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1、世贸中心第二个塔楼倒塌后,大量灰尘和残骸几乎将整个下曼哈顿区淹没,Para.1-7 zhang Junlong Para.8-11 ZhengDa Para.12-18 ZhangLinglin Para.19-20 Zhao Yalong Para.21-23 Zhao Weitao Para.24-25 Zhao Peng,2,Hour of Horror Forever Alters American Lives,-Attacks Will Force People to Make Adjustments in Ways Large and Small By June Kronholz,

2、 Christina Binkley and Clare Ansberry,3,Lession 1,Key words and phrase,1.pedestrian pidestrin (line3,para.2) adj. 1. 徒步的 例: We enjoy all pedestrian activities. 我们喜欢所有的步行活动。 2. 缺乏想像的 例: He was rather a pedestrian student. 他原是个相当平常的学生。,4,n. 行人 例:The driver was slanging a pedestrian who had got in his

3、way. 那司机破口大骂挡他的路的行人。,2.principal prinspl (line4,para3) adj. 主要的, 首要的 例: Our principal problem is lack of time. 我们最主要的问题缺少时间。 n. 本金, 资本, 校长, 主角, 委托人, 主犯 例:The school principal read the honor roll list. 校长在宣读光荣榜。,5,3. as we know it 如我们所知 (line 3,para.4) 例The survival of civilization as we know it is u

4、nder thret. 我们所熟悉的文明的继续存在正在受到威胁。 4. deal with 处理,解决 例 The meeting will deal with these problems. 本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。 同义词:cope with,handle,tackle,Difficult sentences,1. University of Virginia psychologist Dewey Cornell canceled his lecture on student threats and violence inside the schools-so his audienc

5、e of principals could go back to their schools to deal with the violence outsides. (line2,para.3) 弗吉尼亚大学心理学教授德威.康奈尔取消了他关于校内学生威胁与暴力的讲座,这样他那些身为校长的听众就可以各自返校应对来自校外的暴力。,7,2. Yesterdays terrorism darkened, marked and forever altered the way Americans live their lives. (line1,para.5) 发生在昨天的恐怖袭击使美国社会陷入阴霾之中,

6、在人们心中留下了(深刻的)烙印,并永久地改变了美国人的生活方式。,8,profile ( line 3, para. 9) 1) n. the state of being noticed by other people around one 引人注目的状态; 姿态 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。 The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 2) n. a side view, esp. of someones head (尤指人的头部的)侧面(像) 他侧面朝我坐着。 He sat in profile to m

7、e.,Language Points,9,3) v. (against sb./sth. for sth.) repay an injury , insult ,etc. with similar one 报复 我们若征收进口税,别的国家就可能报复我们。 If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us. 词汇拓展:Retaliatory a.报复的,10,3.as much ( line 1, para.10) 同样的事;这一点(指上文提到的情况) 不要谢我,即使为别人我也会这么做的。 Dont than

8、k me; I would do as much for anyone. 4. set off ( line 1, para. 11) 1)to cause an event or a series of events to start happening 激起,引起 他的话在人群中引起了骚动。 His speech set off violence in the crowd.,11,2) to begin a journey 出发,动身 错过了末班车, 他们只得徒步启程。 Having missed the last bus, they had to set off walking. 3)

9、cause to become ignited or explode, discharge 点燃;使爆炸;发射 一丁点火花都能引爆储存在这儿的炸药。 The slightest spark can set off the explosive stored here.,12,5. spiral (line 1, para. 11) 1) n. a process of continuous upward or downward movement 螺旋式(交替)上升/下降 工资和物价的交替上升 the spiral of rising wages and prices v. 螺旋形移动; 盘旋移动

10、; 连续上升/下降 物价仍在急剧上涨。 Prices are still spiralling. 3) adj. 螺旋(形)的 螺旋形楼梯 a spiral staircase,13,In a country long proud and even boastful of its opennessa country where an ordinary citizen can stroll through the U.S. capitol unescorted the terrorist attacks are likely to force Americans to watch their s

11、teps and look over their shoulders. (para7, lines 1-3) 美国是一个一向以开放而自居,甚至有些洋洋得意的国家.在这里,普通民众可以独自在美国国会大楼里闲庭信步; 而现在,恐怖袭击很有可能迫使美国人处处小心,惶惶不可终日。,Difficult sentences,14,2. But retaliation carries the risk of setting off a tightening spiral of violence and counterviolence not unlike the Middle East or Norther

12、n Ireland. (para.11, lines 1-2) 报复有很大的危险,会引发和在中东及北爱尔兰一样的紧张的暴力和反暴力的恶性攀升。 3. Unlike countries that have had to learn to live with violence, “We are new at this,” (para.11, lines 2-3) 与那些已经不得不学会忍受暴力的国家不同, “我们是新手。”,15,4. “My fear is we will overreach and make things worse rather than better by retributi

13、on , revenge, racism and marginalizing ethnic groups.” (para.11, lines 4-6) “我担心的是惩罚报复种族歧视和排斥少数民族的举动会过于偏激而结果适得其反。”,16,Language points,Congregation (line1,para12) 集会,集合,圣会 The whole congregation got baptized that day. 那天,所有的教众都得到了洗礼。,17,backlash (line1,para14) (n ) a strong opposing reaction to an ac

14、tion 强烈反对 The political backlash is already beginning. 政治上的对抗已经开始。 ( vi ) 产生强烈反对,18,Surveillance (line1, para15) Supervision 监督 监视 One of the surprising findings was that surveillance was undertaken more often by wives than husbands. 其中一个令人惊讶的发现就是,妻子更爱监视丈夫。,19,unarmed (line2, para.18) 1. 未武装的;无武器的,徒

15、手的 2. 【动】(昆虫)无突的 3. 【植】无刺的,20,Difficult sentences,Meanwhile,the city of Dearborn, Mich.,moved to ensure there isnt a backlash against the citys large Arab-American population ny dryyinh up s an emergency operations center and putting 22 extra police officers on patrol.(para.14),21,与此同时,迪尔泊恩城,密歇根州,通过

16、采取设立紧急行动中心和增加22个额外的巡逻警察等行动,确保没有对城市大量阿拉伯裔人口的反对行动。,22,Its very likely in the wake of todays events that we are going to see a greater acceptance on the publics part-and on the courts part-to approve certain kinds of police tactics.(para.15, line2-4) 很可能在今天的事件之后,我们将看到一个更大的公众和法院所接受的行动,来批准某些类似的警察行动策略。,23

17、,Language Points,SWAT( line2,para.19 ) Special Weapons and Tactics The Houston school district have its own SWAT squad. 休斯顿学区有自己的特警队 in the wake of (line1,para.20) as a result of 随着而来 In the wake of the events yesterday, much of the U.S. was closed down. 由于昨天的事件,美国的机构大面积的关闭了。,24,Language Points,3. a

18、mid (line6,para.20) in the middle of or during sth 在中间,处在之中 He sat down amid deafening applause. 他在震耳欲聋的掌声中就坐。 4. dilemma (line 7, para.20) n. 困境,进退两难,左右为难 In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。,25,Language Points,5. keep under wraps (lin

19、e 8, pare.20) to keep sth. secret or concealed 保密,隐瞒 Most managers like to keep their plans under wraps. 大多数主教练喜欢把自己的作战计划保密。,26,Difficult sentences,Also shuttered were the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; their fall meetings, scheduled for later this month and a planned target of anti

20、-globalization protests, may be canceled, a bank official said. 国际货币基金组织和世界银行也关了;一位银行官员说, 原定本月举行的世行秋季会议,有计划的反全球化示威的目标,也可能取消。,27,Difficult sentences,2. But he warned against using the tragedy as a teachable moment-a common response in the schools to huge national developments-and overwhelming childre

21、n. 但他警告人们不要用这一悲剧当教学素材,把重大的全国性事件当教学素材在学校里是很自然的反应,这次如这样做的话,会把孩子们吓坏的。,28,一,词汇,1. copycat (line 1,para.21) n.盲目模仿者 她只是个盲目模仿别人的人, 什么都跟她姐姐学。 She is just a copycat who follows her sisters lead in everything.,29,2. evacuatevakjet; (line3,para.21) v.撤离,疏散 They all evacuated when the enemy approached the city

22、. 敌人逼近这个城市时他们已撤退了。,30,3 .turn away from 离开 对比:turn away from 对感到厌恶,31,4.Casino ksi:nu ; (line3,para22) n.赌场 a public room or building where gambling games are played.,32,Difficult sentences,1. And in Las Vegas , 30,000 people at the International Banking Expo were turned away from the citys conventi

23、on center after a bomb threat called in from a pay phone on the centers premises. 在拉斯维加斯,由于接到来自国际银行汇展中心设施中的一个付费电话机打出的炸弹袭击威胁电话,三万人从市会议中心被撤离。,33,2. Maxine Boarts,71, a real-estate agent from Pittsburgh on a weeklong vacation in Las Vegas wasnt planning to leave until Friday, but is worried about getti

24、ng a flight home“if were not afraid to” get on a plan then. 来自彼得堡的71岁的房地产代理马克西斯波尔茨,正在拉斯维加斯度假,她打算星期五离开,但却担心坐飞机回家“如果不害怕了”就坐飞机。,34,Language Points,1. casino,a building or room where people play gambling games 赌场,2. volume,the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object 体积,3. recipient,a person

25、who gets something ; 容易接受的 容纳者,35,1. Merrill Lynch & Co. pressed ahead with a media and entertainment conference for about 500 investors at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pasadena, Calif.,after heated argument in the lobby between those Merrill officials who wanted to cancel it and Jessica Reif Cohen, a

26、Merrill first vice president, who didnt.,经过那些想取消会议的美林公司高级员工和不想取消会议的美林公司第一总裁杰西卡里夫科恩在旅馆大堂的激烈争论后,美林公司坚持在加州帕萨登那的里兹卡尔顿大酒店举行了大约500名投资者参加的媒体和娱乐业讨论会。,Difficult sentences,36,2. So many volunteers showed up at a Rockville Center, N.Y.,blood bank that overwhelmed staffers began handing out numbers, then turning away donors with anything but O-negative blood, which is accepted by any recipient.,在纽约市罗克韦尔中心的血库门前来了大批的自愿者,人数太多,工作人员只好发号,只留下O型血的人,因为O型血适用于任何接受者.,37,Thank you,38,


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