unit 7 Section B.ppt

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《unit 7 Section B.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 7 Section B.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section BPeriod TwoStay-at-home children need a family with mother and father.Lets enjoy a video to know something about them.Lead-in 1Lead-in 2Stay-at-home childrenDo you know“stay-at-home children”?How do you think about them?Lets read Li Wens story.To learn to understand and use used to+verb to m

2、ake comparisons.To learn the new words:in person,take pride in,be proud of 1.Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his school work.2.They had a long talk and Li Wen understood that his parents take pride of everything good that he did.3.Li Wens background.4.Its important for parents to be there for

3、 their children.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.41Skim the article on page 54.Then match the paragraphs with their main ideas.Task1:MatchingListen to the passage and put the sentences(A-D)in the correct placesMissing languageA.They had a long talk.B.Now Li Wen has really changedC.Howe

4、ver,things began to change a few years agoD.His teacher was worried about him.Task 2:listen and do1.Li Wen used to have difficulties in school.2.His parents left him behind and he felt very lonely and unhappy.3.He didnt like his grandparents.4.He works very hard and does well in school when his gran

5、dparents came to look after him.5.He missed his parents so much and wanted to live with them.TTFFTRead the first paragraph,then finish the exercises.“T”for true,“F”for false.2Task 1 Read the paragraph 1,please do“F”or“T”1.Why did Li Wen became less interested in studying?A.He is a lazy boy.B.He want

6、s to play outside.C.He felt lonely and unhappy.D.He doesnt like to study.Task 2 Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answer.2.Which of the following is NOT Li Wens difficulties in school?A.He was absent from classes.B.He failed his examinations.C.He was shy.D.He had no friends in scho

7、ol.3.His parents took a _ and a _ to get to Lis school.A.24-hour bus,5-hour trainB.24-hour train,5-hour busC.24-hour train,15-hour busD.24-hour bus,15-hour trainTask 3 Read the last two paragraphs and then fill in the blanks.PastNowHe felt _ and _.He was _ now,because he knew his parents _.He _ clas

8、ses and _ his examinations.He worked _ than he used to.He was _ and was not be able to _ quickly in school.He became _ and _ in school.lonelyunhappymuch happierwere proud of himwas absent fromfailedeven hardershymake friendsmore outgoingmade some goodfriendsask teacher for helpLi Wen is a 15-year-ol

9、d boy.He works hard and does well in school.It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school.When his parents moved to the city to work,they could not be at home to _ him.So he became less interested in studying and _ classes.Then his parents _ to send him to a boarding school.He fo

10、und life there difficult.One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person.This conversation _ his life.He realized that his parents would always love him,and they would _ everything good that he did.Now he is much happier and

11、more outgoing than he used to be.take care of missed decided changed be proud of be proud of/take pride in make a decision/decide miss/be absent from change/influencelook after/take care ofComplete the passage with proper forms of the words and phrases in the box.2c2c3Try to recitea 15-year-old boyw

12、orks hard and does well inIts hard to believe that When moved to look afterSobecame less interested inwas absent fromThen made a decision to.Found lifeOne day wanted to leaveAdvised his parents to in personChanged Realized that and they would be proud ofNowmuch happier and more outgoing thanParents:

13、Honey,are you OK?Li:I missed you so much.You were always busy with your work and didnt take care of me.Parents:We missed you,too.You know,we have to work for our family.Mom is so sorry for I left you home but I have no choice.Though were busy,we still think of you.You were good boy and were so proud

14、 of you.You became less interested in studying and wanted to leave school.Were so worry about you.Do you have any difficulties?Can we help you?What do you think Li Wen and his parents talked about in their conversation.Write a conversation and role-play it with your group.Think of the following thin

15、gs:Group workGroup work2f2f Possible questions Li Wen might ask his parents Questions his parents might ask Li Wen Possible answers from Li Wen and his parentsLi:Mom,I thought you dont love me anymore.I believed that you forget me.I misunderstood you and father.Now I understand that even though your

16、e busy,youre always thinking of me.You take pride of me.I love you!Exercise I.选择最佳选项选择最佳选项1.Mrs Li takes _ in the success of her two children.A.pride B.time C.trouble2.Li Na has won the championship in France Tennis Open.All the Asians _her challenging sprint and excellent English.【2011哈尔滨哈尔滨】A.are

17、proud of B.take care of C.get along with根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.Lucy _ _ _(害怕害怕)the dark,so she never goes out at night.2.Did you _ _(过去过去)play soccer?3.I _ _ _(过去不常过去不常)be popular in school.4.Paula _ _(过去常常过去常常)be really quiet.is afraid ofuse todidnt use toused toKnowledge objects:1.be ab

18、sent from 2.advise sb.to do sth.3.be proud of4.take pride of 5.in personEmotion objectsStay-at-home children need a family with mother and father1.Review the new words and expressions youve learned today.2.Read the articles in Learning English.3.Use the language in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school.


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