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1、ELT Methodology Teaching Grammar,马欣 2008年12月6日,Unit 7 Teaching Grammar,I. What is the role of grammar in language learning? II. What are the major types of grammar presentation methods? III. What are the major types of grammar practice activities?,II. Grammar presentation methods,The deductive metho

2、d The inductive method The guided discovery method,The deductive method,The deductive method relies on reasoning, analysing and comparing. First, the teacher writes an example on the board or draws attention to an example in the textbook. Then the teacher explains the underlying rules regarding the

3、forms and positions of certain structural words. The explanations are often done in the students native language and use grammatical terms. Sometimes, comparisons are made between the native language and the target language or between the newly presented structure and previously learned structures.

4、Finally, the students practise applying the rule to produce sentences with given prompts.,语法教学,Deductive method Example: Module 2, p.57,Work in groups of four. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using deductive method in teaching grammar.,Task 2,Problems of the deductive method,It often tea

5、ches grammar in an isolated way; Little attention is paid to meaning; Practice is often mechanical.,The inductive method,The teacher provides learners with authentic language data in meaningful context and induces the learners to realise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. It is

6、believed that the rules will become evident if the students are given enough appropriate examples.,语法教学,The inductive method 例 Module 2, p.66-67,The guided discovery method,This method is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves but different i

7、n that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. There are two key theoretical issues related to this method: the role of explicit knowledge in language learning and the value of discovery as a general method o

8、f learning (Ellis, 2002a).,The guided discovery method,例 Module 6, p.35,p.106-107,A synthesis approach to teaching grammar - Pennington,Collocational: focusing on collocational relations between individual lexical items and their subcategories Constructive: the knowledge of grammar should be built b

9、it by bit through discovery, problem-solving and experiences in meaning-focused activities. Contextual: syntactic and lexical choices are related to pragmatic ones and to social and cultural context Contrastive: between TL and NT; between sets of similar features of the TL.,III. Grammar Practice,Mec

10、hanical practice Meaningful practice Using prompts,Mechanical practice Substitution drills,Substitute the underlined part with the proper forms of the given words green lawn clean house pretty garden nice flowers Mrs. Green has the largest house in town.,Transformation drills,Change the following se

11、ntences into the past tense. Use the adverbs given in the brackets. Now he lives in London. (last year, Paris) We have English and maths today. ( yesterday, music and P.E.) He usually gets up at seven. ( this morning, eight),Work in groups of four and discuss: (1) What is the purpose of mechanical d

12、rills? (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages?,Task 3,Meaningful practice,Using Key phrases or key words as prompts,Using pictures prompts,Using gestures as prompts,Using information sheets as prompts,Using prompts for practice,Using chained phrases for story telling,Using created situations,

13、Using an information sheet as prompts,Look at the table below. Rank the items on the left column according to the criteria listed on the top.,transformation drills Example: Module 1, page 59 ex. 6,Grammar practice,Meaningful Practice -,Work in groups of four and discuss: (1) What is the purpose of m

14、eaningful practice? (2) What are its advantages and disadvantages?,Task 4,Using prompts,Task 5,Work in groups of three or four. Choose a grammatical item from below and discuss how you will teach it to a group of junior secondary school students. comparatives and superlatives the past tense of do mu

15、st and have to,IV. Conclusion,The understanding of how to teach grammar is no less controversial than the value of grammar in language teaching. We believe that teaching grammar is necessary for foreign language learners and the three ways of teaching we introduced all have their merits and drawback

16、s. The best way is to vary methods according to our specific teaching objectives, teaching contents, students age and needs, and our teaching and learning context.,Session reflections,What is your opinion on the value of teaching and learning grammar? What have you learned from this session? Any oth

17、er comments?,Reference,Crystal, David The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge University Press, 1997. Ellis, R. 1993. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press Ellis, R. 1995. Implicit/ Explicit knowledge and language pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly 28: 166-172.,References,Krashen, Stephen D. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Prentice-Hall International, 1987. Krashen, Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Prentice-Hall International, 1988.,


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