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1、 Lesson 26 What Will I Be?主备人:凌玲 授课人: 授课时间:10.18 课型:新授 审核:【学习目标】一、掌握词汇 1.页_2.年刊;年报_ 3.飞机_4.飞行员_5.害怕;惧怕;担忧_ 6.身高_7.克服_8.模型_二、掌握短语及结构1. 恐高_2.阻止,防止_3.采取措施做_4.克服的恐惧_5.飞行员_6.世界各地_7.一种新式飞机_8.飞机模型_三、结构1.我恐高,但那不会阻止我成为一名飞行员。 I have a fear of heights,but that wont stop me_ _a pilot.2. 在我的飞机里,人们会感到更安全、更舒适。 Peo

2、ple would feel _ _ _ _in my plane.【学习过程】.复习巩固,写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词,看谁写的又好又快。(3分钟)1. Its important for us_(get) to school on time every day. 2.I want to be a_(科学家)when I _(长大).3.I think that she_(也许)come to my party. 4. I would_(help) sick children.5. You should take some_(medicine).课前预习。(Its very easy, p

3、lease try your best !)(5分钟)1. 我会采取小步骤去战胜我的恐惧。 I can _ _ _ to overcome my fear.2. 那将是一个很酷的工作,因为我会帮助人们环游世界。 That would_ _ _ _because I would help people travel all around the word.3. 某天我可能建造一种新类型的飞机。 I_ _a new type of plane someday.4. 人们已经问我这个问题许多次了,但我确实还不知道答案。 People have asked me this question many

4、times, but I _ _ _ the answer yet.5. 我会看到世界并且经历许多有趣的事情。 I would see the word and _ many interesting things.Read the lesson and answer the questions in your books.(3分钟).学生自学课文,划出已学知识点,找出文中不懂的知识点以及句型。(6分钟).自我测评。(Just have a try!)(12分钟)(一) 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1. Please turn to p_10.Lets begin our class.2. Do

5、 you know who is the first female p _ in the word?3. Could you tell me the_ (高度) of Qo molang ma? 4. I have a_ (惧怕) of snakes. 5. I made a m _plane by myself. 6. I will go to shanghai by a_.7. You should take small steps to o_your English difficult problems.8. She feels c _when she lies on the bed.(

6、二)根据汉语提示完成句子1.因为下雨,我们不得不呆在家里。 We had to stay at home _ _the rain.2.你认为你有一天会成功吗?Do you think youll succeed_?3.我们国家在未来将会变得越来越美丽。Our country will become _ _ _beautiful_ _ _.4.他长大后希望当一名医生。He_ _ _a doctor when he grows up.5.我恐高,但那并不能阻止我当飞行员。I have _ _ _ _, but that wont _me _ _a pilot.小组讨论,发挥兵教兵的作用,把学生通过

7、自学就能够掌握的知识巩固落实,使班里的学困生有机会迎头赶上。(8分钟).答疑解惑。(解决共性疑难问题)(6分钟)A课堂学生提出生成的有疑惑的知识点。B.预设疑惑知识点:1.experience表示“经历”时,是可数名词;表示“经验”时,是不可数名词。练习:I had many interesting _when I was in Beijing last year. Miss Liu has much teaching _.2. stop from doing sth=prevent from doing sth.表示“阻止以免”,也可以表示为“stop sb doing sth”.练习:We must _him_ _(go) here. The heavy rain stopped us from_(come)on time.3. take steps to do sth 采取措施做某事练习:We should_ _ _ _(keep)our school clean and tidy.4. someday表示“将来有一天,有朝一日”,经常用于一般将来时中。练习:I believe I will succeed_. .我的收获,总结与反思。(2分钟)老师寄语:No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。


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