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1、目录词缀表-001词汇注解表-010词语附录-127词汇量测试-129词缀表一、 前缀a-, an- 非,没有,缺少atypically 不典型地anarchy 无政府,无政府状态ab- 离开,不abnormal 不正常的,变态的abuse 滥用,妄用anti- 反对antimatter 反物质antiwar 反战的auto- 自己做的autocriticism 自我批评autoland 自动着陆be- 使,有befriend 以朋友态度对待belittle 贬低bi- 二,双,两倍biform 二形的bimonthly 双月的bio- 生命,生物biochemistry 生物化学biosph

2、ere 生物圈centi- 百分之一centigrade 百分度的centimeter 厘米co-, col-, com-, con-, cor- 共同,一起coauthor 合著者concentric 同中心的collocation 并置compassion 同情correlation 相互关系counter-, contra- 反对,相对,相反contranatural 违反自然的counterattack 反攻de- 非,相反,除去,减少denationalize 非国有化decode 解码di- 二,二倍,二重diphthong 双元音dilemma 进退两难dif-, dis- 否定

3、,相反difference 不同,差异disagree 不同意en-, em- 使成为,使处于状态endanger 危害embody 体现eu- 好,优eugenics 优生学eulogy 颂词,颂德文euthanasia 安乐死e-, ex- 以前的,前任的ex-minister 前任部长ex-wife 前妻extra- 超出,在之外extracurricular 课外的extraordinary 非常的fore- 预先,前,在前面的foreleg 前腿forefinger 食指forewarn 预先警告hetero- 异,杂heterosexual 异性恋的heterogeneous 不同

4、的,异类的homo- 同一homosexuality 同性恋的homographs 同形异义词hydro- 水hydrotherapy 水疗法hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物hyper- 过度的hypersensitive 过敏的hyperactive 极度活跃的hypo- 低于正常的,过少的hypothermia 低体温hypotension 低血压hypothesis 假说il-, im-, in-, ir- 不,非,无inability 无能imbalance 不平衡illegal 不合法的irregular 不规则的inter-, intra-, intro- 互相,在之间inte

5、rchange 交换international 国际的intercity 城市间的introspect 内省kilo- 千kilometer 千米,公里kilogram 千克,公斤macro- 大的,宏观的macroeconomics 宏观经济学macrostructure 宏观结构micro- 极小的microwave 微波microcomputer 微型计算机mal- 坏,不良,不当malfunction 功能障碍maltreat 虐待mid- 中间midday 中午midnight 午夜mini- 极小的,极短的minibus 小公共汽车miniskirt 超短裙mis- 坏,不当mis

6、judge 错误地判断misunderstand 误解mono- 单一monoplane 单翼机monotone 单调multi- 多multipurpose 多用途的multistory 多层的neo- 新,新型的neoclassical 新古典主义neocolonialism 新殖民主义non- 无,非,不non-metal 非金属non-resident 非定居的out- 超越,超过,胜过outlive 比活得长outnumber 在数量上超过over- 过分,在上面,额外的overhead 在头顶上overpopulation 人口过剩poly- 多polycentric 多中心的po

7、lydirectional 多方向的post- 在之后postgraduate 研究生的postwar 战后的pre- 在之前prepay 预付prewar 战前的pseudo- 假,伪pseudomemory 记忆错误pseudoscience 伪科学re- 回复,再repay 偿还reuse 重复使用semi- 半,部分的semicircle 半圆semifinal 半决赛sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-下,在之下,次,次要subsection 分部succinct 简洁的suffocate 使窒息,闷死suggest 建议,提出,使联想suppress

8、 镇压surrogate 代理人sym-, syn-, syl-, sys- 同sympathy 同感,共鸣,同情synchronism 同时发生,同时性syllogism 三段论法,演绎法system 系统,体系,制度tele- 远距离telescreen 电视屏幕teleswitch 遥控开关thermo- 热thermochemistry 热化学thermometer 温度计trans-, tra- 横越transatlantic 横越大西洋的traverse 横过,横贯tri- 三trangle 三角形tricycle 三轮摩托车ultra- 超过ultramodern 超现代化的ul

9、trasound 超声波un- 不unfortunately 不幸的unimportant 不重要的under- 过少,在下面underdevelopment 欠发达undersea 海底的uni- 单一unidirectional 单向的uniserial 单列的vice- 副vice-chairman 副主席vice-president 副总统二、 后缀1、 名词后缀-ability, -ibilityacceptability 可接受性flexibility 柔韧性-agepostage 邮资shrinkage 缩水-alarrival 到达refusal 拒绝-an, -ian, -a

10、rianPuritan 清教徒librarian 图书管理员musician 音乐家-ance, -enceappearance 出现reference 参考-ancy, -encyemergency 紧急情况expectancy 期待-ant, -entservant 仆人student 学生-cratdemocrat 民主主义者technocrat 技术专家官员-cyaccuracy 准确性bankruptcy 破产-domfreedom 自由kingdom 王国-eeabsentee 缺席者employee 雇员-eerauctioneer 拍卖商profiteer 谋取暴利者-er,

11、-or, -arpainter 画家conductor 导体beggar 乞丐-erybravery 勇敢cookery 烹调法-eseChinese 汉语,中国人Japanese 日语,日本人-essactress 女演员lioness 母狮-fulhandful 一把的量spoonful 一匙的量-hoodchildhood 童年likelihood 可能性-icselectronics 电子学linguistics 语言学-ingpainting 油画lining 衬里-ion, -ition, -ationcollection 收集composition 作文observation 观

12、察-ismheroism 英雄主义socialism 社会主义-istsocialist 社会主义者violinist 小提琴家-ity, -tycruelty 残忍purity 纯净-letbooklet 小册子piglet 小猪-mentmovement 运动retirement 退休-nessdarkness 黑暗happiness 幸福-ologyfuturology 未来学musicology 音乐研究-rywizardry 魔术bravery 勇敢-shipfriendship 友谊partnership 伙伴关系-sion, -ssiondecision 决定expansion

13、膨胀-steryoungster 年轻人gangster 歹徒-ureclosure 关闭exposure 暴露2、 动词后缀-endeepen 加深fasten 扎牢-ifyclassify 分类simplify 简化-ize, -isemodernize 现代化popularize 普及3、 形容词后缀-able, -iblesuitable 合适的admissible 许可进入的-aleducational 教育的natural 自然的-an, -arian, -iansuburban 郊区的disciplinarian 执行纪律者Canadian 加拿大的-ant, -entresul

14、tant 作为结果而发生的different 不同的-ary, -orycustomary 习惯的advisory 忠告的-ateconsiderate 考虑周到的fortunate 幸运的-edwarm-hearted 热心的bearded 胡子拉碴的-engolden 金质的wooden 木制的-eseChinese 中国的,汉语的Japanese 日本的,日语的-freecarefree 无忧无虑的troublefree 平安无事的-fulcareful 小心的painful 痛疼的-ic, -icalatomic 原子的biological 生物学的-ishgirlish 女孩子似的r

15、eddish 稍带红色的-iteopposite 相反的infinite 无限的,极大的-ivecreative 有创造力的supportive 支持的-lesshopeless 没有希望的jobless 事业的-likechildlike 孩子般的ladylike 贵妇人似的-lymanly 具有男子气概的monthly 每月的-ous, -eous, -iousdangerous 危险地righteous 公正的,正值的spacious 宽敞的-somequarrelsome 喜欢吵架的troublesome 使人烦恼的-warddownward 向下的homeward 回家的-wiseo

16、therwise 另外的likewise 同样的-yhairy 多毛的noisy 喧闹的4、 副词后缀-lyeasily 容易的quickly 迅速的-ward, -wardsnorthward 向北地upwards 向上地-wiseotherwise 另外clockwise 顺时针方向词汇表注解abdomen n.(人体的)腹部 synonym bellyMEANING:the middle part of the body containing the stomach and bowelsTYPICAL USE:The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdo

17、men那位有身孕的妇人有增大的下腹。bereave v.剥夺MEANING:deprive ruthlessly; rob; take awayTYPICAL USE:The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.当救援的飞机没有看到他们时,那些迷路的徒步者丧失了希望。consecrate v.使神圣,奉献 synonym devoteMEANING:devote to some special use, make holy or sacredTYPICAL USE:This battlef

18、ield is consecrate to the memory of the soldiers who died here.这战场被视为圣地以纪念死于该处的战士。evoke v.唤起 synonym invokeMEANING:bring out, call forth, cause to appearTYPICAL USE:A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.好笑话不一定让人大笑。groove n.沟,槽 synonym furrowMEANING:a long narrow channel or furrow, co

19、rrugation, rutTYPICAL USE:Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.车轮在泥泞的路上留下痕迹。jolt v.摇动,使颠簸 synonym joggleMEANING:shake roughly, shake with sudden jerksTYPICAL USE:The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.那旧车子走过崎岖的道路时,很厉害的颠簸着它的乘客。obsolete adj.过时的 synonym antiquatedMEA

20、NING:no longer in use, out of dateTYPICAL USE:Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.现在用鞠躬来欢迎女士已是过时的习俗。prowl n.潜行以寻觅或偷窃 synonym roveMEANING:wander about quietly and secretly in search of something, strollTYPICAL USE:Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.许多野兽在夜间巡行以找寻

21、食物。scoop v.掘挖 synonym shovelMEANING:dig out, hollow outTYPICAL USE:The children scooped holes in the sand孩子们挖沙坑。status n.状况 synonym situationMEANING:state or condition of affairs, position, standing, stageTYPICAL USE:Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.外交家关心世界局势。sue v.起诉,控告 synon

22、ym indictMEANING:start a law case against, appeal to , charge, impeachTYPICAL USE:The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.那位农夫因为他的牛被火车压死而控告火车站。Test:1.The counter of the sink has many _ along with the water will run off.2.The cat _ around the cellar looking for mi

23、ce.3.We all sympathized with the husband who was _ of his beloved wife.4.Her singing _ admiration from the public.5.We still use this machine though it is _.Answers:1.grooves 2.prowled 3.bereaved 4.evoked 5.obsolete*bandit n.强盗,土匪 synonym brigandMEANING:a highway man or robber, especially one of a g

24、ang, outlawTYPICAL USE:The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone or in a group.在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑马且全副武装。commemorate v.纪念,庆祝 synonym celebrateMEANING:honor the memory of, observeTYPICAL USE:Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是庆祝耶酥基督的诞生。defile v

25、.弄脏,弄污 synonym infectMEANING:make dirty or impure, pollute, sullyTYPICAL USE:The childrens muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.孩子们泥泞的鞋子弄脏了旅社所有的地毯。deviation n.偏离,偏差MEANING:turing aside, divergence, detourTYPICAL USE:Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be al

26、lowed.在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。fortitude n.坚忍 synonym enduranceMEANING:courage in facing pain, danger, or trouble, firmness of spiritTYPICAL USE:She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.她能够毅然忍受他人给她的失望。inconsolable adj.伤心的 synonym depressedMEANING:not to be comforted, brok

27、en-heartedTYPICAL USE:The littel girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。nibble vi.细咬 synonym biteMEANING:eat away with quick, small bites as a rabbit or a mouse doesTYPICAL USE:Arent you hungry?You are only nibbling your food.你不饿吗,你只是在轻咬你的食物。pageant n.壮观 synonym exhibitionM

28、EANING: an elaborate spectacle, expositionTYPICAL USE: The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.新王的加冕典礼非常壮观。scourge n.引起灾害的事物或人 synonym disasterMEANING: something or someone which causes great trouble or misfortuneTYPICAL USE: After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of dise

29、ase.洪水之后往往有瘟疫发生。tumble v.跌落,跌倒 synonym fallMEANING:fall to the ground , fall suddenly and violentlyTYPICAL USE:The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.那破脚的小孩从楼梯上跌下来,受伤很重。Test:1. The iron in the ship caused a(an )_ of the magnetic needle of the compass.2. A marathon runner must

30、have great _ to run such a long distance.3. The pretty girls reputation was _ by malicious gossips.4. The boy is just learning to walk, he is always _ over the floor.5. The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid _.Answers:1.deviation 2.fortitude 3.defiled 4.tumbling 5.pageant*affl

31、ict v.折磨 synonym distressMEANING:cause pain to , trouble very much, sicken, ailTYPICAL USE:There are many illnesses which afflict old people.老人为许多病症而痛苦。censure v.谴责 synonym blameMEANING:express an unfavorable opinion, reprove, reproachTYPICAL USE:His employer censured him for neglecting his work.他的老

32、板责难他轻视工作。dissimulation n.假装,掩饰 synonym deceptionMEANING:the act of deceit, hypocrisy, pretention, make believeTYPICAL USE:The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.窃贼小心掩饰地闯入屋内。flog v.重打,鞭笞 synonym spankMEANING:beat or whip hard, paddle, caneTYPICAL USE:Nowadays, it is an inhum

33、ane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.先进,鞭笞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。inscription n.题字,铭刻 synonym captionMEANING:something writen on a monument, coin, etc, heading, epigraphTYPICAL USE:According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.根据基石上的碑铭,这栋建筑物建于1919年

34、。meddle v.干预或扰乱他人之事 synonym interveneMEANING:touch unnecessarily, interfere, butt inTYPICAL USE:The gifts of charity meddled with a gentlemans private affair.慈善礼物干扰一位绅士的私事。posture n.人体的姿势 synonym attitudeMEANING:The position of the body, way of holding the body, demeanorTYPICAL USE:He doesnt sit str

35、aight, his posture is very bad.他坐得不正,他的姿势很糟糕。rummage v.翻寻,寻找 synonym ransackMEANING:search thoroughly by moving things about, searchTYPICAL USE:John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.约翰为了寻找他的手套,翻遍了所有的抽屉。spout v.喷出,涌出 synonym pourMEANING:come or send out suddenly in a stream, eject, exudeTY

36、PICAL USE:The water spouted out when the pipe was broken.当水管破裂时,水快速地喷出来。traverse v.跨越 synonym intersectMEANING:pass across, over or through, cut across, bisectTYPICAL USE:The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.登山者横过山表斜坡上的水平裂缝。wistful adj.渴望的 synonym yearningM

37、EANING:wishful, longing, desirous, wantfulTYPICAL USE:A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.小孩站在橱窗前渴望地看着那些玩具。Test:1. He was _ his horse in a very cruel way.2. She _ change form the botom of her purse.3. The law does not _ unduly with a persont private life.4. The lig

38、hts _ the sky searching for enemy planes.5. The _ on the ancient monument was very hard to read.Answers:1.flogging 2.rummaged 3. meddle 4.traversed 5.inscription*amicable adj.友善的 synonym amiableMEANING:having or showing a friendly attitude, affable, agreeableTYPICAL USE:The amicable flash of her whi

39、te teeth was very impressive.她友善地露齿一笑,给人很深刻的印象。blizzard n.暴风雪 synonym snowstormMEANING:a long severe snowfallTYPICAL USE:The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.士兵们精疲力倦,因为他们在暴风雪中没有休息地继续前进。cruise v.巡航 synonym voyageMEANING:sail or travel about from pl

40、ace to place on pleasure or businessTYPICAL USE:If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。eradicate v.根除,歼灭 synonym extirpateMEANING:get rid of entirely, destroy complterly, annihilate, uprootTYPICAL USE:Yellow fever h

41、as been eradicated in the United States but it still exits in some countries.黄热病在美国已经根除绝迹,但在一些国家却依然存在。glimmer n.微光 synonym gleamMEANING:a faint, unsteady light, glow, flickerTYPICAL USE:The doctors report gave us only a glimmer of hope.医生的报告仅给我们一丝的希望。lump n.堆,团 synonym blockMEANING:a mass of somethi

42、ng solid without a special size or shape, bumpTYPICAL USE:On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.在他的桌上, 许多东西和文件总是被准成一大维。ransack v.细细搜索 synonym rummageMEANING:search thoroughly through, scourTYPICAL USE:The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.那女人仔细搜察房屋以找寻遗失约珠宝。slash v.(以刀、剑等)砍 synonym gashMEA


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