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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes渔港保滩工程钢板桩围堰及管桩基础施工方案(沉板桩)目 录1 编制说明1.1招投标文件1.2技术标准和规范2 工程综述2.1工程概况2.2地质条件2.2.1地形地貌及环境特征2.2.2地基土构成2.3桩基概况3 总体施工部署3.1桩基总体施工顺序3.2主要机械设备4 主要施工工艺4.1水上沉混凝土U型板桩4.1.1沉桩机械设备4.1.2方案一4.1.3方案二4.1.4施工

12、工艺及质量控制措施4.2水上沉方桩4.2.1沉桩机械设备4.2.2工艺流程4.2.3施工工艺及要点4.3陆上沉桩4.3.1沉桩机械4.3.2工艺流程4.3.3施工工艺及要点5 质量保证措施及控制要点5.1质量管理组织体系5.2建立质量管理制度5.3关键工序的质量控制5.3.1预制桩制作5.3.2方桩质量要求5.3.3测量控制5.3.4预制桩的验收5.4质量通病的防治措施5.4.1桩身断裂5.4.2桩顶砼碎裂5.4.3沉桩达不到设计标准5.3.4 U型板桩顶位移或桩身倾斜5.3.5接桩处松脱开裂5.3.6混凝土U型板桩脱锁口6 安全文明施工6.1安全文明生产组织体系6.2安全文明管理制度6.3

13、安全生产管理要点6.3.1 现场施工安全6.3.2 安全用电6.3.3 桩机机械安全管理6.3.4 起重安全7应急预案7.1本工程的安全源评估7.2较大危险源防护措施7.2.1施工现场强制性安全要求7.2.2安全技术措施7.2.3遇到灾害后的对策7.2.4水上施工作业人员安全措施7.2.5水上施工用电安全措施7.2.6通讯联系HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG . Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for

14、acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yua

15、n, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 12 million. Direct responsibility for t

16、he accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for t

17、he accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice

18、 of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuitnew Constitution provisions on part of the party, the partys grass-roo

19、ts organizations, three cadres of the party made some changes. 1, put forward new requirements for party members and cadres of the party summary and embodies the partys 17 largest party since the construction of the new experiences, and links up with a part master changes, new Constitution for party

20、 members, party officials and cadres made a number of new requirements. Article modifies the first sentence of the first to seriously study MarxismLeninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of the three represents and the scientific Outlook on development. Such chan

21、ges were made, to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to enhance learning and implementing the scientific concept of development of consciousness and firmness. 33rd wrote cadre increased oversight of content, emphasis on selecting cadres to adhere to in the first paragraph both abilit

22、y and political integrity, to Germany for the first principle, adhere to all over the world, merit; wrote the party attaches great importance to increase supervision of cadres in the second paragraph of content. Enrich the content of this area, helps to establish the correct employment-oriented, adh

23、ere to fair employment style and improve personnel selection public confidence, strengthening cadre supervision, and promote the healthy growth of cadres, building a contingent of cadres with high quality. Article 34th fifth write increases the partys leading cadres at all levels must have the basic

24、 content, stressed the partys leading cadres at all levels should adhere to the principle, stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example. Enrich the content of this area, conducive to the promotion of the whole party, especially leading cadres at all levels of the Party insisted on the principle o

25、f party spirit, strengthening moral cultivation, better to play an exemplary role. 2, the new Constitution of the partys grass-roots organizations put forward new requirements add a 31st article to write a positive and good content. In recent years, according to the central deployment, party organiz

26、ations and party members further creating advanced grass-roots party organizations, striving to be excellent Communist activities, significant achievements were made. Further good activities, has been strengthened under the new situation of grass-roots party building and party-building a regular wor

27、k was strengthened under the new situation of the partys advanced nature and purity of the strong hand. Zeng wrote the content, to promote a good routine of long-term, leading the partys grass-roots organizations into full play to promote development, the role of serving the masses, unite the people

28、 and promote harmony, fighting Fort into full play; inspire the advance of the broad masses of party members and enhance the glory and responsibility, internal motivation, give full play to the exemplary role. Second, 31st modifies the first sentence of the article to organize party members to serio

29、usly study Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng1 编制说明1.1招投标文件XX毛竹圩XX渔港综合功能区岸段保滩工程(XX)施工招标文件;XX毛竹圩XX渔港综合功能区岸段保滩工程(XX)施工招标图纸;XX毛竹圩XX渔港综合功能区岸段保滩工程(XX)施工招标补充文件;1.2技术标准和规范(1)堤防工程施工规范(SL 260-98)(2)港口及航道护岸工程设计与施工规范(JTJ 300-2008)(3)港口工程桩基规范(JTJ 167-4-2012)(4)防波堤设计与施工规范(JTS 154-1-2011)(5)堤防工程施工质量评定与验收

30、规程(试行)(SL 239-1999)(6)水利水电工程施工质量评定规程(SL 176-2007)(7)水运工程质量检验标准(JTS 257-2008)(8)水利工程建设项目验收管理规定(9)水利水电建设工程验收规程(SL 233-2008)(10)水利工程施工质量检验评定标准(上海市工程建设标准,试行)(DGJ 08-90-2000)(11)土工合成材料(GB/T17642-2008)(12)土工合成材料应用技术规范(GB50290-98)(13)水运工程土工合成材料应用技术规范(JTJ239-2005)除上述已列明外的国家、上海市颁布的现行有关建设工程质量标准、规范、规程、条例、规定等。2

31、12 工程综述2.1工程概况XX毛竹圩XX渔港综合功能区岸段保滩工程位于上海市崇明县XX横沙渔港综合功能区,地处XX东端,横沙通道西岸,东与横沙岛隔江相望,北接三岛渔业码头,南近规划的潘园公路(长横通道)。横沙渔港综合功能区岸段总长度约为1.8km,其中渔港核心功能区岸段长度约为0.8km,公共功能区岸线长约1.0km。保滩工程新建保滩顺坝1944.70m,新建保滩侧坝249.30m。总吹沙量42.6万m;设置防浪墙开缺8处,并设置临时排水涵闸2座;滨江前沿台地景观建设16200。其中XX段范围为S0+756.60S1+947.60,岸线长度为1191.93m,主要项目如下:(1)新建顺坝长度





36、桩基端部即在该层,该层为结构持力层。(3)不良地质现象 据勘察,场地内未发现沟槽等不良地质现象,但场地浅表层分布的淤泥质土(2层)具有承载力低、流变性强、灵敏度高等特征,在强震下会产生震陷,在堆载或振动过程中极易产生侧向滑移,存在抗滑稳定和不均匀沉降问题,是施工中尤其要注意的问题。(4)液化判别经勘查,拟建场地20m以浅分布的土层除淤泥质土外,还有3-1层饱和粉砂和3-3层砂质粉土,根据国家标准建筑抗震设计规范(B50011-2010),在抗震设防烈度7度时对3-1层粉砂和3-3层砂质粉土,利用标准贯入试验进行液化判别。根据计算结果,在抗震设防烈度7度时场地内3-1、3-3层均为液化土层,场地


38、,位于板桩江侧。方桩尺寸为:50050027000mm。其中开敞北段已施工完成215根(桩号为F341#F555#)。桩基汇总表见“表2-1 桩基汇总表”:3 总体施工部署3.1桩基总体施工顺序本工程砼方桩间距较密,开敞段方桩位于砼板桩岸侧,距离砼板桩很近,而且最上一层土体容易侧向滑动,为了防止砼方桩施工时产生的叠加挤土效应将打好的板桩由岸侧向江侧挤压,确保板桩这一关键工序的质量,我们对桩基总体施工顺序做了以下安排:开敞段横断面上桩基施工考虑由岸侧向江侧进行,即先施工钢筋砼方桩,再施工钢筋砼U型板桩。亲水平台处因方桩位于板桩的江侧,不会产生叠加的挤土效应,故横断面上可先施工U型板桩再施工砼方桩

39、。根据以上原则及对前期试桩情况的总结,我部拟在现有1艘打桩船(浙普工51)的基础上再进场1艘打桩船(江宇桩1号),5月25日投入开敞北段板桩施工。若2艘船不能满足进度要求,则立刻投入第三条船,确保满足工期要求。3.2主要机械设备4 主要施工工艺4.1水上沉混凝土U型板桩针对试桩情况,我部在以后的施工中拟根据不同区域分别采用两种针对性的方案。区域划分见“图4-1施工区域划分图”。A区域,砼U型板桩为直线段,施工时桩船垂直岸线定位,此区域采用方案一;B区域,砼U型板桩整体为为圆弧形,该区域共有212根砼U型板桩;C区域,砼U型板桩为直线段,但该区域紧邻圆弧段,受已沉的砼U型板桩限制,沉桩时打桩船不

40、能垂直岸线定位,具体见“图4-2区域C沉桩影响示意图”,所以打桩船只能顺岸方向定位;该区域共有40根砼U型板桩;D区域,与C区域原理相似,受引桥的影响,打桩船也只能顺岸方向定位,该区域共有20根砼U型板桩。以上B、C、D三个区域,因平面扭角大,桩船驻位方式多变,不适宜方案一,故我部拟采用方案二。图4-2区域C沉桩影响示意图4.1.1沉桩机械设备 水上沉U型板桩选用“浙普工51”打桩船,打桩船配D100柴油锤送桩,1000T运桩船3艘。4.1.2方案一采用沉导桩架设导架并设置限位的方式。导向架一侧由导桩支撑,另一侧搁置在已沉好的砼U型板桩上。沉砼U型桩前先打设导桩,在导桩上安装导向架控制砼U型板

41、桩走向。水上施工时,导向架兼作脚手架。导桩采用550钢管桩,施打至入土6m,底标高约为-8m,顶标高+5m,桩总长13m。桩两边采用20#槽钢做搁置点。导架采用双层400工字钢,单根长度20m,导架内边与板桩外边净距0.02m。具体见“图4-3方案一导架平面图”,“图4-4板桩搁置点剖面图(1-1)”, “图4-5钢管桩搁置点剖面图(2-2)”。图4-3方案一导架平面图图4-4板桩搁置点剖面图(1-1)图4-5钢管桩搁置点剖面图(2-2)方案一施工流程见“图4-6 方案一施工流程图”。图4-6方案一施工流程图4.1.3方案二方案二是在已施打完成的前一根桩上增加限位,充分利用打桩船的特点,在岸上


43、工流程及控制要点见“图4-10 方案二施工流程图”。图4-10方案二施工流程图4.1.4施工工艺及质量控制措施4.1.4.1施工工艺(1)U型板桩运输U型板桩强度达到70时方可在预制场内吊运,强度达到90时方可外运,强度达到100时才可施打。U型板桩要严格安装落驳图装船运输,确保与现场施打顺序完全一致。场内吊运及装船均采用四点水平吊,起吊设备采用2台50T门机吊车同时起吊,为保证吊点均衡受力,桩上部2个吊点和桩下部2个吊点各通过一根钢丝绳与钢扁担两端的滑轮吊钩连接,2台门机吊车的吊钩分别通过钢扁担上的吊环勾住钢扁担,同时起吊。详见“图4-11 U型板桩四点水平吊示意图”。图4-11 U型板桩四

44、点水平吊示意图U型板桩在场地内和运输船上的堆放不得超过四层,每层之间通过4个木垫块支撑,4个木垫块位于4个吊点处(垫木根据U型板桩内口尺寸制作),堆放场地需保证水平。详见“图4-12 U型板桩堆放示意图”。图4-12 U型板桩堆放示意图(2)施工准备a)桩帽制作本次沉桩采用锤击沉桩的施工工艺,根据沉桩工艺,有针对性的加工了特殊桩帽。桩帽上部为壁厚20mm,直径500mm钢管,下部为2层厚20mm铁板,两块铁板之间设有加劲板,钢管与铁板通过8块肋板连接。在铁板下设置限位,限位采用20mm厚铁板制作,限位板根据板桩外形加工成“U”,共两块,位于板桩两侧,每块距离型板桩外边15mm,使得沉桩时桩顶受

45、到束缚。钢管重心与U型板桩型心在同一直线上,避免锤击时产生偏心力。具体见“图4-13 桩帽示意图”。图4-13 桩帽示意图b)桩垫桩垫采用15cm厚多层瓦楞硬纸板,以起到有效的锤击能量削峰作用,保证桩顶不被打碎或打裂。c)导架方案一采用沉导桩架设导架并设置限位的方式。导架制作按照“图4-3、4-4、4-5”制作。d)限位装置方案二采用的限位装置按照翼缘外形制作,并伸长至准备沉桩的翼缘外侧。详见“图4-8、4-9”。(4)施打导桩及安装导向架(方案一)施工前首先用振动锤插导桩,然后安装导向架。导桩和导向架的位置均为测量人员放样,导向架与限位板共同构成板桩的桩位。质量加强措施(1)对

46、已沉桩的加固处理在已沉好的砼U型板桩相邻翼缘位置安放连接器,将两根已沉好的砼U型板桩翼缘连成整体,防止在沉桩、挤压等外力作用下,相邻两根砼U型板桩榫槽出现相对位移,造成错位脱榫情况的发生。具体见“图4-15 连接器示意图”。图4-15 连接器示意图(2)管理控制措施下桩、稳桩专人指挥,下桩、稳桩后的几个要素检查。1)选派经验丰富并对砼板桩施工工艺清楚了解的施工人员驻船,统一协调砼U型板桩施工。安排人员架设导架,与陆域测量人员加强沟通,指挥船机设备及操作人员,使各道工序都有条不紊,紧密衔接。2)在稳桩及压锤后校核桩的平面位置及扭角、垂直度、榫槽咬合情况。3)在沉桩过程中安排专人观测凹凸榫槽的咬合

47、情况,在下桩及稳桩过程中如发生榫槽脱开等异常情况,指挥打桩船将桩拔出并重新下桩。4.2水上沉方桩4.2.1沉桩机械设备水上沉U型板桩选用“江宇桩1”打桩船,打桩船配D100柴油锤送桩,1000T运桩船3艘。4.2.2工艺流程水上沉钢筋混凝土预制方桩详见“图4-16 水上沉钢筋混凝土预制方桩流程图”:图4-16 水上沉钢筋混凝土预制方桩流程图4.2.3施工工艺及要点(1)方桩预制方桩的预制在专业预制厂家完成。制作程序如下:制作场地压实、整平支模绑扎钢筋骨架安设吊环浇筑混凝土养护至 30%强度拆模支间隔端头模板刷隔离剂绑钢筋浇筑间隔桩混凝土同法间隔重叠制作第二层桩养护至 70%强度起吊100%强度运输堆放。(2)桩的起吊和运输待桩身强度达到设计的70后方可起吊,达到设计强度的100才能运输和打桩。场内吊运及装船均采用四点水平吊,起吊设备采用1台125T门机吊车起吊,为保证吊点均衡受力,桩顶2个吊点和桩底2个吊点各通过一根钢丝绳与钢扁担两端的滑轮连接,2台门机吊车的吊钩分别勾住钢扁担的两端,同时起吊。详见“图4-17 方桩四点水平吊示意图”。图4-17 方桩四点水平吊示意图方桩的堆放,要求地面平稳坚实,支点垫木的位置与吊点位置一致,在同一平面上,各层垫木应上下对齐处于同一垂线上。堆放层数不超过五层。详见“图4-18 方桩堆放示意图”。图4-18 方桩堆放示意图(3)起吊就位首先用


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