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1、混凝土搅拌机操作规程 搅拌机机身必须安装平稳牢固。 工作前应检查离合器和制动器是否灵活可靠,钢丝绳有否断丝损坏,防护装置是否齐全可靠,并进行试运转;如搅拌筒转动平稳、不跳动、不跑偏、料斗上下和出料门转动灵活、料斗下凸轮机构正常,方可进行工作。 禁止超负荷使用;机械运转中禁止用手或其他物体伸入拌和筒内去拨弄、清洗和修理等工作。 进料斗升起时,严禁任何人在料斗下通过或停留。如必须在斗下检修时,应停机切断电源,并将进料斗用保险链挂牢后方准进行。 进料斗应缓缓放下,以免下落速度太快,损坏机件或发生故障。进料斗未停稳前,不得进料。 当搅拌机满负荷运转中突然停电或发生故障时,应用人力将拌和筒内存料清出,然

2、后进行检查或修理。不允许满负荷启动搅拌机,以防启动时电流过大而损坏电动机。 操作人员如必须进入拌和筒内进行清洗或检修,应严格控制电源,以防发生意外事故。 在开车清洗时,禁止操作人员爬到进料斗,防止脚碰离合器后,进料斗提升伤人。圆盘锯操作规程 操作者应戴好防护眼镜,防止木屑飞入眼睛内。 开锯前应检查锯片有否断齿和裂口,如果发现锯片出现裂缝,可在裂缝尽端钻一小孔,来阻止裂缝继续发展。 锯料应站在锯片稍左的位置,切不可站在与锯片同一直线上,以防木料弹出伤人。 锯料时不可摆动或高抬木料,送料不得用力过猛。 锯料将到头时,不得动手去推按;木料露出锯口,尚未出锯口时,接料人不得用手拉,以防手被卷入锯内。

3、如有节疤木料,应尽量将节疤在前面先锯,以防木料将要锯完时遇节疤而锯片跳动或弹回伤人,发生事故。 加工短小木料时,应用木接手推料;截长料时,应有两人操作,动作要一致。 超过锯片半径的木料、禁止在圆盘锯或吊断锯上断料;拉吊断锯时,操作者应站在侧面,切不可站在与锯片同一直线上,以免锯片碎裂飞出伤人,同时扶料的手应离开锯口25cm以上,以保证安全生产。 木料卡住锯片时,应立即停车;锯片未停稳前,不得伸手去触摸。 车停后,锯片仍在转动时,不得用木料塞住锯齿或用木料顶住锯片侧面等方法强使停止。 锯台上碎木、锯屑不准用手清理,应用木棒或其他工具。钢筋调直机操作规程 料架、料槽应安装平直,并应对准导向筒、调直

4、筒和下切刀孔的中心线。 应按调直钢筋的直径,选用适当的调直块及传动速度。调直块的孔径应比钢筋直径大2mm5mm,传动速度应根据钢筋直径选用,直径大的宜选用慢速,经调试合格,方可送料。 应用手转动飞轮,检查传动机械和工作装置,调整间隙,紧固螺栓,确认正常后,起动空运转,并应检查轴承无异响,齿轮啮合良好,运转正常后,方可作业。 当钢筋送入后,手与曳轮应保持一定的距离,不得接近。 在调直块未固定、防护罩未盖好前不得送料。作业中严禁打开各部防护罩并调整间隙。 经过调直后的钢筋如仍有慢弯,可逐渐加大调直块的偏移量,直到调直为止。 送料前,应将不直的钢筋端头切除。导向筒前应安装一根1m长的钢管,钢筋应先穿

5、过钢管再送入调直前端的导孔内。 切断34根钢筋后,应停机检查其长度,当超过允许偏差时,应调整限位开关或定尺板。钢筋弯曲机操作规程 钢筋弯曲机应放置在较为坚实平整的地方,铁轮前后须用三角木对称楔紧,设备周围应有足够场地。 无关人员禁止进入工作区域内,以免扳动钢筋或钢筋折断进弹起伤人。 弯曲机开关必须保持灵敏,使用时应检查各部件是否良好,并经试运转确认正常后方可开始工作。 操作时将钢筋需弯的一头插在转盘固定销子的间隙内,另一端紧靠机身固定销子,并用一手压紧,此外必须注意机身销子确实安在挡住钢筋的一侧,方可开动机器。 严禁弯曲超过机械制造厂所规定直径的钢筋;如弯曲带有锈皮的钢筋,必须带好防护镜。 工

6、作时应注意钢筋的插头位置和回转方向,不得弄错方向,防止伤人。 弯曲较长钢筋时,应有专人扶持钢筋;扶持的人应站在钢筋弯曲方向的外面,并听从操作人员的指挥,不得随意推拉。钢筋切断机操作规程 钢筋切断机应安装平整牢固,周围须有足够的场地堆放钢筋。 工作前须检查刀片有无裂纹,固定刀片的螺丝是否坚固。 机械未达到正常转速时,不得断料;断料时操作者的手只准握住靠身边一端的钢筋,而不准用两手分别握住钢筋的两端剪切。 工作时双手握住钢筋,按稳于切口,防止切断时钢筋震动夹伤手指。 禁止切断超过规定尺寸的钢筋,多根钢筋一次切断时,必须换算钢筋截面。 不准切断硬度较大或烧红的钢筋,刀片不得受各种锤子、钢筋及其他重物

7、的敲击。 切断短料时,必须用套管或钳子夹料,不得用手直接送料。 切断较长钢筋时,应有专人帮扶;扶持钢筋的人员应与操作人员行动一致,并听其指挥,不得任意拖拉。 机械运转时严禁用手直接清理刀口附近的断头、铁屑和杂物;非操作人员不准在机器周围停留。 如发现机械运转不正常或有异声,以及两个刀片密合不好等现象时应立即停机检修。culture and entertainment venues, fitness centers, has a good ecological environment, job security measures), these requirements are very str

8、aightforward, specific standards, also has a clear direction, more easily by a superior examination. Poverty assessment is to look at the per capita net income of the poor end of 2015 standards is . . Yuan, higher standards is poverty. Superior acceptance to entrust a third party institution from Ho

9、useImplementation. After acceptance, also through spot checks, visits, telephone surveys looking activities. This means that our achievements have been recognized by the poor for poverty alleviation through acceptance, which we put forward higher requirements for poverty eradication. Therefore, the

10、County Office for poverty alleviation to evaluation efforts in this regard. To implement the grid management model, integrating poverty alleviation into grid management, and make a heart activity combined package of leading cadres implement monitoring systems for poverty alleviation, each poor house

11、holds identified a package cost. In this regard, you can design a form, indicating the poor basic causes, current income, poverty, support measures, implementation of support measures, through helping income, annual revenue. From now on, protection officers working households, household-by-place. Wh

12、en the examination, which the poor dont have time to get out of poverty, and holding people accountable. Third, on environmental protection in construction of ecological civilization is the focus on one of the six battle this year. Xian Wei proposed to build green mountains and beautiful, happy and

13、harmonious new . . Target, which is the basis of environmental protection. Do well environmental protection work, we keep the side of the mountains, nor to the masses to create a suitable for residential and business suitable for swimming and raising living and working environment. Last year, we got

14、 good grades the environmental work, atmospheric index ranked 4th in the city to obtain eco-compensationaccording to project needs, in accordance with the channel, use the same, and use principle, the implementation of project planning, funding and manpower arrangements, avoiding duplication of inpu

15、ts and waste of resources, effective integration of poverty relief funds . Here to remind everyone that bundle integration-related funds, aims to concentrate financial resources for big undertakings. Authorities do not think that has less autonomy, pursuing the deregulation of work. This year on the

16、 amount of funds on fighting for the departments concerned to increase over the previous year . and . respectively. In this regard, the financial Department to dispatch in a timely manner, analyses relevant departments strive for. (E) to implement the poverty assessment responsibilities. Of village-level evaluation is very clear, that is, five-ten (five-way path, power, through water, through radio, television, information; Ten the hanlaobaoshou fields, rich projects, Office kitchen, health services, sanitation system, pre-school education,


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