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1、to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmission line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through ov

2、erhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, lifting arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-1

3、5 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safe

4、ty valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG, must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust

5、 and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section III: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the S

6、pider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on shoe nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind

7、 in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficiency document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and g

8、round angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, people Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports,

9、 trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the ground . Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driv

10、ing a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components such as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload,stave

11、bn tm vdce mst een. een by mlo zahrnovat analzu rizik, monost nehod charakteristik a nouzovch postup, nouzov zpracovn a obsah opaten. 4, integrovan pohotovostn plny, speciln havarijn plny a mst een by mly bt mezi sebou a s ostatnmi jednotky zapojeny v nouzi, kter jsou vzjemn propojeny. 5, havarijn p

12、ln by ml zahrnovat havarijn personl a organizace kontakt, nouzov rezervn seznam a dal informace. Informace by mly bt pravideln aktualizovny a zajist, e informace jsou pesn a platn. tyi, havarijn pln revize 1, Recenze pohotovostn plny pezkoumn formul a prvky pezkumu a opaten pijatch dvma zpsoby. Kdy

13、host slou pedevm pro havarijn plny pro zznam v podob Recenze, prvek hodnocen pro nouzov hodnocen. . Kd pro porn ochranu konstrukce budov a nsk republice ny exploze nebezpen oblasti elektrick bezpenostnch pedpis a pedpis o porn ochranu design rafinaci ropy a chemickch podnik, napklad poadavky na pedp

14、isech a nazench. 2. pi provdn instalace me zpsobit por, exploze, kter sti by mly bt pln nastaven peht, petlaku, micch pstroj, alarm (zvuk a svtla). 3. kde je holav plyn (pra) me unikat , holav plyn koncentrac detekce, alarm by mla bt nastavena. 4. vechny komunikoval s holav, vbun zazen s inertnm ply

15、nem, plynov penosov potrub, by mla bt nastavena zabrnit holavch a vbunch ltek do zazen, ale nemla bt samostatn zptn ventil. 5. holav plyn (pra) nastavit plamen svodi odvzduovac vvod, snadno pracovat, kde se zastavit ventily, aby pi vstupn vtrac potrub je v plamenech, peruil por plynu odvzduovac potr

16、ub ml bt nainstalovn v nejni hasicho zazen. 6. kdy dopravu holavch materil by mla odpovdat prmru potrub a stedn mrn odpor, sprvn zen prtoku, co nejvce se vyhnout statick elektiny. Antistatick opaten, jako jsou zazen, potrub, by mlo bt v souladu s technickmi pedpisy pro uzemnn design pro chemick podn

17、iky pslunch ustanoven. 7. nhl vbun petlaku nebo rychlho rozkladu vrobnch zazen nebo skladovacch zazen by mly bt vybaveny vbuchu (nevbun membrna), vvoz nonel trubice smrem k bezpenosti a aby prevence sekundrnch exploz, protiporn opaten. 8. vrobnthe principle of simplified EIA of construction projects

18、 in the region. In terms of land, linked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas project. Charges, into the projects of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In the area of taxation, a

19、nd settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, and construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marke

20、tization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financing platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, encourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity

21、 of service land, development land as the goal, to optimize the area under development environment. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel stationed in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in this sector. When there

22、are substantial issues, sector leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according

23、to the .Since the educational practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, and check the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked s

24、wing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political discipline, eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys poli

25、tical discipline, abide by the Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideological and maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the centra

26、l authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-roots units, primary first-hand an inadequate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accordance with the provisions to streamlin

27、e and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, culture involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical needs of invention notifications, this area needs further加筋复合垫层处理软土地基施工技术摘要:山西某职业学院新校区学生公寓楼地基为软土地基,其承载力不能满足上部荷载的要求,采用加筋复合垫

28、层进行加固处理。通过计算,及处理后的静载实验检测,地基承载力达到图纸设计要求,处理效果良好。关键词:加筋复合垫层 处理软土地基 施工技术1 引言位于太原市的山西某职业学院新校区学生公寓4号楼,地下一层地上六层剪力墙结构、钢筋混凝土筏片基础, 东西长57.8m,南北长16.3m,建筑面积5593.2 m2,建筑总高度24.8m,室内外高差0.95m。筏片基础底面标高-3.85 m,-3.85m以上建筑总荷重111623.46 kN,设计基底压力为100 kPa。原设计用干振碎石桩复合地基处理,但经两个月的停歇恢复期后,检测复合地基承载力不能满足设计要求,需对地基进行补强加固处理。根据山西某职业学


30、一原理。在土体中的一定部位铺设水平方向的加筋材料,将土压实后,土与加筋材密切结合成一复合土体(加筋土),当在复合土体的表面施加荷载,由于加筋材与周围土之间有较大的摩阻力(有时尚有咬合力),限制了土的侧向变形,相当于在土体侧面上施加了约束力。从上面的道理可知,这种复合土体的承压能力理所当然地得到提高。 (2) 砂石加筋复合垫层的特点:加筋的土体及结构属于柔性,对各种地基都有较好的适用性,因而对地基的要求比其他结构的建筑物低。加筋材与周围砂石之间有较大的摩阻力,从整体上限制地基土的剪切、侧向挤出与隆起,约束软黏土的侧向变形。能将上部建筑荷载均匀传递并扩散到下卧软弱土层上,扩散应力,使地基的附加应力

31、降低,且分布均匀化,调整不均匀沉降,提高基础的整体刚度。能提高垫层的抗拉和抗剪性能,有效防止垫层的断裂和剪切破坏,增强砂垫层的整体性和刚度,能形成刚性较好的“梁板式”构件。减少占地面积,特别适合于在不允许开挖的地区施工。(3)设计方案。根据山西某职业学院新校区岩土工程勘察报告提示,该建筑基础土为中等液化地基,其承载力较低,为消除地基的部分湿陷量,提高地基的承载力,经多种方案比选,采用7:3砂石加筋复合垫层处理地基,在砂石垫层内设置两层土工筋带,加筋带材料采用聚稀烃复合筋带,规格型号为TG5025型。网状双向布置,第一层土工带距基坑底面为900 mm,第二层与第一层间距为600 mm,每边超出基

32、础边缘2m,端部筋带处理采用两层胞腔袋压住并回折伸入基础底部,回折长度不得小于3.5m。砂石垫层采用天然级配的砂卵石,底部设胞腔土工袋层。加筋复合垫层地基断面示意如图1所示。22通过计算砂石加筋复合垫层地基承载力值为2109 kPa,能满足规范和原设计对地基承载力要求。23沉降变形通过计算,地基最终沉降值S=25.8mm,在规范和原设计允许的沉降范围内。3砂石加筋复合垫层施工对于软弱地基上的砂石加筋复合垫层施工,施工方法及工序至关重要。填土步骤不当,常会造成筋材的机械破损、产生不均匀沉降,甚至导致基础的破坏。3.1施工工艺基坑基底清理砂石材料拌合铺设胞腔袋第一、二层砂石垫层铺设及分层碾压、检测

33、加筋带编制铺设第三、四层垫层及分层碾压、检测加筋带编制铺设第五、六层砂石垫层碾压找平、检测。 (1)、基础开挖至基底标高后,平整,对基坑进行钎探,记录,钎孔灌砂。(2)、原材料河卵石、毛砂进入现场后,经建设单位、监理单位验收并现场取样,送实验室复检合格后,用50装载机将砂石按7:3的比例拌合均匀。(3)、人工将拌合好的砂石装入胞腔袋的袋子中,每袋装至三分之二即可,用封口机进行封口,将袋子运至基坑内,丁顺平放紧密放置,每排之间相互错开半个袋子,满铺一层然后将袋子之间的缝隙用中粗砂填满。见图:胞腔袋铺设(4)、拌好的级配砂石运至基坑内,在已铺设的胞腔袋上用轻型推土机或前端装载机填铺拌好的级配砂石,

34、人工配合找平,随时用水准仪进行标高控制。在填铺第一层级配砂石时,一切车辆、施工机械只允许沿竖轴线方向行驶,不允许在级配砂石上回行。车辆、机械大小及重量均应限制,其形成的车辙不得大于78cm。铺完第一步砂石垫层后,用8吨的压路机进行碾压,碾压遍数不少于4遍,轮距搭接不小于50cm,碾压时应控制机械碾压速度,碾压开始时宜用慢速。碾压找平后报监理单位及试验室现场取样,测试压实系数,待试验合格后进行下一步砂石垫层的铺设。第二步垫层重复第一步的做法。(5)、铺设加筋带,加筋带材料采用聚稀烃复合筋带,规格型号为TG5025型,中心距500mm,双向布置, 先铺设纵向的再铺横向,编制而成,应顺直、拉紧、平铺

35、、避免折皱。加筋带材料不得直接铺设在碎石等坚硬的下承层上。应在加筋带和级配砂石之间铺设5cm厚的中、粗砂保护层,铺设加筋带的下承层表面应整平、压实,并清除表面坚硬凸出物。筋带的连接易用搭接法,最小搭接长度不小于1m,纵横交接处采用铁钉钉接法固定,铁钉使用前应进行防锈处理。端部筋带处理沿垫层周边每层布置胞腔袋,每层筋带端头应回折,采用两层胞腔袋压住并回折伸入基础底部,回折长度不得小于3.5m。如下图: 加筋带编制加筋带压边(6)、加筋带应避免长时间暴晒或裸露,铺好筋材后,应在48小时内在其上进行下一步垫层铺设,杜绝一切施工车辆和施工机械行驶或停放在已铺好的加筋带上,级配砂石填铺前检查筋材有无破损

36、、撕裂等现象。如发现有,应立即处理。铺放的筋材不得有褶皱,埴铺级配砂石前尽量将其人工拉紧。级配砂石填铺时应从中心向两侧对称填土,呈U形,利用填铺的级配砂石,使筋材保持受拉。卸级配砂石时要卸在前已铺好的面上,不要直接卸在筋材上。(7)、重复以上做法再铺设两层砂石垫层和一层加筋带,再铺设两层砂石垫层,最后一步垫层必须保证平整度。具体做法见附图to clean and repair, it is strictly forbidden to head reaches into the mechanical stroke range. 17th article: in overhead transmis

37、sion line following work should blackout, cannot blackout Shi, due isolation protection measures, crane shall not in overhead transmission line following work, through overhead transmission line should will lifting arm falls, in overhead line side work Shi, regardless of in any situation Xia, liftin

38、g arm, and rope or weights, and overhead transmission line of recently distance should not is less than Xia table provides: transmission line voltage 1000 v following 1-15 kV 20-40 kV 60-110 kV 220,000 v Allow minimum distances with the transmission line (m) vertical 1.5 level 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 18

39、th: lamp voltage may not exceed 36 volts, when working in a damp place or metal containers, lamp voltage may not exceed 12 volts. 19th: pressure vessel should have a safety valve, pressure gauge, and avoid sun exposure, collisions, oxygen cylinders to prevent contaminated oil; of acetylene gas, LPG,

40、 must have a safety device to prevent tempering. 20th: x-ray and gamma-ray flaw detector operation area, non-operator, not allowed to enter. Article 21st: corrosion, dust and radioactive and toxic work, protective measures are required, and to carry out regular inspection. Spider-man 22nd section II

41、I: Spider-man to regular medical examinations of the medical diagnosis, who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other discomfort in the Spider-man shall not engage in aerial work. 23rd: Spider-man dressed spirit, banned the wearing of hard bottom and easy slip-on sho

42、e nail. 24th: Spider-man material stack stationary, tools should turn into a tool bag, transfer prohibited throwing of objects. 25th: in case of bad weather (such as wind in the above grade) construction safety, prohibition of the open air, lifting and piling. 26th article: ladder shall not deficien

43、cy document, no padded using, ladder cross document spacing to 30 cm suitable, using Shi top to tied prison, bottom should take anti-sliding measures, single ladder and ground angle to 60 degrees suitable, ban II people while in ladder Shang job, as needed received long using, should lashing firm, p

44、eople Word ladder in end of feet pulled prison, in channel at using ladder, due guardianship or set fence. 27th: no security measures, prohibited in hip joints, supports, trusses of the roof truss cantilever beams, and choose the frame and half fixed widget or job to walk on, Spider-man and the grou

45、nd . Nine, ten basic security to prevent vehicle damage claim 1, without legal training of qualified certified personnel not familiar with vehicle performance is not driving a car. 2, should insist on doing defense work, vehicle brake, Horn, steering systems, lighting and other safety components suc

46、h as poor are not allowed out of the car. 3, dump truck, dump truck car hop is strictly prohibited, prohibited goods mixing, loading of vehicles should not overload,ch zazen, budov a konstrukc, tanky a jin zsuvky prmyslov vody, krom ustanoven vodu tak, by mlo bt instalovno v oblasti s vodou k utsnn

47、vrtu, uzavrac ventil, aby se zabrnilo velk mnostv holavch a vbunch materil do kanalizace. 9. pouit v holavch, vbunch plyn pojistn ventil a vtrac potrub, je nutn export trubice je umstn mimo a vy ne 2 metry nad budovou. (B) pouvn ohn, ohe (viz systm sprvy prce) (c) porn zazen a organizac 1. realizace

48、 prevence prvn a integrovan prevence ohe politiku, pijmout modern technologie poru a vbuchu prevence a pomoci, provdn zen podle cl. 2. zzen veden spolenosti a vedouc jednotlivch oddlen Porn bezpenost vboru, workshop zaloena porn ochrany, vedouc skupiny a nastavit dobrovolnch hasi. 3. spolenost tvaru ochrany spotebitele na pln vazek hasii, ha


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