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1、2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material 2016 learning implement to tube main leaders topic seminar spirit counselling material March 7, XI General Secretary to I province delegation participate in considered and published has important speech, on XXX pr

2、ovince people for China revolution victory and Socialist construction made of contribution give has certainly, on I province past five years implementation focus strategy, and grasp focus industry, economic social development made of results give has certainly, Clarified the demands for development

3、of XXX, referring to both directions, tasks and issues, teaching methods, for the current and future development in Heilongjiang province, is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. March 22 to 24th, provincial held has province tube main leaders topic seminar, prov

4、incial Secretary Wang Xiankui comrade in seminar opening province do has important speech, Wang Xiankui stressed: in-depth learning acquisition General Secretary of speech, is on XXX a political account, we must put learning implement XI General Secretary important speech spirit as major political t

5、ask, adapted and led economic development new normal, insisted to economic construction for Center not shake, implement implementation new development concept, weaknesses, and swagger grams short, and yangchangbuduan, Stimulate the endogenous dynamics, formation effect of EMU, firm implementation of

6、 the five planning, the development of key industries, open Dragon River comprehensive revitalization new journey, struggling to get out of a high quality, efficient, better structure and development road of revitalization of the advantages into full play. March 29 to 30th, the Committee organized a

7、 pipe major thematic seminar of leading cadres prefectural comrade Jia Yumei made an important speech at the opening ceremony. Jia Shuji stressed, full district upper and lower must to effective enhanced learning publicity implement implementation XI General Secretary important speech spirit of poli

8、tical consciously, and thought consciously, and action consciously and mission consciously, put learning XI General Secretary and provincial Secretary Wang Xiankui speech spirit as current primary political task, to more strongly of attitude, and more powerful of measures, and more full of drive pro

9、moted forest transformation development, struggled to out of forest transformation development new, ensure as scheduled achieved full built forest society of target. Today the County for convening this Conference, is to fully implement the arrangements of the provincial, prefectural, and is a major

10、political task. County-wide each of the party members and cadres must earnestly study, deeply understand, enter into the heart, done outside the heart, of the line armed with Jia, Secretary of spirit and mind, practice, work, below, I XX practical study Jia Shujis important speech spirit with you. A

11、wareness, deepen the County, General Secretary承台、系梁监理实施细则一、监理依据在本驻地办监理范围内的承台、系梁施工监理应以下列文件为依据:1、业主与承包人施工合同文件。2、业主与监理单位签订的监理服务托合同文件。3、经政府部门批准的工程项目建设文件。4、国家和地方有关工程建设的质量标准、施工规范和试验检测规范。5、国家和地方有关工程建设监理的法律、法规、条例和规定。6、世行贷款项目有关规定7、在监理、施工合同实施过程中形成的有关会议记录、函电、指令和其他文件。8、施工图纸。9、已批准的施工组织设计和分项工程开工报告。二、工程概况1、工程简介本工程




15、包人的标准试验。四、施工阶段的监理: 工序质量检查程序框图合格合格不合格合格返工返工不合格不合格不合格驻地办审批填报检验申请批复单及分项工程中间交工证书分项工程已完工进行下道工序驻地办签认分项工程中间交工证书驻地办检查,汇总质量检验单承包人自检驻地办进行质量检查,签认质量检验批复单承包人自检每道工序完工后填报工序质量检验单审查开工申请报告1、承包人应做到 承包人完成材料、场地、机械设备等准备工作后,提交开工报告,申请正式开工,各专业监理工程师应对开工报告中的各项内容逐一审查、核实。在承包人提交的自检资料和委托方检测资料基础上,对建筑材料、进场设备、进度计划、测量放样等项目予以确认,对施工组织设




19、度的50%以上,再将埋入承台、系梁内的桩顶部分凿毛、冲净。如桩顶高于设计标高时,应预先剔凿。桩顶深入承台中的钢筋长度为120cm,钢筋在越过桩头时不得截断。应将基底虚土、杂物等垃圾清除干净,在表面铺一层2-3cm厚的水泥砂浆或小石子砼。2、钢筋质量检查进场时,钢筋应有质量证明书,试验报告单,钢筋表面每捆(盘)钢筋均应标有诸如规格、型号、厂家、生产、日期、钢号、生产罐等的标志牌。验收按炉罐(批)号及直径分批检验,并应按现行有关国家标准的规定抽取试件作力学性能试验,经验收合格后方可使用,钢筋堆放要挂牌分类堆放。钢筋表面必须清洁,对锈蚀严重的钢筋,经除锈后方可使用。质量要求序号项 目允许偏差(mm)

20、检查方法1受力钢筋间距20尺量:每构件检查 2个断面2箍筋、横向水平钢筋、螺旋筋间距10尺量:每构件检查5-10个问题3弯起钢筋位置20尺量:每骨架抽查30%4钢筋保护层厚度20尺量:每构件沿模板周过边检查8处3、钢筋制作及安装:核对钢筋半成品:应先按设计图纸核对加工的半成品钢筋,对其规格、形状、型号、品种经过检验,然后挂牌堆放放好。各种编号钢筋应按设计尺寸下料、制作成型。钢筋绑扎及焊接:钢筋应按顺序绑扎,一般情况下,先长轴后短轴,由一端向另一端依次进行,操作时按图纸要求划线、绑扎、最后成型,焊接长度、宽度、平整度应符合要求,焊接饱满无夹渣,气泡。绑橡胶垫块:底部钢筋下的橡胶垫块,厚度50mm

21、、间隔1m,应与钢筋绑穿,不应遗漏,垫块应相互错开,分散布置不应遗漏。4、模板检查承台模板要求选用大块钢模板,模板每块面积不小于31,采集模板应考虑与柱模板的整体性。支架必须具有足够的强度,刚度和稳定性,其支架的支撑部分有足够的支撑面积。模板安装在基土上,基土必须坚实平整。模板接缝应严密、平整。模板与混凝土的接触面应清理干净,并采取优质脱模剂刷均匀,模板安装必须经过监理工程师验收合格后方可进入下一工序施工。质量要求序号项 目允许偏差(mm)检验方法1尺寸30尺量:长、宽、高检查各2点2顶面高程20水准仪:检查5处3轴线偏位15全站仪或经纬仪:纵、横各检查2点5、模板安装检查应采用1.0m、1.




25、、倾斜等缺陷。避免振捣棒或运料车碰撞钢筋,致使钢筋位移。六、质量记录钢筋的出厂证明和合格证,以及钢筋试验报告,每一批进场钢筋必须有出厂质量证明书和试验报告单。每60T为一批进行钢筋原材料试验。钢筋隐蔽验收记录。模板标高、尺寸的预检记录。七、安全注意事项施工现场必须配备一个标准的配电箱,配电箱上要有锁,还要有一个专业电工,所有接线一律找电工操作,不得私自接线。在露天作业时必须加盖防雨设施以防受潮。作业结束后必须切断电源,收好电线。八、其他未尽事宜或不妥之处参阅招标文件,技术规范、图纸。further clarify the transformational development, XI Jin

26、ping stressed that XXX has its advantages, also have their own boards, key to focus on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, integrated effect of policy measures towards the target solid forward. This important statement for us to do a good job providing a dialectical thinking and the sc

27、ientific method, fully embodies the dialectical unity of subjective and objective law. We must speak to the spirit for guidance, and further deepen understanding, targeted to long Yang well, Hawk shelters make good short, released in full development potential. 一 . Potential and the big five short B

28、oard, that is, ecological environment, resources, water, economic development advantage advantage, advantage as policy overlap, cultural enrichment, and industrial boards, institutional weakness, short people short, short of funds and talent. From the perspective of ecological environment, our regio

29、n as an important guarantee of national ecological safety, high forest cover, water, air and soil environmental indicators, such as the nature, is the development of green food and preserving pension ideal places, forest carbon sinks and other industries. From the perspective of the priority of char

30、acteristic resources, wild blueberry, Northern forest resources such as drugs, big snow, big wetlands, River and forest tourism resources, variety, large reserves of mineral resources such as molybdenum, lead and zinc, has translated into strong material conditions for economic advantage. Economic d

31、evelopment out of the water, total more than 16 billion cubic meters of surface water resources and hydro-junction project of development prospects; recoverable reserves of high quality mineral water resources million tons, is the base of rare natural and pollution-free mineral water. Seen from the

32、advantages of cultural enrichment, with Northern culture, and Xianbei cultures, Oroqen culture and a number of cultural resources, rock only found more than 1000 paintings, cultural industry development has great potential. From the perspective of policy overlap advantage, with the State Forestry Ad

33、ministration and the provincial government two channels of policy towards direct enjoyment of natural forest protection program, Western development, resource-based cities sustainable development and main function region construction national policy planning. As long as we put these resources to use

34、 and exploit the advantages of good, could give guanghui, snow, cold region and black Glebe into gold and silver, will provide strong support for forest development. (In addition to Jia Shuji mentioned advantages, XX we have in agriculture, water conservancy and other unique resources. Agricultural

35、resources, 1.129 million mu of arable land throughout the County, da hinggan Ling was the only predominantly rural administrative districts, green planting area of 850,000 acres. Water resources, in a river over more than 180, many river hydropower development project conditions, rich in three five Luo and11


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