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1、“我再也不来了!”说完这话他转身就走了。(with) 2.没有比这本书更值得一读的东西了。(worth) 3.使市民们高兴的是,苏州河不再是几年前的样子了。(what) 4.这枚奖牌将奖给任何一个先解决此技术问题的人。(Whoever, award) 5.他直到到了机场,才意识到把机票忘在家里了。(Not until),周一,原来他根本没出过国,也根本不是华侨。(turn out) 他们刚花了一大笔钱买新房,所以今年不可能买车。(be unlikely to) 我正沿着河边走着,这时有人拍了拍我的肩膀。(when) 通过阅读科学书籍,我们能跟上现代科学的发展。(keep up with) 那个

2、声称自己目击这起事故的人似乎在撒谎。(witness),周二,我从未碰到过像他那样的人。(no where) 使我最感吃惊的是他态度的突然转变。(what) 许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉。(visit) 我们只有一个可以生存的地球,浪费任何土地资源都承受不起。(waste) 他低声告诉我小李已被选为去澳大利亚的交流学生。(whisper),周三,应该采取措施来制止他们为所欲为(whatever) 你认为花那么多的时间和钱去克隆一头牛值得吗?(worthwhile) 那个小男孩用一条漂亮的手帕把那支别针包起来,然后放在餐桌上,想给他的妈妈一个惊喜。(wrap up) 这种

3、感冒药会使驾驶员的判断力减弱,因此开车前禁止服用。(weaken) 孩子长大后,要鼓励他们做力所能及的家务以及学习如何照顾自己。(whatever),周四,他看了一下手表,一言不发地离开了。(utter) 那位明星走到哪儿,两位保镖都寸步不离。(wherever) 布郎先生觉得很难维持一家人的生活,就迫不及待地去找一个兼职。(cant wait) 我多么希望你们中间的一个人将来能获得诺贝尔奖。(wish) 经过长时间调查,警察最终把注意力集中在曾经向受害人借过钱的那个人身上。(zero in on),周五,“我再也不来了!”说完这话他转身就走了。(with) “I will never com

4、e again!” With that, he turned and left. 2.没有比这本书更值得一读的东西了。(worth) Nothing else is more worth reading than this book. 3.使市民们高兴的是,苏州河不再是几年前的样子了。(what) To the citizens joy/ To the delight of the citizens, the Suzhou River is no longer what it used to be years ago. 4.这枚奖牌将奖给任何一个先解决此技术问题的人。(Whoever, awa

5、rd) Whoever can solve the technical problem first will be awarded the medal./ This medal will be awarded to whoever can solve the technical problem first. 5.直到他到了机场,才意识到把机票忘记在家里了。(Not until) Not until he got to the airport did he realize that he had left his flight tickets at home.,周一,原来他根本没出过国,也根本不

6、是华侨。(turn out) It turned out that he had never been abroad and was not an overseas Chinese at all. 他们刚花了一大笔钱买新房,所以今年不可能买车。(be unlikely to) They have just spent a large sum of money in buying a new house, so they are unlikely to buy a car this year. 我正沿着河边走着,这时有人拍了拍我的肩膀。(when) I was walking along (th

7、e bank of )the river when (suddenly) someone patted on the shoulder. 通过阅读科学书籍,我们能跟上现代科学的发展。(keep up with) By reading books on science, we can keep up with the advancement of modern science. 那个声称自己目击这起事故的人似乎在撒谎。(witness) The person who claimed that he had witnessed the accident seemed to be lying.,周二

8、,我从未碰到过像他那样的人。(no where) No where else have I seen such a person as he. 使我最感吃惊的是他态度的突然转变。(what) What surprised me most was the sudden change of his attitude. 许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉。(visit) Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall. They know that “He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is n

9、ot a true man.” 我们只有一个可以生存的地球,浪费任何土地资源都承受不起。(waste) There is / We have only one earth on which we can live /to live on, so we cant afford to waste any land resource. 他低声告诉我小李已被选为去澳大利亚的交流学生。(whisper) He whispered to me that Xiao Li had been chosen to go to Australia as an exchange student. / chosen a

10、s an exchange student to Australia./ He told me in a whisper that ,周三,应该采取措施来制止他们为所欲为(whatever) Measures/ Action should be taken to prevent them from doing whatever they like. 你认为花那么多的时间和钱去克隆一头牛值得吗?(worthwhile) Do you think it worthwhile to spend so much time and money (in) cloning a cow? 那个小男孩用一条漂亮

11、的手帕把那支别针包起来,然后放在餐桌上,想给他的妈妈一个惊喜。(wrap up) The little boy wrapped the pin up in a pretty handkerchief and put it on the dining table, hoping to give his mother a surprise. 这种感冒药会使驾驶员的判断力减弱,因此开车前禁止服用。(weaken)This (kind of) medicine for cold will weaken the judgment of the drivers, so it is forbidden to

12、 take it before driving. 孩子长大后,要鼓励他们做力所能及的家务以及学习如何照顾自己。(whatever) When children grow up, they should be encouraged to do whatever housework they can do and learn how to look after themselves.,周四,他看了一下手表,一言不发地离开了。(utter) He glanced at his watch, and left without uttering a word. 那位明星走到哪儿,两位保镖都寸步不离。(w

13、herever) Wherever that star goes, his two bodyguards follow him closely. 布郎先生觉得很难维持一家人的生活,就迫不及待地去找一个兼职。(cant wait) Mr. Brown felt it hard to support his family, so he couldnt wait to look for a part-time job. 我多么希望你们中间的一个人将来能获得诺贝尔奖。(wish) How I wish that one of you could win a Nobel Prize in the future. 经过长时间调查,警察最终把注意力集中在曾经向受害人借过钱的那个人身上。(zero in on) After investigating for long, the police at last zeroed in on the man who had borrowed money from the victim.,周五,


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