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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes车库回填土工程施工方案 目 录1. 编制依据. 11.1 施工图纸.11.2 主要规范、规程、地方标准. .12. 工程概况.13. 质量目标. 34. 施工部署安排. 35. 施工部位的技术要求及作业条件. 46. 主要施工方法. 67. 施工保证措施. 108. 季节性施工. 129. 施工进度计划安排. 1210. 主要机具、材料及劳动力计划. 1311. 附图.

12、 141. 编制依据1.1 施工图纸图纸名称施 工 图 号出图日期工程编号建筑施工图建总-03楼地面做法2010年10月1.2 主要规范、规程、地方标准序号名 称编 号1建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-20022建筑工程冬期施工规程JGJ104-20113建筑机械使用安全技术规程JGJ33-20014建筑工程资料管理规程DBJ01-51-20035工程建设标准强制性标准(房屋建筑部分)2009年版6建筑施工手册2009年9月7施工组织设计2010年6月2. 工程概况序号项 目内 容1工程地点唐山市路北区常各庄19区北区2车库建筑面积(m2)5000主楼(m2)600003层数(

13、层)车库地下1地 上/41909#楼2地 上1651906#楼2地 上1861904#楼2地 上1771910#楼2地 上148建筑高程(m)绝对标高0.00019.400m室内外高差0.600m9结构形式基础类型筏板基础二层以下剪力墙结构三层以上剪力墙10结构防水结构自防水S6抗渗混凝土材料防水自粘BAC-25度防水卷材构造防水后浇带和施工缝均为膨胀止水条、止水带111施工缝设置水平施工缝设在基础底板上300高导墙处。3. 质量目标本工程质量目标为合格。4. 施工部署安排4.1 工期安排根据施工总进度计划安排,地下车库回填土开始时间约为2011年12月上旬,结束时间约为2012年1月下旬。4

14、.2 项目管理组织及职责分工序号姓 名职 务1刘学文项目经理2戴青隆生产经理3赵良知技术总工 4 陈伟清质量员 5 张文彩专职安全员 6 白海峰专职安全员 7星建伟材料员 8王云 资料员9刘海阔 试验员4.3 施工准备4.3.1 技术准备4.3.1.1 技术人员和工长必须认真熟悉图纸,按图纸及规范要求合理安排组织施工,按施工规范及施工方案对施工人员进行技术交底和安全交底。以及对现场素土的取用。 绘制取样平面图。按回填土的类别(灰土或素土)、部位绘制回填土的平面和剖面图,取样点统一编号;施工时按图示要求现场分层取样。4.3.2 材料准备4.3.2.1 本工程因场地狭小,基槽四周没有

15、存土场地,原基槽土方全部外运弃土,回填土施工全部回运土方;为了保证回填土的连续施工,根据施工进度计划提前做好回填土的原土准备工作;无法连续供应原土时,与建设单位驻工地负责人协商。 拌制灰土用的白灰全部采用袋装白灰。白灰的存放应有可靠的防潮防风措施。4.3.3 机具准备:挖掘机、推土机、装载机、蛙式打夯机、小型振动3.5吨压路机、小型翻斗运土车10辆、20mm钢丝网筛子、50mm钢丝网筛子、小推车、平头铁锹、尖头铁锹等。4.4 施工顺序安排4.4.1 本工程地下结构占地面积大,结构复杂,工期紧,施工场地狭小,地下回填土工程量大,回填土部位标高不一致;根据以上特点,按照总进度计划安排

16、,回填土的施工需分段、分部位、按材料要求陆续插入施工。4.4.2 首先从西侧开始施工,因为车道在北边所以总施工顺序为:西段(由西向东)东段(由东向西)。共分为12个区域。依次顺序是;1-2-3-12-11-10-9-6-4-5-7-85. 施工部位的技术要求及作业条件5.1 施工部位室内回填地下一层汽车库内设计要求k1-15轴地面完成面为-6.1m,筏板基础上标高为-7.1m,k15-22轴地面完成面为-6.5m,筏板基础上标高为-7.5m。5.2 回填要求根据设计,本工程地下车库土方回填素土、37灰土和C20混凝土。房心回填为素土(压实系数0.90)和37灰土(厚度150mm)。车库内素土压

17、实系数0.90,3:7灰土厚度150mm厚,压实系数0.96。5.3 作业条件5.3.1 需回填部位的结构混凝土强度全部达到设计要求强度的100%以上。基础认证完毕且清理干净,无污水,五木屑垃圾。5.3.2 后浇带已经全部浇筑完毕并达到设计要求的100%以上。5.3.3 室外回填土部位的防水层全部施工完毕并且验收合格。5.3.4 需做房心回填的室内顶板支撑全部拆除,埋地管线全部铺设完成并经监理工程师验收合格。5.3.5 标准击实试验:土方回填料确定后,项目部质检员、试验员邀请监理工程师共同在回填存土场地或供土场区内进行取样,抽取的土样应具有代表性,各土层和各性状的土都应包括。土样抽取后送实验室

18、做标准击实试验,确定最优含水率下的最大干密度。5.3.6 现场压实试验:标准击实试验完成后,即在施工现场安排压实试验,压实试验的目的:(1)核查土料压实后是否能够达到设计或规范规定的压实干密度值;(2)核查压实机具的性能是否满足施工要求;(3)选定合理的施工压实参数:铺土厚度、土块限制粒径、含水量的适宜范围、压实方法和压实遍数;(4)确定有关质量控制的技术要求和检测方法。采用振动压路机机械碾压;用环刀法抽取试样,测定干密度值;(5)初步确定压实4-6遍。5.3.7 施工前技术交底:土方回填前,由技术部门向作业班组、质检员进行详细的技术交底,将回填部位的材料要求、根据压实试验确定的压实参数、施工

19、方法等技术要求,交代清楚。6. 主要施工方法6.1 施工工艺6.1.1 房心回填:选土基底清理铺第一步素土夯实取样验收铺第二步素土夯实取样验收筛拌37灰土铺灰土夯实取样验收6.2 施工方法6.2.1 回填土施工时,首先将基底内的杂物清理干净,特别风吹入的树叶、木屑、纸片、塑料袋等垃圾杂物。素土或灰土施工时,应适当控制含水量。工地检验方法是:用手将素土或灰土紧握成团,两指轻捏即碎为宜。如土料水分过大或不足时,应晾干或洒水润湿。6.2.2 房心回填本工程地下二层房心回填土,地面标高不一致,施工前技术人员应按设计要求的各房间地面高度和各层做法厚度,绘制详细的平面图,标出各房间的素土回填标高,放线人员

20、按地面标高平面图,分层弹出水平控制线。房心回填土全部从地下车道出入口进入(结构完成后回填时,如果拆除塔吊,可从预留洞口进土),从进土部位向四周逐个房间分别施工。地下室房心回填土前,室内集水或杂物必须全部清理干净,虚铺土厚度不大于250mm,夯实方法与夯实遍数同其它部位的回填土,所有转角处和不能使用蛙式打夯机的部位,必须用木夯人工夯实。车库内回填土采用振动型压路机碾压,虚铺土厚度400mm。回填房心时,人工先将埋地管道周围填土夯实,直到管顶0.5m以上时,在不损坏管道的情况下,方可用蛙式打夯机夯实。管道下方若夯填不实,易造成管道受力不匀而折断、渗漏。6.3 质量标准6.3.1 基底处理,必须符合

21、设计要求或施工规范的规定。6.3.2 回填的土料及白灰粉,必须符合设计或施工规范的规定,严禁使用未熟化的生石灰拌制灰土。6.3.3 回填土必须按规定分层夯实。取样测定夯实后土的干土质量密度,其合格率不应小于90%,不合格的干土质量密度的最低值与设计值的差,不应大于0.08g/cm3,且不应集中。环刀取样的方法及数量应符合规定。6.3.4 6.3.5 回填土工程质量检验标准见下表回填土工程质量检验标准(mm)项序检查项目允许偏差或允许值检查方法桩基基坑基槽管沟地(路)面基础层人工机械主控项目1标高503050-50-50水准仪2分层压实系数设计要求按规定方法一般项目1回填土料设计要求取样检查或直

22、观鉴别2分层厚度及含水量设计要求水准仪及抽样检查3表面平整度2020302020用靠6.4 应注意的质量问题6.4.1 基础墙体达到一定强度后,才能进行回填土的施工,以免对结构基础造成损坏。6.4.2 基础肥槽回填土,必须清理到基础底面标高,才能逐层回填。严禁用水浇使土下沉的“水夯法”。6.4.3 虚铺土过厚、夯实不够或冬施时冻土块较多会造成回填土下沉,而导致裂缝甚至下沉。6.4.4 室内坑槽(沟)不得用含有冻土块的土回填。6.4.5 未按要求测定干土质量密度:回填土每层都应测定夯实后的干土质量密度,符合设计要求后才能铺摊上层土。试验报告要注明土料种类、试验日期、试验结论及试验人员签字。未达到

23、设计要求部位,应有处理方法和复验结果。6.4.6 回填土下沉:因虚铺土超过规定厚度或冬季施工时有较大的冻土块,或夯实不够遍数,甚至漏夯,坑(槽)底有有机杂物或落土清理不干净,以及冬期做散水,施工用水渗入垫层中,受冻膨胀等造成。这些问题均应在施工中认真执行规范的有关各项规定,并要严格检查,发现问题及时纠正。6.4.7 管道下部夯填不实:管道下部应按标准要求填夯回填土,如果漏夯不实会造成管道下方空虚,造成管道折断而渗漏。6.4.8 回填土夯压不密:应在夯压时对干土适当洒水加以润湿;如回填土太湿同样夯不密实呈“橡皮土”现象,这时应将“橡皮土”挖出,重新换好土再予夯实。7. 施工保证措施7.1 质量保

24、证措施7.1.1 土方填筑时,对填筑段应选派有经验的工程技术人员在现场填筑中进行监督并密切配合监理工程师的检查工作。7.1.2干容重试验不合格的不得进行下道工序。7.1.3 在土方填筑过程中,安排专职试验员分步取样,检测合格后方可进行下步土的回填。7.1.4 在堆土料场,不定期对土料的含水量进行检查,对于含水量较高的土料应及时翻晒,待其含水量达到要求后方可进行回填。7.1.5 出现不合格的回填土,必须及时返工、修理和补强。7.1.6 夜间施工时,应合理安排施工顺序,安装足够的照明设施,防止因铺填超厚而造成夯击不密实;严禁运土车辆直接向槽内倒土。7.1.7 回填的种植土内不得掺入石灰粉或建筑垃圾

25、,土质必须符合相关规范及设计要求。7.1.8 土方填筑完工后,首先对工程全部填筑部位按国家有关规范规程规定的有关内容进行自检,自检合格后报请工程师进行验收。7.2 成品保护措施7.2.1 回填土施工前必须仔细检查后浇带两侧支撑的稳定性和整体性,对支撑数量不够、拉结杆件不够、支撑松动的必须加固处理,合格后方可进行回填土的施工。7.2.2 回填土施工前应对所有回填部位的外露防水层及防水保护层进行检查,发现破损处及时通知防水施工队修复;施工过程中,现场应安排专业防水员巡查,施工人员发出破损处必须及时修复。7.2.3 机械打夯时,打夯机距墙边不得小于200mm;机械碾压时,距墙边及后浇带挡土墙不得小于

26、1000mm。7.2.4 7.3 安全消防保证措施7.3.1 进入现场的施工人员必须佩戴安全帽。7.3.2 回填过程中,槽边必须设专人监护;夜间施工必须有足够的照明设备。7.3.3 上下工作面交叉作业时,上层施工人员严禁向下抛掷杂物。7.3.4 蛙式打夯机操作必须配备两个人,一人拉线,一人扶夯,操作人员必须戴好绝缘手套穿好绝缘鞋;打夯机回头或转弯时应关掉打夯机电源,打夯过程中不得甩动电源线。7.3.5 施工现场严禁吸烟。防冻保温材料应随时清理,集中码放,并应有可靠的防火措施。7.4 环境保护措施7.4.1 土方运输采用自卸式小型车辆,施工现场大门口主通道处设置车辆冲洗台,并设专人清扫进出车辆,

27、车辆经清扫或冲洗后方可出场,严禁车辆带泥砂出场,运输时防止遗撒飞扬,并跟踪检查。施工通道设专人清扫并进行不定时洒水,保持场内路面清洁。7.4.2 现场回填土方及场外存土区应堆放整齐,随用随进,并采取严密遮盖措施。7.4.3 拌制灰土时,不得将灰粉随意抛洒,存放石灰粉距地不得小于150mm,并应架空隔离和有良好的防雨措施,存放地点应尽可能靠近使用地点。7.4.4 土方回填施工时超过五级风应暂停施工。8. 季节性施工根据施工总进度计划安排,本工程地下肥槽及车库内回填全部在冬期施工阶段,依据建筑工程冬期施工规程JGJ104-2011中的有关规定,对原土及作业面必须做好保温防冻工作,以确保回填土的施工

28、质量。8.1 原土防冻措施进入冬季施工前,根据气温变化情况,随时在存土表面覆盖袋装防火草帘或岩棉被,防止存土受冻;如无保温条件,可将存土表面翻松(深度500mm以上)。8.2 作业面防冻措施每天下班前必须在夯实后的回填土表面虚铺厚度不少于250mm的松土,并在表面覆盖一层袋装防火草帘或岩棉被;长期停止施工的未完作业面应增加保温层厚度,防止基层受冻。8.3 冬期回填土施工冻土块体积不得超过填土总体积的15%(如存在大粒径冻土块应做破碎处理),粒径不大于150mm。摊铺时,冻土块应均匀分布,逐层压实。填土施工前必须清除基层积雪(如存在)、积水、杂物及保温材料,填方边坡表层1000mm以内不得采用含

29、有冻土块填筑。回填土施工应连续进行,以防止基土或已填土层受冻,如有施工间歇或必须留置施工缝时,应按每500mm厚、500mm宽留出踏步槎。9. 施工进度计划安排本工程地下结构面积大,施工周期长,回填土施工应根据结构施工进度及时插入。专业工长根据现场的施工情况,做好土源的准备工作及劳动力计划安排,保证总进度计划的顺利实施。10. 主要机具、材料及劳动力计划10.1 机具准备10.2 材料试验序号工 程 部 位主要材料名称回填土步数及取样数量1车库房心回填素土见附图10.4 劳动力计划本工程回填土工程量大,施工周期长,施工作业面小,因此,劳动力安排应根据工作情况,随时进行调整,不得少于20人。11

30、. 附图of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial nu

31、mber a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field

32、 equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of

33、 steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oi

34、l tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for liftingnew Constitu

35、tion provisions on part of the party, the partys grass-roots organizations, three cadres of the party made some changes. 1, put forward new requirements for party members and cadres of the party summary and embodies the partys 17 largest party since the construction of the new experiences, and links

36、 up with a part master changes, new Constitution for party members, party officials and cadres made a number of new requirements. Article modifies the first sentence of the first to seriously study MarxismLeninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three repre

37、sents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such changes were made, to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to enhance learning and implementing the scientific concept of development of consciousness and firmness. 33rd wrote cadre increased oversight of content, emphasis on select

38、ing cadres to adhere to in the first paragraph both ability and political integrity, to Germany for the first principle, adhere to all over the world, merit; wrote the party attaches great importance to increase supervision of cadres in the second paragraph of content. Enrich the content of this are

39、a, helps to establish the correct employment-oriented, adhere to fair employment style and improve personnel selection public confidence, strengthening cadre supervision, and promote the healthy growth of cadres, building a contingent of cadres with high quality. Article 34th fifth write increases t

40、he partys leading cadres at all levels must have the basic content, stressed the partys leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the principle, stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example. Enrich the content of this area, conducive to the promotion of the whole party, especially leading cad

41、res at all levels of the Party insisted on the principle of party spirit, strengthening moral cultivation, better to play an exemplary role. 2, the new Constitution of the partys grass-roots organizations put forward new requirements add a 31st article to write a positive and good content. In recent

42、 years, according to the central deployment, party organizations and party members further creating advanced grass-roots party organizations, striving to be excellent Communist activities, significant achievements were made. Further good activities, has been strengthened under the new situation of g

43、rass-roots party building and party-building a regular work was strengthened under the new situation of the partys advanced nature and purity of the strong hand. Zeng wrote the content, to promote a good routine of long-term, leading the partys grass-roots organizations into full play to promote development, the role of serving the masses, unite the people and promote harmony, fighting Fort into full play; inspire the advance of the broad masses of party members and enhance the glory and responsibility, internal


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