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1、1,摘要幻灯片,磨料粘结产品的标志,2,磨料粘结产品的标志,丁玉才 2005年5月,在此幻灯片插入公司的徽标 从“插入”菜单 选择图片 找到徽标文件 单击“确定” 重新设置徽标大小 单击徽标内任意位置。徽标外部出现的方框是“调整控点” 使用这些重新设置对象大小 如果在使用尺寸调整控点前按下 shift 键,则对象改变大小但维持原比例。,3,标准,EN 12413:1999 safety requirements for bonded abrasive products 磨料粘结产品的安全要求 Annex A marking 附录A 标志,0337:,4,定义,bonded abrasive p

2、roducts are production tools that perform their task by cutting a chip or piece from the material being ground. 通过被磨削的材料上切下碎屑或小片来执行工作的生产工具 They consist of abrasives and bond 由磨料和粘合剂组成,5,材料缩写,Abbreviations for materials 材料缩写 For the purposes of this standard the following definitions and symbols appl

3、y.,6,Table 1 - Abrasives 磨料,A Aluminium oxide 氧化铝 B Silicon carbide 碳化硅 Z Zirconia alumina 锆铝,7,Table 2 -Grit 粒子,8,Table 3 -Hardness Grade 硬度等级,Hardness grade is designated by a letter of the alphabet “A” being the softest and “Z” the hardest. A-Z由软到硬,9,Table 3 -Hardness Grade 硬度等级,A B C D extremely

4、 soft 超软 E F G _- very soft 极软 H I J K Soft 软 L M N O Medium 中 P Q R S Hard 硬 T U V W very hard 极硬 X Y Z _- extremely hard 超硬,10,Table 4 Structure 结构,Wheel structure may be designated by numbers, usually 0 to 14, with higher numbers indicating more open structure. 砂轮结构由数字定义,通常0-14,数字越大表示结构越开放,11,Tab

5、le 5 - Type of bond 粘结类型,V Vitrified bond 玻璃化粘结 R Rubber bond 橡胶粘结 RF Reinforced rubber bond 增强橡胶 粘结 B Resinoid and other thermosetting organic bonds 热固性树脂及 其它热固性组织粘结,12,Table 5 - Type of bond 粘结类型,BF Resinoid bond fibre-reinforced 纤 维增强热固性树脂粘结 E Shellac bond 虫肠结合剂粘结 MG Magnesite bond 菱镁粘结 PL Plasti

6、c bond 塑料粘结,13,Table A.1 Marking of abrasive products 磨料产品标志,14,Annex A marking A.1 Purpose 目的,The purpose of marking is to supply the users with the necessary information for the identification of bonded abrasive products to ensure proper mounting and to use them on grinding machines safety. 识别和安全,

7、15,A.2 Content of marking 标志内容 A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 1 Instead of the name of the manufacturer, supplier or importer their registered trademark may be shown. 制造商、供应商或进口商的注册商标可以代替其名称,16,A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 2 Abrasive products磨料产品 - nominal dimensions 名义尺寸 Mou

8、nted wheels and points - nominal dimensions, diameter of the spindle and minimum clamping length Cones and plugs - nominal dimensions, thread diameter and length of insert Segments, disc wheels, - manufacturers code cylindrical wheels eg. drawing number cemented, bolted or clamped to a support plate

9、,17,A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 3 To contain material specification in accordance with 3.2 of this standard and ISO 525. 包含符合本标准3.2节(材料缩写)和ISO525规定的材料明细 To column 4 Maximum operating speed in m/s. 最大操作(线)速度,以m/s表示,18,A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 5 Maximum permissible speed

10、 of rotation of the unused abrasive product min-1, l/min or r/min. 未使用磨料产品的最大允许转速min-1, l/min or r/min. To column 6 All abrasive products complying with and tested in accordance with this standard shall be marked: 根据本标准测试的所有磨料产品应标注: EN 12413,19,A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 7 For colour

11、codes and design of colour codes for abrasive products, see Table A2. 磨料产品上的颜色代码和颜色代码设计见表A2 The marking of the abrasive products with the colour stripes shall be applied to the abrasive product itself and/or to the label in such a way that it extends across the diameter of the abrasive product or th

12、e label.If the colour code stripe extends across the whole diameter of the abrasive product no colour code stripe is required on the label or blotter. 带有颜色的磨料产品标志应对应其产品本身,并且对标贴它应穿越磨料产品或标贴切的直径。如颜色条纹穿越了磨料产品的整个直径,则在标贴或衬纸上不要求有颜色条纹。,20,Table A.2 - Colour codes and design of colour codes 颜色代码和颜色代码设计,21,A.

13、2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 8 Abrasive products for which certain grinding procedures, grinding machines and certain applications have to be obeyed, shall be marked with the corresponding restrictions of use according to Table A.3 or corresponding graphic symbols. 对必须遵循特定研磨程序、研磨机器和特定应用的研

14、磨产品应标示根据表A.3规定的相应使用限制内容或相应图标。,22,Table A.3 -Restrictions of use (RE)使用限制,23,A.2.1 Marking requirements 标志要求,To column 9 To ensure traceability and identification, the abrasive products shall be marked with the order number, production number or series number. 为保证追溯性和产品识别,磨料产品应标示订单号、生产编号或序列号,24,A.2.2

15、 Additional Inscriptions 附加字符,Abrasive products shall be marked with the characteristics specified in Table A.l, Marking of abrasive products, in a legible and understandable manner. Additional inscriptions on the abrasive products such as type number, order number and manufacturers product name is

16、permitted provided legibility is not impaired. Information to enable the date of manufacture (month, year) to be traced shall be incorporated in the marking. 磨料产品应标示表A.1所列的特征。标志应于应淅易懂方式标示。如不影响阅读,研磨产品允许标示如型号、订单号和制造商产品名称等附加内容。,25,A.2.2 Additional Inscriptions 附加字符,Bonded abrasive products with type of

17、 bond B and BF for use on hand-held grinding-machines or hand-held cutting-off machines shall be marked with date of expiry. The date of expiry shall at the longest be within 3 years from the date of manufacture. 用于手持式砂磨或切割机器的B型和BF型磨料粘结产品应标注有效期。有效期从生产日期算起最长为3年。,26,If wheels shall be mounted in a spe

18、cific position on the spindle they shall be marked in one of the way shown in Figure Al. Figure A.1 _ Examples for marking of oriented wheels 导向轮标志示例,A.2.3 Oriented wheels导向轮,27,The mounting of several wheels to the same spindle is only permissible when the wheels and the grinding machine are design

19、ated as appropriate for the purpose by the wheel and machine manufacturer. Wheels to be multiple or gang mounted shall be marked in a manner to assure they are correctly mounted on the machine spindle. Additionally each wheel shall be identified as being part of that set。,A.2.4 Multiple or gang moun

20、ted wheels成组按装轮,28,Figure A.2 _ Multiple wheel mounting with corresponding spacers 装有对应定距片的组合轮,A.2.4 Multiple or gang mounted wheels成组按装轮,29,Restrictions of use shall be provided with abrasive products. They shall be given in full as in Table A3 or in the form of a pictrogram. They can also be marke

21、d with the short sign, if the full wording is given on the back of a label or placed in the smallest packaging unit 磨料产品上应有使用限制内容。内容应按表A3全文或图例形式标示。如全文在标贴背面给出或放在最小包装上,可用短符标示。,A.2.5 Restrictions of use使用限制,30,The marking can be on a label or blotter. It can also be stencilled, printed, stamped, engrav

22、ed directly on the abrasive product or on an integrated foil. 标志可以在标贴或纸衬上,也可直接蜡印、印刷、打印、雕刻在产品上或整体衬垫上。,A.3 Execution of marking标志实施,31,A.3.1 Abrasive products with outside diameter D 80 mm外径大于80mm的研磨产品 When it is not possible to give the specified information on a blotter, label or integrated foil fix

23、ed to the abrasive product, the abrasive product itself shall at least be marked with the maximum permissible speed of rotation and the colour stripe if required, in so far as the surface and form of the abrasive product permits. 当固定在磨料产品上的纸衬、标贴和整体衬垫不可能标注指定的信息时,磨料产品本身在其允许的表面和形体上应至少标示最大允许转速和颜色条纹(如有)。

24、,A.3 Execution of marking标志实施,32,A.3.2 Abrasive products Including mounted wheels and points having a diameter D =80 mm, mounted points and segments For these abrasive products the specified information shall appear on a label fixed to the smallest size pack. 固定在最小包装上的标贴上,A.3 Execution of marking标志实

25、施,33,Examples of labels, see types A to C. 标贴示例,见形式A-C The minimum dimensions (height X width) of rectangular labels (forms A, B, D) are 52 mm X 74 mm (size A8). 直角形标贴(形式A,B)的最小尺寸(高X宽)为52 X 74 mm (尺寸A8) In the case of round labels or blotters used as labels, the diameter shall be at least 20 mm grea

26、ter than the minimum diameter of the flanges. 如用圆形标贴或纸衬,其直径应至少大于法兰最小直径的20mm。,A.4 Design of the marking 标志设计,34,A.4 Design of the marking 标志设计,35,A.4 Design of the marking 标志设计,36,A.4 Design of the marking 标志设计,37,A.4 Design of the marking 标志设计,38,应用实例,39,应用实例,40,应用实例,0337:,41,THE END WITH LIGHT BEFORE EYES!,THANKS FOR YOUR KIND LISTENING!,0337:,


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