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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating Writing,I Writing!,,Company Logo,有个素食主义者最近经常觉得头晕,去看医生,以下是医生的诊断和建议: 诊断:长期素食者导致营养不良,因为素食多属于保护性的食物,缺乏提供热量的食物和身体构成必需的食物,而且缺乏维生素D和钙等微量元素。头晕便是大脑营养不足的体现。 建议: 1.暂时停止素食 2.喝牛奶,吃鸡蛋,适量吃些海鲜和肉 3.症状消失后可以继续素食,但建议每周吃一次非素食食谱。 假设你是医生,请你根据以上信息为该病人写病历并附上建议。,,Company Logo,时态要用现在时, 人称要用第二人称,注意句子结构,尤其

2、是主句,从句结构要清晰,复杂,主句,状语部分要用恰当,不要逐句翻译.,,Company Logo,,Part 1 Problem (诊断),Grown-up,Patient,I love writing,,Company Logo,Firstly, I think you should stop being on a vegetarian diet for a while. Secondly, youd better have some milk, eggs and a certain amount of meat and seafood. Thirdly, you may continue

3、to be on a vegetarian diet after your symptom disappears, but it is suggested that you go on a non-vegetarian diet once a week. Wish you a speedy recovery!,stop being on a vegetarian diet,some milk, eggs and a certain amount,continue to be on a vegetarian,of meat and seafood,Part 2 Suggestions,Sente

4、nce Patterns(句型),diet,have,go on a,non-vegetarian diet once a week,,Company Logo,Useful Sentence Patterns,You can You ought to Youd better,,,Company Logo,Firstly, I think you should stop being on a vegetarian diet for a while. Secondly, youd better have some milk, eggs and a certain amount of meat a

5、nd seafood. Thirdly, you may continue to be on a vegetarian diet after your symptom disappears, but it is suggested that you go on a non-vegetarian diet once a week. Wish you a speedy recovery!,stop being on a vegetarian diet,some milk, eggs and a certain amount,continue to be on a vegetarian,of mea

6、t and seafood,diet,have,go on a,non-vegetarian diet once a week,Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly,First of all,To start with,To begin with,Besides,Whats more,In addition,Finally,Last but not least,Transitional Words(过渡词),Sentence Patterns(句型),,Company Logo,Im sorry to tell you that your dizziness results fro

7、m the fact that you go on a diet for a long time. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful to you.,Part 1-2,1.,2.,your,dizziness results from the fact,that you go on a diet for a long,time,1. Problem,2. Suggestions,,Company Logo,I hope these suggestions will be useful and take care!,Part3,I lov

8、e writing,Wishes,,Company Logo,Use necessary transitional words.,Writing Requirements,Use the sentence patterns, phrases and words that we have learned.,problem,suggestions,your wishes,,Company Logo,Dr. ,,Company Logo,狄更斯 英文简介,1.查尔斯 狄更斯(Charles Dickens), 1812年出生在一个贫困的家庭, 是19世纪杰出的英国小说家之一。从小家境贫困,他童年时就不得不在工厂做工谋生。 2.之后,狄更斯开始对文学感兴趣并开始写小说。其很多作品反映当时社会的黑暗与不公。24岁时,他发表了第一部作品,并马上成为当时最受欢迎的小说家之一。 3.狄更斯许多著名作品都被翻译成了多种语言而被人们所喜爱。,


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