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1、 动产担保论文:动产担保登记制度比较研究【中文摘要】随着动产价值的不断增加,以动产设定非移转占有型的担保已经成为企业融资的重要途径,这一方式的普遍运用间接促进了市场经济的发展和社会的繁荣,并成为工业社会兴起之后现代担保制度最大的特色。在非移转占有的动产担保制度中,如何对动产之上的担保物权进行公示直接决定着动产担保制度的效率。我国现行法顺应时代发展规定了动产抵押、权利质押、所有权保留等非移转占有型的动产担保制度,但物权法、合同法中对于动产和权利担保物权的登记问题未作统一规定,这导致了在实践中这些制度往往被架空。随着经济全球化进程的加快,现代化的动产担保登记制度已经受到世界范围内的关注。世界各国纷




5、产担保登记、动产占有等其他形式的公示方式有机协调和统一起来,这样可以提高公示效率,建立真正的现代化动产担保登记制度。不动产统一登记制度的原则性规定为动产担保统一登记制度的实现提供了可能。【英文摘要】With the increasing value of real estate, to set the non-transfer of possession of movable type security has become an important means of corporate finance. This approach indirectly promotes the univer

6、sal use of the market economy development and social prosperity, and become the most prominent feature of modern security system after the rise of industrial society. In the security system of non-transfer possession of personal property, how to conduct a security interest over movable publicity sec

7、urity system directly determines the efficiency of movable property. Following the development of the existing law, “Property Law”, “Contract Law” provide for the chattel mortgage, pledge of rights, transferring of possession of retention of title and other non-movable type security system, but the

8、absence of uniform provisions of the filling system of the personal property and rights security led these systems in practice often sidelined. With the acceleration of economic globalization, modern movable property security registration system has been world widely concerned. Countries around the

9、world have their own unique way of setting non-transfer of possession of movable type security and the public system, in which the design of the system is worth studying their advantages and disadvantages.As a result of the traditional public system of civil law property, Germany, Japan and other ci

10、vil law countries provides for Transfer guaranty and Retained ownership outside the Civil Code. As for the way of the publicity, the German doctrine and the meaning of written doctrine, established in written Japanese-Registration of Confrontation, and maintain dynamic set of transactions to facilit

11、ate the safety of its merits and value of options, but the shortcomings of the lack of publicity for the third way make the guarantee system appeared to be inadequate in playing its role in nature-guarantee. Moreover, although the Japanese recognized the chattel mortgage in the special law, it did n

12、ot have a special filling system making the utilization of the chattel mortgage be not high; Based on this defect of the traditional civil law, Taiwan turned to seek the help of common law, the “Secured Transactions Law” is borrowed from American 60s movable property security legislation system. Per

13、sonal property security filling system is more detailed, and contributed to the prosperity of Taiwan.American Secured filling system is the advanced legislation of the world. Experienced by the spread of its development into a unified process. In the Pre-code era of United States, the various forms

14、of personal property security makes the filling system chaotic. Uniform Commercial Code recognized the shortcomings of the decentralized registration system, and then established a unified registration system. Its security interests in movable property to the concept of a single premise, covering va

15、rious forms of movable property in the security system of the pre-code era. The system includes the provision of central registration authority, the notice-filling system, the simple and efficient security declaration, electronic registration system, and the easy registration rules. Its simple, effi

16、cient, uniform features make it the worlds most advanced filling system and affect other countries and regions.Germany, Japan, personal property security for the public system of choice is not suited to the development of modern chattels, and the comparison with the personal property security of Tai

17、wan and the United States shows the superiority of the notice-filling system, electronic filling system, and the unified filling authority. Modern chattel security reform is surging.At present, there are many problems with Chinas personal property security filling system:more filling department, low

18、 and poor level of electronic publicity; the complexity of filling; the high cost of filling. The movable property security filling system of advanced legislation should be simple, unified and efficient. China should make full use of modern electronic information technology, establish a unified fill

19、ing system for movable property security and a clear central filling authority, establish the notice filling system, and coordinate the filling of personal property with the registration of the immovable property security and the possession of personal property and other forms publicity. This can im

20、prove the efficiency of publicity and build a real modern chattel security registration system.【关键词】动产担保 动产担保登记 公告登记制度 比较研究【英文关键词】Security over personal property Filling system for personal property Notice-filling system Comparative study【目录】动产担保登记制度比较研究中文摘要6-8ABSTRACT8-9引言10-13(一) 相关概念界定10(二) 研究意义及

21、目的10-13一、大陆法系动产担保公示制度以德国、日本、我国台湾地区为中心13-22(一) 德国的动产担保制度及其公示方式13-17(二) 日本动产担保形式及其公示方式17-19(三) 我国台湾地区动产担保及其登记制度19-22二、美国统一商法典第九编规定的动产担保登记制度22-33(一) 美国前法典时期动产担保及登记制度23-25(二) 第九编规定的动产担保登记制度25-33三、动产担保登记制度立法模式之比较33-39(一) 大陆法系动产担保及其公示制度的立法思考33-35(二) 动产担保登记制度的模式选择35-39四、我国动产担保登记制度之检视及重构设想39-48(一) 我国动产担保登记制度之检视39-45(二) 构建我国统一动产担保登记制度的设想45-48参考文献48-50致谢50-51攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录51-52学位论文评阅及答辩情况表52


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