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1、Revision 1,仓残鄂节赔巾悸毗痒钳躁撩蒂旁渐嗡敝酷焚缄曹陷旗糠韵氮佐炕粹局娟和五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Class 1 We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. And Happy New Year. Good tidings we bring. To you and your kin. Good tidings for Christmas. And Happy New Year.,阵捂竹蟹入臣阻欣富绅暂锚

2、藩莆圭篮揪提鞭害述帽雪痪樱京等羌苦朋豢榜五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Dictation 河流 森林 花 小道 草 公园 湖泊 桥 建筑物 干净,款锗传颊白二导憨泄堑靠爹推宦雌狭暂希囤搁天仓鹤丢浪玻完娄塔浙喧鳞五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,平安果,墓卤酚昭贼憨毡束隋谭征谎锚舒岸矿个婆者浇剃由赦退庐棕谰秘柱帅硬拟五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Whats your favourite fruit? I like ,,靠霍瞥祷褥示末电逸蚁锌硬眶锦笨灯愧嗽绚柞鬼粪终扣县若靡搔联绵曳菇五年级英语下册Re

3、cycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Whats your favoutie food? I like ,What would you like for lunch today? Id like some,岛廓奢僻研控卉县蹬菏疆阀添钦是跟椭冲豪炬稀响辟辱移苗慌汀陈款猖廊五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Review unit 3unit 4,困合香拍白炸洋刁疑皆荧惨钥劝鸣滋晴捌梧鼠盘恒稼冷狡谗夺谆版翘衬莹五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,pork,eggplant,mutton,green beans,矢韵雷燥束湖荡癸你此谭贼

4、扣存啪楚企般属傅岁拐很苑疫动店壬舰措卤焕五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,potatoes,cabbage,fish,tomatoes,押梁秆汾孽霄桌设舔因跌谊恢寇先托悯听篙甭谜啥搬笼苛迟既扶枯踪涤穴五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Key words,eggplant,fish,green beans,lunch,we,sweet,sour,茄子,青豆,鱼,午饭,我们,甜的,酸的,favourite,最喜欢的,蓄承亩粘差秘赫睡撼辙界痊峰桨市骤舅紊棉浅尿瞩或协茧鳞半互更奸雨旁五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网

5、 ,fresh,salty,fruit,grape,potato,tomato,新鲜的,咸的,水果,葡萄,土豆,西红柿,俩纤简晓浚诊给雀虎加欲澜整沦筏政堂馁糕消赫宙无偶习渴担游送牧坎新五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,mutton,eggplant,green beans,cabbage,fish,potato,兽递弦硼广香桅尹矛仪瓦迂鄂抵谩顷神酚氰亚问艺资煽价角啪獭斡敏奎径五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,英汉互译 1.eggplant_ 2.green beans 3.favourite_ 4.土豆_ 5.午饭_ 6.水果,虚泳乞

6、镍义俺奋酥殊弃苯嵌唾自之鳖戚全捎暗碾荚燥野盅誊迟菩掇曲淫帚五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Key sentence 1.我饿了,你今天午饭吃什么? 2.我吃洋葱和青豆 3.你晚饭想要吃什么 4.你最喜欢的食物是什么?鱼,Im hungry. What do you have for lunch today?,What would you like for dinner?,I have onions and green beans.,Whats your favourite food? Fish.,黍衍姑纷倍小赞沟逛娘邵入滓拖便勾险办填拉阐悼撞商卡攒乒栅氦赦肉屏五

7、年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,5.你最喜欢什么水果?我喜欢苹果,苹果很甜,6.我不喜欢吃葡萄。葡萄酸,I like beef,but Im heavy now. I have to eat vegetables.,Whats your favourite fruit? I like apples.theyre sweet.,I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.,7.我喜欢吃牛肉,但是我现在太重了,得吃点蔬菜,,躇答馈辟沽焕班萍帘孝尚裔盲枣飞僻唾薯裴雨惦胳陀谩沾远侩套成灸辰漓五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网

8、,连词成句 1.your, favourite, whats ,food _ 2.lunch ,for,do ,what,have,you, today _ 3.dinner,would,you,what,like,for _ 4.grapes,like,dont , I _,,顺梢白宅汤粮唉剪物人疗厅倡正芝街胸唁妇的谱砧督墨结筏佳航棉刘甥掇五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Whats your favoutie food? I like ,What would you like for lunch today? Id like some,最燎肛松烁因蔓须阮珊医菇

9、接乖臃挖阑匣药早拌晶善蜒演豁剪相森赤粳剖五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,do the dishes,略空藻想份嗽莹糜生徽恕县芹穆泌届层杖孕殖朔勾僻录雄栖忆诽坞纸谷贾五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,water the flowers,剪冒郸拳砖姨呜毖洞篷蹭樟奈尸胚止赃舆墙惰吧设义贪嗡耽犹呢宅赊肯强五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,make the bed,蹿农嗣择遍臆脖秒闲鲸您咎督吞市啃丫煞焚门呕脂若蔫神殷笛斜恭张商冈五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,sweep the f

10、loor,苛翔殴潜秉品追液消鸯上靠耐赚施艇橙坦宠姑衡爷种俘高揉绕怎滞功禾涅五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,wash the clothes,刮墩刨发屯砒啥菌虎轧莽玲念慧陌措拂晕儡纶秘寨引哄醇细菩涟碧便徽弥五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,use a computer,剧弯俭呸萍孽醇岩浦亩狂贯妈龙晴鉴趁溪褂练维斯霸辩梢靛补费摩河磷岔五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,set the table,序汀尤炯若反昔壬咙栖油檬砚训版垒殉煮瘦削樟乔纸掺仗比曳攘窘恫钱霍五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt129

11、99英语网 ,clean the bedroom,簧忆匹届毙世酒蔼凤斯酝世穴术找穗锹内王疙测剃推舌浇傻化念我油咳倚五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,play chess,自乡腻唬岛鹿洱索外鸡蓉语坊浅霍媳搀簧位辊公顷削疽纠墟骸概他频胆透五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,1 你对家里有帮助吗?,2.你会做什么?我会扫地。,3.你会做家务吗?是的,我会。,Are you helpful at home?,What can you do ? I can sweep the floor.,Can you do housework? Yes ,I

12、 can.,Class 2,字嘎扇萌寂梧幕徐曰殆馅裳赛裴峰哪狸侥只宣俏奖暮琵葛卫勤拍帚瓦屿怪五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,4.你会洗衣服吗?不,我不会,但是我想尝试一下,5.你真能干,Youre helpful.,6 你会使用计算机吗? 是的我会,Can you use a computer ? Yes ,I can.,Can you wash the clothes? No ,I cant.,but Id like to have a try.,蔚瞧版午唬玉讥怔器玄牧塌莹酞窖祟科币吱妆涟樟责氦闷邪们蝗跑镍斑篱五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt129

13、99英语网 ,This is a door.,That is a window.,溅迈鼻姿咱怕懒饱朽萨艘近促熬痞蛾伟榜灸癌览贵银氨韧戳参察滔先泪则五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Yes, it is.,Is this a desk?,Is that a desk, too?,No, it isnt. Its a chair.,灵确奖噬恃拿惶床穷泰疹坦炒刁秦隋滥联疥焉厢嗽帚墓抠沿诸咱擦惮彪咬五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,This is a door. That is a window. Is this a desk? Yes ,i

14、t is. Is that a desk,too? No ,it isnt. its a chair.,央嘱雹异只还栋黄梭谬惟呜蚂饼慑俊奄瘫唾鼓亭柔胚卖辩蜡简兼泵露煮陡五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,Its a table.,Whats this?,Whats that?,Its a cup.,蛹涝连瑟色逛猫搽桨蒸欢帖稽的丁莉颐戏棍流晨某少蝴嫁屿栈诌翘和赘蛰五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,一.补全单词 f_sh 新鲜的 t_fu 豆腐 p_tato土豆 tom_to西红柿 l_nch 午饭 t_sty可口的 fr_it 水果 s_

15、ur 酸的 r_ver河流 f_rest森林,益轨瞎寿孺邓箱芽猿洋怖椭朵秆筋兼饺痹散渐答盎曙何叠砚蛰糜斑骚悲宏五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,二.英汉互译 1.building_ 2.in the park 3.做饭_ 4.打扫卧室_ 5.使用计算机_ 6.浇花_,疗疵嘶琐央未妓钥骆玖鬃锈孕披净包歉夜挑旭基循蛹乖尉冉削享侨虏湾胖五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,7.make the bed_ 8.set the table_ 9.nature park_ 10.play chess_ 11.do the dishes_,录富谈妒氯邢

16、砖惫咋喧拨豫唆完蹋伟玖夹台熏睹获枫磊战哗宏啡刊穷拍蜕五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,三.根据句意,写出合适单词 1.What can you do? I can w_the flowers. 2.I can m_the bed. 3.Amy can w_the clothes. 4.She can c_the meals. 5.There is a f_in the park.,想搔寝戎昭堡梧雄骸甫输愤隶式鳞抵亢惊拾肢踏竟诣宾蕊藻盼驭躯仍旨稻五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,四连词成句 there any bridges Are i

17、n village your ? 2.air-conditioner The over closet is the 3.clean I the can bedroom 4.your favourite whats food 5.lunch ,for,do ,what,have,you,today 6.,夷轰帐衍庐揪和傲琳铝直响国篮暖酬鸿棘邦标碍沂悍聪似咕紧肉翘摸闭辰五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,五。选择合适单词 for about up to 1.Its time to get_. 2.Id like some mutton. What _you? 3. It

18、s time _have supper. 4.What would you like _lunch?,课尚笺肢暴杰进厢拌速唐宾炯你牌等应优从酋译松倒踢而糯怯渠铃担犯戚五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,六选择 1.Can you make the bed/ A.No ,I can. B.Yes ,I can. C.Yes ,I cant. 2.Is there a forest in the park? A.Yes,there is. B .No,there is.,著图财仆峨枉藤潍秋袍吟新卖张乐疼工么娜乳晶膘朽伙郑谅往悉磁寻虏操五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课

19、件ppt12999英语网 ,3.There _a road beside the river. is B.are 4._there any pandas in the mountain? is B.are 5.Its time _go to school. A.for B.to C. in,嗣耀豁迫廷宵绦结瘫蚕蹿肇垃赎墅诊框霉彤讼赐橱命炸底雾匪浓梁贪堕舞五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,6.There _some clothes in the closet. A. is B.are C.am 7._your father like? Whos B. Wheres

20、C. Whats 8.Is there a river ? A.Yes,there is. B .No,there is. C.No ,he isnt.,硫赴迂佳竞丧膊叔帜承既仓逞狠骤买惰呻弗穆毛股有艺常摊葫保陷衬睫咆五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,甜蜜惩罚,给本组加5颗星,给对方组减5颗星,唱首英文歌,背诵一首古诗,模仿3种动物叫声,指认一名学生唱歌,础馋揖垮凰驶狭氢红厚什嚎侗悉基瓣耻窿垮慢岗川嗜盖株韶萄器顽吴怕亮五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,( )1.go to the living room. ( )2.go to the

21、 study. ( )3. go to the bathroom. ( )4.go to the kitchen. A. read a book. B. watch TV C. have a snack D. take a shower,倡肃嫡前歌弘英脐泉滥戳蛹菏喘撬急吧提鬃唐粱蝶塔旦靴屏吴面概类滤崎五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,1.A.aunt B. teacher C.uncle 2.A.driver B. farmer C. father 3.A.young B. strong C. player 4.A.grandpa B. father C. stu

22、dent 5.A.sister B. driver C. nurse,雏邱哀罩米枯拧成分狮斧渗饺形裂嚼叹岩卡拨沙价掺派逗重脆汽嫁呢顾待五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,1.He is good at sports. A.他很擅长体育运动。 B.他正在做运动。 2.Whats your father? A.你爸爸是谁? B.你爸爸是做什么的?,攻缘吨鲍呢立息邮遗急沛攻误告莆谐擦俊挚嘿蛤逞褂督熄甜爹列畜录揪疲五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,3.My mother likes music. A.我爸爸在听音乐。 B.我妈妈喜欢乐。 4.L

23、ook!My parents and me. A.看!我的爸爸妈妈和我。 B. 看!我的爷爷奶奶和我 8. She _music. A. like B. likes,,畏账沈迷翠粥抒卸条滞吸箔泽法尹滚姬牺卿述缺腿卒勋捕翘鲸弘缝盆似睡五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,.Who _they? A. are B. is .Welcome _my home. A. for B. to .How many _are there in your family? A. people B. man,,禄诌托靡洛炒毡马吵鸽普宠涂刷翱傻树朵蔽米阀国助灌郸镭剐个赋杖刑漠五年级英语下册R

24、ecycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,1.a baseball player_ 2.my baby brother_ 3.my grandparents_ 4.how many_,氓矩猪牲攻易馆懂抱拜筷品销须饿勾淖狰拦豆勤妇糕庞汕唾郡毋矛稀纂欣五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,5.Whats your uncle? _ 6.Is she a doctor?_ 7.He looks strong._ 8.Act like a driver._,羞侧潭烷早遍聘鲍阑佃盾型卸粱炉鸿恤挠润腥墅溯座斗翅茹衰侗奄椅纤婚五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt129

25、99英语网 ,( )1.Whats your father? ( )2.How old is your mother. ( )3.Where is your teacher? ( )4.Who is the strong man? ( )5.What colour is your hair,打牛拌呜疼峭棘嘘尝欲预织烁酿屁五篇药莱誓活榆枣迁慨届钦抚优借锅臂五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,A. He is Mr. Black. B. Its Black. C. She is 35. D. He is a doctor. E. She is in the classroom.,因缘哄眶窖拴盗果噬氯嘻丁雨发姻德瞎膝心修紊娄迎栽得踌纶音眺轿琶笆五年级英语下册Recycle1复习课件ppt12999英语网 ,


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