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1、many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves,

2、the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the bo

3、rder area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest societys weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of peoples livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-t

4、erm capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation where did the money come from still outstanding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irratio

5、nal structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calml

6、y, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disa

7、dvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nations most dare ring of green and organic food, but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and

8、pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the bord

9、er area, has been our weakness today as the country along the way, and long Jiang Silk Road building farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XXs situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the Mongolia-Russia economic corr

10、idors 65 policy and steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the Thirteen-Five period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long目录一、工程概况及编制依据.02二、施工准备03三、施工工艺0

11、4四、 质量标准.08五、 施工注意事项.09六、 工程质量记录.09一、 工程概况及编制依据1.1、工程概况工程名称:龙泉市高塘生活垃圾卫生填埋场改建工程(一期)调节池工程建设单位:龙泉市环境卫生管理处设计单位:中国水电顾问集团华东勘探设计研究院监理单位:杭州诚信投资咨询管理有限公司施工单位:深圳市中兰实业有限公司杭州中兰环保工程有限公司(联合体)工程简介:龙泉市高塘生活垃圾卫生填埋场改建工程(一期)调节池工程位处龙泉市剑池街道曾家村高塘,工程内容包括调节池土石方、底部防渗、浮动盖系统、气体收集系统、膜上压重物及雨水收集系统、周边锚固及稳定等。工程合同工期120日历天,中标合同价为271.9


13、土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2002二、施工准备2.1 材料及机具1、水泥:普通硅酸盐32.5R水泥,运到现场时必须有出厂合格证和出厂质量验收单,方可验收入库,水泥运到工地后,必须通过国家质量检测机构检验,其品种强度,性能必须符合设计要求。2、砂浆:采用M10(砌筑)及1:2水泥砂浆(勾缝及抹面),机械拌和。砂浆有良好的和易性,保水性和水透水性,稠度一般为4-6cm;砂浆采用天然砂,砂料质地坚硬、清洁,级配良好,最大粒径不超过5mm,平均料径不小于0.25mm。砂的含泥量不超过5%。3、块石:砌体所用块石采用坚硬、密实,无风化无裂缝,无粘附物质,清洁的石料,其强度满足设计要求(M

14、U20)。5、主要机具:挖掘机、自卸车、砂浆拌合机、斗车另备有大铲、灰刀、扁子、线坠、小白线、卷尺、水平尺、皮数杆、小水桶、灰槽等。2.2 劳动力部署针对本工程特点,我们将认真组织施工,并充分发挥企业的管理力量和技术装备优势。我公司将安排具有丰富施工经验的工程师承担本工程项目经理,项目经理部拟投入一支30人左右的施工队伍,拟投入管理人员6人,技术工人约20人,并且在全公司范围内抽调骨干力量参加本工程的施工,加强工程现场施工管理,从各个方面保证工程建设顺利、高效、优质完成。三、施工工艺3.1 测量放线采用NTS-320南方全站仪对石坝的主要四大角轴线相关尺寸进行测量放线。根据测量放线结果设置定位

15、桩,采用外控轴线向设计轴线量取。 采用S3水准仪对开挖部位的原始地貌进行复测,并做好记录。用石灰洒出开挖线,进行基础开挖。3.2 土方开挖1、土方开挖采用挖掘机及自卸车配合进行,由边到中,自上而下,分层循序进行取土。当开挖到接近路基设计顶面时,根据土质情况注意预留碾压沉落高度,严防超挖。挖土过程中,基底工作面按设计保持一定的纵、横坡度。2施工注意事项(1)、根据土方工程开挖深度和工程量的大小,选择机械和人工挖土或机械挖土方案。(2)、开挖应保持一定的距离和坡度,以保持开挖边坡部位的稳定,如现场条件不满足要求,应采取边坡支撑加固措施。并在施工中进行沉降和位移观测。(3)、弃土应及时运出,如需要临


17、车辆侧面。车辆倒车和卸土前,指挥人员必须检查车辆后方及其附近,确认无人、无障碍物。车辆卸土时车轮应挡掩,卸土下方严禁站人。车辆在槽、坑边卸土时,汽车轮胎与槽壁边缘的距离应根据车辆荷载、土质、槽深和槽壁支护状况而定,且不得小于1.5M。严禁在斜坡侧向倾斜。(9)、在施工中遇下列情况应立即停工,待恢复安全作业条件时,方可继续施工:A.填挖区土体不稳定,有发生坍塌危险时;B.气候突变,发生暴雨、雷雨、水位暴涨及山洪暴发时;C.工作场地发生交通堵塞或严重干扰时;D地面涌水冒泥出现陷车或因雨发生坡道打滑时;E施工标志丢失,防护设施毁损失效时;F工作面净空不足以保证安全作业和运行时。3.3 砌体施工1、基

18、础处理本工程浆砌石坝坝基持力层为-2强风化挂岗岩,基础进入持力层深度要求不小于0.5m。基础开挖至设计高程后,必须由设计、勘探、监理、业主进行基础验收后才可进入下道工序。2、工艺流程浆砌块石应根据基础的中心线放出里外边线,挂线分皮卧砌,每皮高约300400mm。砌筑方法采用坐浆法。用较大的平毛石,先砌转角处、交接处,再向中间砌筑。砌前应先度摆,使石料大小搭配,大面平放朝下,外露表面要平齐,斜口朝内,逐块卧砌坐浆,使砂浆饱满。石块间较大的空隙应先堵塞砂浆,后用碎石嵌实。严禁先填塞小石块后灌浆的做法。灰缝宽度一般制在2030mm 左右,铺灰厚度4050mm。砌筑时,石块上下皮应互相错缝,内外交错搭

19、砌,避免出现重缝、干缝、空缝和孔洞,同时应注意摆放石块,以免砌体承重后发生错位、劈裂、外鼓等现象。如砌筑时毛石的形状和大小不一,难以每皮砌平,亦可采取不分皮砌法,每隔一定高度大体砌平。在转角及交接处应用较大和较规整的垛石相互搭砌,并同时砌筑,必要时设置钢筋结条。块石每日砌筑高度不应超过1.2m,正常气温下,停歇4h 后可继续垒砌。每砌34 层应大致找平一次,中途停工时,石块缝隙内应填满砂浆,但该层上表面须待继续砌筑时再铺砂浆。砌至设计高度时,应使用平整的大石块压顶并用水泥砂浆全面找平。块石的砌筑方法与混凝土砌块基本相同,砌筑形式有全顺、丁顺叠砌丁顺组砌等方式,第一皮及每个楼层的最上一皮丁砌。组

20、砌前应按石料及灰缝平均厚度计算层数,立皮数杆。砌筑时,上下皮应错缝搭接;砌体转角交接处,石块应相互搭接。 “铺浆法”砌浆,铺浆厚度2030mm,垂直缝填满砂浆并插捣至溢出为止。灰缝厚度为1020mm。3、勾缝石墙勾缝应保持砌合的自然缝,一般采用平缝或凸缝。勾缝前应先剔缝,将灰浆刮深2030mm,墙面用水湿润,再用1:2 水泥砂浆勾缝。缝条应均匀一致,深浅相同,十字、丁字形搭接处应平整通顺。勾缝应在浆砌石砌筑施工24h以后进行,缝宽不小于砌缝宽度,缝深不小于缝宽的2倍,勾缝前必须将槽缝冲洗干净,不得残留灰渣和积水,并保持缝面湿润。 勾缝的砂浆必须单独拌制,严禁与砌体砂浆混用。 当勾缝完成和砂浆初

21、凝后,砌体表面应刷洗干净,至少用浸湿物覆盖保持21d,在养护期间应经常洒水,使砌体保持湿润,避免碰撞和振动。3、砌体养护砌体外露面,在砌筑1218h之间应及时养护,经常保持外露面湿润,需用麻袋或草袋覆盖,并经常洒水养护,保持表面潮湿。养护时间一般不少于14d,冬季期间不再洒水,而应用麻袋覆盖保温。在砌体未达到要求的强度之前,不得在其上任意堆放重物或修凿石块,以免砌体受振动破坏。四、 质量标准4.1 主控项目:1、石料的质量、规格必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。2、砂浆品种及强度必须符合设计要求。3、转角处必须同时砌筑,交接处不能同时砌筑时必须留斜槎。4.2 一般项目:1、 石砌体组砌应内外搭

22、砌,上下错缝,拉结石、丁砌石交错位置,分布均匀;毛分皮卧砌,无填心砌法;拉结石每0.7 墙面不少于一块;料石放置平稳,灰缝厚度合施工规范的规定。2、石砌体墙面勾缝密实,粘结牢固,墙面洁净,缝条光洁、整齐,清晰美观。4.3允许偏差项目:石砌体尺寸、位置的允许偏差及检验方法见表203-1。五、 施工注意事项5.1、 使用石料必须保持清洁,受污染或水锈较重的石块应冲洗干净,以保证砌体的粘结强度。5.2、砌筑砂浆应严格按材料计量,保证配合比准确;砂浆应搅拌均匀,稠度符合要求。5.3、砌筑石应拉通线使达到平直通光一致,砌料石应双面拉准线,并经常检查校核轴线与边线,以保证平直、轴线正确,不发生位移。5.4

23、、砌石应注意选石,并使大小石块搭配使用,石料尺寸不应过小,以保证石块间的互相压搭和拉结,避免出现鼓肚和里外两层皮现象。5.5、砌筑时应严格防止出现不坐浆砌筑或先填心后填塞砂浆,造成石料直接接触,或采取铺石灌浆法施工,这将使砌体粘结强度和承载力大大降低。5.6、块石砌筑灰缝必须控制在20-35mm之内;灰缝厚度大于50mm时,应先坐砂浆,然后垫入小石块,用手锤轻敲平实,再填砂浆。砌体必须采用坐浆法砌筑,水平灰缝的饱满度应达到80%,砂浆的稠度应控制在3050mm。严禁砌成“铲口石”、“填心石”、“双合面”、“过桥石”、“刀口石”。六、 工程质量记录本分部工程应具备以下质量记录:9.1 材料(水泥

24、、砂、外加剂等)出厂质量证明书、试验报告。9.2 砂浆配合比通知单。9.3 砌筑砂浆试块报告单。9.4 隐检记录。9.5 设计变更和洽商记录。9.6 分项工程质量检验评定。9.7 其他需提供的技术资料。the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt wit

25、h by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue del

26、ay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penal

27、ty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing

28、results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding pro

29、cedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vesselshort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confiden

30、ce, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have

31、in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy.

32、US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development six big industry, the County District Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and m

33、ost has development potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g shor

34、t was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult

35、for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swa

36、llow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, along the way implementation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the Thirteen-Five plan promoting the

37、 project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening w

38、ater transport channel, and construct land, water and air transportation networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play long fuss, in addressing the short work on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary- 9 -


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