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1、Meeting Materials -meeting notice -meeting agenda -meeting minutes,By Joanna Yang,The Nature of Notice,Purpose: give information briefly and make the reader follow the message quickly Form to express: written on a blackboard or bulletin board written as a memo written as a letter written as a postca

2、rd written in an email,Types: Meeting notice Notice for Greeting New Colleagues Holiday Notice Practice Notice ,Sample study 1,Notice All the teachers and students are requested to meet in the department conference room on Tuesday (May 20) at 2:30 p.m. to hear a report on “Computer Assisted Language

3、 Learning” The English Department May 12, 2006,By Joanna Yang,Sample Study 1,Notice All the teachers and students are requested to meet in the department conference room on Tuesday (May 20) at 2:30 p.m. to hear a report on “Computer Assisted Language Learning” The English Department Office May 12, 2

4、006,heading,body,Name and position,date,By Joanna Yang,Sample Study 2,Preparation for New Semester A joint meeting of the Academic Affairs Department and the Student Affairs Department will be held on Thursday, Feb. 28, at 10 am, in the Conference Room. The purpose of the meeting is to prepare for t

5、he new semester. Prepare to report on the problems the Department cant solve. Please bring the tentative class schedule, rosters, and the school calendar. Diana Johnson Office Manager Nov.14, 2010,heading,body,Name and position,date,By Joanna Yang,Layout of Notices,Heading (Subject matter or “Notice

6、”) 2. Body (time, place, purpose, materials) 3. Name and position 4. Date,By Joanna Yang,Body,Full-blocked form Use asterisks or bullet points or number Leave spaces between headings and different sections Use capitals, bold, italics or underlying Use sub-headings,By Joanna Yang,Language Tone of Not

7、ices,Brief Specific Eye-catching Polite,Wordy form,A large number of At all times At the present time Be able to Big in size By means of Due to the fact that During the time that For the reason that For the purpose of In the event that In the near future In every instance In this day and age In orde

8、r to In the final analysis Red in color,Short form,Many Always Now Can Big By Because While Because For If Soon Always Today To Finally red,Exercise- translation,通知 尊敬的各位委员: 蓝天贸易公司年会筹备委员会的全体委员将于4月29日(星期二)下午2点在行政办公楼第三会议室举行会议,并讨论在年会筹备过程中的各项进展情况以及年会暂行的议程。 如果想搭乘客车,请于下午1点整在北大门等候。 筹备委员会 2010年4月21日,Notice

9、Dear committeemen All the committeemen of the Preparatory Committee of the Annual Symposium of Blue Sky Trading Cooperation are requested to hold the meeting in the third conference room of the Administrative Building on Tuesday, April 29th, at 2:00p.m. to discuss the process made in the preparation

10、 for the annual symposium and the tentative agenda of the symposium. Those who wish to take the coach will wait at the North Gate at 1:00 sharp p.m. The Preparatory Committee,Useful expressions,请注意 Please note that 我们很高兴通知您 We are pleased to inform you/ we have pleasure in informing you that 我们想通知您

11、We would like to notify you 我们特此奉告 We have the honor to apprise you of, 我们冒昧奉告 We take the liberty of announcing to you that,Assignment 1,Mrs. Cherry Smyth is Office Manager at Supertaste Confectionary. Mrs. Smyth asks you to draft a tactful notice under her name for the staff notice board, expressi

12、ng her concern about the frequent and increasing lateness of some members of staff.” Point out that office hours are from 9 am until 4:30 pm, and that morning and afternoon breaks are fifteen minutes each, not twenty minutes to half an hour,” she says, “Remind staff that lunch breaks end at half pas

13、t one and not two oclock in the afternoon. This lateness must stop-voluntarily I hope.”,By Joanna Yang,Meeting Agenda,Nature of Meeting Agenda,Agenda before the meeting is held. “whats on the agenda today?” Schedule: work timetable. agenda是会议的议程,代办事项表。schedule是时间表,进度表。,A Workshop in Multi media Trai

14、ning International Management Society Nov. 30, 2009 Schedule 8:00 a.m. Arrive Doyle, Inc 8:15 a.m. Breakfast Conference Room B 9:00 a.m. Workshop Conference Room 6 Education Center 10:00 a.m. Plant Tour (optional) or Departure 11:00 a.m. Departure Workshop Agenda 9:00 a.m. Welcome Stella Willine, Sc

15、hool Department Manager 9:05 a.m. Introduction of Management and Development skills Training Stanley Lindberg, Public Relation Manager 9:20 a.m. Sales Training Elwin Young, Sales Training Supervisor 9:35 a.m. Service Training Peter Lawson, Service Training Supervisor 9:50 a.m. Discussion All,国际管理协会多

16、媒体培训专题讨论会 2009年11月30日 日程表 8:00 a.m. 到达Doyle公司 8:15 a.m. 早餐 B会议室 9:00 a.m. 专题讨论会 6号会议室教育中心 10:00 a.m. 参观工厂(可选)或离开 11:00 a.m. 离开 专题讨论会议程表 9:00 a.m. 欢迎 培训部经理 Stella Willine 先生 9:05 a.m. 管理发展技能培训介绍 公关部经理 Stanley Lindberg 9:20 a.m. 销售培训 销售培训总监 Elwin Young 9:35 a.m. 服务培训 服务培训总监 Peter Lawson 9:50 a.m.讨论会 全

17、体,Basic Components,For the formal meeting: Call to order (宣布开始) Approval of the agenda (批准议程) Approval of the minutes of the last meeting(批准上次会议纪要) Reports (报告) Old or unfinished business (旧的或尚未完成的业务) New business (新业务) Announcements (公告) Adjournment (休会),For the informal meeting: Call to order Repo

18、rts or announcements Discussion items Decision items Adjournment,Translation:,董事会会议议程 会议将在2010年5月5日星期二上午8:00在101A会议室举行。 1. 回顾上次董事会(2010年4月29日)会议纪要 2. 回顾会议记录讨论的议题和上次会议以来这段时间里发生的大事。 3. 将研讨新产品最近的销售情况。 4. 将讨论东北星公司供应的便捷式卫星通信天线的报价情况(详见附件) 5.任何其他议题。 6. 确定下次会议的地点和时间。 7. 休会 注意:如果任何应与会者不能到会,请在5月5日前以书面形式提交关于上述

19、议题的意见。否则,就表示无条件地同意在上述会议中通过的所有解决方案。 附件:东北星公司便捷式卫星通信天线报价单,Agenda for the Meeting of the Board of Directors To be held in the Meeting Room 101-A at 8:00 a.m.on Thursday,May 5,2008. 1. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on April 29,2008 2. Matters arising from the minutes and the period e

20、ver since 3. To consider the recent sales for new products 4. To consider the quotation received from Northeastern Star Corp.for supplying transportable satellite communications antenna (See Attachment)5.Any other matters 6.Place and time of next meeting 7.Adjournment Notice:If any expected particip

21、ant cannot be present at the meeting,he has to send in his opinion on these matters in written form before May 3.Otherwise,he must unconditionally agree to all the resolutions passed at the said meeting. Attachment:Northeastern Star Corp.quotation for transportable antenna,Minutes,23,by Joanna Yang,

22、Basic facts:,24,by Joanna Yang,Minutes- take notes on the meeting then make a record Formal& informal,Types of minutes:,Verbatim minutes Minutes of resolution Minutes of narration,Chairman: Now, the final item. Christmas Dinner and Dance. Miss Bolan, did you get some specimen menu from hotel? Miss B

23、olan: Yes, I have some samples for us to look at.(distributes copies),4. PURCHASE OF PHOTOCOPIER The Company Secretary submitted a report from the Administration Manager containing full details of the trial of the AEZ photocopier. It was resolved that AEZ Photocopier be purchased at a cost of $6, 00

24、0.,4. PURCHASE OF PHOTOCOPIER The Company Secretary submitted a report from the Administration Manager containing full details of the trial of the AEZ photocopier which had been used for a period of 4 weeks in the Printing Room. The machines many benefits were pointed out, including reduction/enlarg

25、ing facilities and collating. After discussion it was agreed that such a machine would be extremely valuable in the Company. The Company Secretary was asked to make the necessary arrangements for the photocopier to be purchased at a cost of $6,000.,25,by Joanna Yang,MURPHY MANUFACTURING CO LTD MINUT

26、ES OF A MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HELD IN THE CHAIRMANS OFFICE ON WEDNESDAY 12 JULY 2000 AT 11:00 PRESENT Mr. David Murphy (Chairman) Mr. J Maynard Mrs. J Norton Miss B Pitman Mr. A Wallace 4.2 CIRCULAR TO ALL STAFF EJ A letter would be sent form the Chairman to all employees who were not m

27、ember of the Club. This letter would outline its aims and activities. A tear-off slip would be included for interested employees to indicate their areas of interest. 4.3 SOCIAL EVENING AD A social evening would be organized specifically for non members, to include refreshments. Miss Chen agreed to m

28、ake arrangements . Bruce Lewis July 18, 2009,Example:,26,by Joanna Yang,Heading,Body,Signature,Steps:,Heading: name, purpose, time, date, place, type,27,by Joanna Yang,Body: people attending, absent members approval of previous meetings minutes, matter arising from those minutes a record of the prin

29、cipal points discussed and decisions made time, date, place of next meeting,Signature & date:,Language and tone:,Past tense Third person Reported speech Passive voice Formal words,28,by Joanna Yang,by Joanna Yang,29,Apologies for absence _ (receive) from Miss Wang Li and Miss Gong Rong. The minutes

30、of the third meeting held on Wednesday, June 8th, 2009 _(read) and approved. The next meeting _(agree) to be held in Kunming in 2009. Miss Sally Morris and Mr. Owen Ma _(request) to form a sub-committee and work out a plan for the next meeting. There being no other business to discuss, the meeting_(

31、close)at 7:30 p.m.,Exercise 1:,Exercise 2:,The following are verbatim records of what was actually said at a meeting. Rewrite these as the record would show in the (narrative)minutes.,“Miss Jones, will you please arrange for quotations on the recarpeting of the sales office, and report back next tim

32、e?” (The Chairman) 2. “Id like to recommend the purchase of a photocopier for Personnel.” (Mr. Norton),30,by Joanna Yang,The Chairman requested Miss Jones to obtain quotations for recarpeting the sales office, and to report back at the next meeting.,Mr. Norton recommended that a photocopier for Pers

33、onnel Department should be purchased.,by Joanna Yang,31,Tips for writing minutes:,About writing numbers: Repeat numbers in legal or commercial writing. E: the bill will not exceed on hundred (100) dollars. 2. Be consistent in numbers in writing. E: two apples, six oranges, and 3 bananas 3. Write out

34、 numbers in the beginning sentence. 6% of the group failed. 4. Use a combination of figures and words. The club celebrated the birthday of 6 90-year-olds who were born in the city.,Useful expression,会议主办公司将会向与会代表们寄发邀请函. The host firm for the conference will send out invitation letters to the delegat

35、es. 会议的时间和地点将分别再通知和邀请函上注册。 The date and the place of the conference will be stated on the notice and invitations, respectively. 这是两次不同的经营举措。 These are two discrete marketing campaigns. 服装销售额仍然持平。 As for clothes, sales remained about the same.,该市场对新的电器用品的需求量越来越大。 There is a growing demand for new electrical appliance in this market. 委员会一致同意拒绝这项申请。 The committee is unanimous that the application should be turned down. 在提前完成的日期上达成了一致。 The agreement is given on bringing forward the completion date.,


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