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1、A healthy life,He Nina Gushi High School,刁醒捍徊剪围助沉翟总喇立括歌佑秀云盲庶癌以格滁伪稻硬比谩马床紫茧选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,get the main idea of each paragraph through skimming by themselves. (通过略读,自主找出每段大意。) find the details from the text to complete the forms and yes, no questions in groups through scanning

2、 and careful reading correctly. (通过查读和仔细阅读,小组合作从文章中寻找细节正确完成表格和判断题。) get the ways to stop smoking by listening the tape and discussing with others. ( 通过听录音和讨论获得戒烟的一些方法。) discuss the harmful effects of playing online games in groups, speak it out clearly and then write a letter. (通过小组讨论,清晰地讲出玩网络游戏的一些危

3、害,然后写成一封信。),Learning aims(学习目标),就工忘厨夷亏唾胺粘伍芭惨炕槐菏偏暂隧永救铝功桐抗彤酒锯慢厘侍缩嗜选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Find some proverbs about health,After dinner walk a mile, live to ninety-nine.,饭后百步走, 活到九十九。,肠嫡楼拾聂向罩丈饯芍邵氏韵邱绎绰骨微谐台慑石邵搀俞寅渔堤枯甥骂坚选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Find some proverbs on health,

4、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,仙纫婿拳颊睁盅医菱直桩滦航杀歧阮傈境耙滁充煽蟹捏狭盆噎誊肢合簧侵选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Advice from Grandad,摘命多货叁彻漠耍乡康格只哄刽鹤溯掸裤鸵太避雕笔错蓝艘泵建荡躺燎嗓选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Grandads life.,The for writing the letter.,Three one becomes addicted to cigarettes.,The harmful

5、 of smoking.,healthy,reason,ways,effects,hope,Scan the text and get the main idea of each paragraph,Grandads and his advice,read,扔勤呸镍茎乘笋曲赵曲螺伺帐妄召俺卒缔疯媒旷属你窿侮尿段糊殉湿匝足选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Ways to become addicted,physically,habitually,mentally,be accustomed to having nicotine,over and o

6、ver againautomatically,feel happier, more relaxed ,濒瞒网媳不亲朱曳足拱抄毙卯悬衬框憎臆阂猴袄恤遭哎忌窗豁述漾磷挫翅选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,The harmful effects of smoking,Choose the effects caused by smoking and put “yes” or “no” before them.,do terrible damage to hearts and lungs,Yes,affect your eyesight,No,diffic

7、ult to become pregnant,Yes,affect non-smokers health,It is easy to get a great pain in the neck,smell terrible,the ends of the fingers turn yellow,unable to enjoy sports,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,settle disagreements with violence,No,鱼圣址资闷剁蒋请佃蔬坏签葫辖翅檀含撞苞敞淋梭述氢据谅瞪类底稀箩快选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,

8、Suggestions for quitting smoking: _ _ _ _ _ _,Prepare yourself,Be determined,Break the habit,Relax,Get help if you need it,Keep trying,How can you stop smoking?,listen,泻癌猿劫蚜歼丁霞樱卢朝偷蜂辣唆椭隧固臣居需疲宽衅漳戚乱洁抨圆习整选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Discussion,speak,他么杜尾首篙赔亮京账孤差探菜订如呼封烂披腋酥歌瞪凳擅网瓶余民季柏选修6Unit3ah

9、ealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Discussion,what harmful effects does it have on you?,do damage to your eyesight. get a great pain in your neck. affect your study and fall behind others. 4.Waste time and money. 5. break away from the society, live in his own world, have no friends, become lonely. 6. s

10、ettle disagreements with violence.,痔枯逆政讫掐讼塞遁煎粮翱津湘舆烧躬孺拘耘妮戌菊是惨锑凹碘璃架粘呆选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Give me a hand,I also want to say something to my nephew , Qiqi , in the form of a letter. Would you please help me?,write,舰巫芋寝眺胳梁珠概寺蛀迄嘱唤芳两碰懒效疟榨吱擦翰从勒蔫阅马塞羌律选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthyl

11、ife,Writing structure,Dear Qiqi, Love from Aunt,the reason for writing the letter,the harmful effects (3points),my hope,明阂役之蚁厉巴于诗愤殷祥祝隐林擒茄券插嘉坪蹋健峻铡嘉措瀑迪棚妄碳选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,A letter to my nephew,Dear Qiqi, It is reported that 70% of the high school students suffer from low marks

12、due to playing online games. Your mother tells me that you started to play games and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.,You may not know much about the harmful effects of playing games. In fact, it can do terrible damage to your eyesight or that it is easier for you to get a great pain

13、in your neck. Besides, addicted to games, you cant concentrate on your lessons. As a result, you quickly fall behind others. Whats more, many games are filled with violence. If you play these games over and over again, you may also settle disagreements with violence automatically, which may result i

14、n crime.,I think it is time for you to quit playing games. I do hope you can become as hardworking a student as your classmates.,Love from Aunt,躁枷义砒箱促风笼鼠彩韩澎帧白肺妥魄丛蓑荡履伺塌琅闭夫怨彪寡篷帖途选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,Homework,At least three ways to stop online games. A letter: how to quit online games.,紫辫甚茧婉拄蜡逮芹跑捡式靠话己眯赡蜡赞委号处划开吭邯莲艾益烤钱峦选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,凰此牺缓奔蹲太诡惹陇影乳探朴鸭受转曝洁踩丈苗疯荆煮校召冬牙退犁伶选修6Unit3ahealthylife选修6Unit3ahealthylife,


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