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1、Quotations and Offers,Offer 报盘,An indication by the seller to the buyer of his/her willingness to contract on certain terms without further negotiations 应买方要求卖方按照约定条件供货的承诺。 Firm offer: a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time 实盘 Non-firm offer: made without e

2、ngagement (没有约束力)虚盘,Quotation 报价,A quotation is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated. It is not legally binding as a firm offer if the seller later decides not to sell. But when the quotation contains the words “for acceptance withindays” or similar qualifying words, it constitutes an offer

3、.,Contents should be included (p65-73),An expression of thanks for the inquiry A statement or clear indication of the name of the goods, quality, quantity, and specifications; details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, packing and date of delivery, etc. The period for which the offer or quotati

4、on is valid (针对实盘) Favorable comments on the goods being offered A supplementary short paragraph to draw the customers attention to the other products available for supply An expression of hope that the offer or quotation will be accepted.,信用证(Letter of Credit,LC) ,是指开证银行应申请人的要求并按其指示向第三方开立的载有一定金额的,在

5、一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。信用证是国际贸易中最主要、最常用的支付方式。 不可撤销信用证是指开证行一经开出、在有效期内未经受益人或议付行等有关当事人同意,不得随意修改或撤销的信用证;只要受益人按该证规定提供 有关单据,开证行(或其指定的银行)保证付清货款。凡使用这种信用证,必须在该证上注明“不可撤销”(Irrevocable)的字样,并载有开证行保证付款的文句,Some useful sentences for offers,We thank you for your inquiry for our woolen blankets, and are pleased to q

6、uote you our best prices as follows. 感谢你方对我方毛毯的询盘,我们非常高兴给你放报出如下最惠价格。 The high quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged and we are confident that a trial order would convince you that , at the prices quoted, the goods we are offering are excellent value for money. 我方产品质量上乘、闻

7、名遐迩、享誉海内外。我们坚信,试订货会让您确信以我方报价购买我方提供的货物确实物有所值。,This offer is subject to your acceptance reaching here within one week. 该报价以你方接受一周内到达我方为准。 This offer is subject to our final confirmation. 此报价以我方确认为准。,Counter offer,还盘,What is counter offer,If a buyer does not agree with any or some of the transaction te

8、rms of a quotation or a firm offer, he sends a counter-offer.,Show his disagreement to the certain terms and state his own idea instead. Such alterations signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis. The original offer or the seller has the full right of acceptance or refusal. He

9、may make another counter-offer of his own. This process can go on for many a round till business is finalized or called off.,Contents should be included,Thank the seller for his offer or quotation Reasons for non-acceptance Counter-offer or suggestion that may bring good results Express your appreci

10、ation for the others acceptance and early reply,Counter offers are usually about prices, but there are some other situations: Buyer asks for reduction of minimum quantity On payment terms ,付款交单,D/P ( documents against payment):经济贸易交易中付款方式的一种。 是出口人的交单以进口人的付款为条件,即出口人将汇票连同货运单据交给银行托收时,指示银行只有在进口人付清货款时,才能

11、交出货运单据。按支付时间的不同,付款交单又分为即期付款交单(D/P sight)和远期付款交单(D/P after sight). 即期交单(D/P Sight)指出口方开具即期汇票,由代收行向进口方提示,进口方见票后即须付款,货款付清时,进口方取得货运单据。 远期交单(D/P after sight or after date),指出口方开具远期汇票,由代收行向进口方提示,经进口方承兑后,于汇票到期日或汇票到期日以前,进口方付款赎单。,报价方式,离岸价格,又称“船上交货价格”,英文缩写为FOB (Free on Board)。是指从起运港至目的地的运输费和保险费等由买方承担,不计入结算价格之

12、中的销货价格。它在国际贸易中被广泛采用。 到岸价, 英文缩写为CIF (cost + insurance + freight),包含运费与保险费 CIFC (cost + insurance + freight +commission),Some useful sentences for counter-offers,We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even of this quality. We regret

13、 that at these prices we cannot place an order. 我们很欣赏你方产品质量,但是非常遗憾即就是这等质量你方价格也偏高了。抱歉不能按此价格发送订单。,We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for such material is on the decline at present. 我们认为你方价格不合适,因为该种材料的价格正在下跌。 As for goods No. 120, we are not able to make you orders because anot

14、her supplier is offering us the similar quality at a price 3% lower. 关于第120号货,我方不能发订单,因现有另一家货主正以低于你方3的价格向我方开报相似质量的产品。,Reply for counter-offer,We can safely say that our price are quite realistic; it is impossible that any other suppliers can underquote us if their goods are as good as ours in qualit

15、y. 可以肯定地说我方价格是相当合理的,质量与我方产品相同的供货商不可能报比我方低的价格。 Your counter offer is too low and groundless, therefore it cannot serve as a basis for further negotiation with our manufacturers. 你方还价太低并且没有根据,因此不能作为与我方生产厂家继续磋商的依据。,As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret that we ca

16、n not accept your counter-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us know your decision as quickly as possible. 由于按照该价格在你方市场上做了大量交易,我方歉难接受你方还盘。希望你方重新考虑此事并尽快告知你方决定。 As your counter bid is not up to the present market level, we are sorry that we have to give you a negative r

17、eply. 由于你方还价与市价不符,非常抱歉只能给予否定答复。,Homework 1,Write a Quotation or a firm offer covering the following contents: 女士皮靴 式样新颖,有二十余种,颜色有黑棕及大红色 (详见目录) 材料选用高级牛皮 价格:CIF伦敦价,按照不同式样,每双由95美元至300美元不等 付款方式:由卖方同意的银行开具的不可撤销的即期信用证支付 包装由买方决定 装运:2011年9月 注意:可参照书本例8 (p72-73),Homework 2,Refer to the letter you previous wrote on quotation or firm offer, you think the terms (either on the price or terms of payment or other terms) unacceptable, write a letter as a counter-offer. State clearly all essential elements, you should also include the reasons for the counter offer and your own terms. 注意: 可参照书本例5 (p79),


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