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1、有效备考,与教育智慧,一、在新课程备考中 做智慧型教师 二、在教学研究中 实现有效备考,新课程的基本理念,1、为了每位学生的发展。 2、倡导多元有效的教学。,教育智慧,1、什么是教育智慧? 教师在教育活动中的一种系统的完整性的智慧,是教育科学与艺术高度融合的产物,是教育理念、知识学养、情感与价值观、教育机智、教育风格等多方面素质的综合体现。,最宝贵的智慧是善于开导自己 满腔热血师范学会,当了教师吃苦受累。 急难险重必须到位,教书育人终日疲惫。 学生告状回回都对,工资不高还要交税。 从早到晚比牛还累,一日三餐时间不对。 一时一刻不敢离位,下班不休还要开会。 迎接检查让人崩溃,天天学习不懂社会。

2、晋升职称回回被退,评上职称还得站队。 抛家舍业愧对长辈,囊中羞涩见人惭愧。 百姓还说我们受贿,青春年华如此狼狈。 摘自 陶西平报告(国家教育咨询委员会委员 ),有效教学与有效备考,二、在案例研究中 实现有效备考,我省高考命题改革的基本思路:,总体设计,分步实施。 遵循迈小步走不停步的原则进行改革,确保平稳过渡。 呼应新课程理念,突出能力立意、素养立意,优化高考量材选材功能。,新旧考试大纲比较,新旧考纲语法项目的分类依据不同。旧考纲要求23个语法项目,新考纲24个语法项目。新考纲增加了虚拟语气、强调、间接引语、将来进行时态,现在完成进行时态。,四月调考特点,以基础知识为本重难点稳定; 阅读理解的

3、英语语言材料选材地道; 积极向上的价值观和道德观引导学生。,听 力,特点: 话题范围广泛 推断题出现句、段和篇梯次 对语言的局部细节和整体大意的交互考查,多项选择,干扰项设计体现为: 汉语思维(母语迁移) 搭配,23. In a formal football match, each team can have three players to _ their teammates when necessary. A. replace B. represent C. substitute D. exchange 此题答案:C 分析: 学生在做这道题时,最大的干扰是汉语 思维。,多项选择例题汉语思

4、维,25. Due to the fact that the operating system is not _ enough, Window 7 is not very popular with the computer fans. A. easy B. stable C. firm D. smooth 此题答案:B 分析: 学生在做这道题时,最大的干扰是词语 搭配。,多项选择例题词语搭配,完形填空,目的:在准确理解文章意义的情况下考查考 生在特定语境中词汇的运用能力 . 善用上下文的前后提示或暗示 应对策略 客观判断全文大意 准确选用词汇,My doctor advised me to g

5、o home and get my affairs 36 , which is doctors code for preparing to die. A. in place B. in order C. in hospital D. in time 此题答案:B 分析: in place : If something is in place, it is in its correct or usual position. in order: If you put or keep something in order, you make sure that it is neat or well

6、organized.,完形填空例题准确选用词汇,And yet death is the 40 we all share It 43 (clears) out the old to make way for the new. A. destination B. origin C. fate D.frustration 此题答案:A 分析:“make way”可以理解为作者把生命比喻成 道路,那么死亡就应是该道路的终点。,完形填空例题善用上下文的前后提 示或暗示,乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,stay hungry, stay foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚。,Im pretty sure no

7、ne of this would have happened if I hadnt been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Dont lose faith. Im convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. Youve got to find wha

8、t you love. “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.“ It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.,我可以非常肯定, 如果我不被Apple开除的话, 这其中一件事情也不会发生的。这个良药的味道实在是太苦了

9、,但是我想病人需要这个药。有些时候, 生活会拿起一块砖头向你的脑袋上猛拍一下。不要失去信心。我很清楚唯一使我一直走下去的,就是我做的事情令我无比钟爱。 “求知若饥,虚心若愚。”这是他们停止了发刊的告别语。 (stay hungry, stay foolish)” 我总是希望自己能够那样。 现在,在你们即将毕业,开始新的旅程的时候,我也希望你们能这样: stay hungry, stay foolish 。,阅读理解 Reading,难度在于: 信息散,不集中; 题干和选项中语言表述的不同所形成的障碍 ; 长、难句的障碍 。,52. On the trip on the Grand Canyon

10、, you are not recommended to enjoy _. A. oar raft rowing B. swimming entertainment C. animal riding D. traveling on foot 54. Rafting the Grand Canyon doesnt suggest the reader contact them in the way of _. A. calling at it in person B. filling a form D. sending an email D. making a call,阅读理解例题信息散不集中

11、,56. Which of the following statements is true? A. Ones abilities developed in his children will stay on all ones life. B. A good body is certain to lead to a good sport performance. C. A good body image results mainly from extreme workouts. D. Exploring non-sports talents matters equally as sports

12、skills in building self-respect. 57. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. lifting weights is the best sport in lifting ones spirits B. keeping good living habits does good to body image C. one should try not to let minor imperfection take over D. any activity out of team sports can lead to

13、 ones discovery of ones potential skills,阅读理解例题信息散不集中,51. If you dont want to take an all-distance trip, you can start at Phantom Ranch. 文:We offer partial trips which allow you . 53. At which time of the following is an off- season trip on the Grand Canyon? 文:Most trips occur between April and Octo

14、ber.,阅读理解例题题干和选项中语言表 述的不同所形成的障碍 (反义词),64. We can draw a conclusion from the passage that in India Thursday is a religious day. 文:because Thursday is considered a holy day. 65. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that yoga is closely connected with religion. 文:and the spiritual principles behi

15、nd the yoga postures that millions now practice. 66. When it came to the comparison between Lincoln and Lindbergh, the author held a positive attitude. 文:more than 500 connectionspersuasive similarities,阅读理解例题题干和选项中语言表 述的不同所形成的障碍(近义词),61. Man has not yet realized that he has done harm to the oceans.

16、 文中对应句:As yet largely unseen, but just as serious, are the influences we are having on the oceans. 68. The burning problem Michael Jackson ticket holders have to deal with is how to deal with the tickets. 文中对应句:In offering Michael Jackson ticket holders the choice to take a refund or receive their u

17、nusable tickets as souvenirs, AEG have introduced music fans to one of the most unmanageable problems in the mathematical sciences.,阅读理解例题长、难句障碍,完成句子考点,短文写作,首段提出话题 (议论) 中间段举一个例子 (记叙) 末段谈谈自己的看法和认识 (总结议论),短文写作中出现的问题,审题不严或者不了解这种文体的写作方法,遗漏生活事例,写成纯粹议论文; 用概括性的或评价性的语言代替了具体事例叙述性的语言 ; 选用历史故事、明星事迹,而不是发生在自己身边的

18、事例; 中式英文,乱用时态,字迹潦草 。,1、词汇教学常抓不懈。 2、突出阅读和写作训练。 3、强化方法和策略的指导。 4、精讲精练。,复习备考中的建议,Vocabulary teaching,今年, 2012年在去年3193多个词的基础上又要增加326个词,共约3519个词。 学法与教法: 单纯背词汇表? 关注常用搭配和典型语境。,state n. 状态, 状况 ,洲 ,国家,vt. 陈述; 敘述 He stated his problem clearly. 他把问题叙述得很清楚。 They stated the diamond to have been stolen. 他们宣称钻石已被偷了

19、。 n. statement 声明, 陈述 The government issued a statement urging the public to cooperate in this inquiry. 政府发表声明要公众对这项调查给予合作。,完型填空解题技巧,一、平心静气不躁不急, 二、浏览全文把握大意, 三、识别短语注意搭配, 四、运用语法理顺关系.,英语阅读理解技巧,一、分门别类识别文体, 二、统览全篇摘录要点, 三、开动脑筋推测词意 , 四、语法分析理解长句。 阅读教学备考建议 1、阅读是英语学习的重中之重,得阅读者得天下。训练材料以近五年高考真题为主。 2、做题要有时间、速度和量

20、的要求,如果一次做5篇,35分钟内完成。,When I got to the theatre, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. I was the first to get there and sure that I could get the ticket without any problem. Question: The underlined word “relieved” in the passage may best be replace by _. A. surprised B. pleased C. p

21、roduced D. sold,Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be. Places of business that used to keep daytime “business hours” are now open late into the night. And on the Internet, the hour of the day and the day of the week have become irrelevant (不相关的). (2009/Hubei/67) Q: By saying” Sunday is more

22、like Monday than it used to be,” the writer means that _. A. work time is equal to rest time B. people have a day off on Monday C. it is hard for people to decide when to rest D. the line between work time and rest time is unclear,Writing,如何应对“完成句子” 题型 审题是关键 题干由三个部分组成:不完整的英语句子、汉语全句翻译和所给的英语单词。审题应从这三部

23、分提取解题所需的提示和暗示:时态、语态、词语的搭配及所需的语言结构。,TIPS,理解所给信息,把握考点方向; 确认结构正确,读句验证通过。,1、_ is that he can speak English so well. 使我吃惊的是,她的英语讲得如此好。 What surprises me To my surprise?,TIPS,TIPS,3、强调句结构 要强调句子的某一部分(通常是主语、状语、宾语),这种句子的结构是 “It is (was)被强调部分that (who) +句子的其余部分.” 如果被强调的部分是人, 也可以用who, whom代替that, 例如: It is Pro

24、f. Lin who / that teaches us English.(强调主语) It is English that Prof. Lin teaches us.(强调宾语),It was in Shanghai that I saw the film.(强调状语) It was in 1975 that I worked in a factory.(强调状语),It was yesterday that Tom saw the film. (强调状语),Writing,作文怎样拿高分? 课标写作的八级目标和九级目标都要求我们: 能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;

25、能比较详细和生动地用英语描述情景、态度或感情。 在作文中运用适当的修饰词语和较丰富的句式,常常起着画龙点睛的作用!,TIPS,1句子 句子是短文写作的基础。句子的写作首先要求符合语法规则,其次要得体。 符合语法规则是指所写句子的句式正确;动词的时态、语态、形式使用得当;从属、并列合理;主谓人称、数一致;意思表达准确。 句子的得体性表现在句子的交际性、措辞的准确性和内容的合理性。,短文写作的基本要求和技巧,2段落 段落是一个语意完整的整体。每一段落都应有一个中心,一般以主题句的方式提出置于段落之首。然后从不同的角度说明、解释或论证该段的主题,主题必须明确。,Four Steps in Writi

26、ng a Composition 1. Write an outline (拟出提纲) word 2. Enlarge sentences(扩展成句) sentence 3. Develop paragraphs(组句谋篇) paragraph 4. Improve the passage(合理润饰 ) passage,2009年北京高考英语作文,In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain

27、 how you understand it.,第二节 开放作文(15分) 根据下面提示, 写一篇短文, 字数不少于50.,第二节 开放作文(15分) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50 。 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture, you are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it .,2010 年北京高考英语作文,第二节 开放作文(15分) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50 。 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture, you are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it .,2011 年北京高考英语作文,Thank you for your listening and wish you success!,GOODBYE!,


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