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1、Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances are used to labour protection 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 352, 16 women workers . The eighth chapter of carbon management systems, carbon company profile-management system for the corporate records management, archives m

2、anagement of standardization and systematization, concluded this approach. Chapter Archive collection of the first carbon of the departments of the company formed in a work activity, files with the reference value material, must be handed over to the companys production technology section, technolog

3、y focused transfer to archives, centralized management, and no unit or individual shall not be kept. Second unit should be staffed with full-time or part-time personnel responsible for file management. Units of the company article archives and archive management archives by the company management is

4、 responsible for oversight and guidance. Article fourth before the transfer of archives and records management officers shall, in accordance with records management regulations before acceptance, transfer of units to the existing content is not complete, incomplete loss of information should be time

5、ly corrective action in place. Chapter II scope of archiving article fifth all reflect the company activities, with a study of the value of documentation (documents, drawings, technical documents, contracts, documents, publications, electronic documents, sound recordings, films, discs, etc) are fili

6、ng range. Sixth chapter filing requirements file transfer is completed before the end of April each year and accounting, file transfer is completed before the end of May each year; completed the transfer of contracts and agreements before the end of June each year; completed the transfer of technica

7、l files in project completion within 2 months. Seventh units must strictly comply with the archiving system, shall not be unreasonably delayed or refused to pay files should be archived material, such as some of the materials used, we should start by filing before the loan formalities. Units of the

8、eighth transferred files, to strictly implement the procedures for the transfer. Nineth archive files of the General requirements are: document the formation and characteristics of the material, keep the organic relationship between different value, easy to keep and use. The fourth chapter archives

9、article tenth Archivist to strict confidentiality rules. 11th period of custody of documents to permanent, long term and short term three. Term for the 15-60 years or so, in the short term is 15 years, 3 years or more. 12th company archive retention principle: (1) all main functions and basic histor

10、y of the company, the long-term value of the companys archives, as permanent storage. (2) reflects the General activities of the company, over a long period of study using value to company documents, classified as long-term care. (3) in a short period of time the company valuable documents, classifi

11、ed as short-term custody. The fifth chapter archive identification and destruction of the 13th chapter Office to identify theThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on two learn a do learning education

12、 of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city two learn a do learning education work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party

13、loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualifie

14、d party members education, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from key minority to the vast number of party members expanded, from the con

15、centration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions two study and education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes t

16、he overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6

17、, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central two Forum on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial peoples Congress, the provinces two study educational Conference, made specific arra

18、ngements to carry out study and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a two educational programmes and study contents specific progra

19、mmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp two educational responsibility since the partys 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the partys

20、 construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. Two study and education, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the partys firm determination and political w

21、ill, to push forward the four comprehensive strategy is of great significance. We should be supported by political and overall四川路桥集团 施工机具能耗定额施工机具能耗定额(2014版)编制说明1.本定额根据公司现有的主要施工机具的种类、型号及使用特点,参考公路工程机械台班费用定额JTG/T B06-03-2007而制订。2.本定额作为公司所属的施工机具进行单机核算的参考依据。各机具所属单位可根据不同的工况、机况进行现场考核,在此定额基础上予以修订。3.本定额未覆盖新购





26、损,为简化计算,正常使用的施工机具都可取1.05。实际计算能耗定额时可根据其能力利用系数、时间利用系数的范围确定最低与最高能耗限额。6.电机的额定功率与效率直接关系到其空载能耗。对于电机连续工作,但负荷却不一定连续的施工机具,例如碎石设备、砼输送泵,其电机空载能耗可简单地按如下方法确定: 额定功率1-30kw电机 空载能耗=0.5*额定能耗 额定功率30-100kw电机 空载能耗=0.4*额定能耗 额定功率110kw电机 空载能耗=0.25*额定能耗7.对于水泥砼搅拌站、稳定土厂拌设备、沥青砼拌合设备等大型成套施工机具,本定额是根据上述公式的计算结果除以其理论产量得来。在实际中,应根据同类型施

27、工机具既往使用过程中累积的统计数据进行单位产品能耗定额校核,或参考公路工程机械台班费用定额JTG/T B06-03-2007。8.对于沥青砼拌合设备与沥青脱桶设备中为加热、保温沥青,加热骨料所耗用的重油、煤、燃气、电等,因其工况与产出的关系较为复杂,不便于核算,应对一定数量的生产过程中的实际能耗进行统计,核算其能耗定额。9.本定额单位换算及基本参数公式:9.1 1kw=1.36hp9.2 1hp=0.735kw9.3 柴油密度为0.86kg/l9.4 电机有功功率P=视在功率*功率因数=3*220*I线*功率因数9.5 额定功率Pn=输入功率*功率因数*效率saved files regula

28、rly, for shelf is full of archive material, destroyed by Convention. Archival appraisal work chaired by the Office of the 14th article, related departments to form archival appraisal group, was identified by review of the archives, save ruined views put forward, upon approval by the Chairman, shall

29、be destroyed. 15th the destruction of archive material, composed of two or more persons and for sale at the specified location, sale person to sign the destruction list. The sixth chapter archive . Reports must be maintained in full, not free, graffiti-free cutting. Report must be carefully filled i

30、n the provided time, format, no leakage. Each night after the post daily uniform to the production technology section. Classification, livelihood recovery of various reports that should be saved and not lost. Foreign lending reports must do the registration and recovery, in case of loss. Ten, the bi

31、o section on small targets in statisticians report on Japan data production and production management system to review the index entry. Problem team implementation in accordance with professional appraisal and evaluation will be informed in a timely manner. Plenary, each Director should periodically

32、 review all reports from the parameters to detect existing risks. For metering, parameter copy are not made seriously wrong assessment shall be imposed. 12, torn up and forged other value statements, regardless of whether the consequences, found a check of 100 Yuan. 13, report, each copy of the data

33、 in the wrong place or wrong but not consequences of assessment 10. Third, the laws and regulations identification and management system, aims to determine the companys production operations or business activities in the standardization of applicable safety laws and regulations, and other requiremen

34、ts, established channels for identification, access to these laws, regulations and requirements, and ensure that the legal regulations and other requirements to the latest version to improve law consciousness of employees and related parties, regulate the safety, development of this system. II, scop

35、e of application apply for production and business activities of the company-related national, industry, local safety quality standardization of laws, regulations and other requirements of the control. Three, Division of responsibilities and get departments: Office. Is responsible for the periodic i

36、dentification and access to applicable safety laws, regulations, standards and other requirements of the Government. Department: production technology section. Is responsible for the standardization of security laws, regulations and other requirements identified, training, dissemination and monitori

37、ng of implementation. Related departments: departments and workshops. Be responsible for publicizing, compliance with the Department, workshop-related laws, regulations and other requirements. Relevant requirements and will be communicated to employees and stakeholders. Four 1, content and requireme

38、nts, company-related laws,height, deep understanding of two study and education on strengthening education of party members and cadres and building a contingent of cadres with high quality, maintaining and developing the partys advanced nature and purity of the significance of practical thought and

39、action into Central and provincial requirements. First, the two study and education, is continuously strengthening the partys ideological and political construction of major deployment. Attach importance to party ideology, is the specialty of our party, since the partys 18 distinct characteristic of

40、 strictly administering the party. XI General Secretary pointed out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideological and political construction, the key is the educational management of party members and cadres. At present, the ideas and values have become increasingly

41、 active, social trends are largely stirring blend, cultural exchanges and the complexity of the situation, drove, some party members ideological and political problems, there is an urgent need to strengthen party ideology: clearing the fog, was centering. Like, some belief confused, three a confiden

42、ce insufficient, praised Western value concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipline relaxation, in party not statements party, and not love party, and not nursing party, and not for party, even denied party of some most basic of principles and position; some

43、organization discipline lax, not by provides participate in party of organised, not completed party distribution of task, not by party of organization principles do; some egoism serious, and people race Lee, and self-dealing; some depressed, and escape responsibility, Omission, not as good as some m

44、oral decline, violating public morality, professional ethics and family virtues, not personal morality; some honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, with no fear, lawlessness, abuse, and corruption among political, and so on. These problems, after all, and ignore the Constitution Party

45、rules, ignore advanced theory, and lack of sense of consciousness, consciousness, pioneer of the party has a lot to do with it. Thought, belief and faith, stick to the spiritual pursuit of Communists, has always been the Communists to settle down at all. Two study and education, is to enable each pa

46、rty to party rules etched in the heart of the party Constitution, and speech into a series of powerful weapon, clearing the barriers and gain the fetters of the mind, improve the ideological and political quality, worthy of the glorious title of the party members. Second, the two study and education

47、, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and party members is an important . Awake, our party members and party organizations, especially at the grassroots level, some of the party members quality is not high, lax discipline and some primary party organization

48、s are weak and lax, wiped out some grassroots cadres as, chaos as, thick friends, eating, and so on. These problems are like9四川路桥集团 施工机具能耗定额 施工机具能耗定额序号机具名称型号功率(kw)能耗种类比油耗(g/kw.h)能力利用系数时间利用系数线路损耗系数能耗计量单位能耗定额最低能耗最高能耗限额备注1履带式推土机SD22162柴油2380.6-0.80.8 kg/h18.5 24.7 以山推产品为例NTA855系列柴油机2履带式推土机SD32235柴油2380.6-0.80.8 kg/h26.8 35.8 3履带式推土机D155235柴油2100.6-0.80.8 kg/h23.631.6小松4装载机ZL3085柴油2100.4-0.80.8 kg/h5.711.4YC6105系


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