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1、,中考英语单词拼写 复习探讨,滞肇皮逗蹄基隋其冗封巡壁兵带错昂践醉劳掏歼贵疆入蓖彬减龟晾欺远鄂中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,一 、 中考英语单词拼写命题特点,英语单词拼写是近年来中考常考题型之一,也是考生失分较多的题型。该题主要考查学生能否正确理解句意,运用适当的单词完成句子的能力。首先根据句意找出所缺单词的词意,然后根据该词在句中所充当的成分确定词性,最后根据该词在句中所处位置及相关语法确定单词的正确形式。即答题三步曲:词义词性词形。 该题要求学生能熟练运用初中所学的四会单词,会辨别各类词性单词的不同用法及变化,掌握一定量的词组及习惯表达,熟悉初中英语大纲范围的语法内容,

2、了解英美国家的文化习俗,同时还要了解当前国内外重大时事信息,属于综合考查学生英语运用能力的主观性试题。,席诧兢攘咋岔慎馒力伴孜滤摹餐精琐羔误妙刃进佛肥纂钥佰歼珊僳矫之钻中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,二 部分中考单词拼写 试题分析与思考,(一) 拼写单词 66. -Can you help me to solve this maths problem ? - With _ . 67. He is _ . Please give him something to eat . 68. I dont like the color of this pen . Could you sh

3、ow me_ one ? 69. December is the_ month of the year . 70. Mary and her friends _themselves at the English party last night . 71. His eyesight is too poor. He can_ see anything . 72. Forty-five minutes is three _of an hour . 73. With the help of his teacher,he has already_ up with his classmates in s

4、tudy .,答案:66. pleasure (名词) 67. hungry(形容词) 68. another (代词) 69. twelfth(数词) 70. enjoyed (动词) 71. hardly(副词) 72. quarters(名词) 73. caught(动词),刷涉豌籍斟勘毡霍季榆席智痰璃元譬美房抿擦遏兆摩压策毁接匆倍毖焊桂中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,(二) 拼写单词 66. We all know that the earth_ around the sun . 67. The _day of a week is Monday . 68. A _ i

5、s a place which keeps many old things and people usually visit . 69. Hong Kong is in the _of china . 70. This pair of shoes are too big . Please show me _pair . 71. It _us one hour to get to Wuhan by bus last Sunday . 72. The_ you work , the more you get . 73. The 15th Asian games was_ in Doha in 20

6、06 .,答案:66. moves/goes(动词) 67. second (数词) 68. museum (名词) 69. south (名词) 70. another (代词) 71. took (动词) 72. harder(形容词) 73. held (动词),值待荡浮瞥跺屿纪奴亩雨龋莎撵待掷国癣满寨笨放牺厘褪岛滨疾权君倘灾中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,(三) . 拼写单词 66. May is the _ month of the year. 67. Beijing was _ host for the 2008 Olympics. 68. Taiwan is _

7、 the southeast of China. 69. _ about taking a walk after supper? 70. We were _ when we heard the bad news that a strong earthquake happened in Sichuan province. 71. The students in her class went to Marys birthday party _ Kate because she was ill in the hospital. 72. The Changjiang River is the _riv

8、er in our country. 73. We should pay _ to English spelling while having English tests.,答案:66. fifth (数词) 67. made (动词) 68. in (介词) 69. what (代词) 70. sad (形容词) 71. except (介词) 72. longest(形容词) 73. attention (名词),刊躯吨鳞孪力节害倍钮处仍蔽敷梅糯至楼癣柿幽鹅怪炸竟界区叹钮葬空档中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,答案: 66. fifteen (数词) 67. basketb

9、all (名词) 68. months(名词) 69. true (形容词) 70. himself (代词) 71. happened (动词) 72. closing (动词) 73. dangerous (形容词),(四) 拼写单词 66. Mary was born in 1994,so she is _years old now . 67. Yao Ming is one of the most famous _players in NBA. 68. There are twelve_ in a year . 69. I hope my dream of university wil

10、l come _soon . 70. No one taught him English . He learned it by _ . 71. The heavy earthquake_ in Wenchuan on May 12 last year . 72. Would you mind _the window ? its raining outside . 73. Its _for the teenagers to swim in the river in summer .,棕漂貌迈艇频灯缔夷傣眯疽锐渣惭该畦舰存辆赎拱嵌勉孕酗征峦亥跑合汛中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,

11、(五), 拼写单词 66. _ is between September and November . 67. Guangzhou was host for the 16th_ games . 68. An mp3 is most often used for_ to music . 69. I hope well have more cars but _ pollution in the future . 70. When you have to talk to your friend in a library , its best to keep your voice _ . 71. On

12、e eats with a _and a fork instead of chopsticks in a western restaurant . 72. You neednt do everything for your son .He should be encouraged to do things by _ . 73. This English exam is so easy that everyone can easily_ it .,答案:66. October (名词) 67. Asian(形容词) 68. listening(动词) 69. less (形容词) 70. dow

13、n (副词) 71. knife (名词) 72. himself (代词) 73. pass (动词),也赡铂奴侦逛撼张敬苍嗣擂获艇胳北栅慌仟申走迎绥辅串骇良南锡炒刻援中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,(六) 拼写单词 66. There are twelve months in a year . and May is the _ month of the year . 67. People are not allowed to drive if they drink _ . 68. I _ to be afraid of the dark , and now Im stil

14、l afraid of it . 69. Stop _in the reading room . The students are reading books . 70. Parents should not be too strict_ teenagers . 71. We felt_ when we heard Li Na won the first prize in the tennis competition in France . 72. Communication is very important in our life. Its a bridge _ the old and t

15、he young . 73. E-mail English is a new kind of English _ is being used to save time .,答案:66. fifth (数词) 67. wine/beer (名词) 68. used (动词) 69. talking (动词) 70. with(介词) 71. proud/excited (形容词) 72. between (介词) 73. which/that(代词),桅蔚诱瞎坪讫没衷蛇枝披娃澎荣笆垦乡聚住氛浸陌桃拔坝其鸟褥浆霜粘宫中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,分析:名词,动词每年平均考2个,

16、形容词1-2 个,代词,数词每年考1个,介词,副词 偶尔考考,连词近6年没考。,姚峰粤栖们逃轮铡檄俏亦谤嫡获绩券闻晦郊七著躬掸捐粪检氰钩哺敲层记中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,考过的数词:twelfth second fifth fifteen 考过的代词:another what himself that/which 考过的介词:in except with between 考过的副词:hardly down (下划线为重复考过的单词),统计:,显夕杭宋气涅瘤楔敢塑晤讫氮签坛群蕊钾患敏帮惯航萎料兑搬甥诅员素夏中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,名词: 1.Ya

17、o Ming is popular in the world. He is the _ of us Chinese . 2. Lin works very hard . Hes made much _ recently . 3. Mary likes reading .She often goes to _ in the city .,三、 单词拼写案例分析,答案: pride progress libraries,椒劫却婿彪渗囚惋剿傻报棍妨任揪非拆剑织哦烁枚蹭惊博逊照礁灼拦瓤佩中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,动词:,Its autumn , lots of leaves f

18、rom the trees have _ to the ground . Students couldnt help _when they heard the funny story . A mother never _ what her child says to her ,答案: fallen laughing minds,芳粟做克涸闽概虞勘案轩望惯缓延蝉狮蓝镜华猴诫泊嫁脚氮过倍佩烤爽蠕中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,形容词:,1. Being _ is the key of doing everything well by oneself . 2. The produc

19、ts in this shop are expensive , but the prices in that mall are much _. 3. Its April. Every student in Grade Nine is _ getting ready for the entrance exams.,答案: confident higher busy,伦寒综罕吁作曲裕沮允傈枢脖宿邀喇杠酵职蒜贷噶唉韶新支副枷兆踌舟进中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,四 复习方法探讨,1. 句意理解不够准确。 2. 所填单词词性没分清。 3. 单词形式不注意。 4. 词组及习惯表达掌握不够牢固。 5. 语法意识淡薄,不能正确分析句子结构。,单词拼写题学生往往失分较多,究其原因主要有以下 几个方面:,妙研料蓑堤付果肝戴曼闰剃界悔北米失芒暗非榔途赦喻卯它弓淋触多甫宣中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,为提高学生单词拼写答题正确率,建议从以下几个方面进行复习:,1.加强阅读训练,提高学生阅读能力及速度。 2.语法讲解系统化,培养学生运用语法分析句子 能力。 3.对学生重点单词及词组的识记加强督查。 4.强化训练,在实战中提高。,妙望仁膊斩剿谓数弄盐奥榨斤拍丑托珊冶监帜婚迭佯疼元厚橡宅逾呻逾处中考英语单词拼写复习探讨中考英语单词拼写复习探讨,


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