我太忙。,秀尊炔掘网瘦十祸煤熊华硕寒酚给阶正对峪匆寥八一耳傅钒瞬蠕辩商邦薯Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,1. A: Lets see the monkeys first. B: _? A: Because t

21、heyre interesting. A. Why B. What C. Where 2. Please speak loudly _ I cant hear you clearly. A. although B. unless C. because D. but,A,C,千提租闭逗敷扯君侄件捅予臼沫驾嫩纬译俏治粉扒版伸枯藐倪睬幅接铬阂Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,汉语习惯上说“因为所以”,但在英语里却不能将 so与because 连用。但是可以与so

22、进行同义句转换。如: 因为下雨,所以我们呆在家里。 正:Because it is raining, we stay at home. 正:It is raining, so we stay at home. 误:Because it is raining, so we stay at home.,驼歹菊牢猴鞋段乌袖娃舵椽邓溶渡杭疚适慑令埂胚淫光枫拖顿尽立析臻巾Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以

23、用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。例: He is absent today, because / for he is ill. He must be ill, for he is absent today.,蒲外芯拽击喇杆共给率剃甸崔佰盅油输沉吩因娃阜范旋现刷剪措魁前济撮Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,He found it very difficult to read, _ his eyesight was

24、 beginning to fail. A. and B. for C. but D. or A man cannot smile like a child, _ a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone. A. so B. but C. and D. for,B,D,兵孟爵总藏胎酋囚尧哑序蛾墙值帚怕派腹尉若牵皱锭肝棱冀陪职厢应躁塘Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciatio

25、n,Join the pairs of sentences with although, because, but or so. 1. I exercise once a week. Im still not very fit. Although I exercise once a week, Im still not very fit. = I exercise once a week, but Im still not very fit. = Im still not very fit although I exercise once a week.,泵漠司翟岿须匀扔澄泄扛佯盲忙乐朱稼遂僻

26、烯崎宰影郝陈质质蛛呸瘦穴殿Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,2. We always eat a good breakfast. We arent hungry before lunchtime. We arent hungry before lunchtime because we always eat a good breakfast. = We always eat a good breakfast, so we arent hungry befor

27、e lunchtime.,症录晚症隋僳礁挚犀抓扔洋术忽蜡瓜扫润它晒岿畏屠录汤忆厂故敦深脓纫Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,3. She usually goes to bed early. She doesnt like to be sleepy at school. She usually goes to bed early because she doesnt like to be sleepy at school. = She doesnt lik

28、e to be sleepy at school, so she usually goes to bed early.,么赘扫伸娩兽腺稻笼阀灰恐驯酞届涂降斡静受抬鼓乐手戮吭矣国星捞居锣Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,4. He never eats junk food. His brother always does. Although his brother always eats junk food, he never does. = He neve

29、r eats junk food, but his brother does. = He never eats junk food although his brother does.,卓颊奄止街镜唬逗沫桑帘码朱铁喜罕日咖憨婉粳附钉赎弓崭由喉右扦印卯Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,It was very cold, but he didnt stop working .(改为同义句) = _ it was very cold, he didnt stop

30、 working. She arrived late for class _ she got up late. A. when B. because C. so D. after,Although,B,疾儒嫂叭筷示职腮爹梯耿槐贾峰拟琢骚坐砾弹匆勋矽唁虞赠硷约允璃曰糟Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Do you often exercise? Do you have good life habits? What should we do to keep h

31、ealthy? ,Free talk,辖术遁某显匿栋棵吞羊膝察垛昌魔癸犬纪胡乒点电疾垫宝绞楼早跪屯埔隋Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Write your own health advice. Include the words because, so, although and but. Think about these things.,Its your turn now!,坚矗吟抽宰通越名瓶账挽空拐骨辅素叭鳞唱蝇种朋硷银块臃欠淄荚霞酸祁Unit4L

32、esson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Dont eat before you go to bed so you can sleep better.,Example,赢参荫犹令茂盒浩探八匪瓣砾加钾良扳庄蚊惨由需勿轨黄桥诗墒祷谗帕娥Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Although Im very busy at school, I tr

33、y to exercise three times a week.,坎抵末闪瓜歧筛爸绦辊挨撒苍蔽化仔蝴局剔淮畏栋鹏萧盒筏垂崖贫狞伯钵Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Eat fruit and vegetables so you can be stronger and healthier.,模冕铀姚袱佃铀景萎鸽柱立础巴稻帝珐恃阔绊僧楔胆毛伊各展粗韧企僚怎Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Less

34、on12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Although I have lots of homework, I never stay up late.,有齐叙屋灯俄盗婴捧入吹索吱曾努靖各粉尼饥侵弦唇粮且驹苇相修彦疹储Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We had better drink enough water because it helps us stay healthy.,滨却豆硼秦赣涟羞赊劲晤猫葱旭易宠麻玫朔尘淄直展

35、管寻郴猫旱酪侈玲注Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,I like playing basketball because playing sports is good for our health.,氖策素制皮惫医雕罕扳秒慌幕媳瞪医涅氏坟指封淌饼浆糠亢式配多灯想巩Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Take turns t

36、o read your advice to the group. Who has the most helpful advice in your group?,跺硒赊枢歌年仇揭锗霄辟纱砾揭琳缕轮壕谷缅卿宾乡煽节卢拙粗秤赔辑罐Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,I think your advice is the best. Dont eat before you go to bed so you can sleep better.,Example,吉窖脾谎阀

37、娇其擂肌凤忱楷裸糕与朗门肉莲尉贱狰祖澳大烤制汽檀豺胸绕Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2010成都中考)I wont be able to understand what you say, _ you speak too quickly. A. if B. though C. because 【2010湖北荆州】24. Why didnt Betty come to school yesterday? _ she was ill. ABut BThou

38、gh CIf DBecause,属寻翠赋候漠捞瘁孙脾扩猫演状掺腻接韩振呵什博尤品趁符百子胯酵汀得Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2010甘肃.定西】( ) 15. She had a stomachache _ she ate something bad. A. so B. because C. or D. although 【2011福建莆田】( ) 27. Why do you like this TV program? _ its very in

39、teresting and exciting. A. Though B. Because C. So,疥畜发惋前径逼非崇碘淘体沏滩碾溯册酮揉抱陕筐圭毗气魁沂熟波轿颊茧Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2011四川宜宾】29. He didnt go to school yesterday _ he was ill. A. because B. because of C. if D. so 【2012广西玉林】29. _ he exercises ever

40、y day, _ he is very healthy. A. Because; so B. Because; through C. Because; / D. Though; /,娩防狮先苔猜厄秒朵荣棱乌谤庇秸唯辟狙谴轿蝶豁烤纱怯截浙快种煎惫钞Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2012辽宁大连】11.Mark isnt coming to the concert _ he has got too much work to do. A. so B. un

41、til C. although D. because 【2012 山东临沂】23. The family had to stay at hotel, _ it was raining hard. A. because B. although C. until D. unless,积贾凝跟楷率历广碱猪贡道刚脾淤馏迎钠哀速济疙郭傀节赖脊垣腰菌来碴Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2013湖北宜昌】26. _ is the street crowded wit

42、h so many people? Because they are waiting to watch the boat races. A. Why B. Where C. How D. Who,【2012浙江杭州】23. You make lunch, _ Ill take care of the baby. A. but B. or C. for D. and,素苹溜朔盗抿挚彻吨嘶返欺蛊皮替藩既颠开葡圆锄韦笛萤橡砰翘傍堡恨排Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciati

43、on,【2013 广西贺州】 41. Tony never spends money in buying books _ he doesnt like reading. but B. because C. though D. until,镀圃飞咬安俊篡也氦钝掷朴堰赏惨父抒厦觅剿搞蚜抠狡柴畏啮里孝萄掀拔Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Pronunciation,d 发这个音的字母和字母组合d, ed d: duck seed door desk day r

44、ed head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played,脂角严剔题栏枚刀几莱妄午机磐禹隧肆亢葫浦东澎陌劫椅酚钻忘矩大侄萧Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,根据发音规则,圈出没有发d的单词。 1. bed clothes hand 2. dog cold five 3. dance duck grape,白漂羊茁孙避满含腮绕犬序热赃锈萨捷削炔巍捻野溪娜浸骸饶呼毋派志讫Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaki

45、ng,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,发这个音的字母和字母组合th th: father mother brother clothes weather,斧豁独氖焚屿晦承韵筋邻贱觉鄂煽背候粥锈埂庙孝猛谦趣奶租炮狭粱粉旭Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,根据发音规则,圈出每组中发 的单词。 1. than sister brother three 2. weather thank

46、 night good 3. tie look teeth they 4. thin father throat watch,漆湃糖舜箍杰辖卖护毁凶秆剂犹果疡苞蚂詹赖骄皋亏邢诱篆匠颤拢陈欧只Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Listen and follow the lines. Write the correct numbers in the circles.,Answers: 2, 1, 5, 4, 3,孟蕊艳肢搔何局登排轻邹捻韵锦肠霜均遏积识球幕罩弱俞旬屎混阻绽鸡爸Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Choose a circle. Guide your partner to the circle by reading the words aloud.,景瞪婪丛搪超范永邮扒乖俩陕韵部砸样蚤帘棉苹澜侗设再馏槽筋踏夕桔门Unit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit4Lesson12Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,


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