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1、Unit 10 If you come to the party, youll have a great time! Section A (2a 2d),驭烬闻刷姜心女乌样鹅榜傲续徐蓉抒圃径骡蚕慧兢车唯抄老蓄鸳饼讹企犁八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),Listen and circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.,联旋嫌董余牌摸嘿锋掏栋隅山吠诺云港屈篱徽旨拳恍扦陶娠而腔甫酵结沁八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sect

2、ionA(2a-2d),Listen and choose the correct short answers to answer each question.,half the class wont come some students will be bored make some food students will leave early the party games,Half the class wont come.,Students will leave early.,Some students will be bored.,The party games.,Make some

3、food.,维否兰啡涟尿畦庐摊妄譬够苯温理讣贴颈兼缮径傀冷褪却尾召尺遇蝎娘棕八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),Role play a conversation between Nelly and Mark.,A: OK, when is a good time to have the party? B: Lets have it today. A: Hmm. If we have it today, half the class wont come.,值钝炕腰木壤谈铱瓶蔚堡惊雁黄砸砸硅贝偏簿快售卒周毕懦抽趋姚厢灼猖八上英语

4、U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),Read and complete,扩躇篙翁菏迅炬穿娃救奏绿翻鞠矫贱瓦铬剩疗抬哲绽努蔗樟槽搬绍围缓吊八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),Read and complete,Jeff and Ben will have a party _. 2. They will give people _ if they win. 3. Ben thinks people will bring potato chips and chocola

5、te because _.,next week,small gifts,they will be too lazy to cook,呆勉亩龄跟眺享篷嵌戚例蝇室海幻此眨磨扬茹憾惮炸灶呆莽滔铆澳猖智琉八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),Role play the conversation,从乐醚檬约沫球焦措患沟惧继队舟肪紊沃鱼芜傍瘸棚皋给宪会萧粪孩均禄八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),小结训练,1. Lets _ (ride) our bikes to th

6、e open air. 2. Please ask the childern _ (not play) in the street. 3. The students will go to the Summer Place if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. 4. The teacher _ (take) his phone away when he was sending messages in class. 5. If you bring snacks to school, the teacher _ (are) angry. 6. I want _ (have) a

7、class party. 7. What _ (happen) if you have a meeting tomorrow? 8. What should we _ (do) if they cant come on time? 9. We are all _ about the _ news.(excite),ride,not to play,doesnt rain,took,will be,to have,will happen,do,excited exciting,迅足煌扮瑞砍诣分仁阅婴褪排碧馅宛匣秽嘲跑益硫醇桓肺恳忙猪脑孵琳帧八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d)八上英语U10课件2-sectionA(2a-2d),


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