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1、TEM4命题作文写作模式,重要性论述,第三次专四模拟考试写作试题 Writing (45 MIN) Section A Composition 35 MIN It wag recently reported in a newspaper that many college student were eager to go after brand products and were unable to make ends meet. What is your opinion about this phenomenon? Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composit

2、ion of about 200 words on the following topic: The Importance of Rational Consumption You are to write in three Parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion. In the last part, bring what you have written to

3、a natural conclusion or make summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.,The Importance of Rational Consumption The latest report drew our attention to a new type of shopaholic“购物狂” , the col

4、lege students. Many college students are enthusiastic shoppers. Whats worse, they are crazy about brand products. As long as there are famous logos on clothes, cell phones, computers or even restaurants, they are eager to purchase regardless of the cost. Therefore there is never enough money to cove

5、r their expenses.,The consequence of the brand pursuit is not only an empty pocket, but the over burdened parents. Longing for the famous brand, these students concern nothing but the superficial brand, and some of them even but the expensive commodities on credit and ultimately become the credit ca

6、rd slave. The students themselves are not the only victims. Can you imagine a college campus filled with shallow heads and a generation of vain youth? They are purchasing brand goods at the expense of the nations future.,The rational view on consumption should be strongly advocated on campus. Studen

7、ts should know that compared to material goods, the mind and health are better alternatives for investment. The most sacred responsibility of a college is to cultivate responsible citizens. We should pull these young shopaholics back into the right direction before they turn the college into a vanit

8、y fair.,Template 1 Part 1: Nowadays, has aroused more and more attention of the whole society. / Nowadays, it is a heatedly discussed topic that / more and more people pay attention to / attract a lot of public attention. / Currently, has become a matter of concern / More and more people begin to re

9、alize the importance of ( To draw forth the topic, and underlay for the whole composition ),Para 2: In the past, / People used to (To point out the past facts which are mostly reverse to the topic) As a result / However,/ The situation was not enjoyable / many problems emerged (To point out the prob

10、lems and the disadvantage under such facts) Therefore, it is really encouraging to see that people are beginning to pay more attention to / Nowadays, / On the country / While (To make a comparison with the advantages under current situation),Para 3: I do hope that more and more people could realize

11、the importance of (To offer hope, and mention the topic again),Useful sentence pattern Drawing forth the opinion The importance of has been brought to public attention. / Currently, there is a growing tendency that / A recent survey shows that/ It is widely accepted that/ It might be time to place e

12、mphasis on/ It is almost impossible that.without/ Anyone with the least knowledge can tell/ It is a rare thing to/ Suppose that/ The attitude is shared by,如果是有待分析或争论的作文题, 都容易展开思路, 有话可写。 如果题目是一个公认的道理, 不言自明, 应当如何写呢? 建议运用原意扩展的技巧, 把这种技巧发挥得淋漓尽致。 下面通过分析一篇较典型的范文, 来演示这方面的思路。,如何论述一个不言自明的问题?,1.典型题眼:The Import

13、ance of /Travel Broadens Mind The harm of ,结构模板,第一段:引出要说明的事物,明确自己对这一事物的态度(赞同或反对,应该不应该,重要否?有利还是有害?) 第二段:第一句:承接首段观点,对本段内容及其发展方式加以限制(一般用举例法),说明重要性(危害性、有利之处)表现在以下几个方面: 分主题一:重要性(危害性、有利之处)之一(一句话)+拓展观点(2-3句); 分主题二:重要性(危害性、有利之处)之二(一句话)+拓展观点(2-3句); 第三段:结论:重要性+建议或展望(危害性+警示;有利性+建议),题目: The Importance of Confid

14、ence,confidence(信心)的重要性是不言自明的。 但非得把这个主题演绎为一篇三段式的作文。先考虑用词。 由于文中不可避免地要多次提到“信心“,“缺乏信心“这样的内容, 不能总是用“confidence“或“lack of confidence“。,语言要丰富, 先要考虑有哪些同义表达和反义表达:,Confidence - faith - build up faith - feel capable of doing sth. lack of confidence - lose heart - feel frustrated 平时练作文时就要养成找同义表达和反义表达的习惯。,下一步,

15、想法找一两个可围绕做文章的关键词。,譬如, 从反面着眼, 想想一个人要是没有信心, 原因是什么? 如果想到了是个不能正确估计自己和估计困难的问题, 那么就找出了一个可环绕做文章的“词眼“ - estimate(估计), estimate 既可作动词, 也可作名词, 还可加前缀变成overestimate(过高估计) 和underestimate(过低估计),用起来有声有色。,首先将要论述的不言自明的道理从正反两面各发挥一句, 本例中正面的一句是用“whatever”引起的让步结构, 反面的一句用的是一个既精采又好学的句型 “If., there is little possibility th

16、at., especially when.”。最后来一个定型套语,点明主题的客观正确性。 说了长长短短三句话,无非绕着“信心重要” 这个主题在转圈圈,由此英语写作能力就显示出来了。,Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This t

17、ruth seems to be self-evident. 一个人不论做什么, 都要做得有信心。如果没有信心, 就不可能成就任何事情, 尤其是在面临挫折或艰难的时候。 这一真理似乎是不言自明的。,接着来个转折, 制造一个对立面, 即确有干事缺少信心的人, 他们有什么感受, 好在后文中加以分析:,However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overc

18、ome. 然而, 在现实中我们确实看到许多人抱怨他们缺乏作某事的能力或者他们的困难太大了, 没法克服。,然后, 很客观地点出大部分持这种观点的人错了( 特意不指全部人, 这样显得通情达理, 而且这样写句子结构也难些, 利于表现作文质量)。 错在哪? 错在没有信心, 又转回主题了:,For some, this might be true. But for many, this only shows that they have lost heart. 对有些人来讲, 这也许是对的, 可是对许多人来说, 这只说明他们失去了信心。,第二段就来分析所制造的对立面的错误。 环绕事先想好的关键词“est

19、imate”, 对自己和对困难两个方面拟出两条原因:,1 These people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. 2 They overestimate the difficulties.,为了使这一段更丰满, 不妨在段首再写个问句, 自问自答,扩句成段。,Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are quite capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. First,

20、 these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties. 为什么人们即使有相当能力做好某事时也常常感到灰心丧气呢? 诸般原因中, 有两点重要的。第一,这些人对自己没有正确的估计。第二, 他们过高地估计了困难。,注意这个结构中加了一个“among others”, 用两个逗号插在主谓语之间, 一方面表示客观, 不是认为只有两个原因, 而是诸般原因中的两点; 另一方面在一个简单句中插上一个短语, 更能展现语言水平。 结尾段点明作者观点: 对自己抱正确

21、态度才能建立信心。然后引述一条俗语, 再对这条俗语呼应一句就结尾了。,It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. We should never underestimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: “There is a will, there is a way.” Confidence is the guarantee of fulfilling a task s

22、uccessfully. 对自己的能力持正确的态度就可以树立信心。我们永远不要低估自己的能力, 而要相信这条格言:“有志者事竟成”。 信心是成功完成一项任务的保证。,从上面的分析可以看到,这篇文章够罗嗦的,够空洞的,但同时又是原意扩展各种手法的大集中,用这些手法把一个不言自明的主题,拉成了一篇作文,表现了英语写作的功力。 非应试作文慎用这类技巧, 应试作文则往往要这样写。,描红:The Importance of Diligence,Brainstorming 思路: diligence的近义表达 : hard work strive to work diligence 的反义表达 : laz

23、iness leave todays work to be done tomorrow,批判对立面(不勤奋者): lack of ability in controlling themselves; pleasure seeking 立论: human beings true value of life: learning and creation, discovering and changing the world real happiness,闪光措辞,while away excuse spoil There is no room for any excuse for laziness

24、. Diligence is the mother of success.,闲混时间 借口 娇宠 懒惰没有辩解的余地。 勤奋是成功之母。,描红:Diligence,Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seem

25、s to be self-evident.,Whatever one does, one should do it with diligence. If one is not diligent, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is dealing with a tough job. This truth seems to be self-evident.,However, in reality we do see a lot of people who

26、complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For some, this might be true. But for many, this only shows that they have lost heart.,However, in reality we do see quite a few people who while away a lot of time chatting, drinking, or watchi

27、ng television, and always leave todays work to be done tomorrow. Some of them may make an excuse for what they have done, but theres no room for any excuse for laziness.,Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are quite capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reaso

28、ns. First, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.,Why dont such people strive to work? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, they lack persistence in controlling themselves. There are so many joyful things around them that t

29、hey always feel difficult to concentrate themselves on their work or study. Second, they may prefer to another way of living “eat, drink, and be merry”.,It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. We should never underestimate our abilities bu

30、t should believe in the proverb: “There is a will, there is a way.” Confidence is the guarantee of fulfilling a task successfully.,A main difference between human beings and animals is the ability to learn and to create. Only through learning and creation can one realize his own value. But that mean

31、s hard work. We should never spoil ourselves but should believe in the proverb: “Diligence is the mother of success.” We shall enjoy real happiness when we eventually achieve something in discovering and changing the world.,Your job,1. Find a similar topic; 2. Record your brainstorming: key word: si

32、milar expression opposite expression diamond wording 3. Write a similar article.,Excellent Homework,学生佳作,The Importance of Honesty,Whatever one does, one should do it with honesty. If one is not honest, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is in busin

33、ess. This truth seems to be self-evident. However, in reality we do see quite a few people who act unfairly in order to win an advantage or profit from their partner, and even play tricks on their customers. Knavery( neivri n. 恶作剧 诈骗)may serve for a turn, but you cant fool all the people all the tim

34、e. Honesty is the best policy.,Sample,Why dont such people keep their word? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, there is lots of temptation of easy profits in the world nowadays. Second, they lack ability in controlling themselves. They give way to the greed which is the excessive and

35、selfish desire for wealth.,Honesty is an ethical principle that permeates ( p:mieit 渗透 ,贯穿) many situations, and is also a factor in developing strong customer relationships. The wise man is always frank, because he knows that “honesty is placed above jewels and treasures”. We should never spoil our

36、selves but should believe in this proverb.,Biologically, there is one quality that distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on the most complex and subtle one of all human qualities: the sense of humor. The sense of humor plays a key role in nearly every as

37、pect of human life. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic. Why the sense of humor is important?,Sample,Why the sense of humor is important?,语言亮点: Seasoning 调味品,佐料 Cracking of a joke 一个玩笑 Disperse 分散 Vim and vigor 生机和活力 Pacifier 安定剂 Alleviate 减轻,缓和 Zest 热情,结构亮点,1. A person wit

38、hout a sense of humor is just like a spring without flowers, a dish without seasoning. 2. With the cracking of a joke, all our worries, sadness and tiredness disperse like mist and smoke. 3. But humor can, as a “pacifier”, inject a light note into the touchy situation to alleviate these problems qui

39、cker than do angry words or quarrels.,Why the Sense of Humor Is Important?,The sense of humor, which is endowed by God, is generally considered to be one of the most valuable personalities. People are born to be humorous. This instinct will never change, person without a sense of humor is just like

40、a spring without flowers, a dish without seasoning. Laughter and humor are twins. When people talk about humor, they usually connect it with laughter. And, laughter, in turn, is related to happiness. If happiness is one of the most important elements of peoples life, then the sense of humor is the k

41、ey to the door of happiness.,Humor can improve our physical and mental conditions. It helps us bear burdens and ease nervousness. With the cracking of a joke,all our worries, sadness and tiredness disperse like mist and smoke. And we are full of vim and vigor once again. The sense of humor is part o

42、f ones EQ. Humor helps us keep on good terms with others. You may meet some trouble in work or study, and you may be misunderstood by workmates or classmates, and you may even find it hard to get close to others. But humor can, as a pacifier, inject a light note into the touchy situation to alleviat

43、e these problems quicker than do angry words or quarrels. By means of humor, you can always keep a good relationship with others. In a word, we must know the importance of the sense of humor. It gives zest to life to make it worth living.,Directions: As the rapid development of Chinese education, ma

44、ny students are under great burden in order to get into the door of university. Therefore, many of them pay too much attention to examination scores and neglect extracurricular activities. Whats your opinion on extracurricular activities? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic

45、: The Importance of Extracurricular Activities,Sample,亮点词句 proportion of students entering higher education升学率 overall consideration ability 全面思考问题的能力 the significance of extracurricular activities lies in the fact that they can enlarge students scope of knowledge, broaden students mind and help stu

46、dents get a deeper understanding of the world that they re living in 课外活动不仅可以扩大学生的知识面,还可以拓宽学社的视野,使学生更好地认识世界。,The Importance of Extracurricular Activities,Under the heavy burden of proportion of students entering higher school, more and more schools pay too much attention to the score of their studen

47、ts, and ignore the cultivating of students comprehensive ability. As a result, students are led to over-emphasize all kinds of examinations. My idea is that extracurricular activities are crucial for ones growth. (引出论点),First and foremost, extracurricular activity can widen students point of view an

48、d broaden their mind. (提出第一分论点,论述课外活动可拓展学生视野的道理) through the attending of extracurricular activities, students will get to know different worlds and experience diversified fields which can help to enlarge students eyesight and enrich their life. Moreover, extracurricular activities can help students

49、 develop different kinds of abilities, such as communication and cooperation capability. Secondly, extracurricular activities can help students get a deeper understand of the world theyre living in. (第二分论点, 指出课外活动可以使学生更好地了解世界) A student may take a simple understanding about affairs happened in the world. But the extracurricular activities can teach one not only a specialized skill, but also the overall considerat


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