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1、implemented, the operating environment which does not comply with the safety requirements, workers have the right to refuse to work. Five, the lifting work safety license management 1. the lifting work safety license by the competent departments responsible for the management of the company. 2. this

2、 by lifting the Unit received, and conscientiously implement the hoisting and lifting head, operations people, and according to the requirements for approval. 3. the safety operating permits are not allowed to transfer, alter, no off-site use, or expand the scope of uses. 4. the persons listed in th

3、e safety operation card should be consistent with the field, when personnel changes should go through the signing procedures and related matters of the transition. 5. the certificate of safe operation of lifting operation does not complete within the allotted time, shall renew the certificate of saf

4、e operation of lifting. 6. in the event of relevant meetings, breaks, night work and other special reasons, that corresponds to the job ticket must be issued after approval, the personnel and, other officers will be to replace 7. two promissory notes, exchange equipment Management Department, head o

5、f the stock exchange operation. 8. work permits management should establish the ticket file (inventory), the ticket is kept for 3 years. Temporary power supply operation management system, to ensure that the companys safety, strengthen management of temporary electrical safety, avoid personal electr

6、ical shock, fire, explosion and electrical hazards, safe, regulate electricity system is formulated. II, scope of application apply to temporary power of company-wide operations and foreign construction electric work. Third, the contents and requirements (a) temporary electrical safety requirements

7、1. Temporary electrical work must apply for temporary power operating license, no temporary power operating license are not allowed to work. 2. distribution boxes, metal boxes, metal switch box installation and electrical normal uncharged metal base, shell must do to protect, such as zero, zero and

8、the zero line should use a separate Terminal Board connections. 3. temporary electricity switchboard, distribution boxes with numbers and measures rain, lighting, must be able to secure close switchboard door, at all levels of distribution boxes shall not be stacked within a 2 m radius of debris and

9、 rain protection measures. 4. each electrical device must have a machine, a gate, a leak and a box System. Switch box and the horizontal distance control of fixed electrical equipment should not be more than 3 meters, the protector should match the capacity under the control of the device. 5. when a

10、 temporary electric lines overhead, cannot use bare wires, aerial height shall not be less than 2.5 m in the device, outside of not less than 3.5 metres, crossing roads shall not be less than 5 m; reliable protection measures are required when crossing a road, is strictly prohibited in the trees or

11、on scaffolding erected temporary power lines. 6. underground lines must be installed to the flag and safety signs. Cables shall be not less than 0.7 meters deep, through roads likely to be lots of mechanical injuries should take protective sleeve, cover plate, and so on. 7. portable lighting, places

12、 such as basements, metal containers, wet, when you must use a safe voltage up to 36V. Transformer 36V prohibited the use of . 3. the temporary electrical permit 30KW or more issued by the engineering equipment management, 30KW electric Management Department opened in four copies, a Security Ministr

13、y archives, one for electric charge, a copy to the electricity sector, an electrician.We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to furt

14、her strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance wit

15、h law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system applicat

16、ion of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application i

17、nformation system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employ

18、ees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity

19、of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-s

20、aving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedbac

21、k of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhan

22、ce employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model ro

23、le; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the一、编制依据1、xx河改道段整治工程施工图纸;2、有关技术及安全操作规范;4、施工现场实际情况及我单位类似工程施工经验。二、工程概况 根据规划要求改道,从月季路东侧沿路向北延伸至后塘河。改道段全长约0.32KM。河道为新开河道,河道断面采用标准断面,两侧新建驳岸,驳岸采用钢筋砼挡土墙,河底高程均1.5米,驳岸顶高程为5.5米,河底宽6米,边坡1:3


25、短驳,部分外运。5、新河道在开挖的过程中按照设计将边坡修整到位。6、边坡按设计要求为1:0.75放坡,平均开挖深度在5米左右,根据设计图总说明上土层分析,建议加大放坡系数至1:1 ,以保证施工安全。7、回填碾压:填方高度须按断面分层,由两边向驳岸边填筑压实,回填土每层厚度不得超过20cm,对称回填。先用推土机整平后,再用夯实机械碾压成型。8、余土外弃:根据场内土方平衡的原则,将多余的土方运到指定的弃土地点。并做好弃土的保洁事宜。9、将新河道开挖成型后,对施工范围内的场地进行一次平整,严格按照设计标高要求整理。四、混凝土挡墙施工方案1、本工程主要是挡墙砼工程。挡墙采用衡重式挡墙,挡墙采用C25砼









34、泄水孔的横坡为5%,在安装时,可通过钢筋对PVC管进行固定,对于面板方向的泄水孔,要使PVC管与正面模板接触紧密,PVC管的端面要形成相应的斜面,保证在浇筑砼的过程中UPVC管周围不会漏浆,使面板光滑、平整。PVC管管口利用胶布进行密封。泄水孔的位置根据图纸从基础向上用尺量出中心位置,再加以安装。泄水孔的固定可采用绑扎固定。拆除模板当天,对应泄水孔的位置,对进出口进行妥善处理。五、围堰施工方案 老三八河为一个常年流水的河道,河道淤泥较深,拟采用双排圆木桩围堰施工方法,围堰长度约为60米,高度暂定5.0米:入持力层34米,水面外露1.0米,木桩间距2米。为了便于施工,采用挖机及人工配合施工,将木


36、河道沿线的统计水文资料,结合本工程的总体规划布置和施工进度计划安排,防洪措施是:充分准备、做好防护。 1、掌握水情、雨情 (1)防洪渡汛小组主动与气象部门、建设单位、监理单位联系,及时掌握水文、气象、洪水预报,估算洪水将出现的时间与水位高度。 (2)根据气象预报、工程的实际情况和机械性能,在洪水到来前分批撤危险区停放于安全位置。 (3)洪水到来前对拟停放机械设备的地方,修筑排水设施以便及时排放积水,防止暴雨冲沟、坍塌,确保安全。 (4)六级以上大风应停止高空作业,切断临时电源,人员应及时撤到安全地带,现场其它机电设备要做好防雨、防雷、防漏电措施。 2、施工机械设备、人员安全渡汛措施 机械设备的

37、停置,在保证安全渡汛的基础上,力求停置在安全可靠,交通联系方便的地方,有利于洪水过后迅速恢复生产。据汛期洪水量的大小,合理有效地进行人员遣散,生活区在布置时尽量选择地势高的地段,避免洪水威胁。如遇特殊情况,及时撤出施工区内的人员、设备至安全地带,避免更大的损失! 3、对受影响工程进度的补偿措施 对受洪水影响较大的项目,在总工期安排上已考虑到对工期的影响,采取了相应措施。为确保分项工程按期完工,制定如下补偿措施: 洪水过后,立即组织人力、机械清理工地,做好善后工作,迅速恢复生产。针对各分项工程的不同施工环境和要求,结合汛期对工程进度的影响,适度地加大人力、物力、财力的投入规模或数量,适当地增加作

38、业时间,把造成的时间资源损失夺回来。制定切实有效的措施,严密组织、科学管理,统筹运作,提高工作和生产效率,尽快把受损失的工期抢回来。 八、施工质量控制1、施工测量施工前,作好现场的测量放样工作,根据设计图纸经纬仪和水准仪测放出挡土墙的正确位置及高程。并及时与现场施工负责人进行测量技术交底。做到每个工序施工完毕后进行一次控制测量。2、施工工艺方法控制每个工序施工前由施工员进行自检后报请甲方到现场进行检查,合格后进行下一步施工。严格按制定的工程质量标准和操作工艺组织施工。重点是控制挡墙的砼质量、观感质量,施工中对砼的振捣要严加控制,保证砼的质量。3、施工质量现场监控对挡墙的钢筋主要是严格检查钢筋的


40、厚度不低于设计值;耐久性的检测通过测定砼的电通量。九、施工机械及劳动力配备1、施工机械配备普通挖掘机 六台装载机 两台20t自卸车 15辆推土机 2台2、劳动力配备根据现场需求,我标段拟投入劳动25人,分别安排在开挖现场、驳岸施工。十、安全保证措施1、施工现场的布置复合防火、防爆、防洪、防雷电等安全规定的要求。2、现场道路平整、坚实、保持畅通,危险地点悬挂按照安全色和安全标志规定的标牌,夜间行人经过的坑设红灯警示,施工现场设置大幅安全宣传标语。3、施工现场的临时用电符合安全规定。配电箱能防火、防雨、箱内不得存入杂物并设门加锁,专人管理。检修电气设备时停电作业,电源箱或开关握柄挂“有人操作,严禁



43、械车辆鸣笛,控制噪声污染。5、施工区域运输道路每天应派专人打扫,洒水,防止车辆行驶时扬尘。6、对全员职工进行文明施工重点教育,提高文明施工意识。4. the persons listed in the temporary electrical permit to work should be consistent with field personnel, when personnel changes should go through the signing procedures and related matters of the transition. 5. in the tempora

44、ry electrical permit to work is not completed within the stipulated time of electricity operations, ground-breaking of the applicant to apply for temporary power operating license. 6. in the event of relevant meetings, breaks, night work and other special reasons, job ticket must be issued after app

45、roval, the request corresponds to staff and other officers will be in place. 7. work permits management should establish the ticket file (inventory), the ticket is kept for 3 years. High operation management system in the course of work, aimed at reducing high falls, objects to combat such incidents

46、 occur, ensure employee safety, regulations are formulated. II, scope of application apply to the company activities and project work scope of construction, but also into our external contractors and personnel. Three, responsibilities, company management is working at height safety management depart

47、ments. D, contents, and request 1, referred to in this system fall at height refers to the height of 2 m above the base level (2 m) fall possible jobs. Working at height is divided into four levels: working at height at an altitude of 2-5 meters, called the high level operations; Height working heig

48、ht of more than 5 meters to 15 meters, as second class at height; Height working height of more than 15 metres to 30 metres, known as the three levels of working at height; Working at height safety management regulations height working height is more than 30 meters, called super high job; Due to work reasons, the company only relates to one, working at height, there is no grade, super high assignment. Once the work above there are three levels of the construction proj


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