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1、用所给词的合适形式填空 1 Ilike _ (swim).2. He _(read) Englisheveryday.3. We _(go) to school in the morning.4. Mike_(go) to school in the morning.5. Mymother_(like) _(go) shopping.6. I_(draw)manybeautifulpictures.7. She_(make) amodelplane.8.They_(clean)the classroomMonday.9.Helen_(like)_(write)English.10. Doyou

2、 _(like)_(run)?11. Doeshe_(like)_(jump) ?12. Dothey_(make) clothes on Sunday ?13. Does Nancy_(grow) flowers on Saturday ?14. Nancy_(like)_(grow) flowers.15. Theteachers_(like)_(dance).16. The teacher_(like)_(dance).17. Her friends_(drink) tea and coffee.18.Her friend_(drink) tea and milk.19.The stud

3、ents_(speak) English in class.20.The student_(speak) Chinese after class.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Do you think these _ stamps are beautiful? (flower)2.Show my stamps to _, please. (they)3.The _ girl dances very _. (beautiful)4.Lets _ the Internet now. (surf)5.Does he usually _ basketball well?Yes. He _ football

4、 well, too.(play)6.He _ water the flowers after school. (dont)7.Hello. This is Jack _.May I _ to Miss Wang? (speak)8.Tom is a _ boy. He studies English very _. (good)9.He can _ photos. He likes _ photos very much. He usually _ photos on Sundays. Look. He _ photos over there. (take)10.Do you want _ w

5、ith us? (swim)11.The boy _ in his _ every evening. (study)12.My _ are collecting stamps and cooking. (hobby)13.I _ got a backache. He _ got a toothache. (have)14.Can you get some _ for me, please? (medicine)15.Heres a glass of water _ you. (four)16.The boys are _. They are from _. (Chinese)17.It is

6、the _ day of a week. (one)18.How many _ stamps do you have? (ship)19.Im sorry _ that. (say)20.-How are you? - Im not _. Im _. (fine)写出下列所给的形容词性物主代词的名词性物主的代词。1. my_ 2. your_ 3. our_ 4. her_ 5. their _6. his _ 7. its_写出下列人称代词的宾格形式。1. I _ . 2. she_ 3. he _ 4. you _5. we _ 6. they _ 7. it _填入合适的物主代词。1.K

7、im is an English girl._ eyes are blue. 2. A chicken has two legs. _ legs are short. 3. Are these _ pictures? Yes, they are my pictures. 4. We are pupils. _ books are new. 5. The shoes are new. I like _. 6. Lindas father is a postman, _ bike is green.7.That is my pen. Give _ to _, please.8. Give this

8、 book to Tom., please. Give _ that one, too.9. Kate wants a toy panda. Could you give _ one.10. Jim is an American boy. _ father is Mr. Brown.11.You must do _ homework by yourself.12.My name is Lin Mei. This is Jenny. This is Jane. All of _ are girls. _ are good friends.13.A: Oh, dear, I cant find _

9、 bike. B: Is that one over there_?14.This is Tom. _ has a book. _is very interesting(有趣的)15.Jim is a pupil._ father is a teacher.16.A: Dad, we cant carry this bag. Its too heavy. Can you come and help_? B: Ok, let me help _ carry it. 写出下列名词的单数或复数形式bus _ sheep _ woman _ dress _ story _ watch_ pencil-

10、box _ geese_ babies_ teeth_ students_ stars_ families_ farmers_ peaches_ policeman_ fish_ knife_ box_ shelf _ man_ child_ leaf _ foot _用下列名词的正确形式填空。 1.Is this _(apple) ? No, it isnt. 2.What are these? They are _( orange).3. Pass me _(pencil ). 4. Give me some _(egg)., please. 5.Those shoes are _( To

11、m). 6.Are those your _( shoe)? Yes, they are. 7. This _(T-shirt) is big. 8.Is the big _ (orange)Lindas?9.They have some new _(hat). 10.There are two _(knife) in the pencil-box.11.A pigs _ (ear) are big. 12. How many _(fish) are there in the river?按要求写词1. do not (缩写词) _ 2. Joe(名词所有格) _3. No. (全写形式) _

12、 4. Tom(所有格) _ 5. Lets ( 详写形式) _6. feet ( 单数形式) _7. he ( 宾格形式) _ 8. white (反义词) _9. see (近义词) _10. know( 形容词) _11. my (对应复数) _12. America (对应的形容词) _ 13. man(名词所有格) _ 14.there (相同发音的词) _用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1. She _ (not have) a concert (演唱会) next year.2.Rose is ill.Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I _ (go) to

13、see her this evening.3.He _ (travel) all over the world.4.When _ Mike _ (arrive 到达) here tomorrow?5. Today is my birthday.Congratulations! I _ (buy) you a gift.6.Do you know this Sunday is Mays birthday?Yes, I do. I _ (buy) her some flowers.7.They _ (meet) outside the school gate.8._ you _ (be) a te

14、acher when you grow up?1.Tom and his father _ (swim) now. 2.Listen! She _ (sing).3.Look! They _ (run) along the street.4.He usually _ (listen) to music after dinner.5._ you _ (study) English? Yes, I am.6. What _ you _ (do) now? 7.What _ you _ (do) every day?8.It smells good. What _ you _ (cook)?词形变换

15、。比较级最高级 比较级 最高级large_ fast _ _ easy_ _ wet _ _ good_ _ important_ _ well_ _ bad_ _ many _ _ little_ _ far _ _ strong_ _ safe_ _ expensive_ _ heavy _ _ big _ _ fat _ _ thin _ _ much _ _ little _ _ beautiful _ _ interesting _ _ large _ _ slowly _ _ pretty _ _ high _ _ funny _ _ happy _ _ delicious _ _

16、选择填空。1.Birds can fly _, eagles can fly _than birds. They fly _ in the world.( high, higher, highest )2. I am _ than my brother, but my little sister is the _ of us. (fat, fatter, fattest )3. Which can swim _, fish or sharks?( well, better, best )4. The green book is a _ book, but the red one is much

17、 _ than the green one. Its the _ book in the bookshop.(nice, nicer, nicest )5. Look at that boy, he is running _(fast, faster).6. I think that book is _(good, better) for you.7. The new library has _(many, more) books than the old one.8. Sally is _(tall, taller) than her cousin.9. Our school is much

18、 _(large, larger) than yours.10. Look, Janet is jumping _(high, higher) than Mike.11. Mr Hare runs much _(fast, faster) than Mr Turtle. Mr Hare neednt run_(fast, faster) now.12. In the gym, Tommy is playing table tennis _ (well, better) than Jimmy.13. This book is very _(interesting, more interestin

19、g) , but that one is_ (interesting, more interesting) than it.14. The film is the _ (horrible, more horrible, most horrible) film of all.15. Its summer now. The weather is getting _.(hot and hot, hotter and hotter, hottest and hottest) 16. The U.S.A. is one of _ (richer, most rich, the richest) coun

20、tries in the world. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My school is_, but Toms school is _ than mine. And Sallys school is the _. (small)2. Rabbits can run _, but tigers can run _ than rabbits, and cheetahs can run _ of the three. (fast) 3.Pig is _, but deer is _ than pig, and elephant is the_ (heavy)4. Im _, but she

21、is _ than me. (beautiful) 5. Every day is _. But today is the _ day I have ever had. (busy) 6. I think pizza is the _ food of all.(delicious)按要求变换句型。1.He is dancing. (一般疑问句) _ 2.The farmers arent working now. (肯定句)_3.The singer is singing some famous songs. (否定句)_4.We are having classes. (否定句) _5.Th

22、e boys are cleaning their room. (对划线部分提问)_ 6.The teachers are having a meeting. (对划线部分提问)_ 用适当的动词和情态动词填空。1.Must I wait until he comes back? No, you _.2.You _ not make so much noise (发出噪音) in the hospital.3.Can you ride a bike?No, I _.4._ I go home now?No, you _ stay here.5. My mother is ill. I _ sta

23、y at home and look after her.6. _ I use your car? Yes, you _.7. _ we begin our class now?8. _ he swim well?Yes, he can.9. You _ smoke (吸烟) on the bed! Its dangerous.10. You look ill. _ I take you to the hospital?Yes, thank you.变换句形。1.I can run fast. (否定句) I _ _ fast.2.You must study hard. (疑问句)_ I s

24、tudy hard?Yes, you _.3.We had better do it now. (否定句)We had better _ _ it now. 4.He has to ask the question. (疑问句) _ he _ to ask the question? 5.They must take the books out of the room. (否定句)They _ _ the books out of the room. 6.Do we have to come back? Yes, you _.7.May I come in? Yes, you _.8.He c

25、an play basketball well. (疑问句) _ he _ basketball well? 用some 和any填空。 1.Is there _ water in the cup? Yes, there is _ water in the cup.2.There are _ cakes in the basket, but there isnt _ bread in it.3.May I have _ rice? Certainly, here you are. 4. There are _ students in the classroom, but there arent

26、 _ teachers. 5.Do you receive(收到) _ birthday presents? Yes, I do. _ of them are very beautiful.用括号中适当的词填空。1.I _ (am, are, is) from America.2.She _ (am, are, is) a pupil.3.Jane and Tom _ (am, are, is) my friends.4. My mother _ (is, play, plays) basketball well.5. Lily always _ (come, comes, coming, t

27、o come) to school at 8 oclock.6. _ (Are, Is, Do, Does) there a Chinese school in New York?7. _ (Be, Are, Do, Does) they speak English in Janpan?用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1. There _ (be) some glasses on it.2. He _ (go) to the park every day.3. My uncle _ (live) in Guangzhou now.4. _ Lucy and Lily _ (like) China?

28、5. Liming _ (not like) to drink coke.6. The girl _ (go) home at 4:30 in the afternoon.7. _ Kate _ (speak) French?Yes, she does. 8. Jim _ (not ride) his bike often.9. _ Limings father _ (have) his lunch at home?10. Tom _ (not do) the homework often.变换句型。1. We speak Chinese. (否定句) We _ speak Chinese.2

29、. I am a doctor. (否定句) _ _ a doctor.3. There is a map on the wall. (疑问句) _ _ a map on the wall?4.Our teacher has a big dog. (疑问句)_ our teacher _ a big dog?5.Are there many flowers in the garden? Yes, _ _.6. Does your sister play the piano? No, _ _.7. What _ your name? _ name _ Tom.8. How many pupils

30、 do you have in your class? = How many pupils are _ in your class?9.My brother does his homework every day. (否定句)My brother _ _ his homework every day.10.In Canada there are a lot of beautiful mountains and lakes. =Canada _ a lot of beautiful mountains and lakes.变换句型。1.He is going to see his brother

31、 tomorrow. (否定句) _2. They are going to play basketball this weekend. (疑问句)_3. Sally will come back in three hours. (疑问句)_4. I will tell it to him. (否定句)_ 5.He will call you this evening. (疑问句)_6. Im going to get there by plane. (否定句)_7. They will give us thirty books.How many books _ they _ to us?8.

32、 My mothers going to make a birthday cake for my father.What _ my mother _ for my father?时态专练(一般现在时态,进行时态,过去时态)一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Miss Li _ (like) sleeping in the day.2. Listen! Who _ (talk) with your parents?3. The girl _ ( not dance ) on Wednesday. She dances on Friday.4. He wants _ (be) a teacher.5

33、. Everyone _(say) she is a good shop assistant.6. Can she _ (sing) in English?7. They are _ (read) under the tree. Look! 8. Lets _ (eat) lunch together(一起).9. Look! A cat _ (run) up the tree.10.Its 6:30. My brother _ (see) a movie.11.Sam _ (go) to school at 7:00 every day.12. Peggy is _ (clean) the be


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