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3、不大于60t454510工字钢隧道工程2435t拉伸强度、屈服强度、伸长率 每批不大于60t414111EVA防水板隧道工程149555外观、物理性能试验每批不大于5000303012中埋止水带隧道工程6922外观、力学性能1000m7713膨胀止水条隧道工程32155外观、力学性能1000m333314无纺布隧道工程158892外观、物理性能试验5000323215108大管棚隧道工程300力学性能60t551642无缝钢管隧道工程900力学性能60t151517钢筋网片隧道工程960力学性能60t161618钢板隧道工程、桥梁工程840力学性能60t141419锚杆隧道工程190500力学

4、性能300根635635贵州省贵阳至黔西高速公路工地临时试验室土工试验检测计划表序号工程名称及部位工 程 数 量检测项目检测频率检测组数抽检组数备注1K60+893-K61+500原地面607m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处212K61+910-K62+120原地面210m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处113K63+200-K63+800原地面600m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处214K64+270-K64+528原地面258m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处115 K62+280-K62+400原地面120m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处116K62+

5、600-K62+700原地面100m 颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处117AK0+051-AK0+164.1原地面113.1m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处118BK0+112.4-BK0+360原地面247.6m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处119CK0+113-CK0+355原地面242m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处1110DK0+295-DK0+365原地面70m颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处1111CK0+140-CK0+300原地面160m 颗粒分析、击实、液塑限每500至少1处1112CK0+400-CK+620原地面220m颗粒分析、击实













18、K64+486机耕通道1-6.05.0m机耕通道普通混凝土抗压强度每一单元结构物制取两组,连续浇筑大体积结构,每80-200方或一工作班制取2组40组14组41GK0+1401-1.0m钢筋砼圆管涵普通混凝土抗压强度每一单元结构物制取两组,连续浇筑大体积结构,每80-200方或一工作班制取2组6组2组42GK0+3001-1.0m钢筋砼圆管涵普通混凝土抗压强度每一单元结构物制取两组,连续浇筑大体积结构,每80-200方或一工作班制取2组6组2组38拦河堰大桥桩基40根砼强度 每根桩制取3组120组40拦河堰大桥扩大基础2个砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组,4组1拦河堰大桥地系梁16根砼强度每一单元

19、结构物制取2组32组11拦河堰大桥柱系梁10根砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组20组7拦河堰大桥盖梁16个砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组32组11拦河堰大桥T梁95片砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组190组64拦河堰大桥桥台盖梁4个砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组8组339马家岩脚大桥桩基50根砼强度 每根桩制取3组150组50马家岩脚大桥地系梁17根砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组34组11马家岩脚大桥柱系梁10根砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组20组7马家岩脚大桥盖梁19个砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组38组13马家岩脚大桥T梁105片砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组210组70马家岩脚大桥桥台盖梁4个砼强度每一单元



22、物制取2组6组2L跨线桥桥台盖梁2个砼强度每一单元结构物制取2组4组2贵阳至黔西高速公路工地临时试验室路基填筑试验检测计划表 序号工程名称及部位填土高度(m)检测项目检测频率检测层次/组数抽检数备注1K60+893-K61+500原地面压实度2000/4点50102K61+910-K62+120原地面压实度2000/4点2043K63+200-K63+800原地面压实度2000/4点48104K64+270-K64+528原地面压实度2000/4点2245 K62+280-K62+400原地面压实度2000/4点1026K62+600-K62+700原地面压实度2000/4点827AK0+05


24、6+267-ZK56+349.8原地面压实度2000/4点8217YK55+810-YK55+960原地面压实度2000/4点12118YK57+202-YK57+244原地面压实度2000/4点4119ZK55+820-ZK55+985原地面压实度2000/4点14220ZK57+198-ZK57+248原地面压实度2000/4点4121ZK57+700-ZK57+836原地面压实度2000/4点122 贵阳至黔西高速公路工地临时试验室路基填筑试验检测计划表制表: 复核: 日期:English is the most widely spoken language in the history

25、 of our planet, used in some way by at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe. Half of the worlds books are written in English, and the majority of international telephone calls are made in English. English is the language of over sixty percent of the worlds radio programs. More

26、than seventy percent of international mail is written and addressed in English, and eighty percent of all computer text is stored in English. English has acquired the largest vocabulary of all the worlds languages, perhaps as many as two million words, and has generated one of the noblest bodies of

27、literature in the annals of the human it is now time to face the fact that English is a crazy language - the most lunatic and loopy and of all languages. In the crazy English language, the blackbird hen is brown, blackboards can be green or blue, and blackberries are green and then red before they a

28、re ripe. Even if blackberries were really black and blueberries really blue, what are strawberries, cranberries, huckleberries, raspberries, and gooseberries supposed to look add to this insanity there is no butter in buttermilk, no egg in eggplant, no grape in grapefruit, no bread in shortbread, ne

29、ither worms nor wood in wormwood, neither mush nor room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple, neither peas nor nuts in peanuts, and no ham in a hamburger. (In fact, if somebody invented a sandwich consisting of a ham patty in a bun, we would have a hard time finding a name for it.)To mak

30、e matters worse, English muffins werent invented in England, fries in France, or Danish pastries in Denmark. And we discover even more culinary madness in the that sweetmeat is made from fruit, while sweetbread, which isnt sweet, is made from this unreliable English tongue, greyhounds arent always g

31、rey (or gray); panda bears and koala bears arent bears (theyre marsupials); a woodchuck is a groundhog, which is not a hog; a horned toad is a lizard; glowworms are fireflies, but fireflies are not flies (theyre beetles); ladybugs and lightning bugs are also beetles (and to, a significant proportion

32、 of ladybugs must be male); a guinea pig is neither a pig nor from Guinea (its a South American rodent); and a titmouse is neither is like the air we breathe. Its invisible, inescapable, indispensable, and we take it for granted. But, when we take the time to step back and listen to the sounds that

33、escape from the holes in peoples faces and to ex- the paradoxes and vagaries of English, we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares can take place in broad daylight while morning sickness and daydreaming can take place at night, tomboys are gi

34、rls and midwives can be men, hours - especially happy hours and rush hours - often last longer than sixty minutes, quick- sand works very slowly, boxing rings are square, silverware and glasses can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most are dialed by being punched (or pushed?), and most b

35、athrooms dont have any baths in them. In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree - no bath, no room; its still going to the bathroom. And doesnt it seem a little bizarre that we go to the bathroom in order to go to the is it that a woman can man a station but as man cant woman one, that a ma

36、n can father a movement but a woman cant mother one, and that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesnt rule a? How did all those Renaissance men reproduce when there dont seem to have been any Renaissance writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings. But fingers dont grocers

37、 dont, haberdashers dont, hammers dont ham, and humdingers dont the plural of tooth is teeth , shouldnt the plural of booth be ? One goose, two geese - so one moose, two One index, two indices - one Kleenex, two If people ring a bell today and rang a bell yesterday, why dont we say that they a ball?

38、 If they wrote a letter, perhaps they also their tongue. If the teacher taught, why isnt it also true that the preacher? Why is it that the sun shone yesterday while I shined my shoes, that I treaded water and then trod on the beach, and that I flew out to see a World Series game in which my favorit

39、e player flied we conceive a conception and receive at a reception, why dont we grieve a and believe a? If a horsehair mat is made from the hair of horses and a camels hair brush from the hair of camels, from what is a mohair coat made? If adults commit adultery, do infants commit infantry? If olive

40、 oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? (And Im beginning to worry about those authoritarians.)And if pro and con are opposites, is congress the opposite of you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verb


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