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1、瞿靖中心小学六年级英语第一单元教材分析教学内容1、能识读运用单词hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy. 2、 能掌握运用句型what do you want ? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it ? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.进行对话交流。教学目标1、知识目标:能识读运用单词hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy. 能掌握运用句型what do you want ? I want a hot dog, please.

2、How much is it ? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.进行对话交流。2、能力目标:能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱。3、情感目标:激发学生的学习热情,了解中西方的饮食文化异同,并进行文明礼仪教育。教 学重点难点1、重点:句型what do you want ? I want a hot dog , please. How much is it ? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.2、难点:是掌握和熟练运用所学语言知识。课时安排三课时提高教学质的措施1、在教学过程中要创新运用各

3、种不同的教学方法,来辅助教学,如;情景教学法,直接教学法和TPR全身反应教学法,并开展一些符合学生年龄特点和活动,如:词语接龙,我来说,你来猜等活动,让学生在轻松愉快中进行学习。 2、认真备课,钻研教材,采取适合本班学生的方法,提高教学效率。 3、在每上完一节课后要进行自我反思,不断总结经验,吸取教训。 4、耐心仔细的对学困生进行辅导,主要利用早自习,下午自习。瞿靖中心小学“导学+活动”备课课 题Module 1 Restaurant 课 型New lesson总第one 课时目标分析Language: A: What do you want? B: I want a hot dog, ple

4、ase. A: How much is it? B: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Vocabulary: hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy 教材分析本课的故事是在美国的Daming 和Simon跟随Simons dad 去一家快餐店就餐的经过。需要学生掌握的语言功能是如何在快餐店点餐:“What do you want? I want a hot dog, please.”及如何询问价钱:“How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five c

5、ents.”本课的内容贴近学生的生活实际,有利于培养学生在真实的语言情景中运用英语进行交际的能力。重点难点重点:句型what do you want ? I want a hot dog , please. How much is it ? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.难点:是掌握和熟练运用所学语言知识教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionStep 3 Presentation1. Say “Hello” to the pupils

6、and ask them several questions.2. Talk about some interesting experience during the winter vacation.3. Do TPR games, such as “Do as I say, not as I do.” Practice the two words of “eat” and “drink”.4Game: 食物接龙游戏。1. The teacher says: After the exercises, I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to

7、eat and drink. Can you give me some suggestions?2. Today Daming, Simon and Simons father go to the restaurant to have the meal. The dialogue tells us the story.1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue between the waitress and th

8、e customers.2. Play the cassette and circle the new words.3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.4. Teach the new words in different ways. 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4 Finish a TaskStep 5 Homework5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.6. Practice in grou

9、ps and act out the dialogue.1. Suppose you are in the restaurant and going to have a meal.2. Investigate the students who went out to tour during the winter vacation. 1. Read the text in role.2. Learn to say in English when you go into a restaurant and have a meal.板 书设 计教学反思课 题Unit 2 What do you wan

10、t to eat?课 型New lesson总第two 课时目标分析Language: A: What do you want? B: I want a hot dog, please. A: How much is it? B: Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Vocabulary: hamburger, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy 教材分析本课的故事讲述的是的Lingling和Lingling s dad 在一家中国快餐店就餐的经过。需要学生掌握的语言功能是如何在快餐店点餐:“What do you wantto

11、 eat drink? I want a hamburger,please. ”及如何询问价钱:“How much is it? Its ten yuan.”重点难点1、重点:句型What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink? 2、难点:是掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言知识谈论点餐和就餐的情况教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionStep 3 Presentation1. Say “Hello” to the pupils and ask

12、 them several questions.2. Talk about some interesting experience during the winter vacation.3. Do TPR games, such as “Do as I say, not as I do.” Practice the two words of “eat” and “drink”.1. The teacher says: After the exercises, I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to eat and drink. Can yo

13、u give me some suggestions?2. Today Daming, Simon and Simons father go to the restaurant to have the meal. The dialogue tells us the story.1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue between the waitress and the customers.2. Play t

14、he cassette and circle the new words.3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.4. Teach the new words in different ways. 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4 Finish a TaskStep 5 Homework5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.6. Practice in groups and act out the di

15、alogue.1. Suppose you are in the restaurant and going to have a meal.2. Investigate the students who went out to tour during the winter vacation. 1. Read the text in role.2. Learn to say in English when you go into a restaurant and have a meal.板 书设 计教 学反 思审阅评价六年级下册英语第二单元教材分析教学内容Unit1 Were going to h

16、ave a picnic.Unit 2 Its going to snow in Harbin.教学目标1、 学习语句:Were going to eat at half past twelve.When are we going to eat? At half past twelve.Its going to snow in Harbin.2、能口头运用When are we going to eat?这类语句询问计划的活动时间,并能口头运用At half past twelve.这类语句回答。能口头运用Its going to snow in Harbin.预报某地的天气。3、能识别单词:

17、duck, noisy 能书写单词:under, tree snow, rain.4、学习本单元的歌谣。教 学重点难点1、能口头运用When are we going to eat?这类语句询问计划的活动时间,并能口头运用At half past twelve.这类语句回答。能口头运用Its going to snow in Harbin.预报某地的天气。2、能识别单词:duck, noisy 能书写单词:under, tree snow, rain.课时安排三课时提高教学质的措施课 题Module 2 Were going to have a picnic.课 型New lesson总第th

18、ree课时目标分析(1)Language: When are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve. What are we going to do? We are going to walk around the lake.(2)Vocabulary: duck, noisy, picnic(3) Grammar: Simple future tense, be going to 教材分析重点难点When are we going to eat?Were going to eat at half past twelve.

19、What are we going to do?Were going to walk around the lake.教学媒体Tape, cards,PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-up T: Boys and girls, lets say some rhymes. (课前热身,加强学生的口语练习,让学生很快进入英语学习环境。)Step 2.Free talk and revision T: What do you like doing in your spare time?T: What are you going to do this Sunday?T:

20、 When are you going to ?Step 3. LeadingT: Do you want to know, what did Daming, Simon and Simons mum do during the weekend?Step 2 IntroductionStep 3 PresentationGreeting and sing.(活泼欢快的歌曲活跃了课堂气氛,提高了学生的情趣。)S: I like playing football/reading booksS: I am going toS: I am going to at eight /in the morni

21、ng.(教师以朋友的语气与学生交流,能消除学生的紧张情绪,通过交流,为新课的学习做了铺垫。)教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4. Presentation and new teaching1. Look at the screen.2. Write these questions on the board. (让学生看生动的动画,带着问题自学课文,并找出疑难。)3. Study in their groups.4. Answer these questions, and explain the new words and sentences.5. Practice in pairs

22、.6. Lets act.Step 5 HomeworkWhen are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve.What are we going to do?Were going to walk around the lake.1. Read the text in role.2. Learn SB Activity 3 by themselves. 板 书设 计教 学反 思审阅评价课 题Unit 2 Its going to rain in Harbin.课 型New lesson总第two 课时目标分析Languag

23、e: Its going to rain in Harbin. Its going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. What are you going to do on Thursday? Im going to watch TV.Vocabulary: rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warmChant: What are you going to do today?. 教材分析重点难点1、能口头运用Its going to snow in Harbin.预报某地的天气。2、能识别单词:snow, rain. 能书写单词:sn

24、ow, rain.教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionStep 3 Presentation1. Review Unit 1.2 Sing an English song. 1. Watch a real weather forecast.2. Whats the weather like in? Its Sunny , rainy , windy, cloudy, snowy1. Whats the weather going to be like in Harbin tomorrow?

25、 Whats the weather going to be like in Beijing tomorrow? Whats the weather going to be like in Dalian tomorrow? Whats the weather going to be like in Xian tomorrow?2. Play the cassette and ask the children several questions.3. Write down four skill words and teach.4. Play the cassette and repeat.4.

26、Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs. 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4 Chant Step 5 Homework1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.4. Play the cassette several

27、 times and ask the children to chant together. 1. Read the chant2. Finish activities.板 书设 计教 学反 思审阅评价六年级下册英语第三单元教材分析教学内容Unit 1 The sun is shining.Unit2 I am looking out of the window.教学目标1、 学习目标语句:The sun is shining.The birds are singing,2、能口头运用The birds are singing in the trees.说明图片内容。口头运用 Im looki

28、ng out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。 3、能识别单词:shine, everyone, train, out of window, hill并能书写单词sun ,sing. train, window.功能: 讲述正在发生的事情;描述照片或图片中的活动情景教 学重点难点1、能口头运用The birds are singing in the trees.说明图片内容。口头运用 Im looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。 2、能识别单词:shine, everyone, train, out of window, h

29、ill并能书写单词sun ,sing. train, window.课时安排三课时提高教学质的措施课 题Module 3 Setting Scenes 课 型New lesson总第one 课时目标分析学会运用单词shine, everyone, out of , wrong等单词。能够口头运用In this photo,the sun is shining.The birds are singing in the trees. The ducks are eating our picnic 等照片或图片中的活动情景。教材分析重点难点1、能口头运用The birds are singing i

30、n the trees.说明图片内容。 2、能识别单词:shine, everyone, 并能书写单词sun ,sing.教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionStep 3 Presentation1. Sing an English song.2. Review some verbs. 预习学案:1.自主学习新单词shine, everyone, out of, wrong并讨论单词发音。2.表演短语运用:clean the window, do housework, ride a bik

31、e, play football3.表演情景剧Were going to have a nice weekend.1. Teacher draws a picture and asking the students some questions.2. What are the birds doing? What are the ducks doing?1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue between th

32、em.2. Play the cassette and circle the new words.3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.4. Teach the new words in different ways.教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4 Finish a Task and dosome exercises.Step 5 Homework5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.6. Prac

33、tice in groups and act out the dialogue.1、Collecting some pictures about news.2、Introduce ones collecting. 3、根据句首或首字母提示补全句子 (1) The d_ are swimming in the river.(2) The birds are s _ in the trees. (3) Its h past four. (4) I m_ my friends.(5) We are l_at some ducks. 2.句中有一处错误,找出并改正。 (1) They are play

34、 with dogs._ (2) Xiaoyong like reading books._ (3)They drinking water now._(4) We are haveing dinner._ (5) Do you have some picture?_1. Read the text in role. 2. Finish task 5.板 书设 计Module 3Unit1 The sun is shiningsend sending Im sending. shine shining the sun is shining.sing singing The birds are s

35、inging in the trees.教 学反 思审阅评价课 题Unit 2 I am looking out of the window.课 型New lesson总第two 课时目标分析Function: Talking about something is happening.Language: Im looking out of the window. A man is wearing a big hat and raincoat.Vocabulary: train, window, raining, shining, playing, coming etc.Poem: The su

36、n is shining on the sea. 教材分析重点难点1、口头运用 Im looking out of the window.向不在场的人描述所看到的场景。2、能识别单词:train, out of window, hill. 能书写单词:train, window.教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionLeading1、T: Act then asks: What am I doing?”2、T: Making a postcard. Then ask: “What am I

37、doing?”Step 3 Presentation1. Review Unit 1.2 Ask and answer between the teacher and the children at random.Ss: Youre ingT: Get several students to do and the students answer.Ss: Youre making postcard. (引导Ss 回答)。T: Today well talk about postcard. 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the childre

38、n look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children several questions.3. Write down four skill words and teach.4. Play the cassette and repeat.4. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 4 Poem PracticeStep 5 Homework1. Ask the child

39、ren to look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together. 1、Talk about photos. (谈论正在发生的事。)2、Do the exercise of unit 2 in pairs.1. Read t

40、he poem2. Finish activity 5: Have you got?3. Make a postcard and write it in English. Please send it to your friend.板 书设 计教 学反 思审阅评价六年级下册英语第四单元教材分析教学内容Unit 1 Im making Damings birthday card.Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs.教学目标1、 学习语句:Im making Damings birthday card.The apples are fallin

41、g down the stairs.2.能口头运用Im making Damings birthday card.说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。能口头运用The apples are falling down the stairs.说明正在发生的事。3、识别单词:card, careful, balloon, fly away,stairs, mess书写单词:card, cake,apple4、学习本单元的一首歌谣。教 学重点难点1、能口头运用Im making Damings birthday card.说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。能口头运用The apples are

42、falling down the stairs.说明正在发生的事。2、识别并书写单词:card, careful, balloon, fly away,stairs, mess.课时安排三课时提高教学质的措施课 题Module 4 Im making Damings birthday card.课 型New lesson总第one课时目标分析Function: Talking about ongoing eventsRecycling: Present continuous tense; model can for abilityLanguage: Who can help me? Sorry

43、, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.Vocabulary: card, careful, balloon, fly away教材分析重点难点1、.能口头运用Im making Damings birthday card.说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事。2、识别单词:card, careful, balloon, fly away书写单词:card, cake教学媒体Tape, cards, PPT 教师活动流程学生活动流程教学再设计Step 1 Warm-upStep 2 IntroductionStep 3 Presentation精讲点拨(1)Fly away与fall down的区别。(2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动词的ing。


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