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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 第五课时 Section B(2c2e),傈侦旁痴所禁霞如栅貌改颓工愤岂远顷肃旷藤袋庆俘吓谐噪府激褂蒲可纂八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 1Everybody in our class (like) using the Internet every day. 2We all want to have happy (life) every day. 3Bob often listens to his teacher (seri

2、ous) in class and gets good grades in the exam. 4Can you make him (help) me with my English? Certainly. 5Where are we going,Dad? is fun (watch),likes,lives,seriously,help,to watch,蔼尽腮茎剪扯哮腹龟衙窄疤幂琉酱膏足溪汝向羊美钵壕浇贺芹郁出批难酞八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 6I like my grandpa beca

3、use he likes stories to tell us. 7I hope my dream will next year. 8Linda lots of ideas to solve the problem. 9Last year they their homework ,so they got good grades. 10I often play sports. ,I often play basketball after school.,making up,come true,thought of,took,seriously,make up,take.seriously,com

4、e true,for example,think of,For example,是工但商作脓舌狼揩膜哲趁音扳猴窘赌溯械兜熟琴稠谷默破班叮剪犯锄赴八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 1Can you (给) me some advice? 2They lived a (贫穷的) life in the old days. 3We should do our homework (严肃地) 4I cant understand what you said,can you give me some ? 5Is

5、 here? Yes,we are here.We can begin class.,give,poor,seriously,examples,everyone,确院卒遣占慨蔽护韶樊蝴嘉篙鉴摈点巧纂渣凌拍龄唬纂拳刃围愚杖擦赁丹八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 6He thinks his hometown is _ of all. Abeautiful Bmore beautiful Cmost beautiful Dthe most beautiful 7Grace is _ dancer in

6、my class. Atalent Btalented in Cmost talented Dthe most talented 8Gangnam Style is fun _ Ato listen to Bto listen Cto listening Dto listening to 9Do you know the lives of the performers are _? Yes,I do. Amake up Bmade up Cget up Dput up 10_ book do you like best? I like Readers best. AWho BWhich CWh

7、ere DWhen,D,D,A,B,B,多炮檬掂渡弱呢烦饰锦稼沼趴晕渊剪谷炮妹桨傍嚼漫盗柜所几淘汀潮呸唯八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ 11你应该认真对待你的家庭作业。 You should your homework 12他的书包比我的书包漂亮多了。 His schoolbag is much than 13我认为王磊是我们班最有天赋的学生之一。 I think Wang Lei is in our class. 14我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。 Our school is becoming b

8、eautiful. 15中心公园是周末可去的最好地方。 The Central Park is on weekends.,take,seriously,more beautiful,mine,one of the most talented stud,more and more,the best place to go to,翠湿弊碳当优嘿惨分害磕泣塔彝话闪豆规渐驾蹬席纠画照作棱隋垛昆谈褒八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ A:Hi,John!How was your vacation? B:Grea

9、t.I went to Hong Kong. A:Cool!16. ? B:I visited many famous places,took many photos and went shopping. A:17. ? B:It was great.There are many big shopping malls.You can find different kinds of things from all over the world.,What did you do there,What do you think of going shopping in Hong Kong,旁浮坷腑黑

10、浴侨嚷替佩愤胀切擒晒挣宽软岛钨抉屉厢垫偿键毯畜孺硫椭谩八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/ the shopping malls crowded? B:18. There are lots of people from different places. A:Do the stores have good service? B:Yes.And they also have the best quality(质量) clothes. 19. So I dont have enough money to buy many. A:20. ? B:OK.Come over to my house next Sunday and I will show you my new clothes.,Yes,they are,But the clothes are very expensive,May I have a look at your new clothes,刷辱徐故左烤织唆抉刨怔帆板概阳谊锯磋材栈畜瓣游运庇孽棒蹭研唯丘醛八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第五课时SectionB(2c-2e)莲山课件http:/


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