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1、party. No party Comrade. XII of the rules and regulations, the law is difficult to guarantee. Bring order out of chaos at the beginning, our party began to amend the constitution, to the party promulgated the current constitution, it is our party is in office the best since the party constitutions.

2、Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: we discuss the strengthening of political discipline, the most basic is to abide by the constitution, according to the constitution of the provisions to do. The constitution of the provisions, all Party members must abide by, senior cadres should take the lead in com

3、pliance. Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out: the state laws, the party constitution of the party constitution is to regulate and control the party constitution. For me this has nearly 70 million Party members of the party, the partys thought Unified constitution, selfAnd sleep in accordance with the cons

4、titution, has the extremely significant significance. Our party has always been high degree of attention to the party constitution, has always been to develop and perfect party constitution, study and implement the party constitution as the partys construction of a basic work and unremitting efforts

5、 to push forward. Our party has always attached great importance to the Party Chapter, is because they can not effectively learning the party constitution, abide by the Constitution and implementation of the party constitution, safeguard Party Constitution, to enhance the partys creativity, cohesion

6、 and combat effectiveness, to consolidate the partys ruling status and keep the partys advanced nature, related to the Partys cause success or failure of the partys life and death survival. We must from such a strategic height to recognize the problem. The Party of ten Invariant are from a total of

7、eight years, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the high degree of attention to play the Constitutions basic guiding role. Became general secretary, he published the first article in a signed article is conscientiously study the party constitution strictly abide by Party Constitution. In the eighteent

8、h session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection of the second plenary session of the 16th Central Committee, he again pointed out: the constitution is the partys constitution, general rules for the strict political discipline to observe and safeguard the constitution of. every Communis

9、t Party member especially cadre of leaders to firmly establish the constitution of awareness, and consciously with the constitution to regulate their own words and deeds, in any case have to do political belief, political stand, political direction without bias. in the eighteenth session of the Cent

10、ral Commission for Discipline Inspection Put, everything are extremely important in the construction of the party in the Fifth Plenary Session of the important speech, he and a stressed: the constitution is the party must follow the general rules and general rules. Xi Jinping, general secretary of t

11、he exposition, profoundly expounded the partyyuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal di

12、scipline Inspection Commission, the peoples daily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support servi

13、ce low double excellent of members lead team, constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction

14、, by city rural style clean government inspection unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politic

15、s and culture to create a good atmosphere and fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a

16、is system enough sound, education, and supervision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation

17、 illegal disciplinary case of efforts also needed strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not

18、strong enough. To solve these problems, we will proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, fu

19、rther increasing the governance capability and advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular cent

20、ral group learning opportunity, further strengthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the init

21、iative. Also, pay attention to apply what they have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,前 言在通过认真分析板集煤矿井筒治水及井筒修复相关设计资料的基础上,针对该工程施工的难点与特点,编制了本项工程的施工组织设计,确保排水、清淤、修复工程施工安全、经济、高效地完成。一、设计特点1、井筒排水施工装备以大绞车、大吊桶、高扬程排水泵为主体的施工机械化作业线,施工机械化程度高。2、淤面以上段排水使用BQS50-2040-260-S隔爆潜水排沙泵结合1084(

22、4.5)无缝钢管进行作业;淤面以下使用MD50-8011离心卧泵结合1084(4.5)无缝钢管进行作业;淤沙清理使用新型抽沙泵直接抽采,辅以高效风铲、风镐人工清理。 3、对损坏或变形较轻的井筒装备,在确保安全的前提下采取保护性拆除;对损坏或变形严重的井筒装备采取破坏性拆除的措施。4、施工吊盘下方设置工作吊篮、便于观察并及时清理障碍,确保施工吊盘安全下放。5、建立健全目标管理责任制,实行项目法管理,实现质量、进度、安全和成本四大控制。6、坚持安全生产和文明施工,实行标准化管理,不断改善作业环境和劳动条件,提高劳动生产率。7、做好环境保护工作,污水排放、噪音、粉尘与废气排放等均符合国家标准,做到文

23、明施工。 二、编制原则1、认真贯彻现行国家、行业标准、规范,在确保安全施工和工程质量以及合同文件所规定其它指标的前提下,科学合理地组织施工。2、积极合理地采用和推广国内先进的技术装备和施工经验,优选施工方案,组织平行交叉作业,坚持正规循环,加快施工进度。3、选用成熟配套的机械化作业线,合理组织和综合平衡各种资源,优化劳动组织,有计划、有重点地组织人力、物力和财力,确保各项经济技术指标的全面实现。4、施工方案安全可靠、工期科学合理。积极改善工作环境和劳动条件,提高劳动生产率,做到安全、文明施工,确保修复施工快捷高效的完成。 5、针对本工程的特殊性,做到技术可靠、经济合理、可控性好、可操作性强、关

24、键点清晰、预防及应急措施齐全可靠。 6、坚持安全生产和文明施工,实现标准化管理,实现安全“两无”-无重伤、无死亡的管理目标。 三、编制依据1、工程施工合同、施工设计图纸、井筒装备图纸等其他相关资料等;2、板集煤矿排水试验方案及井筒正式排水初步方案3、板集煤矿副井井筒套壁预案和连接处修复方案4、煤矿安全规程(2011年);5、与本工程有关的现行国家法律和行政法规;6、煤矿井巷工程施工规范(GB50511-2010);7、煤矿井巷工程质量验收规范(GB50213-2010);8、煤矿井巷工程质量检验评定标准(MT5009-94);9、煤炭建设工程质量技术资料管理规定与评级办法(煤规字第34号);1

25、0、与本工程有关的国家及部颁现行国家标准、规范,行业或地方标准、规范;各种技术规范、规程、规定等。四、安全管理目标:无重伤、无死亡,实现文明施工。第一章 工程概况1.1概述国投新集能源股份有限公司板集煤矿,位于淮南煤田西部的利辛、颖上和阜阳三地交界处,行政区划隶属利辛县胡集镇境内。井田北距利辛县约25Km,南距颖上县约30Km左右,交通十分便利。该矿井由煤炭工业部合肥设计研究院设计,设计生产能力为300万t/a。,主、副、风三个井筒设在同一工业广场内,工业广场内地势平坦。采用立井开拓方式,井筒表土段及风化基岩段采用钻井法施工,基岩段采用钻爆法施工。其副井井筒基岩段及相关硐室工程由中煤一建第四十


27、专家对副井突水的原因以及采取的应急措施进行讨论,并及时成立专家组负责专门研究治水复矿措施。专家组在充分分析研究突水原因、突水过程和工业广场地面变形的基础上提出了“抛填注浆冻结排水清淤修复”的治水技术路线。目前板集煤矿主、副、风三井筒的治水建设工程进展顺利,第一阶段的三井探注工程已施工完毕,第二阶段三井井筒冻结施工的各项工作正在进行当中,预计2011年11月上旬可进入井筒排水、清淤修复施工阶段。1.2 井筒技术特征副井井筒技术特征见下表1-1。序号项 目单 位数 量1井口标高m+27.5002井底标高m-768.0003井筒直径m8.1/7.7/7.3/7.9/7.04井筒深度m795.55预制

28、井壁段m608.16现浇井壁段m159.9副井井筒技术特征 表1-1 第二章 施工准备及场地布置2.1 施工条件准备1、供电:施工单位安设6KV临时变电所及变配电设施。2、通讯:采用程控电话和移动电话。3、供水:利用原凿井期间生活及施工水源。4、场内道路:矿区内主要道路及便道已由矿方施工完毕。 5、施工场地布置:本着合理布置的要求综合考虑,施工单位按指定地点建造措施工程及施工用房。6、排水:淤面以上由矿方提供井筒排水设备、管路及地面泄水通道,管路加工、安装由施工单位负责;淤面以下排水施工单位自行在吊盘上安设离心卧泵,辅以新型抽沙泵、吊桶排水。7、施工压风:矿方提供压风管路及压风,管路加工、安装

29、由施工单位负责。8、工广内设简易机修室一座,配备电焊机、车床、钻床,加工简易的非标加工件。大型成套的非标加工件由处机厂加工后运至施工现场。2.2 永久设施的利用及排水施工措施工程安排2.2.1 永久设施的利用排水施工期间可以利用的永久设施主要有:矿方压风机房、永久井架、6KV电源及矿井建设用水源等。2.2.2 凿井措施工程为确保本工程施工的顺利按期进行,根据合理实用的原则,排水期间,除利用建设单位提供的永久设施外,尚需施工部分措施工程,共安排2450(1000)m2详见表2-1副井工广大临工程一览表。2.3 场地布置2.3.1 布置原则1、在工广内布置的临时建筑尽量避开拟建的永久建筑位置或在使

30、用时间上与拟建永久建筑的施工时间错开。2、临时建筑的布置要符合施工工艺流程的要求,做到合理布置。临时工业建筑、为井口服务的设施布置在井口周围。动力设施靠近负荷中心,木材、钢筋、机修加工厂房,靠近器材仓库和堆放场地。建筑施工器材要便于运输。3、符合环境保护、劳动保护、防洪涝、防冰雪及防火要求。2.3.2 场地布置场地布置详见附图一副、风井工业场地平面布置图。2.4 施工准备期安排 2.4.1施工准备的原则1、施工准备期间,各工种、各工序之间交叉频繁,采用统筹方法,运用网络技术,紧紧抓住关键工程平行交叉作业。2、技术准备是工程准备和其它各项准备的前提,应在施工准备前期完成。3、建筑安装工程要采取平

31、行交叉作业,在安排工程进度时,考虑劳动力和物资的平衡。2.4.2 准备工作内容施工准备工作主要包括技术准备、工程准备、器材设备准备、劳动力准备和对外协作工作,具体内容为:1、井筒排水、清淤修复施工前,应取得下列资料:1)副井井筒突水的原因及位置;2)副井筒中心坐标、井口标高、井壁结构、井筒装备等有关图纸资料;3)副井区现有地面设施及其可供利用设施的情况;4)副井筒穿过层位的地质、水文资料、积水和有害气体情况; 2、用于施工的设备及各类辅助管线的下放必须适应原井筒装备。3、完成实测定位工作。4、落实施工设备和物资供应,按劳动力需用计划,组织施工人员进场,并进行必要的培训工作。5、破除套架基础、稳

32、绞基础灰土盘;拆除原封口盘。 6、安装施工所需的套架、三盘二台、稳绞及供电等系统,具备修复施工条件。7、安装通讯、视频监控及安全监控系统。8、完成必要的生活福利设施和工业设施。2.4.3 施工准备期安排人员进点后,进行生产辅助系统、地面大临工程施工。施工准备期共计60天,详见表2-2副井排水、清淤修复施工准备期进度安排表。 副井工广大临工程一览表 表2-1序号名 称面积(m2)结构类型位 置备 注1提升机房260+240彩板房2临时变电所180彩板房与风井共用3稳车群(300)砼浇筑基础井口附近4井口房200砖混、彩钢结构井 口5砂石(材料)场地(700)片石垫层200mm砼井口附近与风井共用

33、6水泥库60砖墙、钢屋架、彩钢瓦井口附近与风井共用7机修间80砖墙、钢屋架、彩钢瓦井口附近与风井共用8材料库60砖墙、钢屋架、彩钢瓦井口附近与风井共用9材料棚40钢屋架、彩钢瓦井口附近与风井共用10木工房40钢屋架、彩钢瓦井口附近与风井共用11办公室280彩板房与风井共用12职工宿舍700彩板房与风井共用13更衣室60彩板房与风井共用14食 堂120彩板房与风井共用15锅炉房30砖墙、钢屋架、彩钢瓦与风井共用16浴 室60彩板房与风井共用17厕 所40彩板房与风井共用合 计2450(1000) 表2-2副井排水、清淤修复施工准备期进度安排表。 第三章 施工方案与施工方法3.1副井井筒排水、清淤

34、修复施工副井井筒排水、清淤修复工程主要包括:1、试排水及观测试验;2、井筒正式排水、井筒装备拆除;3、井筒内淤渣清理、井筒装备及坠落罐笼的拆除清理;4、井筒内损毁井壁破除修复;5、井下连接处清淤修复。期间需要拆除的井筒装备主要有:井口封口盘,4m层间距玻璃钢复合材料梯子间1套、325降温管2路、325压风管1路、管道间1套、325排水管4路、罐道间2套、17217210冷轧玻璃钢罐道4路、通讯(信号)电缆支架2路、通讯(信号)电缆5根、动力电缆支架1路、井下进出车平台、操车及托罐系统、套架、稳罐导向、防过放装置、防撞梁及拉紧装置梁等设施。井下另有坠落的罐笼一对及罐笼配重尾绳等。3.2 试排水试

35、验方案及方法3.2.1排水试验方案设计的依据1、前期治水过程中观察到以下现象:1)副井抛入的渣石使原始淤面显著下降:副井在抛渣充填之前井筒中淤面的深度为592m,抛入3924m3石渣后测得抛渣结束时的渣面埋深为476m,经20d固结后渣面埋深为519m,根据抛渣体积和井筒断面面积计算,固结后石渣的高度约94m,由此推算,在石渣压力作用下井筒中原始淤面下沉了20m左右。与此同时,主井和风井的淤面出现明显上升。2)在对井筒周围松散层注浆过程中,三个井筒均出现水泥浆进入井筒并导致淤面上升的现象,由注浆造成主、副、风井中淤面上升的幅度分别为47m、89m和28m 。3) 2010年6月进行的三井筒试排

36、水结果表明,注浆结束后,主井和风井与周围含水层之间的水力联系已不明显,但副井与含水层之间的水力联系仍然显著,详见表3-14)注浆工程结束后,主、副井井筒中的淤面高程和水位长时间基本保持稳定,井筒中水位的偶然小幅度变化可以用天气、气压的变化或人工干扰解释;风井的水位则一直不稳定,并且与主、副井之间一直有较大的水位差。2010年5-6月试排水观测结果 表3-1井筒主井副井风井排水前30d水位升幅/m0.080.182.6第一段排水降深/累计降深(m)45.8954.4150.89停抽后48h水位升幅(m)0.071.680.57水位恢复速度(m/h)0-水位恢复速


38、填注浆过程中水位未发生变化,详见表3-2。6)井下不同位置的巷道中水位差别显著。例如在充填孔注浆前,充1、充2和排3孔的初见水位埋深分别是46.10、36.37和30.11m;6月15日,排1孔穿巷初见水位埋深为61.00m, 在充填孔交替注浆过程中,该孔水位不升反降,直至注浆结束后才逐渐回升至51.09m深度,之后水位呈震荡趋势,振幅高达5m左右,详见表3-2。巷道充填前后(2011.4.272011.7.31)水位观测成果表 表3-2日期水位(埋深)/m备注主井副井风井排1孔排2孔排3孔充1孔充2孔4.2710.628.5519.824.2810.618.5319.854.2910.598






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