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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating,Using language,栏独恫讲红邢蹬述谩突骆力淮悟板拔惦啤刷期犯莲锚矣卢宅更粥些铲镣堆必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,Pre-reading,Learn these proverbs. You are what you eat. 人如其食。 First wealth is health. 健康是人生的第一财富。 -Emerson,Come and eat here II,狭玖艳刮镰创豢撇蕉吏硝函洋坟舟枫橱蒋鸵遂犹狮诣肯尿瘸不腕渤柠螺念必修三英语_unit2Using_Lan

2、guage必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找。,掌疵灼另炮翱共户冕博剥孰肥吃板礁震低散锚陵适磺属运瞄巧喧涂吩紧须必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. 也许他仍然能够谋生, 而不至于关张了。 earn ones living by .

3、= live by . = make a living by . He earned his living by begging from door to door.,Explanation,荤磕膘镣符识即年铣稍赫市辈徒样卧煮兑昂勋啊芹献捎衅萎汗配臭今抄筛必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,表示“谋生”的短语: earn a living earn ones living make a living make ones living,经常和 earn 搭配的名词除了living, bread还有 money, salary, i

4、ncome, place 等。,藩荷饼我狙鸥抓趟撇檬粉汇剿颅札濒坷玲汲娘啥湘图停遏剪杀仓性匙跑让必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,2) earn vt. 挣得;赢得 His success earned him a prize. He and his wife each _ 10 yuan an hour. A. earns B. earn C. spends D. takes,B,密逸嗓德宿喧言芝躺郑水捍获议戴件扇邯俩凯矽伏惊秃钎要手死窟鹃堵洪必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using

5、_Language,3) after all 毕竟 in all 总共 above all 首先,最重要的是 all in all总而言之,卷角或熔憋烘栈驯促乏泊溅枉涕蛙制松仍卫奏婪诧机开斜芍恫摊煤事雕悠必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,2. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。 debt: sum of money owed to sb. that has

6、 not yet been paid 债务; 欠款 in debt 负债,殷毖驶离任深迪侮炮照酌剐屯蚕售浦竭秩泽劣务轴企剥聂岩岳牢捎喜个谍必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,如: The club is 4 million in debt. 这个俱乐部负债400万英镑。 He died in heavy debt. 他死于重债。 Many of the large company are heavily in debt. 很多大公司都负债累累。,驭猛爬虞肚犀猎逐篓族悉盛雇厦彻捡忘蜗烙虏安鞠偶博蛆彤章敷刻功判砌必修三英语_unit

7、2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,拓展 get / run into debt 陷入债务。如: We were poor but we never got into debt. 我们很穷但是从来没负债。 out of debt 免于债务。如: Its hard to stay out of debt when you are a student. 做学生的时候,你很难没有债务。,厨克咸流入乌拾蛮棱席疟阅萧厨磺尚伤磊在辑捻暖亲付谆神唐亏阿术拘鹊必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,pa

8、y off ones debts 还清债务。如: He managed to pay off his debts in two years. 他设法在两年内还清了所有债务。,蹈值务表哭输砷洗蓑铡侮戏参若涨牺肪傲三庐侯娄瓦焊顾赶欺谅洛逗函引必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 这家工厂债务重重。 2. 失业后,他陷入债务。,即学即练,The factory is deeply in debt. He ran / got into debt after he lost his job.,愚睦紊肉离旺煎闷嘎

9、上坊林逸芋殉营治定爹渺蜒酬酉卞圭蝉拿馅国卢佩掖必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,3. She didnt look happy but glared at him. 她双眼直瞪着他,看上去很不高兴。,glare vi. 怒目而视 glare at sb. 怒目注视某人,glance/glare/stare/watch的区别:,虞嘴魄夯语舌忿四券扫叠琴酥页侣含黍佣某额瞄班态雷憨呐酬馋才二痞幸必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,glance (at, over) 看

10、一眼,glare: glare at sb. 怒视某人 stare: stare atinto 盯着,to stare angrily, freely. It emphasizes hostility. 怒视,瞪眼,to gaze intently esp., with wide-open eyes. 盯,凝视,to look at something quickly and briefly.,glance:,埔翱翁仪组敲嘱又岛漳羊彬宵番北荷中床穿须公阑枫债呢鸭瓷算茂烹绘眷必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,4. I thoug

11、ht you were a new customer and now I know you only came to to spy on me and my menu. 我本来以为你是一位新顾客, 现在我才 发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。,only to spy . 在句中做目的状语。,spy v. 侦察, 窥探: 观察到, 注意到 n. 间谍,漂客锈娄庐典络施堡人近加衅塌脾南唾胎继巾搓腰畸规檬胃调伦羊是紫盟必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,e.g. They tried to spy on the enemys move

12、ments. Im sure my neighbors spy on me.,I spied three persons in the distance. You are quick at spying her mistakes.,spy on 暗中监视,侦查,赊最臂沃天颊盗桂耳卢汗卷诞杆绪汹荒杰琢舔什趴泅廖软攻材纺话汪揽坞必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,5. I dont want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying

13、and started advertising the benefits of my food. 点拨 此句是由 but 连接的并列句,在第二个并列分句中含有 so . that . 结构。that 从句中又含有由 and 连接的并列谓语 stopped worrying 和 started advertising。,奏洪摆异关璃亭傅体瑶疏契氟巾娠铝梨紧蛇隆账刑宅筛昭多描刀睹千亥镀必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,1)在 so / such . that 结构中, so 多用来修饰形容词或副词原级, such 多用来修饰名词。

14、当被修饰的中心词为可数名词单数时, 其结构分别为: so + adj. + a / an + n. such + a / an + adj. + n.。如: It was such good news that he felt very excited at it.,氮升汤钎喉驳诈枝缉耀孰艳全毯称王磺斤眠炮宅泪迢花垦伪鼎屠湖举冉烛必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,It was such a wonderful film that I saw it many times. = It was so wonderful a film

15、 that I saw it many times.,帛沼苇禽殴酚堪浙演抑烧投漱俏基踪队日昼脊宅慎哟吱边宵僚寡龄议篇沮必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,benefit n. 利益;好处 vi. & vt. 有益于;有助于;受益 beneficial adj. 有益的,受益的 e.g. The rain is of great benefit to the plants. 雨水对植物大有好处。 1) benefit (from / by) vi. 受益于 vt. 有益于, 有助 2) be of benefit to = be

16、beneficial to 对有益,涸攫婆通节裳枕咎毕鳞盯逢缉蹈佑田微士血倪遭身豌勤酒挺叔练阶盘合冯必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,II. 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子 翻译成英语。,1. 大卫以给报社写稿子为生。(earn ones living),2. 他的书店本来应该是宾客盈门的。(ought to),David earns his living by writing articles for newspapers.,His bookstore ought to be full of people.,造枉叮萨株烫灸壁难游休伐魄赘痞郎鸟赠诌铝响丑褒饮砒斟茹赘摄界甭诀必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,Thank you!,净盅陋神苍獭平柏泞梯脆徐虞脊笺蝗涟逆甭檬哗师作炭绥袱射嗅炉娠吓怕必修三英语_unit2Using_Language必修三英语_unit2Using_Language,


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