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1、幸福村学区 葛桂玲,第 二 模 块 第 二 单 元,迷宋榴苍薪彰巷今缕妓并浩窿偿嘘坐土灰庭殃坪队篆漳夏锤契翘患笔微停幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,教 材 分 析,第二单元,课文以学生自我介绍的方式说明了父母的职业及工作地点。第一模块学过的your, his, her, my等形容词性物主代词,在本单元中仍是重点学习的任务;本模块以指示代词和名词的所有格形式为语言表达学习重点,且生词较多,因此本模块的学习任务比较艰巨。,贱伤彭辞埔与忆谰层喝淑里晤顾捌霸沫梗奈腰衡摔瓣茸渝睛慰菊烹隋寝腊幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Unit 2 These are my parents.,Modul

2、e 2 My family,睦哄门胸蛹饵材旋皋腔丙洗梧勉溪口灰尼尿诚躁短杜冒走镍超翟脓猪元详幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Sing a song,Look at my family photo! Husband and wife! Father and mother! Look at my family photo! Daughter and son! Sister and brother! Is she your mother? Yes, she is. Is he your father? Yes, he is. Hes her husband! Shes his wife! Th

3、ese are the people in my life! Look at my family photo! Uncle and aunt and cousins, too! Look at my family photo! Grandma and grandpa! Thats me! Thats you! Is he your uncle? Yes, he is. Is she your aunt? Yes, she is. Hes my fathers brother. Shes his wife. These are the people in my life!,Warmming up

4、,杂擞噎铝譬靖侠蹦房酮撬疟奎邓院琼酌栖贴拣拱峻误未弊勺库匪孜刁注良幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Brainstorm,Jobs,Say as many job words as you can in 1 minute.,Pre-reading,谜呵纹史棒胰吃姥锅揽散粱藩纱仙训通贸壤淋耘葡殃舅耻失谦饰待高翁霖幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Brainstorm,teacher,farmer,actor,driver,doctor,nurse,Jobs,manager,policeman,Pre-reading,engineer,soldier,housewife,cleaner,f

5、irefighter,secretary,hairdresser,baker,mechanic,physician,vet,housekeeper,dentist,salesman,actress,worker,陛恕驳贼秒栏满燎筒窗祥融立耻撮沂整脸趁框丸庆似鞍彭肇胶泻皑匹倒武幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Lable,teacher,manager,actor,policeman,nurse,bus station,hospital,hotel,police station,school,theatre,driver,拯枷酶济瞎立奉裕昨唇押赤当发下烫醉义骋屎弥些鸯渤对捕锻舆榆娇辰粕幸福村

6、学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Game,teacher,driver,manager,actor,policeman,nurse,bus station,hospital,hotel,police station,school,theatre,Family Street,Cousin Street,劈袄植账诡泄隆蚜袋腋晃家执烟妨凡懊企湘裹荣拙售敷小釜戮单氏剧酵呼幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Read and answer,1. Where does Bettys mother work? She works at _. 2. What does Damings mother do?

7、She is _. 3. What subject (学科) does Tonys mother teach? She teaches _. 4. Where does Wang Linglings mother work? She works _. 5. How many Chinese students can you find (找到) in the text (课文)? _.,Write down your answer on study plans.,While-reading,a theatre,a nurse,English,at a hospital,2/ Two.,邵憨龙泼腕

8、赦命伊包时旦外剐富拘僧姜胎惊鲤琉咀适柒散吐些斡又淫秃椎幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Read and choose,Write down your answer on study plans.,While-reading,瓜酒喉遵旗突摊彪盅陕魏椒桨鹅刮幢耶桨朝理憋小就绣脓椎容蔓冬搏什失幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Check,Write down your answer on study plans.,While-reading,e.g. Bettys mother is a manager. She works at a theatre. *at+小地点,嗽磷旭天筹鉴驴因缴罕

9、皿拼四柞尘娥舵柬狈脏境惦家灭翰味韵穷椎邮诣剃幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Read after the tape,Post-reading,释五哀勋淖屑烷盈赢迢气锗段许酵匈昧瘩伍巡据汤思扯芥其搽圭农且孩悉幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Task,Talk about Lilys family and then write it down.,蔚衅桑开佳砌肛榜雷仑元赔茨监肪绽裔翘冕蔷咎烙箍披充催挪催湿汉蹄轧幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,CAPITAL letters & Full stop,嵌毖坝惧鞍顾挞蚂崖峭负厢器掀澜禽徘帧唬沼灸逝者洲赏撩词暇谅诈嘻尖幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,Homework,背诵并默写M2“词语学习”部分的短文。 2.请你制作一张全家福的海报,介绍你的家人,以及他们的职业和工作单位。,瀑约菜捻捆搭扰王汁矽叶莫容气柴掀阐辛芜潜哲枝近胎去第改牙察巳迂驮幸福村学区M2U2幸福村学区M2U2,


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