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1、2008年中考习惯用语和固定搭配(释意和例句)1. a few 几个;一点;一些Though Mike has been in China for only two weeks, he has made a few friends here. 尽管Mike 来中国只有两个星期,他已经在这儿交了一些朋友。Its raining outside, so there are only a few people in the street.外面正在下雨,所以街上只有几个人。2. a little 有点;少量;稍微Its windy today, I feel a little cold. 今天有风,我

2、感觉有点冷。You neednt buy ice-cream, there is still a little in the fridge. 你不必买冰激凌了,冰箱里还有一点。Can you speak a little louder? I cant hear you. 你能稍微大点声吗?我听不见你说话。3. a lot of 大量;许多My cousin is interested in music, he has a lot of CDs. 我的表哥对音乐感兴趣,他有许多光盘。Jim has a stomachache, because he has eaten a lot of ice-

3、cream. Jim 胃疼,因为他吃了很多冰激凌。4. a pair of 一双;一对;一副I bought a pair of new shoes yesterday. 昨天我买了一双新鞋。My grandpa needs a pair of new glasses, for the old pair was broken. 我的爷爷需要一副新的眼镜,因为那副旧的坏了。5. after class 课下Our teacher often plays games with us after class. 我们的老师经常在下课后和我们一起做游戏。6. all kinds of 各种各样的 In

4、America, students always take part in all kinds of activities after school every day. 在美国,学生们总是在每天放学后参加各种各样的活动。If you come to Beijing during the Spring Festival, you can taste all kinds of traditional food. 如果你春节期间来北京,你能品尝到各种各样的传统食品。7. all over the world 全世界English is widely used all over the world.

5、 英语在全世界被广泛应用。Many tourists from different countries all over the world travel to Beijing every year. 每年都有很多来自于世界各国的游客到北京旅游。8. as well 也;并;和;同While you are at the store, could you get a few things for me as well? 当你在商店时,能不能也给我买点东西?He has invited his teachers to his birthday party as well. 他也请了他的老师参加他

6、的生日聚会。9. asas 像一样Tom is as tall as his elder brother. Tom像他的哥哥一样高。Li Ming can speak English as fluently as Tom. 李明能够像Tom一样流利地说英语。10. be able to 有能力做某事My friend Lucy is very clever. She is able to speak English, French and Japanese. 我的朋友Lucy非常聪明。他会说英语、法语和日语。11. be good at 擅长;在某方面做得好She is good at dra

7、wing. 她擅长画画。Lucy is good at math, so she often helps us learning Math. Lucy 擅长数学,所以她经常帮助我们学数学。12. be interested in 对感兴趣;喜欢做 Both my father and I are interested in sports. 我爸爸和我都对体育感兴趣。My father cant play football, but he is very interested in watching football games on TV. 我爸爸不会踢足球,但是他非常喜欢看电视上的足球比赛。

8、13. be proud of 为感到骄傲;为感到自豪All of us are proud of Liu Xiang and Yao Ming. 我们所有人都为刘翔和姚明感到骄傲。She is proud of making great progress in English. 她为在英语方面取得的巨大进步而感到自豪。14. by air 乘飞机y uncle will go to England by air next month. 我叔叔下个月要乘飞机去英国。15. by bus乘坐公共汽车He goes to school by bus every day. 他每天乘坐公共汽车去上学。

9、16. come from 来自;从来;出生(于)The twins in our class come from Canada. 我们班的双胞胎来自于加拿大。Milk comes from cows. 牛奶产自于奶牛。This passage she wrote in her book comes from Dickens. 她书里写的这一段出自于狄更斯(的作品)。17. come true (梦想等)实现;成为现实Catch hold of your dreams, they must be come true someday in the future. 抓住你的梦想,他们一定会在将来的

10、某一天被实现。He is trying his best to make his dreams come true. 他正在尽他最大的努力使他的梦想成真。18. depend on 依靠;依赖I depend on my parents for advice. 我依赖我的父母给我意见。She has been used to depending on her parents in her life. 她已经习惯了在生活中依靠她的父母。19. different from 与不同Lucy and Lily are twin sisters, but they are quite differen

11、t from each other. Lucy 和Lily是双胞胎姐妹,但她们彼此非常不同。Great inventors always have lots of ideas that are different from others. 伟大的发明家们总是有很多不同于别人的想法。20do homework 做作业例句1:他经常晚上做作业。He often does his homework in the evening.例句2:我们应该认真做作业。We should do our homework carefully.21do some shopping 购物例句1: 她喜欢周末购物She

12、likes doing some shopping at the weekends.例句2:我经常和妈妈一起购物。I often do some shopping with my mother.22each other 彼此;互相例句1:我们应该互相帮助。We should help each other. 例句2:学生们正在互相交谈。The students are talking to each other.23even if 即使;即便;尽管例句1:尽管雨下得很大,他仍然准时到了学校。He got to school on time even if it was raining heav

13、ily. 例句2:虽然她很小,但是她能做家务。She could do housework even if she was young.24even though 即使;纵然;尽管例句1:尽管我们累,但我们仍然继续走。We still walked on even though we were tired. 例句2:虽然我们的老师病了,但她仍然上班了。Our teacher still came to work even though she was ill.25fill with 用填充例句1:瓶子里装满了水。The bottle is filled with water. 例句2:父母们把

14、长筒袜装满了礼物。The parents fill the stockings with presents.26first of all 首先;第一 例句1:首先,我们应该想到别人而不是自己。 First of all , we should think of others instead of ourselves .例句2:第一,青少年应该注意安全。First of all , teenagers must pay attention to safety. 27for example 例如;比如例句1:她非常善良。例如,她经常帮助别人做作业。She is very kind. For exa

15、mple, she often helps others with their homework. 例句2:他工作非常努力。例如,他总是第一个到办公室并且最后一个离开。He works hard. For example, he is the first one to get to the office and the last one to leave.28get back 回来例句1:他爸爸昨天回家很晚。His father got back home late yesterday. 例句2:我直到下午五点种才回来。I didnt get back until five oclock in

16、 the afternoon.29get on 上车例句1:我们应该排队上车。We should get on the bus in line. 例句2:看!车来了。我们上车吧。Look! The bus is coming. Lets get it on.30get together 聚集;联欢例句1:在中秋节那天,人们通常聚集在一起吃一顿大餐。People usually get together for a big meal on Mid-autumn Day. 例句2:他们聚会并且玩得很快乐。They got together for a party and everyone had

17、a good time. 31get up 起床例句1:他每天起得很早。He gets up early every day. 例句2:该起床了。Its tome to get up.32give up 放弃例句1:不要放弃。Dont give up. 例句2:他决定放弃吸烟。He decided to give up smoking.33go home 回家例句1:他们下班回家了。They went home from work. 例句2:他直到午夜才回家。He didnt go home until midnight.34go out 外出例句1:让我们出去散步吧。Lets go out

18、for a walk. 例句2:我们出去踢足球好吗?Shall we go out to play football?35go shopping 去购物例句1:今天我们有时间。让我们去购物吧。We are free today. Lets go shopping. 例句2: 女人们酷爱购物。Women love going shopping.36go swimming 去游泳例句1:我们通常夏天去游泳。We usually go swimming in summer. 例句2:游泳对你有好处。Its good for you to go swimming.37go to bed 上床睡觉例句1

19、:孩子们不应该睡觉太晚。对健康没好处。Children shouldnt go to bed late. Its bad for their health. 例句2:我爸爸昨晚睡觉很晚。My father went to bed late last night.38go to school 去上学例句1:他们经常坐公共汽车上学。They often go to school by bus. 例句2:他够上学的年龄了。He is old enough to go to school.39. grow up 长大;成长 Where did you grow up? 你是在哪儿长大的? When t

20、he children grow up, the parents grow old. 等孩子长大时,父母都老了。40.have to 必须;不得不 My mother is ill. I have to look after her at home. 母亲病了,我必须在家照看她。 I didnt catch the bus last night, so I had to go home on foot. 昨天晚上我没赶上公共汽车,因此我不得不走回家。41. help sb. with sth. 帮某人做某事 He often helps me with my lessons. 他经常帮我复习功

21、课。 Ill help my mother with the housework this Sunday. 这周日我要帮妈妈做家务。42.how many 多少 How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生? How many subjects did you have last term? 你们上学期有多少个学科?43.how much 多少(接不可数名词) -How much is the book? 这本书多少钱? -Its twenty yuan. 20 元。 How much water do you want? 你想要多少水

22、?44.How old 多大年纪;几岁 How old is your sister? 你妹妹多大了? How old is that old woman? 那个老太太多大了。45.hundreds of 几百;成百上千 Hundreds of foreigners come to visit our school every year. 每年都有成百上千的外国人来我们学校参观。He flew hundreds of miles in a balloon. 他乘气球飞了几百英里。46. in class 课上;上课时 We should listen to the teacher carefu

23、lly in class. 我们上课时应该认真听老师讲课。 No talking in class. 课上禁止说话。47. in fact 事实上 In fact, Im not interested in math at all. 事实上我对数学一点也不感兴趣。 But, in fact, theyre animals. 但事实上,他们是动物。48. in front of 在前面 There is a garden in front of the house. 房子前面有一个花园。 Kate is in front of me in the photo. 照片中凯特在我前面。49. in

24、order to 为了 Most people have to work in order to live. 大多数人必须工作以维持生活。 Cut out sweets in order to lose weight. 为了减轻体重而食糖果。50. in the end 最后;终于 She finished her homework in the end. 她终于完成了作业。 Things will come right in the end. 情况最后一定会变好的。51. in the future 将来 Id like to visit the Great Wall in the futu

25、re. 将来我想参观一下长城。 We want to live together in the future. 我们想将来生活在一起。52. in the middle of 在中间;在中央 The table is in the middle of the room. 桌子在房间的中心。 A car accident happened in the middle of the road last Sunday. 上周日在这条马路中间发生了一场汽车交通事故。53. instead of 代替;而不是 She went to the cinema instead of staying at ho

26、me yesterday. 她昨天去看电影了而不是在家呆着。 You gave me $27 instead of $37. 你找了我27元而不是37元。54. keep fit 保持健康 Mr. Smith needs more exercises to keep fit. 史密斯先生要健康还需要更多的锻炼。Keep fit, study well and work hard. 身体好,学习好,工作好。55. listen to 听 I often listen to the music in my free time. 我经常在业余时间听音乐。 Can we listen to somet

27、hing else? 我们可以听点别的吗?56. look after 照顾;照看 My brother is only two years old. He cant look after himself. 我弟弟只有两岁,他不能照看他自己。 Who will look after the baby? 谁来照料这个婴儿?57. look at 看 Can I look at your new coat? 我可以看看你的新上衣吗? Please look at the pictures. 请看看这些图片。58. look for 寻找He looked for his pen everywher

28、e, but he couldnt find it anywhere.-What is Li Lei doing? -He is looking for his dog.59. look forward to 盼望;期待(某事)My mother says she is looking forward to meeting you.Im really looking forward to our vacation.60. lots of = a lot of 许多Tom has made lots of friends in China.There was a lot of snow and

29、ice in the south of China in January.61. make friends with 和交朋友He is outgoing and he likes making friends with others. He has made friends with an American boy named Tom.62. make mistakes 犯错误 He wrote so carefully that he made few mistakes in the English exam. She seldom speaks English because she i

30、s afraid of making mistakes.63. next to 在旁边; 紧接的 There was a little girl sitting next to him. The church is on the left, next to the school.64. not any more 不再 You are not a child any more and you can look after yourself. Mr. Liu doesnt live here any more. He has moved to a new building.65. not at a

31、ll 根本不; 一点儿也不 He doesnt like eating vegetables at all. I didnt feel tired at all after he played basketball.66. of course 当然 Of course Ill give you your money back. Of course I will help my mother do housework as much as possible.67. on time 准时 You had better take the medicine on time. Im afraid I c

32、ant come on time because I have to go to the hospital.68. out of 由里面向外; 在之外 He took the present out of his bag and gave it to me. He looked out of the window and he enjoyed the beautiful scenery.69. pay for 付款 If you cant find the library book, you must pay for it. I paid 800 yuan for the coat.70. p

33、ick up 捡起; 拾起; 开车接 He saw a book on the floor and he picked it up. Can you pick me up when you pass by my school?71. play with 与玩耍 The old man loves his grandchildren so much that he often plays with them. I often see the little dog play with a ball.72. put on 穿上; 上演 Why not put on your new coat? I

34、think it fits you very much. They will put on a new play during the Spring Festival.73. put up 举起; 张贴 You should put up your hand in class when you have a question to ask. The exam results will be put up on Friday afternoon.74. right now 立即; 此刻 Ill find the address for you right now. Im afraid he is

35、nt here right now.75. run away 跑开; 迅速离开; 逃走 The thief ran away from the house after he stole some money. The forest can stop the earth from running away.76. set up 建立; 创立; 开办 The factory was set up in 1958. They are busy setting up their own company.77.so far 迄今为止1) So far they have learned 1600 Eng

36、lish words.迄今为止,他们已经学会了1600 个单词。2) So far, so good.到此为止,一切顺利。78.take a photo/take photos 拍照1) They drove along the highway and stopped now and then to take photos . 他们沿着公路开车,不时停下来拍拍照。2) He traveled around the world taking photos of all the old buildings he saw.他周游世界,用相机拍下了他见到的所有古建筑。79.Take off 飞机;脱下

37、1) The plane took off just 5 minutes ago.那架飞机五分钟前刚起飞的。2) He felt very hot after running. So he took off his overcoat.跑完步,他感到很热。 所以他脱下了外套。80.take place 发生1) Great changes have taken place in our city because of the Olympic Games.因为奥运会, 我们的城市已经发生了很大的变化。2) When will the football match take place.足球比赛什么

38、时候举行?81.talk about 谈论1) When strangers begin a conversation they usually talk about weather or other unimportant things. 当陌生人开始交谈的时候,他们往往只谈天气或不重要的事。2) What are you talking about? About me?你们在一起说什么? 在说我么?82the day after tomorrow 后天1) A celebration will be held the day after tomorrow to welcome the Ch

39、inese guests.为了欢迎中国客人,后天将有一个庆祝活动。2) The meeting will be put off till the day after tomorrow.这次会议将被推迟到后天。83.think of 想起,想念1) What do you think of the new plan?你对这个新计划是怎么看的?2) People often think of their families when an important festival comes.每当一个重要的节日来临,人们经常会想起自己的家人。84. think about 考虑1) Lei Feng a

40、lways thought about how to serve the people better. 雷锋总是考虑怎样更好地为人民服务。2) Think about it before you say anything. 在说话前多想一想。85. thousands of 成千上万的1) Thousands of years has passed before people invented a car. 过了成千上万年,人才发明了汽车。2) I have told you thousands of times not to play with fire, but you just dont

41、 listen. 我跟你说过无数遍,不要玩火,你就是不听。86.throw away 摆脱;扔1) The man hid himself on a small island to throw away his worries. 那位男子为了摆脱烦恼躲在一个小岛上。2) Dont throw away anything that can be recycled. 只要能回收的东西都不要扔。87. too to 太。而不能。1) He was too excited to say a word. 他兴奋的说不出话来。2)The task is too difficut for such youn

42、g children. 对这些小孩来说,这项任务太难了。88.turn down 把音量开小点1)Turn down the TV please. The children are doing their lessons. 请把电视的音量开小点。孩子们在作功课呢。2)Before answering the phone , the boy turned down his MP3. 男孩先把MP3的音量开小了,才去接电话。89. turn on 打开1) Its getting dark here. Would you please turn on the light ? 这里变暗了,请你打开灯

43、好么?2) After supper, his family would turn on the TV and sit together chatting. 晚饭后他的家人会打开电视机坐在一起聊天。90. used to do 过去经常做。1) His father used to be a policeman. 他的爸爸曾经是位警察。2) He used to stay in bed till noon on Sundays, but now he prefer to do some exercise on Sunday mornings. 在星期天他以前总是睡到中午。而现在他更愿意在星期天

44、上午锻炼身体。91. wait for 等待1) He met with an old friend when he was waiting for the bus this morning. 他今天早上等车时碰到了一位老朋友。2) We chinese are all waiting for the coming of the 23re Olympic Games. 我们中国人都在等者23届奥运会的来临。92. wake up 醒来1) Every day he wakes up at the first sunrays. 每天早晨他都在第一缕阳光中醒来。2) Turn down the TV please, or youll wake up your baby sister. 把电视机的音量开小点,不然会吵醒你的小妹妹的。93. work out 算出来,解出来1) He didnt work out the maths problem until he had thought about it for 20 minutes.他想了20 多分钟才解出这道数学题。2) Can you work out how much money you have wasted on computer games these years? 你能算出来,你们这些年在电脑游戏上浪费了多少钱么


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