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1、下面总结了各种结构弯矩图的绘制及图例:一、 方法步骤1、确定支反力的大小和方向(一般情况心算即可计算出支反力)悬臂式刚架不必先求支反力;简支式刚架取整体为分离体求反力;求三铰式刚架的水平反力以中间铰C的某一边为分离体;对于主从结构的复杂式刚架,注意“先从后主”的计算顺序;对于复杂的组合结构,注意寻找求出支反力的突破口。2、对于悬臂式刚架,从自由端开始,按照分段叠加法,逐段求作M图(M图画在受拉一侧);对于其它形式的刚架,从支座端开始,按照分段叠加法,逐段求作M图(M图画在受拉一侧)。二、 观察检验M图的正确性1、观察各个关键点和梁段的M图特点是否相符铰心的弯矩一定为零;集中力偶作用点的弯矩有突

2、变,突变值与集中力偶相等;集中力作用点的弯矩有折角;均布荷载作用段的M图是抛物线,其凹凸方向与荷载方向要符合“弓箭法则”;2、结构中的链杆(二力杆)没有弯矩;3、结构中所有结点的杆端弯矩必须符合平衡特点。button. Select login rule button above the rule number menu under . Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the factor/control button in the desti

3、nation edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the factor/control button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on OK button

4、. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the Ctrl + c will summary property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the factor/control button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck n

5、ame right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the OK button. Then use Lesson3-2.emu as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the start button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley t

6、racks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select IOSection Library instructione

7、nu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment


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