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1、 2013年高考英语书面表达专题讲解高考考情分析:从写作文体要求看,重庆卷04年要求写记叙文,05年则改成议论文,近六年基本上是陈说性质的文体。就话题而言,近四年都与外事活动或外语学习相关。不过,09年的话题是涉外的话题征集,有些特点。8年来,四次短文写作,四次邮件(其中三次电子邮件)。李华同学出现4次(06,07,09,10)。总的说来,重庆卷一直比较谨慎,命题基本上没有超出全国I卷的模式。高考书面表达的写作方法高考的书面表达写作时,应抓住以下四个要点:(一)认真审题(Carefully read the directions.)明确要求。审题是做好书面表达的前提,题前应先认真阅读提示/题示

2、,理解和明确题目要求,审题时主要从这么几个方面入手。审文体:弄清要写何种体裁的文章,如记叙文、说明文、应用文(书信、日记、通知、条)等。以及该用什么时态。审格式:书面表达中一定的体裁有特定的格式,比如书信有信头、称呼、正文、结尾、名等部分须写完整。审人称:即弄清书面表达要求用何种人称来写,是第一人称、第二人称、还是第三人称如98年的书面表达要求用第一人称来写日记,可是有的考生用第三人称写,结果扣了分。(二)抓住要点(Mainly catch the points.)紧扣主题。是书面表达的评分依据之一,因此,弄清题意的基础上,应逐条地、完整地将内容要点写全,必要时在紧扣主题时可适当发挥。(三)合

3、理组织(Closely organize the passage.)行文连贯。写作中要点要写全,合理安排,分清文章的层次,弄清先说什么,后说什么,并使之连贯,过渡要自然,注意使用恰当的连接成分。(四)准确表达(Accurately express the ideas),遣词造句。一篇好的书面表达应做到开门见山,切中题意,文章结尾应起到画龙点睛的作用,文章内容的表达要甄酌用词,做到表达准确。 写作中应避免用一种句型显得单调,注意前几句和后几句,文章要有亮点,可以套用阅读理解短文中的好句子。误点警示:英语书面表达中容易出现的问题:将提示逐条翻译,出现中国式的英语(Chinese English /

4、Chinglish)句子结构、逻辑错误,时态错误。该详的不详,该略的不略(即详略不当) 总之,英语书面表能力的提高需要一个较长的学习过程,在长期坚持练习的同时,还必须多读多看,多模仿才行。正如英语的这句谚语“Rome was not built in a day.”书面表达常见的错误请体会下列一段文章The Chinese government has decided to develop the central and western .This part contain 9 province and autonomous regions and one municipality, have

5、 5,400,000kand has 285,000,000 people.一、汉式英语(误) Good good study, day day up.(正) Study hard and youll make progress every day (误) There is a notice in the park, saying:“To take notice of safe; slippery sideway ” (正)There is a notice in the park, saying:“Watch your step. Slippery sideway. ”“方法点拨”要减少汉式

6、英语必须做到:(1)养成用英语思维进行写作的习惯,注意中西文化差异所带来的不同表达;(2)平时多归纳总结、纠正汉式英语;(3)多读原汁原味英语。巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误 1、Chinese population is the most in the word.2、Everywhere can see this kind of tree.3、Li Ping has 5 classes in the morning, afternoon has 2 classes.4、Her age is young.二、关系不一致(误)In the bedroom there are a bed,

7、 a desk and a chair.(正) In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.“方法点拨”巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误 1、He closed the door and hurries away to class.2、In spite of its small size, these cameras can take good pictures.3、If I were you, I wont do that.三、词性混用(误)60 of the students against the idea o

8、f entrance fees.(正)60 of the students are against the idea of entrance fees.(误)2 day past before his letter arrived.(正)2 day passed before his letter arrived.“方法点拨”巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误。1、I have no difficult in finding your home.2、John always does his homework careful.4、Fortunate, people are beginning

9、 to realize how seriously the pollution is.四、重复累赘(误)The box is too heavy for the weak boy to carry it.(正) The box is too heavy for the weak boy to carry.(误) We hope to improve our work better.(正) We hope to improve our work.“方法点拨”有些英语单词本身自带某个意思,或由于语法需要不能再出现某一单词,如果学生基本功不够扎实,就常常出现造句累赘现象。巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词

10、句中的错误 1、Mary married with John.2、I returned back the book to you at 6 a.m3、My most favorite song is “Hand in hand”。4、The train is entering into the tunnel.五、选词或搭配不当(误)Tom was in such a hurry that he forgot his schoolbag on the bus.(正)Tom was in such a hurry that he left his schoolbag on the bus.“方法点

11、拨”巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误 1、Peter is a warmhearted person, so everybody likes to have friends with him.2、Mr. Smith said an interesting story at the beginning of the meeting.3、Its cold outside, please dress your overcoat.六、无关联词(误)I am tired, I must go to bed.(正)I am tired, so I must go to bed.“方法点拨”英语句子特

12、点之一重“形合”,句子的各个部分由各种关联词联在一起。而汉语句子重“意合”,句子前后连接主要是通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现,很多学生在写作时往往忽略这一点造成句子的错误。巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误 1、You practise more reading, you will improve your reading ability.2、China is still a developing country, most people cant afford a car yet.3、I arrived at the station, the train had left.4、His liv

13、ing room seemed empty, there were only 2 chairs, a desk and a bed.七、非完整句子(误)There were 40 foreigners came to visit our school.(正)There were 40 foreigners who came to visit our school.(正)40 foreigners came to visit our school.(误)Without a friend will feel lonely.(正)Without a friend one will feel lone

14、ly.“方法点拨”一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分(除祈使句外),如果把句子的某一部分当成一个句子,就会导致非完整句子。巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句中的错误。1、The woman talked to you just now is our English teacher.2、I cant imagine what life would be like if have not any TV sets.3、Although rained, we went on working.2013高考英语高频词汇沈阳高分英语家教吴军免费版(非核心授课版)1. accident n. 事故,意外的事2. a

15、dventure n. 冒险; 奇遇3. advertisement n. 广告4. ambulance n. 救护车5. anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的6. apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪7. appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌8. appointment n. 约会9. appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激10. audience n. 观众,听众11. average a. 平均的;普通的 n. 平均数12. baggage n. 行李13. bamboo n. 竹14. beard n.(下巴上的)胡须15. behaviour n. 行为,举止16. bl

16、ame n.& v. 责备; 责怪17. bleed vi. 出血,流血18. telephone booth 电话亭19. boring a. 乏味的,无聊的20. breathe vi. 呼吸21. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast)vt. 广播22. businessman n. 商人;企业家23. camera n. 照相机;摄像机24. candle n. 蜡烛25. carrot n.胡萝卜26. ceiling n. 天花板,顶棚27. celebrate v. 庆祝28. centigrade a. 摄氏的29. century n. 世纪,百年3

17、0. certificate n. 证明,证明书31. chain store(s)连锁店32. cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋33. chemistry n. 化学34. circle n. 圆圈 vt. 将圈起来35. classical a. 传统的;古典的36. climate n. 气候37. clinic n. 诊所38. college n. 学院;专科学校39. comfortable a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的40. comment n. 评论41. communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)42. compare vt. 比较,对照43. composit

18、ion n. 作文;作曲44. conceited a. 骄傲自满的45. condition n. 条件,状况46. conference n.(正式的)会议;讨论47. congratulate vt. 祝贺48. content a. 甘愿的,满意的 n. 内容49. convenient a. 便利的,方便的50. counter n. 柜台,结账51. countryside n. 乡下,农村52. cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹53. crazy a. 疯狂的54. crowded a. 拥挤的55. curious a. 好奇的;奇异的56. daily a. 每

19、日的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日报57. damage n.& vt. 毁坏,损害58. damp a. & n. 潮湿(的)59. dangerous a. 危险的60. daughter n. 女儿61. dawn n. 黎明,拂晓62. deadline n.最后期限,截止日期63. December n. 12月64. delicious a. 美味的,可口的65. deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)66. dentist n. 牙科医生67. describe vt. 描写,叙述68. destroy vt.破坏,毁坏69. determine vt. 决定;决心70.

20、 develop v 使发展;使发达;使发育;开发vt 冲洗照片71. devote vt. 把奉献; 把专用(于)72. diary n. 日记;日记簿73. dictionary n. 词典,字典74. dining-room 食堂,饭厅75. disadvantage n. 不利条件;弱点76. disappear vi. 消失77. disaster n. 灾难;祸患78. discovery n. 发现79. disease n. 病,疾病80. distant a. 远的,遥远的81. district n. 区;地区;区域82. disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰83. divi

21、de vt. 分,划分84. dizzy a. 头晕目眩的85. download n.& v. 下载(计算机用语)86. drawer n. 抽屉87. drunk a. 醉的88. easy-going a. 随和的89. education n. 教育,培养90. effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试91. electricity n. 电;电流92. encourage vt. 鼓励93. endless a. 无止境的; 没完的94. enlarge vt. 扩大95. entertainment n. 娱乐96. entrance n. 入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可97. en

22、velope n. 信封98. environment n. 环境99. especially ad. 特别,尤其100. examine vt. 检查;诊察101. excellent a. 极好的,优秀的102. exit n. 出口,太平门103. expect vt. 预料;盼望;认为104. experience n. 经验;经历105. expert n. 专家,能手106. explanation n. 解释,说明107. express vt. 表达;表示;表情n. 快车,特快专递108. failure n. 失败109. fairly ad. 公正地,正当地;相当(程度)地

23、110. familiar a. 熟悉的111. favourite (美 favorite)a.喜爱的n.特别喜爱的人或物112. February n. 2月113. festival a. 节日的,喜庆的114. firm n. 公司; 企业 a. 坚固的,坚定的115. foggy a. 多雾的116. following a. 接着的;以下的117. forgetful a. 健忘的,不留心的118. former a. 以前的,从前的;(两者之中的)前者119. fortunate a. 幸运的; 侥幸的120. freezing a. 冻结的;极冷的121. frequent a

24、. 经常的;频繁的122. fresh a. 新鲜的123. fridge =refrigerator n. 冰箱124. frighten vt. 使惊恐,吓唬126. gradually ad. 逐渐地127. graduate v. 毕业128. grateful a. 感激的,感谢的129. habit n. 习惯,习性130. hardworking a. 努力工作的131. helpful a. 有帮助的,有益的132. hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好133. honest a. 诚实的,正直的134. imagine vt. 想像,设想135. immediately ad.

25、立即136. impossible a. 不可能的137. impression n. 印象,感觉138. improve vt. 改进,更新139. include vt. 包含,包括140. increase v. & n. 增加,繁殖141. independent a. 独立的; 有主见的142. information n. 信息143. intend vt. 想要,打算144. interest n. 兴趣,趣味;利息145. international a. 国际的146. internet n. 互联网,英特网147. interview n.& vt. 采访,会见,面试148

26、. January n. 一月149. journey n. 旅行,路程150. junior a. 初级的;年少的151. justice n. 正义; 公正;司法152. kilometre n. 千米(公里)153. kindergarten n. 幼儿园154. kind-hearted a. 好心的155. kitchen n. 厨房156. knowledge n. 知识,学问157. ladder n. 梯子158. lame a. 跛的,瘸的 ,残废的159. lamp n. 灯,油灯;光源160. language n. 语言161. latest a. 最近的,最新的;最晚

27、的162. latter n. (两者之中的)后者163. learned a. 有才华的; 博学的164. lecture n. 讲课,演讲165. license n. 执照,许可证166. litter v. 乱丢杂物167. lively a. 活泼的; 充满生气的168. local a. 当地的; 地方的169. lovely a. 美好的,可爱的170. luggage n. (总称)行李171. magazine n. 杂志172. majority n. 大多数173. manager n. 经理174. marriage n. 结婚,婚姻175. material n. 材

28、料,原料176. meanwhile ad. 同时177. measure v. 量 n.措施178. medicine n. 药179. memory n. 回忆,记忆180. mention n. 提及;记载 vt. 提到,说起;提名表扬181. message n. 消息,音信182. method n. 方法,办法183. minority n. 少数;少数民族184. misunderstand (-stood) v. 误会;不理解185. model n 模型,原形;范例;模范186. modest a. 谦虚的;谦逊的187. neat a. 整洁的; 灵巧的188. neces

29、sary a. 必需的,必要的189. neighbour (美neighbor) n. 邻居,邻人190. nephew n. 侄子,外甥191. nervous a. 紧张不安的192. network n. 网络,网状系统193. niece n. 侄女,甥女194. november n. 11月195. nowadays ad. 当今,现在196. October n. 10月197. officer n. 军官;公务员,官员;警察,警官198. opinion n. 看法,见解199. opposite n. 相反,对面 a. 相反的,对面的200. ordinary a. 普通的

30、,平常的219. practise (美practise) v. 练习,实践220. prepare vt. 准备, 预备; 调制,配制221. present a. 出现的,出席的n.礼物,赠品vt.呈奉,奉送222. president n.总统;主席223. pressure n. 压迫,压力,压强224. pretend vi. 假装,装作225. prevent vt. 防止, 预防226. primary school 小学227. professor n. 教授228. programme (美program) n.节目;项目229. progress n. 进步,上进 vi.

31、进展;进行230. promise n.& vi. 答应,允诺231. pronunciation n. 发音232. proper a. 恰当的,合适的233. protect vt. 保护234. proud a.自豪的;骄傲的235. prove vt. 证明236. provide vt. 提供237. province n. 省238. punctual a. 准时的239. purpose n. 目的,意图240. puzzled a. 迷惑的,困惑的241. quality n. 质量,性质242. quantity n. 量,数243. quiet a. 安静的;寂静的244.

32、 rapid a. 快的,迅速的245. realise (美realize) vt. 认识到,实现246. reasonable a. 合乎情理的247. receipt n. 收据248. reception n. 接待249. recognise (美recognize) vt. 认出250. recommend v. 推荐251. recover vi. 痊愈; 恢复252. reduce vt. 减少,缩减253. refusal n. 拒绝254. register n. 登记簿,花名册,注册员 v. 登记,注册255. relative n. 亲属,亲戚256. remind v

33、t. 提醒,使记起257. represent vt. 代表258. respect vt.& n. 尊敬,尊重259. restaurant n. 饭馆, 饭店260. roundabout a. & n. 绕道的,不直接的;转盘路261. rubbish n. 垃圾;废物262. safety n. 安全,保险263. salary n. 薪金,薪水264. saying n. 说,俗话,谚语265. scholarship n. 奖学金266. scientific a. 科学的267. secretary n. 秘书;书记268. seldom ad. 很少,不常269. senten

34、ce n. 句子270. separate v. 使分开,使分离a. 单独的,分开的271. September n. 9月272. serious a. 严肃的,严重的;认真的273. several pron. 几个,数个 a. 若干274. shortcoming n. 缺点,短处275. shortly ad. 不久276. shoulder n. 肩膀;(道路的)路肩277. shower n. 阵雨; 淋浴278. sightseeing n. 游览,观光279. signal n. 信号,暗号280. signature n. 签名281. silent a. 无声的,无对话的2

35、82. similar a. 相似的,像283. sincerely ad. 真诚地284. skilled a. 熟练的; 有技能的285. sleepy a. 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的286. slight a. 轻微的,细小的287. smart a. 灵巧的,伶俐的;(人、服装等)时髦的,帅的288. social a. 社会的;社交的289. society n. 社会290. special a. 特别的,专门的291. standard n. & a. 标准(的)292. steal (stole, stolen) vt. 偷, 窃取293. straight a. 一直的,直的

36、ad. 一直地,直地294. stranger n. 陌生人,外人295. strength n. 力量,力气296. strengthen vt. 加强,增强297. succeed vi. 成功298. successful a. 成功的,有成就的299. suggestion n. 建议300. suitable a. 合适的,适宜的301. support vt.&n. 支持,赞助302. suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想303. tear n. 眼泪 v. 扯破, 撕开304. technology n. 技术305. teenager n.(1319岁的)青少年,十几岁的少

37、年306. temperature n. 温度307. tense a. 心烦意乱的,紧张的308. terrible a. 可怕的;糟糕的309. theatre (美theater) n. 剧场,戏院310. therefore ad. 因此,所以311. Thursday n. 星期四312. tiresome a. 令人厌倦的313. traffic lights n. 交通指挥灯,红绿灯314. training n. 培训315. transport n.& vt.运输316. troublesome a. 令人烦恼的; 讨厌的317. trust vt. 相信,信任,信赖318.

38、 truth n.真理,事实,真相,实际情况319. twelfth num. 第十二320. twentieth num. 第二十321. typist n. 打字员322. umbrella n. 雨伞323. unemployment n.失业,失业状态324. unfortunately ad. 不幸地325. uniform n. 制服326. university n. 大学327. unlike prep. 不像,和不同328. unusual a. 不平常的,异常的329. upset a. 心烦的,苦恼的330. vacation n. 假期,休假331. valuable

39、a. 值钱的,贵重的332. various a. 各种各样的,不同的333. vegetable n. 蔬菜334. victory n. 胜利335. virus . n. 病毒336. visitor n. 访问者,参观者337. vocabulary n.词汇, 词汇表338. volleyball n. 排球339. voyage n. 航行,旅行340. waist n. 腰,腰部,腰围341. waitress n. 女服务员342. warm-hearted a. 热心的343. Wednesday n. 星期三344. willing a. 乐意的; 愿意的345. wisdom n. 智慧346. wonderful a. 美妙的,精彩的;了不起的;太好了347. worried a. 担心的,烦恼的348. wounded a. 受伤的349. youth n. 青春; 青年350. zebra crossing 人行横道线(斑马线)2013高考英语单词联想记忆一adventure ;n.& vt.冒险;词中词 :venture 冒险;投机 risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的airplane;n. 飞机;联想: aircraft 飞行器;飞机; disappoint ;v. 失望;泄气;词


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