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1、1、The book is a _ of information. A、plenty B、cornucopia C. abundance D、richness plenty为“丰富, 大量, 充足”之意; cornucopia为“富饶之源、宝藏”之意; abundance为“丰富, 充裕“之意; richness为”富裕、丰富、肥沃“之意 ”。,2、The hunter _ his spear at the tiger. A、threw B、casted C、tossed D、hurled throw: 普通用词,使用广泛,仅指用力抛掷,不涉及动作方式或感情色彩。 cast: 可与throw互

2、换,指迅速扔出一个重量较轻的物体。 toss: 指无什么目的地、轻轻地、随意地掷或扔,所扔掷的东西一般都比较轻。 hurl: 指用力投掷,动作迅猛,所投掷的距离也较远。,3、Your bath is _. A、swarming B、flooded 、 C、overflowing D、afloat swarming “ 成群移动的” ; flooded “充满的” afloat “漂浮的”; overflowing 为“充沛的, 充满的,4、It is more hygienic to use _ paper tissues. A、disposable B、throwaway C、 nonref

3、undable D、nondisposable disposable: 可任意处理的, 一次性的; Throwaway: 用后即扔的, 浪费的;nonrefundable: 不退费的, 不可偿还的;nondisposable: 不能任意处置的,5、Her _ years were spent in Los Angeles. A、formable B、shaping C、 forming D、formative formable “可成形的”; shaping “成形, 塑造”; forming “形成 ”; formative “形成的, 造形的, 影响发展的”;,6、He _ his und

4、erwear. A、stripped down to B、stripped out C、stripped away D、stripped up strip down to“脱到只剩下”与 strip off 同义; strip out “使空无一物”; strip away“剥去、揭去、清除”; strip up 无意思。 整句为“他把衣服脱得只剩下内衣”所以应选A,7、His old car _ much gasoline. A、spent B、expended C、used D、consumed spend “预算,花销 ” ; expend “花费, 消耗”; use“使用, 用法, 使

5、用” consume“消耗, 吃喝, 毁灭 ”; 整句为“他的旧汽车耗油很多 ”所以应选D,heave,8.They _at the heavy box, but cant lift it.,heave,他们想搬动那只很重的箱子,但抬不起来。 heave v. to lift, pull or throw sb/sth very heavy with one great effort(用力)举起,托,拉,抛 eg:I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.,hectic,9.American students usually have a _sc

6、hedule.,hectic,hectic adj. very busy; full of activity 忙碌的;繁忙的; eg: a hectic schedule 安排很满的日程表 to lead a hectic life 生活十分忙碌,sacrifice,10.Sometimes you have to make a _ to get what you want.,Sacrifice,Sacrifice:指自愿或不自愿地舍弃自己的生命或权利等; 常用搭配:make sacrifices/ a sacrifice(to do) 为做作出牺牲,mellow,mellow: adj.成熟

7、的,老练的 Eg. Dads certainly grown mellower with age.随着年龄的增长,父亲当然更老练了。 mellow: v.(使)成熟,老成 eg. She had mellowed a great deal since their days at college.,11. He has a _ attitude to life.,mellow,frantic,12.At the time of the collision , many people became _with fear. A. angry B. frantic C. furious D. fran

8、k,angry:指一般“发怒的,生气的”; frantic:指喜悦、痛快、焦虑、愤怒或重压之下产生的狂乱、失常状态 furious:指因忿怒而引起的狂暴、愤怒的行为 frank:坦率的,直率的,dwindle,decrease:指逐渐地、不断地减少 dwindle:与decrease同义,指逐渐减小,但强调变得越来越少终至全无 diminish: 侧重大小、数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。 increase 增加,13.Support for the party has _ to nothing. A. decreased B. dwindled C. diminished D. in

9、creased,brag,pride:指炫耀、夸口,自鸣得意,常与反身代词连用 brag:非正式用词,其夸耀和吹嘘意味,到了过分夸大,有时令人讨厌的地步(brag to sb. about/of sth.) crow:指大声吵嚷地吹嘘,夸耀自己做某事比他人做得好 braggart:吹牛大王,自吹自擂者,14.He _to his friends about the crime. A. prided B. bragged C. crow D. braggart,brag,meaning: to talk too proudly about something you own or somethi

10、ng you have done usage: brag to sb. about something He bragged to his friends about the success.,minutiae,meaning: a small or trivial detail 15. We must pay attention to the of the contract. A. trifle B. minutiae C. scrap trifle: 小事、琐事 scrap: 碎片、残羹剩饭,overbearing,overbearing 专横的 overwhelming 压倒性的、无法抗

11、拒的、巨大的 16. The majority _ of those present were in favor of the plan. Parents often force their children to take part in summer school in an _ manner.,_,overwhelming,overbearing,fraught,17. Usage filled with something unpleasant a situation fraught with danger difficult problems causing or feeling w

12、orrying and anxiety Things are as fraught as ever in the office.,hustling,hustling adj. 忙乱的,喧嚣的 hustle n. 忙碌、喧嚣 18.We escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend. hustle and bustle 喧嚣,let up,19.let up: slow down We must even we have enough confidence to beat the opponent. A. let d

13、own B. let out C. let up D. let off let down 使某人失望;降低某物 let out 使某人解脱;发出(尖声等) let off 不惩罚;宽恕,disoriented,meaning : confused 20. She felt shocked and totally disoriented. 她感到震惊而茫然不知所措。 disoriented也可以写成disorientated v. disorientate n. disorientation,21. Our boss is always _ top of things. In B. at C.

14、on D. of,on top of things: in control of situation 掌控大局,A. off B. in C. back D. away,22. Even if parents wanted to cut _ at work, they couldnt afford it.,Cut off: 切断、中断 Cut in: 插嘴、打断(谈话) Cut away: 割掉、切除 Cut back: 减少、削减、缩减 Cut back at work: do less work 削减工作,23. Foot the bill: pay the bill 付账、负担费用 Eg

15、: a. Some fans are unhappy, saying it should be up to the current owners to foot the bill. b. Let me foot the bill, if you do not mind.,Eg: I carve out a slice of my day so I can do some sports. Carve out此处为预留,24. Persistence will carve _ a way to success. up B. down C. into D. out carve up: 瓜分 curv

16、e down: 切割下来 carve into: 雕成 carve out: 开拓,25. Work on call: 随叫随到 Eg: Now shes a substitute teacher, working on call about 35 hours a week.,26. concede: 承认、给予、让步 eg: I concede that you are right. 我承认你是对的。 He concedes nothing to me. 他不肯对我让步。,27. Take a toll on: hurt someone Eg: Worse, chronic worry ma

17、y take a toll on our hearts. 更糟的是,长期的烦恼会给心脏带来害处。,28. Thaw out a. 放松,使轻松、不拘束 The childrens cheerful talk will help to thaw out guests. 孩子们欢快的谈话使客人们变得不那么拘束。 b. 解冻、融化 The sun began to thaw the ground out. 阳光已开始使地面解冻。,29. scale back,基本释义: 相应缩减;按比例缩减 scale back on 缩小 Firms are quick to scale back capital

18、 spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare. (Translate this sentence),企业迅速缩减资本开支,消费者将选择放弃购置新车而不是节省食物或医疗开支。,30.Shove v vt. 挤;强使;撞;猛推 n. 推;挤 shove off 离开;开船 shove at 被强迫接受 When push comes to shove.到了紧要关头。 此短语有其解释和文化背景知识。PS: http:/ adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的 n. 受托者(等于mandatary

19、) 复数mandatories mandatory adaptation强制性适应 mandatory standard强制性标准;法定标准;推荐性标准 Mandatory minimum sentencing laws should be repealed, or replaced with guidelines. 最轻判决法必须废除或用指导方针取而代之。,【邻近词语】 mandarin orange 橘子 Mandati 曼达蒂mandatary 受托人, 代理人 mandate n.命令, 指令, 要求 mandate n.命令, 指令, 要求 mandated adj. 委托统治的 m

20、andator n. 命令者 mandatorily adv. 命令地,32.Untangle ,ntl vt. 清理;整顿;解开纠结 变形: vt. untangled untangling 【反义词】 tangle n.缠结, 混乱, 纠纷 call away untangle排解 disentangle disentanglement untangle解开纠结,Can you untangle all those cables on the floor? 请把地板上所有缠结的电缆都解开好吗? I started to try and untangle the mystery. 我开始尝试

21、解开这个谜。 The auditors will untangle all those accounts. 查账员会把所有这些账目进行整理。,33. go into overdrive :加大力度,投入更多精力 Your ability to express your creative ideas will go into overdrive! 你表达创意想法的能力将发挥到极致! 34.pare down :减少;削减 We have pare down our expenses to a bare minimum. 我们已最大限度地削减了开支。,35.On the watch 1. 密切注意

22、着;守候着;留心地等着 2. 警惕着;戒备着;提防着 The man on the watch cried out: Dangers ahead! 守望的人突然大喊:前面有危险! The police warn people to is on the watch for intruder. 警方预先通知大家防备有外人闯入。,36. chill out,Chill out :calm down, go easy 1. 沉住气,冷静: Will you chill out? 沉住气好吗? PS: 闲逛,溜达: We were just chilling out when the earthquake happened. 我们正在闲逛,突然地震发生了。,More about “chill out”,这只是一种统称而已.在舞池旁边,常会有一个区域,或是小房间,里头会放一些较缓和,较平静的音乐,让舞客跳完舞后缓和情绪,休息一下,以放 Ambient音乐为主,所以会叫 “Chill Out“(冷却)就是这个缘故.The Orb可说是Chill Out音乐大师.,


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