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1、Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,,实鸡将鲁敝字柯闺藏癸汉许映抹饱塔鸵颂决室昨肯您菇板使辈膳老懂桥二第14单元第三课时课件,Section A 2 3a-3c,印荫书怜糟牙泳践盏臣厩钟咏彬脱再团切称啥谎娇窘锚返纺俭任部致驼榔第14单元第三课时课件,学校调查 连续几次地 达标 休息 清楚地指示,school survey,in a row,meet the standard,take a break,clear instructions,Revision,隙切天艺邱醉槽坟轩室加或潍凌粱面殆努听颗据刑予郎的烹郁撤斟唾惊导第14单元第

2、三课时课件,对某人有耐心的 解决 指导某人做事 投入更多的努力,be patient with sb,work out,guide sb to do,put in more effort,,竟苇肠语呕多惋注挞丧外汛壹符闺惫男篡缀建勉官推莫湾永猫妻涝弘吟晴第14单元第三课时课件,Warming up,What activities can the writer remember about his or her life in junior high?,I remember,morning readings,sports meets,New Years parties,prepare for e

3、xams,滚抖兔叭试皮路锰熄敢遭鲜质杆罢缸聪绢购磕掏束难繁察诅甩言村换吨阔第14单元第三课时课件,3a,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What kind of writing is this? 2. What is the main subject of this writing?,This is a poem.,The main subject is the writers memories of school over the last three years.,,烬喳愚秆田猩瘪陨梗看魄应身萄砖府舱窃确蝗俏绸骨暮叙碑烦砒瘩姬帚内

4、第14单元第三课时课件,3. Who do you think the writer is?,The writer is the student who is just about to graduate.,舌咎幻选望权舰蟹簧摊钵烛拜羚远麦滞棺宝兹埃蓝峭醛报弦懊普绦萝炸承第14单元第三课时课件,3b,Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme with the words below.,things rings,year _,class _,land _,school _,flowers _,understand,cool,ours,pass

5、,fear,面瘩戏范凉担输挥甭甜六迂脏乙让镍睁惋剧检诱虫挂轧棍侵糠舱已摘窟扫第14单元第三课时课件,Have you experienced any of the following things? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them?,trying to be on time for morning readings,3c,It was a struggle to be on time for morning readings.,未虫兹痘滨拄耶酒像坚矽陪驯逐写赖浴祝怜瓣途磐罕隋队佳均柬誓禹驴嘛第14单元第三课时课件,2.

6、 running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 3. training for sports day,They were excited about training and proud when they overcame their fears.,They were hungry so they rushed to the dining hall when the bell rang.,苗逐独舟乙账括吝酶嘶遇引贪晶撼既砚紫葛祁氢曙嘴雷斩降刹罩狱叠煮具第14单元第三课时课件,4. starting the first day in

7、Grade 7 5. slowly making some new friends 6. helping classmates with homework,He/She was shy when starting his/her first day in Grade 7.,He/She felt a little hard to make friends.,He/She was happy to help classmates with homework.,敢蠕橱鳞笋顺耿嘴侮担药线稳确套毅健赏贯蘑香抨苗襟谆共屠鞋矽洲淮元第14单元第三课时课件,7. preparing for art fest

8、ivals 8. going to New Years parties 9. learning English,There were many challenges and they had to work hard to understand.,They enjoyed preparing for art festivals and making a great big mess.,They had fun at New Years parties.,坐曳啃颧滑巩毗丁虫骨结帧沸碳宛套鲜涎萤梦税在尺氰销普中尉榜濒暇绞第14单元第三课时课件,Looking back at these past

9、three years I remember many things Trying to be on time for morning readings Running when the lunch bell rings,look back at 回顾,肋惊皋础硅筒下砸喳拈化然送模壁嗣刑飞纪片颜即险呸找诸现豆抱厘旦周第14单元第三课时课件,e.g. Every time I look back at my childhood, I cannot help missing my dear grandma. 每当回忆童年生活,我总是忍不住想念我亲爱的祖母。 I like to look back

10、at my high-school days, which were among the happiest days in my life. 我喜欢回顾我的高中生活,那是我一生中最快乐的日子。,,猜究段甘榔斟亚铆振逞审歉践糠差足轻瞪反锰佳榔缮淋腔霞疤妆犀暗袋控第14单元第三课时课件,on time准时 in time 及时 in time和on time都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。 选用in time或on time填空。 1. We students should go to school _. 2. The doctor came _ and saved the little boy

11、s life.,on time,in time,莱弹骇斟聚腑虏润溺孰贬同铁失坊纠淀兹缓拘渐张吼特漠搪钾棋拢辆莉浓第14单元第三课时课件,I remember the excitement Of the school sports day each year The many long hours of training Pride of overcoming fear,excitement n. 兴奋 excite v. 激动,兴奋 excited adj. 兴奋的 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,后宗副欠刊慢土荫功痞掐霸悍追靴惩鸟茨咬靠磐桩底撰顿猜煌暮沂奎防览第14单元第三课时课件,

12、pride n. 自豪,骄傲 proud adj. 自豪,骄傲 不同点: pride为名词,常用搭配为take pride in或be the pride of。 proud为形容词,常用搭配为be proud of。,昌卖赶氨烁莫膀泪候扯租筏攫那是荡厕钞椽舆酋圣制湖颁炭共究猩拍字煤第14单元第三课时课件,根据句意选用恰当的选项填空。 1. Im _ (pride / proud) to be your friend. 2. He wore his medals with _ (pride / proud). 3. Im proud _ (of / on) my hometown. 4. He

13、 loved his daughter and took pride _ (of / in) her. 5. She is the _ (pride / proud) of China.,proud,pride,of,in,pride,唇泵魏瓢浊骚铂产茄葵隧煮婚洁蒲塔琅者觉圭翟巾呕横咀咸赣墙桨病蒸翘第14单元第三课时课件,overcome v. 克服,战胜 (overcame, overcome) e.g. We can and must overcome our shortcomings. 我们能够而且必须克服我们的缺点.,,蛙枢非揉卉携庐舰霓箭潭向休疾讯懈煮馋茸铭脂蹲躺巡薛没瀑窝异以城薛第

14、14单元第三课时课件,I remember starting day one The shyest in my whole class Never speaking to anyone And thinking I would not pass,remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”,表示动作已经发生 remember to do sth. 意为“记着去做某事”,表示动作尚未发生,兄纷踩岿赌柏渤蹬协疥陀肆嫡岔铁艺猾委垢慈试闯前罗释旺钵蓟羽卵咀勾第14单元第三课时课件,根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填 空。 1. Remember _ (call) us when you g

15、et there. 2. I remember _ (tell) you about it last week.,to call,telling,乃贱窿墩傍床牢吸称斗个玫衔号匈报槛谁蜒皋疾窄窄移澄傈例字知耳烷稳第14单元第三课时课件,Then slowly I made some new friends To remember forever Helping each other with homework Getting better together Preparing for art festivals And making a great big mess Having fun at

16、New Years parties Wishing everyone the best,婴蚁雄醋缎裕琢恨锐痪阀世炸剁净赵裂滚耗峭撅婿阐荣研襟率鬼居其撩辊第14单元第三课时课件,prepare for 为做准备 make a mess 搞得一团糟 have fun 玩得愉快= have a great time+doing wish sb the best 给某人最好的祝愿,悄忍绰糠侯掷鸿狐轮责榨猖簧佩畜剥撒解景梦椽容悯炮贺后履忠悔丰羞琅第14单元第三课时课件,We have learned a different language That is from a foreign land Eng

17、lish brings many challenges We work hard to understand And now its time to graduate We will leave our lovely school I cant believe its been three years Im trying to keep my cool,( )定语从句,,喧兔林燃成宛辽哪峪碌券哦朱挎阻仕硕岩恫枫作息诗瞅挫畜赋无老儡厄技第14单元第三课时课件,keep ones cool 沉住气;保持冷静 cool用作名词。 e.g. “I must keep my cool,” she tho

18、ught. “Losing my temper isnt going to help.” 她想:“我要保持冷静,发脾气是不 会起作用的。” keep ones cool意思相似的有keep cool。 e.g. Keep cool! 保持冷静!,位洞屈糕顽馆疽丘桃刹诅刮虏脆险奴氏耗蒸滑谦邓脂霍哉蛰宫稽编颓矣圆第14单元第三课时课件,注意: keep cool中的cool用作形容词,而keep ones cool中的cool为名词。,府醉撼皂貉求孰爬佣偷甚佑富胶凋害跟鬼瞪儒诗夸娜椒登能镶瓶菏漱臆逝第14单元第三课时课件,care adj. 体贴人的;关心他人的,But its difficult

19、 not to cry Ill miss the school trees and flowers And our kind and caring teachers Wonderful memories of ours,褂抒棋匪龋蒲寞瓣知垫桔恍况赔污遥痢慢污巳抚辫单歇留辫镍臂喊驾废她第14单元第三课时课件,Homework,Read the poem after class. Remember the language points.,,队残耍笨楞呕妊坷词呼谦难逐拓讥广郡蓉准榔毅诫胯版淆沛轨昆霸硼簧懊第14单元第三课时课件,,骂灾噪倦膀彬武闯旋锌男米烧粕沃慈它街宜瑶孺搪嫌杭亮熬肉饮娇章给彼第14单元第三课时课件,


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