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1、 Application of Happy Teaching Method in Middle School English TeachingAbstract: Due to the shortage of English teaching method, Happy Teaching Method has been applied widely, especially in middle schools. Since it is applied, it has posed a great challenge for the traditional teaching in China. Alt

2、hough Happy Teaching Method is popular with the teachers and students in China, it still has a long way to go. This paper first introduces the origin , the definition and the function of Happy Teaching Method, and then it puts emphasis on the application of Happy Teaching Method in the middle school

3、 English teaching based on practical teaching experiences, and some suggestions have been put forward in order to improve middle school English teaching methods and to enhance its effect.Key words: Middle school English teaching; Happy teaching method; Interest愉快教学法在初中英语教学中的应用 摘 要:在初中英语教学中,由于英语教学方法单

4、一,愉快教学法这种新的教学方法于是被广泛传播。它的采用,是对传统的教学方式的挑战。在中国,即使许多老师对愉快教学法已有所耳闻,但要对它熟练掌握并运用,则远远不够。 本文首先介绍了愉快教学法的起源,定义及其功能,然后基于自己教学实践探究了愉快教学法在初中英语教学中的应用,并提出了一些可行性建议,以求改善中学英语教学法,提高中学英语教学效果。关键词:初中英语教学;愉快教学法;兴趣IntroductionAt present there are so many Chinese people learning English crazily. Not only have we students tri

5、ed to learn it well, but also other walks of life. Why does it happen? Maybe they are just interested in it, and maybe they just want to cope with the exams to get further education, maybe managing a foreigner language is good for finding a satisfying job, or something else? Actually I cant explain

6、this situation clearly. As we all know, English is widely used in many respects, and it plays an important role in modern society. So we try our best to learn it. All of us spend much time and energy on English learning, but whats the result? Maybe most people have to say: “our English is still very

7、 poor.” Why? Whats wrong with English teaching in China? As for us, this is a serious problem which is worth pondering.The test-oriented education forces some students to learn English. They have no interest in learning it. Needless to say, they cant make great progress, just stay on the original le

8、vel. I think it is a shortcoming in current English education. Whats more, our teachers only focus on the test skills, rather than practical abilities. For example, when we are in middle school, our English teachers neglect our spoken English so that we cant communicate with others fluently. They ju

9、st teach us how to get high marks, and the boring teaching contents make some students gradually lose their interest on learning it, and so our English cant improve quickly.It is known that English is an important subject for students, so the parents send their children to take part in extra trainin

10、g on weekend. I cant imagine that the little children are forced to learn English rather than enjoy their childhood. From primary school to university, you must take a lot of English exams. Sometimes Im wondering whether the education system is reasonable or not. Maybe improving English teaching in

11、China make no sense, but it is important to change our education system. If we are willing to learn to English, Im sure our English is better than now.How can we make progress? I think we still have a long way to go.Education is a fruit of society, while its starting point is the need of the communi

12、ty. The basic education has been long concentrated on entrance exam and intended to train outstanding students. The result of exam and the rate of entering high school is the only standards to assess schools and appraise teachers. As a result, schools do without following the educational rule, teach

13、ers teach in a hard-and-fast way, students lose their initiative, enthusiasm and creativity to learn. As the implement action of compulsory education, examination-oriented education system has gradually taken place of education for all-around development; the teaching reform will pay more attention

14、to the requirement of modern technologies and teaching disciplines. It is the outcome of political and economical system innovation since reform and opening. It is the symbol of social progress. It is the impersonal precondition and new opportunity for Happy Teaching Method as well. As a new teachin

15、g method, those who are not familiar with it may ask what it is. In short, Happy Teaching Method means joyful study, entertaining, educating, and enriching. Happy Teaching Method is to proceed from characteristics of each subject, follow students psychological rules of development , adopt the lively

16、 teaching methods, let students obtain new knowledge constantly through the study of the abundant content of courses in a good mood and receive spiritual satisfaction at the same time . It regards training talents of overall development with strong characters as its object, interests, successful aes

17、thetic creating , understanding , respecting through the whole course of teaching so that teachers and students obtain the happy experience of learning aid and receiving harmonious development of body and mind. In brief, Happy Teaching Method is to teach happily to reside promptly. The essence of ha

18、ppy teaching lies in making students individual characters a overall , harmonious , vivid development.The Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University was the first to put forward and implement the Happy Teaching Method in 1987. They paid attention to the study of students instead of conc

19、entrating on the teaching of teachers. The school took a reform of “more illuminations, more intuitions and more practices” and encouraging students to question and debate. They established a class structure that focused on the practical ability of students which included question, reading, laborato

20、ry operation, discussion. It not only eases the burden of students but also help them study happily.Being aware of the importance of education, a large number of scholars have devoted their time and energy to the course of the education. However, as the saying goes: “There is no royal road to learni

21、ng.” So is education. Education is not a course that can be easily achieved. It is always full of challenges. Nowadays, the United States is the only super power in the world. Without doubt, English is considered as the international language to exchange information. As a developing country, Chinese

22、 particularly need to learn the advanced technology from the developed countries. Therefore, Chinese students ought to master English well to contribute to motherland. Whats more, after China enters into WTO, she is plunged into an international competition in many aspects. Thus, in order to keep pa

23、ce with the world, Chinese students also ought to learn English well. As a matter of fact, English is taught as a foreign language in China. Students learn English, ranging from primary school, secondary school, and college.As for English learning, it is a headache both for teachers and students in

24、China. On the teachers part, they are exploring the most suitable way to teach students. On the students part, some think that pronunciation is very difficult; while others claim that grammar is much more tedious. Different people have different views. Frankly speaking, English is more complex in so

25、me aspects comparing with Chinese. Just take inverted sentence structure for example, there are a lot of rules for students to remember. When and how to use it? It is very hard to understand for Chinese students, for there are no such complex inverted sentences in Chinese. As a result, Chinese stude

26、nts always feel puzzled at the process of learning and can not use it correctly. Especially, English is the most difficult for junior students, for they are physically and emotionally immature. They can not concentrate themselves on the tedious grammar for 45 minutes and may easily lose their passio

27、n and interest in English. Accordingly, reform and adjustment are needed at once.I have been teaching the students who are in their second year of a middle school. In my teaching, Ive found there are some problems. I hope I can solve the problems that have troubled me for some time in practice so th

28、at I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice which I learned from HuNan Agricultural University.1 Status quo of Foreign language education in ChinaAs the most populous country in the world, China also boasts one of the largest populations of English learners and a history of over seven decad

29、es of English teaching and learning. Traditionally, English teaching in China is dominated by a teacher-centered, book-centered, grammar translation method and emphasis on rote memory. As a matter of fact, this approach is still existent in some middle schools . These traditional teaching approaches

30、 reflect the typical Chinese classroom for learning English; that is, most of the interaction in the classroom is form the teacher to the student. There is little student initiative and little student-student interaction. As a result, after studying English for several years, the students might have

31、 learned how to analyze sentence structures and how to translate and appreciate English literature, but they remain at a loss when they meet English speakers. This inability to apply what they have learned in the classroom greatly limits Chinese students in communicating effectively with Westerners.

32、Since China began her open door policy, she has greatly increased contact with foreign countries, which has given more importance to the use of foreign language. Nearly all trades and professions need people who have attained foreign language proficiency in varying degrees. Learning a foreign langua

33、ge is also conducive to the development of childrens intelligence, cultural awareness, and outlook on the world. So foreign language is listed as an essential component of compulsory education in full time middle schools, this has produced a heightened interest about English teaching methods in Chin

34、a.Before any teaching takes place, there are a number of things involved in the teaching process. They are the aims of the teaching, the syllabus to be followed, the materials to be used, the topics to be covered and the exercises, and the methods of assessment and testing. All of these reflect a ge

35、neral approach to the teaching of languages. As we can see, it is very apparent the language teaching involves different linguistic theories, the approach and methodology likewise adopted are influenced by a number of factors.Traditional Chinese education and its effect on middle school English teac

36、hingAs is widely known, China is a country whose civilization goes back to thousands of years. In the course of Chinas development, one of its greatest thinkers, Confucius, laid the philosophical foundation for education in China. Confucian teachings about language structure and memorization of text

37、ual materials affected the way the Chinese teach and learn, helped set the educational pattern in China. The most obvious features which summarizing from others papers are as follows:A). Concentration on intensive reading as a basis for language study.B). Use of memorization and rote learning as a b

38、asic acquisition technique.C). Meticulous emphasis on linguistic details and a corresponding lack of attention to communicative skills.D). Use of translation as both a teaching and a learning strategy.E). Teachers authority and students passive role.To sum up, English teaching in China has focused o

39、n the study of grammar and sentence structures, following traditional Chinese scholarly practice. In the classroom, it is usual for students to keep silent throughout most of the course. Therefore, there is little, if any, classroom interaction among students in Chinese EFL teaching.2 Happy Teaching

40、 Method 2.1 The origin and definition of Happy Teaching Method As far as the origin of the Happy Teaching Method is concerned, it can be divided into two parts both in China and in western countries. In China, the origin of Happy Teaching Method can be dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period. Gre

41、at educator Confucius said like this “学而时习之,不亦乐乎?” “知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者” in Chinese. 1 2 It suggests that learning itself is full of pleasure and students are able to obtain satisfaction in emotion. At that time, Confucius has realized that the interest of learner plays an important role in learning.

42、And he regards the Happy Teaching as the highest rank of learning. Later, his concept of learning is succeeded and expanded by his students彦渊(Yan Yuan). “乐之入人也深,其化也”, what he means is that music has magic which can improve students spirit 3. And there is a famous book the old text学记. It explains the

43、 Happy Teaching in details “道而弗牵则和,强而弗抑则易,开而弗达则思。和,易以思,可谓善于矣.” 4 In this sentence, “和” means the harmonious relationship between teachers and students and the contradict in the process of learning should be settled properly. “易” means students do their study in a relaxed atmosphere and then they wil

44、l not consider the study as a terrified channel. “思” means the mental activities in the process of learning. Teachers never answer the question directly; while only give the students a hint. Thus, students could work out the answers by themselves and get a sense of success. In fact, the history of H

45、appy Teaching Method in China is quite long. In the past, “pouring-in” type of teaching dominated the educational career all the time. However, there were still some bold educators who had put forward the concept of Happy Teaching Method, such as王阳明(Wang Yangming). From his point of view “今教童子,必使其趋向

46、鼓舞,中心喜悦,则其进自不能已;譬之时雨春风,沾被卉木, 莫不萌动发越,自然日长月化.” 5Otherwise, the students would be afraid of learning and regard the school as a hell. To satisfy the students, more and more scholars are against “pouring-in” type of teaching. Among them, 梁启超(Liang Qichao)criticizes the traditional teaching strongly “必立监

47、佐史以莅之,正襟危坐,以圈之,庭内湫隘,养气不足,圈禁拘管,有如重囚, 对卷茫然,更无生趣.” 6 He suggested that traditional teaching should be replaced by Happy Teaching Method at once. Owing to those educators, Happy Teaching Method can develop so fast. Of course, there were a lot of scholars in China who had contributed themselves to the de

48、velopment of Happy Teaching Method. Here just lists a few of them. As for the history of Happy Teaching Method in western countries, it originated in ancient Greek. Socrates was the first person to put forward the concept of Happy Teaching Method in western countries. In his opinion, the work of tea

49、chers was not only confined to transmit the truth and knowledge, they should also be a producer of new concepts. His mind was succeeded and expanded by his students Aristotle. From Aristotles point of view, education should be consistent with students natural development. He also gave considerable examples to show the possibility and necessity of Happy Teaching Method. The most important contribution to the development of


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