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1、选修7,Unit 4 Sharing,题组冲关,基础自测,考点研析,课时作业,研,.重点单词 1_ n. 观念;概念 2_ adj. 有关的;切题的 3_ adj. 遥远的;偏僻的 4_ conj. 否则;不然 adv. 用别的方法;其他方面 5_ n. 安排;排列 6_ vt. & n. 买;购买 7_ n. 特权;特别优待,8_ n. 安全;保护;保障 9_ vi. & vt. 调整;(使)适合_ n. 调节;调整 10_ vi. 参与;参加_ n. 参加;参与_ n. 参与者 11_ adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的_ n. & v. 自愿者;志愿者;自愿做 12_ vt. 分配;分发_

2、 n. 分布状态;分配;分发,13_ vi. 工作;运转 vt. 操作_ n. 手术;运转_ n. 操作人员 14_ vt. 捐赠_ n. 捐赠;捐款_ n. 捐赠者 15_ n. 筹备 _ vt. 安排,答案 1concept 2.relevant 3.remote 4.otherwise 5arrangement 6.purchase 7.privilege 8.security 9adjust; adjustment 10participate; participation; participant 11voluntary; volunteer 12.distribute; distri

3、bution,13operate; operation; operator 14donate; donation; donator 15.arrangement; arrange,.重点短语 1hear _ 接到的信 2(be) dying _ 极想;渴望 3_ other day 不久前的一天 4come _ 偶然遇到 5be relevant _. 和有关 6participate _ 参与;参加 7dry _ (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透,8dry _ (指河流、井等)干涸 9_ need 在困难中,在危急中 10get _ 完成;穿过 11stick _ 伸出 12_ be hone

4、st 说实在的 13care _ 喜爱,照看 14smooth _ 抚平 15die _ 渐渐消失,答案 1from 2.to 3.the 4.across 5.to 6.in 7.out 8up 9.in 10.through 11.out 12.to 13.for 14down 15.down,1adjust vt.调整;(使)适合 You can adjust the colour on the TV by turning this knob. 你可以转动这个旋钮来调整电视的色彩。 We made a few adjustments to the plan. 我们对这个计划做了些调整。,

5、adjust sth. to.把某物调整到 adjust (oneself) to(使自己)适应 make an adjustment/adjustments to sth.调整某物 adapt sth.to使某物适合 adapt (oneself) to使(自己)适应,解析:adjust to适应。return to 返回;look forward to 盼望;lead to 导致。 答案:A,2participate vi. 参与;参加 They want to participate in the decisionmaking process. 他们要求更多地参与决策过程。 partic

6、ipate in参加 participate in (doing) sth. with sb. 与某人一起参加、参与(做)某事 participate with sb. in sth.与某人分担,解析:expect期望;participate in参加。 答案:B,3privilege n特权;特别优待;荣幸 Education is a privilege, not a right, in many countries. 在许多国家,教育是某些人的特权而不是公民的权力。 It is a privilege to do sth./that. 做某事是一项荣幸/殊荣 be/feel privil

7、eged to do sth.有幸做某事,解析:privilege特权。possibility 可能性;favour 恩惠;advantage 优势。 答案:A,4donate vt. 捐赠 He donates his blood to the blood centre once a year. 他每年向血液中心献一次血。 All donations will be gratefully received. 十分感激地接受所有的捐赠。,donate sth. to.把某物捐赠给 donate sth. to do sth.为做某事而捐赠某物 collect donations for.为募捐

8、 receive a donation收到募捐 give/make/present a donation to.捐赠,解析:donate 捐献。owe 欠;give 给;subscribe 投稿。 答案:D,5voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 All the teachers work on an entirely voluntary basis. 所有的这些老师都是志愿工作的。 on a voluntary basis在自愿的基础上 volunteer for.自愿参加 do voluntary work参加志愿工作 volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事 v

9、olunteer as.志愿当,解析:volunteer as 自愿当。 答案:B,6purchase vt.& n. 购买;购买的物品 She made several purchases in the dress shop. 她在服装店买了几件衣服。 Do you wish us to deliver your purchases? 你买的东西要我们送货吗? make a purchase 购买;采购 on special purchase 特价购买 purchase sth. from. 向采购 purchasing ability 购买力,解析:purchase 购买的物品。donat

10、ion 捐赠;concept 观念;privilege 特权。 答案:A,7distribute vt. 分配;分发 A committee decides how the money is distributed. 委员会决定钱款如何分配。 They distributed the prizes to the winners. 他们把奖品分发给优胜者。 distribute sth. to sb.向某人分发、分配 distribution of sth.的分发、分配,解析:distribute 分布。contribute 贡献;obtain 获得;convince 说服。 答案:A,8ope

11、rate vt./vi.工作;运转;操作;做手术 Do you know how to operate the heating system? 你知道怎么操作这个加热系统吗? When does this new law come into operation? 这项新法规何时开始生效? operate a company/school/project/machine 经营公司/开办学校/实施计划/操作机器,operate on/upon sb.给某人动手术 be in operation在运转;在行动中;在实施中 come/go into operation开始工作、运转、生效 put/br

12、ing into operation实施;实行,解析:operate on 给动手术。 答案:A,9relevant adj.有关的;切题的 What you say is not relevant to the matter in hand. 你所说的与目前这件事无关。 Dont care about the irrelevant remarks. 不要在乎这些不相关的言论。,解析:relevant 有关的,切题的。different 不同的;similar 相似的;possible 可能的。 答案:C,10otherwise adv. 用别的方法;其他方面 adv.& conj. 否则;不

13、然 Well go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。 I was ill that day, otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet. 那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。 He is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man. 他有钱,但在其他方面是个不幸福的人。,解析:otherwise否则,符合句意。somehow不知怎么地;meanwhile在此期间;furthermore而且。 答案:C,11arrangeme

14、nt n. 安排,准备工作;整理,协调;整理过的东西 come to an arrangement 谈妥;达成协议 make arrangements for 为做好准备;为做好安排 make an arrangement with 与商定或约好,和达成协议;做好准备;做出安排,arrange v. 安排,排列,分类,整理,协调,改编 arrange books 把书整理好 arrange to do sth. 安排去做某事 arrange a marriage 筹备一场婚礼 arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排某人/某事物做某事,解析:make arrange

15、ments for 为做好安排。 答案:A,1hear from 接到的信,得到消息 How often do you hear from your penpal? 你多长时间收到笔友的一次信? When they didnt hear from her, they feared the worst. 当他们得不到她的消息时,唯恐她发生了最糟的事。 hear about听说(某事);hear of听人说起,听到的消息;hear out听完某人的话,解析:hear from收到的来信。 答案:A,2come across 偶然遇到或发现;碰见 I came across an old schoo

16、l friend in Oxford Street this morning. 今天早上我在牛津大街碰见了一位老校友。 She came across some old letters in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧书信。,come across为及物动词短语,表示“偶然遇到”的意思。 同义词有meet with, meet.by chance, chance to meet, happen to meet, run into(碰见),knock into(撞见)等。 另外,come across还有“被理解;被传送;给人印象”的意思。,解析:come across发现,符

17、合句意。come along到来;come around来到;come about发生。 答案:B,3the other day 不久前的一天 I met him in the street the other day. 几天前我在街上遇见了他。 I had an odd experience the other day. 几天前我有一次奇怪的经历。 the other day“几天前;不久前”,表示过去的时间,句中时态常用一般过去时。one day“一天”,用于过去时或将来时。some day“某一天”,只用于将来时。,解析:the other day与一般过去时连用。 答案:C,4dry

18、out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透 The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room. 待房间的灰泥干后才可以粉刷。 Dont leave the bread on the table; it will dry out. 不要把面包放在桌上;它会变干的。 dry off(使)变干;弄干 dry up(指河流、井等)干涸,解析:dry out完全变干,符合句意。make out认清;give out耗尽,发布;pick out挑出,认出。句意:他所有的衣服在大雨中湿透了,因此他直到他的衣服完全干透他才能出去。 答案:

19、A,5in need 在危难中;在危急中;需要 Everything in need is ready. 一切需要的东西都准备好了。 in need of需要 in surprise吃惊地 in want of需要 in trouble处于困境 in demand需要 in danger处于危险中,解析:in need of需要,符合句意。in favour of支持;in honour of为了纪念;in face of面对。 答案:D,1The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contr

20、ibution towards the lives of people who really need it. 你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些的确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。 句中not.but.是连词,用来连接两个并列的成分,表示“不是而是”;当not.but连接两个并列主语时,谓语和后一个主语一致。,Its not your family background but your working ability that decides your future. 不是你的家庭背景而是你的工作能力决定了你的前程。 Not his mother but his father t

21、akes care of him when he is in hospital now. 他现在正在住院,是他爸爸而不是他妈妈照顾他。,解析:not.but连接并列主语时,谓语动词采用就近一致原则。 答案:C,2You asked whether Im getting to know any local people. 你问我是否了解当地的老百姓。 get to know 开始认识,get to喜好/认识,表示渐变的过程。 I got to realize how important the happy life was as I grew older. 随着年龄的增长,我逐渐意识到幸福生活的

22、重要性。,I got to like the flat we were going to move in. 我逐渐地喜欢上了我们即将搬进去的公寓。 He got to know why his granny kept the photo so carefully. 他渐渐地知道了他奶奶那么小心地保存这张相片的原因。,解析:get to know 开始认识到。 答案:A,3We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views a

23、nd then down a steep path to the valley below. 我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。,from where 引导的定语从句修饰 a ridge, 关系副词where 前一般不加介词,但 from where 却是个例外。 There are many websites, from where you can find almost all the necessary information. 有许多网址,从那里你能够找到几乎所有必要的信息。 Alice stood a

24、t the window, from where she could watch her classmates playing football. Alice 站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以观看同学们踢足球。,解析:from where 引导定语从句,为特殊句式。 答案:D,4. .what if he didnt want to see her? 如果他不想见她怎么办? what if “如果将会怎样;即使又有什么关系”,为省略结构,相当于What shall we/I do if.?what if 中what 可看作是what should sb. do (某人该怎么办)或what does

25、it matter(有什么要紧)或what would happen(将会如何)的省略。 What if she finds out that you have lost her book? 如果她发现你弄丢了她的书,怎么办?,What if we fail/failed/should fail? 万一我们失败了,怎么办? What for? “为什么?”相当于Why? So what? 那有什么了不起/有什么关系? What about.? 怎么样;怎么办? Guess what.? 你知道吗? Whats up? 相当于Whats the matter? 怎么了?,解析:what if 如

26、果将会怎样? 答案:A,.单词拼写 1Solar panels can only _(操作)in sunlight. 2The meeting discussed the fair _(分配)of income and wealth. 3Students are encouraged to _(参加)in the running of the college. 4You can _(调整)this desk to the height of any child.,5Now I have the great _(特权) of introducing our speaker from Japan.

27、 6Study harder from now on. _(否则),you will fall behind. 7As an interpreter, her sister did much _(志愿的)work during the Asian Games. 8If you are not satisfied with your _(购买的东西),we will give a full refund.,9This _(偏僻的)village is so out of the way that mail comes only once a week. 10Jack and Kim celebr

28、ated their twentieth wedding _ (周年纪念日)in January. 答案 1operate 2.distribution 3.participate 4.adjust 5privilege 6.Otherwise 7.voluntary 8.purchase 9remote 10.anniversary,.短语填空 get through; stick out; dry out; in need; for sure; hear from; the other day; adapt to; come across; to be honest 1Months had

29、 gone by before I _ my friend again. 2She _ her deskmate by chance while shopping in the supermarket. 3The new students are very slow to _ the rules.,4Helen borrowed my book _, saying that she would return it soon. 5_, the only reason why she married him was for his money. 6They wrote the notice in

30、big red letters so that it would _. 7I think hell be back on Monday,but I cant say _.,8The charity aims to provide assistance to people _. 9I tried calling you several times but I couldnt _. 10Water the plant regularly,never letting the soil _.,答案 1heard from 2.came across 3.adapt to 4the other day

31、5.To be honest 6.stick out 7for sure 8.in need 9.get through 10.dry out,.单项填空 1(2013合肥模拟)Id like to apply for the position of assistant manager, sir. What experience do you have that is relevant _ this position? Aof Bwith Cabout Dto,解析:答句句意:你有哪些与这个职位有关的经验呢?be relevant to. “与有关的”。 答案:D,2He _ his came

32、ra and took photos of us. Aadopted Badjusted Cadapted Daccompanied 解析:adjust 调整。句意:他调整相机为我们拍照。adopt 采纳,收养;adapt 适用,改编;accompany 陪伴。 答案:B,3Nancy was _ of being a teacher. She could not deal with all those naughty students. Aaware Btired Csure Dproud 解析:由She could not deal with all those naughty stude

33、nts,可知南希应该是“厌倦了(be tired of)”当老师。 答案:B,4(2013昆明模拟)Bill got a higher salary._, he was able to rent a better flat. AOtherwise BBesides CTherefore DHowever 解析:句意:比尔的工资涨了,所以可以租一个更好的公寓。therefore “所以”符合句意。 答案:C,5Thanks for your kind help! We would have _ lost the game. Atherefore Bor Cotherwise Dthen 解析:句

34、意:“感谢你的帮助,要不然我们的比赛可能就失败了。”otherwise否则,要不然。 答案:C,6(2013浙江菱湖中学月考)It is bad manners for you to make _ fun of the disabled; you should know they are in _ need of our understanding. Aa; a Ba; / C/; a D/; / 解析:make fun of 嘲笑;in need of 需要,二者均为固定搭配。 答案:D,7Jane felt like _ Oprah Winfreys last talk show, but

35、 she was too busy that day. Aparticipate in Bto participate in Cparticipating in Dparticipated in 解析:feel like 后跟动词ing 形式作宾语。 答案:C,8(2013海口质检)In China, people over sixtyfive can enjoy some _ in public places as long as they can provide their identifications. Aadvantages Bgood Cprivileges Dwelfare,解析

36、:privilege “特权;特别优待”;advantage “优点;长处”;good “好处;益处”;welfare “福利;幸福”。由“只要提供身份证明”可知,应为享有某些特权而不是好处或福利。故C项正确。 答案:C,9When we met last time, we talked a long time and it was getting dark _ we knew it. Asince Bbefore Cuntil Dwhile 解析:before we knew it 意为“不知不觉”。句意:我们上次见面的时候,交谈了很长时间,不知不觉天就黑了。 答案:B,10I met Je

37、nnifer in the street _ and she told me she would move to Australia soon. Asome day Bthe last day Cthe other day Din a day,解析:the other day 意为“不久前的一天”,句子谓语动词通常用一般过去时。句意:我不久前的一天在街头遇到了Jennifer, 她告诉我她很快就要搬到澳大利亚了。some day 意为“(将来)总有一天”,用于将来时态;the last day 意为“最后一天”;in a day 意为“一日之内”。 答案:C,11Why dont you ta

38、ke off your clothes and have them washed? They will soon _ in the sun. Ahang out Bwarm up Cdry out Dclean up 解析:dry out 意为“完全变干;干透”。句意:为何不脱下衣服拿去洗呢?在阳光下很快就会干的。hang out “晾晒;挂出去”;warm up “暖和起来”;clean up “清洗;收拾整理”。 答案:C,12The sooner we students _ to the new school, the better it will be _ our studies. A

39、adapt; for Badjust; to Cadopt; for Dadmit; to 解析:句意:我们学生对于新学校适应得越快,对于我们的学习越好。adapt/adjust to “适应于”;第二空“对于来说”应该用for,因此A项正确。 答案:A,13I had thought I would miss the flight. _ you wouldnt have arrived on time. AOtherwise BSo CBut DThat 解析:otherwise 否则。句意:我原以为我会错过航班。否则你就不会按时来到。 答案:A,14(2013大连高三检测)We must

40、save every drop of water in case the lake near the city _. Awill dry up Bdries up Cdries off Dwill dry off 解析:in case “万一;以防”,用来引导条件状语从句,通常用一般现在时表示一般将来意义,故排除A、D两项;dry off “弄干”;dry up “(河流、井等)干涸”。故选B项。 答案:B,15The government has _ food, medicine and money to the earthquake victims in time. Adelivered

41、Bdistributed Cdevoted Dcontributed 解析:考查动词辨析。句意:政府及时地给地震灾民分发了食品、药物和钱。distribute 意为“分发,分配”,符合句意。 答案:B,专家支招妙解高考 词义猜测题 试题中考查的通常是生僻的词汇,考生不能准确了解其确切意义,从而错选答案。 The garden city was largely the invention of Ebenezer Howard (18501928). After immigrating from England to the USA, and an unsuccessful attempt to

42、make a living as a farmer, he moved to Chicago, where he saw the reconstruction of the city after the disastrous fire of 1871.,In those days, it was nicknamed “the Garden City”,almost certainly the source of Howards name for his later building plan of towns.Returning to London, Howard developed his

43、design in the 1880s and 1890s, drawing_on ideas that were popular at the time, but creating a unique combination of designs.,The underlined phrase “drawing on” in Paragraph 1 probably means _. Amaking use of Bmaking comments on Cgiving an explanation of Dgiving a description of,【解析】 词义猜测题。由第一段中的 How

44、ard developed his design in the 1880s and 1890s, drawing on ideas that were popular at the time. 可知“Howard 利用当时比较流行的理念完善发展了自己的设计”,因此,drawing on 意为“利用”,与making use of 意义相同。making comments on 对作出评价;giving an explanation of 对作出解释;giving a description of 对进行描述。 【答案】 A,【猜测技巧】 1同义词法 2反义词法 3句意理解法 4释义法,温,示,提,馨,请做:课时做业(34),(点击进入),


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