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1、Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the implementation of Division of responsibility, school of health management. , Room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the Department of health management. All classrooms, offices and other indoor sanit

2、ation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboards, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. No graffiti, doors and Windows and bright. Lectern, Blackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. School sanitation, according to the Division of school health area of responsib

3、ility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, neat and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Peel. Personal hygiene: education students to cultivate five, six nots personal hygiene habits. Five: time schedule, to brush your teeth before going to bed, to ch

4、ange clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after nails Barber,. Six not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snacking, no public towels, cups. Pay attention to eye health, read and write positions lying upright, not reading, not in the

5、 light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely correction of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. Gym class, working class, to strengthen students safety education, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in the profile. Improving food hygiene: to im

6、prove sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulations, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. Eliminating four pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventing mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the

7、 garbage, make sure and clean. Strengthen health publicity poster out in time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. And eye exercises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common, multiple lectures on epidemic prevention.

8、 Health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, Member of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every day. Check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results. Check every Monday, one month, one to summ

9、arize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags. Six disease prevention to prevent myopia? When sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. Eat, walk, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. Write not too small too close, do not write typo, grass hand.

10、Reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. Controlling the number of TV and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. Pay attention to nutrition, food supplements containing vitamin a. How to prevent tooth decay? To develop good hygiene habits, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash,

11、before going to bed without eating snacks. Improve the ability of anti-caries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. Eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. How to prevent trachoma? Without common towels, hand r

12、ubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, promote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails .北京纽约建设发展有限公司 门头沟新城项目部北京市门头沟区门头沟新城MC04-149地块F3其它类多功能用地项目塔吊基础施工方案 编制人:苟国鹏审核人:王中保 审批人: 北京纽约建设发展有限公司目 录一、编制依据1二、工程概况1三、地质参数1四、塔吊布置21

13、、塔吊布置原则32、塔吊选择33、塔吊位置选择3五、塔吊基础M169N大样及配筋图3六、塔机安拆以C7022为例51、准备工作62、人员配置与职责73、安全注意事项94、塔机主要部件吊装特性及顺序105、安装程序106、顶升前的要求137、运转前检查158、安装工期1610、安全保证措施1711、拆除:18七、塔机沉降、垂直度测定及偏差校正21八、塔机的操作维护22九、安全措施22十、基础验算23十一、塔吊平面布置图28King shop school car to watch the summary view store is located in the LAN-Xin railway,

14、215 students, and students to and from school has about 90 people to cross the railway, more than half of the students live in the school in the vicinity of the rail line along the railway more than 10 square kilometers. Railway is economy of artery, to makes railway along general people master rail

15、way legal regulations and security knowledge, enhanced love road watch consciousness, ensure railway security smooth, years, I school has been put love road watch work as education students of focus to caught, made has significantly of effect, years no occurred had railway security accident, emerged

16、 out a and a love road watch small guard, General teachers and students and masses of love road watch consciousness General improve, times by superior recognition, Our practices are reporting on is as follows. And improve the Organization, love the way of protection responsibilities. Set up by the p

17、rincipal of the school is the head security administrator for the Deputy Head of the class teacher for members of the railway protection leading group for propaganda and education, consisting of offices, advocacy groups, education groups and steering groups, organizations responsible for railway pro

18、tection publicity and education of the whole school, command and coordination. To ensure safety of the railway for the overall objectives, major tasks are: 1, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, school advantages into full play, watch the propaganda and education work of joint railway. 2, railway wat

19、ch teacher and student awareness, to ensure against road-related casualties. 3, education in primary and middle school students the courage to fight against the Railway Safety Act and found to have damaged railway safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railway safety. Do Di

20、vision, responsibility and student teacher assessment, evaluation and love road linked to the protection and safety, enhance the sense of responsibility. Second, programming, watch love road work routine. School developed has railway watch publicity education work programme, put love road watch work

21、 into school education teaching plans, full using class teaching, and theme class, timing, education students learning railway method, about love road security matters, school requirements daily of campus broadcast to has five minutes of railway security knowledge education, all class weekly are to

22、Shang a section love road watch aspects of security class, monthly introduced a period love road watch aspects of window publicity, reached has alarm ringing of effect. Third, explicitly demanded that the love road protection work. Schools to establish and improve a love road watch schedule, enacted

23、 the railway safety ten no Protocol, the Convention on the safety and other regulations and requirements, so as to enable departments to further their work. Which publicity group is responsible for railway watch legal regulations and about common sense of publicity, annual organization a to two time

24、s above railway method, and security management Punishment Ordinance, for main content of publicity, further strengthened General teachers and students of concept and love road watch consciousness, education students do three not: that not to railway Shang play, without stones, hit train, is not rai

25、l Shang stacked roadblocks. Education groups to include railway protection knowledge education in carrying out quality education, class of railway transport in the main channel of textbooks in economic construction in the role and significance of guiding students to take care of the railway, .II 塔基础

26、施工方案一、编制依据1、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-20052、塔式起重机安全规程 GB5144-20073、建筑机械使用安全技术规程 JGJ3320124、建筑施工安全检查标准 JGJ5920115、建筑施工塔式起重机安装、使用、拆卸安全技术规程 JGJ196-2010 6、塔式起重机混凝土基础工程技术规程 JGJ/T-20097、北京市建平工程勘探有限责任公司中昂门头沟现场MC04-149办公及商业项目岩土工程勘察报告8、中国建筑设计研究院设计的施工图纸二、工程概况1、工程建设地点、建设、设计、监理、施工单位1)建设地点:北京市门头沟城区龙泉镇东路北侧,门头沟路北侧(详见总平

27、面图)2)主要功能分区(用途):车库、办公用房、商业用房3)建设单位:北京兴亚置业有限公司 4)设计单位:中国建筑设计研究院5)监理单位: 北京云湖工程监理站6)施工单位: 北京纽约建设发展有限公司2、结构概况本工程由地下三层主要由下沉花园、车库、商业用房组成,建筑面积约6万平米基础埋深15米,基底标高91.0090.20米;地上二至三层裙房为商业用房,四层以上为5栋办公楼,每栋0.00以上18层,标准层单栋建筑面积约900平米,总高80米,0.00以上建筑面积约10万平米。三、地质参数本次勘察共钻孔40个均在建筑物内及周边平均钻孔深25米,最大勘探深度43米,土层分布见下表,静止水位埋深14

28、.015.8米,标高91.0593.07米。依据工程勘察报告:按层位标高提供勘察情况基础持力层为卵石、碎石、砂岩、石灰岩,持力层抗压强度为280KPa和330KPa地 层 情 况 一 览 表 成因年代大层序号地层序号地层岩性压缩性层顶标高(m)大层平均厚度(m)人工堆积层1房渣土105.45108.022.751卵石碎石填土2粘质粉土填土新近沉积层2碎石混粘性土低压缩性102.45106.025.201碎石卵石低压缩性2粘质粉土粉质粘中高压缩性3粘质粉土中压缩性4细砂粉砂低压缩性第四纪沉积层3粉质粘土粘质粉土中压缩性96.10100.974.131重粉质粘土粘土中高压缩性2粘质粉土砂质粉中低压


30、用臂长60米;1台(QTZ125)6018臂长60米,现场使用臂长50米,1台ST6015-6型臂长60米,现场使用臂长50米;一台TC5613臂长56米,现场使用臂长50米。自由高度均大于40米,能满足本工程施工需要。3、塔吊位置选择根据现场实际情况, 1台塔吊服务一幢主楼考虑,塔吊安装均在裙房内距主楼外皮结构尺寸2.9米,小于8米,基础底标高均比主楼基础深2米(标高88.2米)做防水防水等级不低于主楼,持力层地耐力大于280KPa,满足塔基基础交底要求,塔基尺寸、配筋均按照交底为M169N基础施工,混凝土强度统一为C35,保护层40mm,埋件为加强标准节,基础钢筋底铁绑完下预埋件绑上铁打灰

31、。 五、塔吊基础M169N大样及配筋图六、塔机安拆以C7022为例1、准备工作本次C7022塔机安装在楼房的建筑物内。根据施工现场情况,用C7022外爬式塔机进行安装,吊装回转中对中最大距离为25米,吊重量为10吨,可达到吊装要求。安装使用一台50吨的吊车进行拼装。1.1 C7022塔机安装机械及机具清单1.1.1 50吨吊车 1台1.1.2 套筒28件 1套1.1.3 活动扳手150、300 4把1.1.5圆锉 1把1.1.6铁锤16磅 3把 1.1.7死口扳手5,27 2把 1.1.8 手拉葫芦3吨 1个1.1.9一字螺丝刀4 、8 2把1.1.10三角刮刀 2把1.1.11电工仪表 1个

32、1.1.12氧气乙炔及附件 1套1.1.13电焊机及附件 1套1.1.14梅花螺丝刀4 、 8 2把1.1.15内六角板手 1套1.1.16撬棍 2把1.1.17卡扣、吊绳 1套1.1.18对机 3部1.1.19定位销 8根1.1.20卷尺 1把1.2安装前的准备工作1.2.1在建筑物高度方向位置的确定:对参加工作的两道爬升框应保证,在工作和非工作正常状态下,上道爬行框应处在整体节(3m)中部(1.5m处),此点很重要,相邻两道内爬框之间距离应选择合适,当对此点达不到要求时是不行的,必须要确保塔机的安全运行。1.2.2楼面施工时,请根据说明图(第2页)所示尺寸留出爬升空间。1.2.3对安装爬升


34、与职责2.1人员配置2.1.1总负责人 1人2.1.2技术负责人 1人2.1.3质检员 1人2.1.4安全员 1人2.1.6电工 1人2.1.7安装工 8人2.1.8塔吊司机 1人2.1.9指挥工 2 人2.2人员职责2.2.1总负责 (1)安装作业的技术、质量、安全)人员分工、工程进度、经济核算的负者和全权指挥者; (2)召开安装作业人员会议,认真进行安装前的安全技术交底,做到安全安装,文明施工;(3)牢固树立“质量笫一、用户至上”的思想,按操作规程和明书要求精心组织和指挥工,加强检验,提高安装质量;(4)对现场作业人员进行统一调度和统一指珲;(5)主持塔吊安装后的初验工作,严格把关,按标准

35、执行。2.2.2技术负责人(1)认真执行有关塔吊安装技术、质量、安全等方面的标准、规范和规定;(2)负责编制安装、施工方案,认真进行施工前和过程中的技术措施交底、并监督实施;(3)全面负责塔吊的安装质检工作,及时解决安装过程中的技术质量问题;(4)督促、检查、指导整理好技术资料,确保资料真实、准确、完整; 2.2.3、质检员(1)具体负责安装前的检查、基础验收、安装过程中对各主要工序的质量检验和安装后自检查工作,并做好各项质检记录;负责对作业人员做好安装前的技术交底和安装过程中对关键工序的重复交底工作;(2)检查、监督作业人员严格按照安装工艺程序和技术要求实施安装,制止违章作业;(3)对发现的

36、质量问题,提出整改方案并组织实施,及时消除隐患,确保安装质量安全。 2.2.4、安全员(1)具体负责安装全过程中的安全工作;(2)检查督促安全技术措施交底后的落实情况,监督施工现场的安全作业;(3)检查安装过程中有可能出现的不安全因素和事故隐患,发现问题及时提出整改意见和防范措施;(4)督促全体人员按各自的操作规程和本方案的要求作业,严禁违章作业。2.2.5、电工(1)具体做好本工种的一切准备工作,并把电源送至塔吊的临时配电箱;(2)按照说明的要求和安装进度接通线路,保证安装工作的顺利进行;(3)总体完成后,及时接通电气线路、各种限位装置及各种电气仪表线路,做好避雷接地;(4)协助技术测试人员



39、思想集中、相互配合听从指挥。当发生危险情况时,任何人都可以发出符合要求的停止或避让信号。3.5、所有作业人员必须戴好安全帽和防护手套,登高作业必须系好安全 带,不得穿硬底鞋及塑料底鞋,操作人员不得酒后爬高、酒后操作和擅离岗位。3.6、检查安装所使用的起重机械、机具、吊具及其它安全用具,确认符合使用要求后方可使用。相关设备的操作人员必须熟练掌握其性能、参数和操作规程。3.7、安装机械、机具应由专职人员操作和维护,其他人员不得擅自操作。3.8、安装现场必须设置围栏和警戒标志,通道口必须安排专人看管,无关人员不得进入警戒线内。3.9、安装作业必须安排在白天进行,六级以上风力停止安装作用,四级以上风力


41、意事项均按使用说明书和有关安全操作规程执行。4、塔机主要部件吊装特性及顺序4.1吊装特性外爬塔式起重机的特性表中所列重量、幅度、高度在计算时已考试到下列因素的各种可能性。C7022塔吊安装所需起吊的主要部件重量及附带的机构连接附件的重量,如销轴或螺栓等。4.2外爬塔式起重机的参数(见附表)4.3吊装顺序(见附图)5、安装程序5.1安装内爬框, 内爬框重量2500kg吊矩为28m。5.1.1将前梁1吊起,两端放于图11所示搬运小车上运至安装位置,放于两工字梁的左端,用M331008.8级螺栓8个(螺栓由用户自备(松松地联接;5.1.2将后梁2吊起,放于两工字梁的右端,用M331008.8级螺栓8

42、个松松地联接;5.1.3先后将两侧梁3吊起,用8个销轴与前后梁联接;新安装的爬升框,在没有进入工作之前,不能安装楔块,当需要工作时,应装上楔块;5.1.4将8块楔块由上至下插入,分别穿上16根轴销;5.1.5按C7022使用说明书介绍的方法配平塔机;5.1.6调整爬升框,使楔块与塔身主弦之间的间隙为4-6mm,各间隙尽量均匀。5.1.7用1200N.m的拧紧力矩拧紧前后梁与工字梁之间的16个连接螺栓。5.2标准节的安装, 标准节单节为2140kg,吊矩为28m。根据使用说明书的要求标塔11节组合好,塔身用外爬塔进行吊运安装,(已可2节标节连接在一起吊装)。直到11节标节安装完毕。考内外架钢管的因素,安装时标准节必须高于屋面2节,屋面离起重臂距为离9m。,可正常安装。 5.3、回转支承的安装回转支承总量7330kg,回


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