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1、 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文军事拓展主题公园景观设计研究专业: 设计艺术学硕 士 生:李轩指导老师:王军 教授摘 要在体验经济时代下,主题公园的发展更加趋向于动态体验化。同时,人们随着物质生活水平的提高开始追求精神层面的需求满足,颇具体验性的军事拓展活动逐渐进入了人们的视线。国内目前已开发有很多军事拓展训练基地,但大都存在着场地类型单一、缺乏主题景观效果,拓展设施布局简单、缺乏专业化设计,无法保证拓展双方的均衡性等问题。因此,开发以军事拓展为主题的主题公园具有满足大众精神需求的现实意义,而其景观设计是使得园内主题氛围突出、加深大众体验感知的重要环节。本文通过对关于军事类主题公园与军事拓展等相

2、关文献与资料的分析研究,对军事拓展主题公园的概念与内容予以了界定。其次以景观生态学、环境心理学、景观设计学、体验设计理念以及可持续发展原理为理论基础,借鉴黄埔军事主公题园和韩国仁川 Oktokki航天主题公园等案例在景观环境方面的设计手法,运用多学科融贯研究、文献研究、案例借鉴等研究方法,探索性地对军事拓展主题公园的景观设计展开了研究。本文主要研究成果如下:一、军事拓展主题公园景观设计的步骤与内容。本文首先逐一分析了构成军事拓展主题公园景观的要素,具体包括主题要素、自然要素与人文要素。其中重点对影响拓展设施、障碍物等主题要素的各方面因素进行了深入分析。然后根据主题公园景观要素的构成,将军事拓展

3、主题公园划分为入口综合服务区、军事拓展体验区、野战游戏区、虚拟战术体验区和野营区五大功能板块,并对上述各功能区的景观环境做了详细设计。其中对于军事拓展体验区、野战游戏区、野营区等拓展主题区,本文将上述主题区内部进一步细分各功能构成,并在满足主题区 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文的场地特殊要求下对该区域的景观营造做了深层次设计,使其景观布局与整体环境符合起其细化主题。二、军事拓展主题公园景观设计的原则与方法。本文从军事拓展主题公园景观设计过程的探讨中,提炼出了军事拓展主题公园景观设计的原则与方法:(1)设计原则。具体为:军事拓展主题公园景观设计应以主题性为首要原则,设计出的景观应体现园内军事拓展文


5、体验设计理念,以保证游客体验质量;选取 1-2个主题区作为主题公园的核心区,体现园区的主次关系;对于过渡区的布置与景观节点的设计不可或缺。关键词:军事拓展;主题公园;野战游戏;景观设计。 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文The Research of the Military Theme Park Landscape DesignSpecialty:Master of Art DesignName:Li XuanInstructor:Professor Wang JunABSTRACTIn the era of experience economy, the development trend o

6、f theme park tends to bemore dynamically experiential. Meanwhile, with the improvement of material livingstandards, people begin to pursue their spiritual needs. Hence, the military experientialactivity gradually appear into our sight. Currently, though many military training baseshave been develope

7、d in China, lots of problems are still existing in most of them, suchas few category of base types, the lack of theme landscape effect, the simple facilitieslayout, the deficiency of professional design, and be unable to guarantee the expansionof both balance, etc. Therefore, developing the military

8、-themed park is of practicalsignificance and can meet the publics spiritual needs, while the landscape design is animportant part for embodying park atmosphere and enhancing public perception.After analytic researches on literature and data of military-themed parks andmilitary development, this pape

9、r firstly defines the concept and content ofmilitary-themed experiential park. Secondly, with the theoretical basis of LandscapeEcology, Environmental Psychology, Landscape Architecture, Experience DesignConcepts and Principles of Sustainable Development, as well as the reference oflandscape design

10、methods on cases of Huangpu Military Theme Park and KoreaOktokki Aerospace Park, this paper applied multidisciplinary research, literatureresearch, case studies and other research methods to explore the landscape design ofmilitary-themed experiential park. The research achievements are as follows:1.

11、 The designing steps and contents of Military Expansion Theme Park. This paper, 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文at first, analyses the factors to construct the landscapes of Military expansion themepark, which mainly includes theme factors, natural factors and humanism factors. Andthe analysis focuses on those factor

12、s which will influence the expansion installation andobstacle。Then the park is divided into five function areas: entrance integrated servicearea, military expansion experience area, field operation-game area, virtual tacticsexperience area and camp site area according to the structure of landscape i

13、n theme park.And the landscapes and environment above are designed in detail. As for militaryexpansion experience area, field operations game area and camp site area, this papermakes a further introduction of all of the function and composition in the above areas,and performs a deeper design to the

14、landscapes in this area, meeting the special siterequirements in theme area, to make the distribution of landscapes and generalenvironment accord with subdivision themes.2. The principles and approaches to design the landscape of the military theme park.In the exploring of the landscape of the milit

15、ary theme park design, we extract andpurify the principles and approaches to design the landscape of the military theme park.Specific for: The landscape design of the military expansion theme park should treat thetopicality as the first principle, the designed landscape should show the military expa

16、ndcultural theme of park; Secondly, we should combine the entertainment with themilitary culture and the national defense education, so as to rich the landscape containof the military expand theme park; As many landscape of the theme park need theparticipation of tourists to become integrity, so we

17、should combine the static view withthe dynamic experience while designing; At last, we should pay attention to security ofthe military expanding theme parks continue developing and sustainable landscape, wemust hold the ecological sustainable principle all cross the whole design procedure. (2)Design

18、 method. Can be summarized as each subject areas independence andconsistency design, the theme landscape design show the usage of the design philosophy,the primary and secondary relations of the park, and the transition zone layout and thelandscape nodes design. Each topic area of the different elab

19、orate topic should 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文ensure the independence of landscape; As the common landscape between eachsubject area should has consistency and harmony; As the function theme area whereneed the deeply involved by the tourists, for example- the design of the military zoneand the war game area shou

20、ld has the experiencing design concepts to ensure the qualityof tourist experience; Select 1-2 subject area as the core area of the theme park, andshow the primary and secondary relations of the park; The design to the arrangementof the transition area and the landscape node are absolutely necessary

21、.Keywords:Military expansion; Theme park; War game; The landscape design. 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文目 录1.绪论 . 11.1研究背景与意义 . 11.1.1研究背景 . 11.1.2研究意义与目的 . 21.2国内外研究进展评析 . 31.2.1军事主题公园景观设计研究进展 . 31.2.2军事拓展训练基地研究进展 . 41.2.3研究现状评析与启示 . 51.3概念界定 . 51.3.1军事拓展与拓展旅游 . 51.3.2主题公园 . 71.3.3军事拓展主题公园的概念 . 71.4研究内容与方法 . 81.4.

22、1研究内容 . 81.4.2主要研究方法 . 81.4.3研究技术路线 . 91.5主题公园景观设计的理论基础 . 91.5.1景观生态学 . 91.5.2环境心理学 . 101.5.3景观设计学 . 101.5.4体验设计理念 . 102军事拓展主题公园景观设计案例借鉴 . 132.1军事类主题公园景观设计案例分析 . 132.2国内军事拓展基地案例分析 . 162.3对军事拓展主题公园景观设计的启示 . 183军事拓展主题公园景观构成要素分析 . 193.1主题要素 . 193.1.1军事拓展设施 . 19I 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文3.1.2野战场中的障碍物.233.1.3园区内主题

23、景观节点.263.2自然要素.273.3人文要素.284军事拓展主题公园景设计研究.334.1入口综合服务区.334.1.1入口处主题景观设计.334.1.2生态停车场设计.344.1.3配套设施景观设计.344.2军事拓展体验区.374.2.1军事拓展训练区.374.2.2儿童拓展体验区.404.3野战游戏区.414.3.1射击练习场.414.3.2 CQB(Close Quarters Battle)战区 .434.3.3野战区.514.3.4各战区配套设施设计.574.4虚拟战术体验区.584.5野营区.594.5.1营地入口服务区.594.5.2野营区.595军事拓展主题公园景观设计总

24、结.635.1设计原则.635.2景观设计方法总结.636结论与展望.656.1全文总结.656.2主要结论与创新点.666.2.1主要研究结论.666.2.2本文创新点.666.3研究展望.67致谢.69II 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文参考文献 . 71附录 1图表目录 . 75附录 2研究生在读期间研究成果 . 85III 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文1.绪论1.1研究背景与意义1.1.1研究背景一、休闲旅游时代的来临掀起了体验旅游的热潮当今时代快速发展,城市化进程超速,人们高节奏生活和工作压力逐渐增加。社会的飞速发展与人身心进化不同步导致了人们的心理问题从而又衍生出很多社会问题。因此休



27、现的需求都要远高于对归属感和心理方面的需求,他们从基本的生理、安全需求阶段一下跃升为追求自我实现需求的阶段,即“挤进财富窄门的梦想”:中国化的自我需求1 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文(初级阶段的物质和高级阶段的理想)的实现度要比中级阶段的信心、尊重、友情等软需求的实现度高,从而形成了“杯形需求”的现象(图 1.1)。2图 1.1中国化的“杯形需求”现象随着人们物质生活的提高,人们开始注重对中级阶段归属需求的满足。众多休闲行为中军事拓展不失为一种积极健康的休闲方式。军事拓展主题公园为更多层次群体体验拓展文化、满足和发展人们的尊重需求和归属需求。如通过军事拓展主题公园,可以使军事爱好者真正参与体验

28、,弥补心灵缺憾,园儿时之梦;也可以给退伍军人一个重回军营的梦,让他们重温逝去的激情燃烧的岁月。在军事拓展主题公园中,游客在整个过程中充分享受惊险、恐惧、以及成功后的惊喜和快乐,他们在今后的工作生活中更能树立起用于面对困难、挑战自己极限树立自信,最终战胜困难的人生启迪和感悟;在家庭或团队中体验团结协作、牺牲自我帮助他人、最终取的整个战役胜利的远大目标和高尚情操。1.1.2研究意义与目的一、研究意义虽然军事拓展训练基地发展势头良好,但其规划设计不系统,缺乏设计依据和设计方法,而且消费群体局限于企业、学生等层面,无法满足家庭、散客、朋友等群体的军事拓展体验的需求。本文提出的军事拓展主题公园,对于向更多层次群体提供军事拓展这种积极健康、有益身心的活动具有重要现实意义。基于既有相关基地存在的问题,本文着重从景观设计方面入手,对军事拓展主题公园的设计展开深入研究,旨在为之后军事拓展旅游场所的开发提供有益参考,如有助于解决该场所景观设计中存在的各种问题;提高该场所的景观主题性;提升园区整体形象的可识别性等。2 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文


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