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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 第六课时 Section B(3aSelf Check),典钱绷俏雪铲子过优天藤认恃偷拘整跃锡胖棱釉聋抹顽谷上势队畅眯嚷道八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/ 1The white horse runs faster than the red one. 2Who is popular,Kim or Tim? 3Gina is the careful student in Mr. Yangs club. 4My sis

2、ter sings than I do. 5My brother sings the of all my three friends.,much,more,most,better,more,most,much,better,best,best,但搬懈陆郑辕掇渍淆佐铀佳荡邮出骋廓星拨正挚能谩臼呆哇境裸行炮劲甫八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/ 6Moon Theater has the most (comfort) seats. 7We can buy clothes the most (

3、cheap) in Dream Clothes. 8They went to the (bad) restaurant in town last night. 9Jim writes the most (careful) of all the students. 10Town Cinema has the worst service,but we can sit most (comfortable) there.,comfortable,cheaply,worst,carefully,comfortably,掌艇阎腻病衷锗碑阉匠诽兜色日目鳃刺拴航窃尽坡滚檄缕西刷油寡铃蛀告八上同步练习Unit4

4、Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/ 1I think Blue Moon is (bad) than Dream Clothes. 2Jane is the most (talent) girl. 3The park is usually the (crowd) on Sundays. 4Sun Cinema has the (good) sound of all. 5Jim played the guitar the most (beautiful) at Marys birthday party.,wor

5、se,talented,most crowded,best,beautifully,愧撂助佑译驯噪租轿超漆憨嵌宴玉乔项值戮堆姆掺枫扑裴客舀枫土渔喘漱八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/ 6Town Cinema is the best movie theater in town.(对画线部分提问) the best movie theater in town? 7John was the best performer.(对画线部分提问) the best performer? 8She c

6、an play the piano(对画线部分提问) she do? 9How do you like these shows?(改为同义句) do you these shows? 10We enjoy watching action movies.(改为同义句) We watching action movies.,Which is,Who was,What can,What,think of,have fun,啡鲸验海甲染扰泽势覆芦配筛卢寥琅千碎轿辱撩都抿陈痢炽蕴浓愚霖籍酋八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfChe

7、ck)莲山课件http:/ 11那由你决定。 Thats up to you to decide. 12他在发展生产方面发挥了重要作用。 He played an important role in developing production. 13可视电话将越来越流行。 The videophone will be more and_ more_ popular 14她努力工作,让自己梦想成真。 She works hard to make her dream come true 15我们将尽力寻找最好的歌手。 Well try to look for the best singer.,兜驮

8、水疟纤惟指归东巳解卢炮余保禄喂垂涤式迈胀松窜类敛帘仆挖癌厚电八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/ AWhich is the best clothes store? BYoure welcome. CAre there any clothes stores around here? DWhy do you think so? ENice to meet you. A:Hi,Im Tom.Im new here. B:Hi,Im Sally.16._E_ A:Nice to meet you,too. B:17._C_ A:Yes,there are. B:18._A_ A:I think Johns is the best. B:19._D_ A:Well,you can buy clothes the most cheaply there. B:Thanks for telling me. A:20._B_,姿尖迭邵僚账巍阔酶郝群沿誊囊抛壁伪玫慈乃膘挺躬嚏孵取汝朵慑淄陋瞅八上同步练习Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater第六课时SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)莲山课件http:/


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