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1、accept the supervision of the masses. Through grasping the implementation of the work responsibility layer upon layer, further enhancing the the town of Party members and cadres responsibility consciousness of honesty and sense of politics, firm the confidence and courage of fighting against corrupt

2、ion behavior as, to further promote the construction of a clean and honest administration responsibilities strictly enforced. Second, grasping the supervision and inspection, push forward major decision deployment implementation Town Commission for Discipline Inspection play the function of organiza

3、tion and coordination, actively to the town Party committee instructions to report, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the higher level, timely organization of the working group. Take on-site supervision and inspection of the town development, Huinong policy implementation, the party go

4、vernment affairs open to Special supervision and inspection, the cumulative organization to carry out the work to implement the supervision and inspection of the two. Through supervision and inspection, the leader takes seriously, orderly, effective measures and achieved good results. A village affa

5、irs supervisory committee to work normally, the implementation of preferential agricultural policies in place, major work is progressing smoothly, party government affairs open and transparent. Grasping style building, consolidate implement eight provisions of the spirit of the results (a), to reinf

6、orce the construction of efficiency, improve the work style. Grab from attendance and work discipline cadres, and earnestly do a good job of Party members and cadres of leadership style and life style of the building, highlighting pays special attention to the town and village level party leader cad

7、re style construction Cadre of Party member, weak supervision and inspection, and earnestly rectify some party members and cadres to learn is not thorough, work is not solid, the responsibility is not strong, the concept of the masses, service consciousness is not strong, the work efficiency is low,

8、 the self-discipline consciousness is not strong. Combined with the one to one helping action force do a good job of Party members and cadres and the masses concept, Daxing close ties with the masses, truth-seeking and pragmatic style, adhere to the masses to the front line, to solve the problem in

9、the first tier, supervision in the first, the information collected in the line, change the mass petition for Party members and cadres to visit, and constantly improve the Party cadres in the new period to do mass work ability. For some lazy, lazy, scattered, Town Commission for Discipline Inspectio

10、n Reception and to ideological style construction as the breakthrough point, pay close attention to Party members and cadres ideological education to rectify their style of work, to achieve to treat commonplace to improve the ability to cure lazy, to increase efficiency and to cure scattered positiv

11、e ethos. My town daily attendance system put in place to regulate work cadres on duty management, put an end to dry commuting phenomenon. (2), practice strict economy, highlighting the results. One is the compressed file, presentations, promotional materials, the meeting and other daily office expen

12、ses, reduce paper document number control conference activities scale. Second is to compress the official reception expenses, control of the official reception standards, not to engage in super standard, do not engage in public funds to entertain each other, official reception Stop drinkingXXX 有 限 公

13、 司新 产 品 制 造 可 行 性 报 告评估部门: 评估日期: 年 月 日新产品名称开发产品数量新产品规格/型号顾 客 名 称一、顾客概况(包括:人员、工厂规模、现有主要车型、年产量、企业性质、生产经营状况、近几年 发展情况等):二、顾客对新产品开发项目的质量和技术要求及其它基本要求(包括:外观、尺寸、功能、性能、材 料、装于何种车型、进度要求、数量要求等基本要求):三、顾客对新产品的竞争选点情况(包括:有几家竞争对手与顾客配套、竞争对手的质量和技术状况、 竞争对手的设计和开发能力状况等):核 准审 查制 表 第 页 共 页 PPP-2-01A0-1XXX 有 限 公 司新 产 品 制 造

14、可 行 性 报 告(续)评估部门: 评估日期: 年 月 日新产品名称开发产品数量新产品规格/型号顾 客 名 称四、顾客对新产品定点及认可程序:五、市场预测(包括:新车型开发进度、何时装车试验、产量计划等):六、顾客有关部门/人员的联系电话和地址情况(包括:设计和开发部门、质量管理部门、采购部门、 工程技术部门等主要负责人的联系电话和地址):核 准审 查制 表 第 页共 页 PPP-2-01A0-2XXX 有 限 公 司新 产 品 制 造 可 行 性 报 告(续)评估部门: 评估日期: 年 月 日新产品名称开发产品数量新产品规格/型号顾 客 名 称七、对新产品的基本构思和采用先进技术的设想及目前

15、现有系统存在的问题:八、新产品先行试验和关键技术问题及风险分析:九、新产品开发的进度安排:核 准审 查制 表 第 页共 页 PPP-2-01A0-3XXX 有 限 公 司新 产 品 制 造 可 行 性 报 告(续)评估部门: 评估日期: 年 月 日新产品名称开发产品数量新产品规格/型号顾 客 名 称十、新产品的预计年产量、成本估算、价格预算:十一、投资预算(包括:人员投资、设施/设备投资等):十二、销售渠道及其它情况:十三、结论:备注核 准审 查制 表 第 页共 页 PPP-2-01A0-4and work, lunchtime drinking ban. The third is the i

16、mplementation of travel, learning, training, examination and approval system. The fourth is according to the strict vehicle registration and management, is strictly prohibited without permission to drive out of the bus, the bus is prohibited private, compression vehicle expenses. The fifth is the no

17、rms of public funds to buy, advocate the town cadres civilized practice of noble life style, save every kilowatt hour of electricity, every piece of paper, every litres of oil, every drop of water, do not engage in extravagance, against weddings and funerals lavish. 1-2 months of this year three con

18、sumption than last year over the same period to save funds yuan, than last year decrease over the same period the against reveal extravagance and waste Results. Grasp comprehensive remediation, earnestly solve the masses have strong hot and difficult issues to seriously address the masses to reflect

19、 intense outstanding problem is further the close relations between cadres and the masses, improve the credibility of the governments basic requirements, but also to strengthen construction of style and performance, effective way to optimize development environment. Increase check the mail handling

20、efforts. The letters promptly investigated reply, this year I Town Commission for Discipline Inspection received a total of letters and visits of the masses to report a, liberating rate 100%; investigation and discipline of Party members in 3 cases. Five, grasping learning education, and strive to i

21、mprove the party members and cadres ability integrity awareness of self-discipline, self-discipline ability to develop from learning , from education. Town Party committee and the town of discipline has always been to the town of Party members and clean fingered consciousness enhancement, improve th

22、e ability of self as a recurring task. Mainly study the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and and and so on provisions, to carry out the thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the partys mass line of educational activ

23、ities. Through education and learning of knowledge construction of party conduct Lianzheng, to further enhance the awareness of self-discipline of Party members and cadres in the town, and enhance self-discipline, enhanced the majority of Party members and the masses to participate in supervision Co

24、nsciousness.Today here held the county two studies and a study and education work conference, the main task is learning to convey the General Secretary Xi Jinping on two to learn a learning education important instructions, in accordance with the requirements of the central and provincial Party, on

25、the county to carry out two studies and a learning education into action deployment.Just now, XX county magistrate to convey the General Secretary Xi Jinping on two to learn a learning the spirit of the important instructions, XX secretary in his speech to the county to carry out two to learn a lear

26、ning the full mobilization and deployment schedule, we must seriously study and deeply understand and cut aXXX 有 限 公 司产 品 成 本 核 算 报 价 表报价部门: 报价编号: 报价单位:人民币(元) 报价日期: 年 月 日产品名称规格/型号产品编号图纸编号产品数量顾客名称联系电话传 真固定成本投资成本(包括硬件/软件)设备消耗及折旧成本房屋设施租赁及折旧成本无形资产摊销成本通讯费成本其它成本直接成本包括外购外协/原材料/辅助材料名称规格/型号编号/件号报价单价议定单价供应来源本

27、产品所使用零件/材料用量实际报价价格小计国产/进口关税数量报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格合 计生产加工成本零部件/材料名 称加工项目/内容机器设备加工作业人数生产/加工时间加工费率其 他实际报价价格小计报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格合 计间接成本外协件及劳务燃料动力消耗材料管理费加工管理费包 装运 输税 金销售成本其 他报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格报价价格议定价格工装/模具新作套 元工装/模具修改套 元夹治具制作 套 元夹治具修

28、改 套 元检具制作 套 元检具修改 套 元报价总价格议定总价格备 注核 准审 查制 表PP-704-2-02A0XXX 有 限 公 司合 同 / 订 单 评 审 表部门: 日期: 年 月 日合同/订单名称合同/订单编号客 户 名 称产品名称规格/型号交付数量交付时间/日期 合 同 / 订 单 要 求 评审部门评 审 意 见评审人员签名/日期经营科技术科生产科质检科供应科评审结果: 签名: 日期:备 注核 准审 查制 表PP-703-2-03A0XXX 有 限 公 司新 产 品 项 目 开 发 申 请 单申请部门: 申请日期: 年 月 日开发产品名称开发产品数量产品规格/型号顾 客 名 称提交顾

29、客批准的日期提交顾客批准/确认的数量新产品项目开发来源/依据新 产 品 项 目 开 发 要 求 和 / 或 顾 客 要 求申请开发的结论: 总经理(签名): 批准日期:备注核 准审 查制 表PPP-2-02A0XXX 有 限 公 司多方论证小组成员及职责表制定部门: 制定日期: 年 月 日产品名称顾客名称规格/型号成立日期 年 月 日多 方 论 证 小 组 成 员项目姓 名部 门职 责 / 工 作 内 容具备的设计技能组长组员技术科经营科质检科生产科供应科设备科一、多方论证小组职责/工作内容:1确定顾客要求和需求及期望;2确定顾客内部和外部;3确定小组成员每一部门代表方的角色和职责及工作;4确

30、定过程所需的工艺文件和作业程序及方法;5新产品设计和/或开发全过程之各阶段工作审查;6对所提出来的设计、性能要求和制造过程评定其可行性;7产品开发过程中相关问题之澄清及解决;8确定产品成本、设计和/或开发进度、交付(提交)时间及其它必须考虑的限制条件;9决定所设计和/或开发及交付(提交)的产品是否需要顾客或分承包方协助。10 特殊特性的开发和最终确定;11 潜在失效模式及后果分析的开发和评审,包括采取降低潜在风险的措施;12 控制计划的开发和评审。二、设计人员需具备的适用设计技能:A)、几何尺寸和公差(GD&T); G)、有限元分析(FEA);B)、质量功能展开(QFD); H)、实体造型;C

31、)、制造设计DFM/装配设计(DFA); I)、仿真技术;E)、试验设计(DOE); D)、价值工程(VE);F)、失效模式及后果分析(DFMEA/PFMEA等); K)、可靠性工程计划。J)、计算机辅助设计(CAD)/计算机辅助工程(CAE);备注核 准审 查制 表PPP-2-03A0XXX 有 限 公 司新 产 品 项 目 APQP 开 发 计 划制定部门: 制定日期: 年 月 日产品名称产品编号规格/型号顾客名称序号工 作 内 容 / 项 目负 责部 门负 责人 员开 发 时 程所需建立的资料1234567891011121第一阶段:计划和确定项目确定新产品项目开发任务来源顾客采购订单(


33、品和过程特殊特性16编制产品保证计划产品保证计划17管理者支持管理者支持18第二设计失效模式和后果分析()设计失效模式及后果分析框图/环境极限条件表设计失效模式和后果分析核 准审 查制 表 第 1 页,共 5 页 PPP-2-04A0-1K C E 有 限 公 司新 产 品 项 目 APQP 开 发 计 划 (续上页)制定部门: 制定日期: 年 月 日产品名称产品编号规格/型号顾客名称序号工 作 内 容 / 项 目负 责部 门负 责人 员开 发 时 程所需建立的资料12345678910111218第二阶段:产品设计和开发设计失效模式和后果分析()设计FMEA检查表19设计图纸()图纸设计原件

34、20图纸确认(如需要)设计确认记录表21确定产品可制造性和装配设计()产品可制造性和装配设计22制定样件控制计划(样件)控制计划控制计划检查表23编制样件试作和试验验证计划样件试作和试验验证计划表24样件制造()样件检验和确认记录表25产品设计验证/评审()实验报告单/设计验证记录表26产品设计确认/评审()设计确认记录表27工程图样确认()产品工程图样确认表28确定工程规范()工程规范确认表29确定材料规范()材料规范确认表30图样和规范的更改设计更改申请单设计更改通知单31确定新设备、工装和设施要求()新产品设备/工装/模具/夹具检查清单新设备、工装和试验设备检查表新设备、工装、量具和试验设备开发计划进度表32确定产品和过程特殊特性()产品和过程特殊特性核 准审 查制 表


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