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1、English Writing 英语书面表达训练 六步法,主要特点,记叙为主 稍加议论 旁带说明,二、对策 1背诵是个好方法 2. 基本句型的训练 (1)主语+谓语 (2)主语+系动词+表语(adj./n) (3)主+谓+宾 (4)主+谓+双宾语 (5)主+谓+宾+宾补 (6)There be,2适当使用过渡词 为了使所写短文通顺、连贯,句子与句子之间过渡自然,适当加上一些表示并列、递进、因果、转折等关系的过渡词是很有必要的。常见的过渡词有:,递进型:besides,whats more,let alone,to say nothing of,what was worse, moreover

2、even等; 解释型:that is(to say),in other words,or,in the same way,等; 转折型:however,but,yet,although,otherwise, instead等; 列举型:firstlysecondlyfinally,first,at first,at last,next, 举例型:for example, such as, that is, like,等;,因果型:because(of),since,as,therefore,so,as a result,thanks to,thus,owing to,seeing that等;

3、 让步型:though,although,in spite of等; 时序型:firstnextand thenfinally,at the same time,meanwhile,firstthenafter thatfinally等; 并列型:and,or,also,as well as等;,时间型:now,just now,just then,afterwards,soon,five minutes later,before long,shortly after that,to this day,soon after supper等; 强调型:above all,indeed,surel

4、y,certainly,of course,after all,at least,at most,first of all,等; 归纳总结型:in conclusion,in a word,in the end,at last,finally,to sum up, in short, in general, generally speaking, in all, in a word等; 转换话题型:by the way,Im afraid,in my opinion,to tell the truth,to be honest,after all,in fact等。,空间顺序,时间顺序,能力要

5、求,逻辑顺序,主要问题,要点不全,线索不清,原因:步骤不对,书面表达,六 步 法,书面表达六步法,书面表达六步法,一、审题,确定基本要素:5W1H,何 时 何 地 何 人 为 何 如 何 做 了 何 事,书面表达六步法,二、抓要点,确定主要行为,What happened?,书面表达六步法,三、扩展成句,形成基本语义单位,Who did what?,书面表达六步法,四、连句成文,时间 空间 细节 连贯 呼应,书面表达六步法,五、查错改错,要尽量剔除错误,书面表达六步法,六、誊写,卷面不工整扣5分,课堂练习,请用六步法写一篇短文,五个 “W”一个 “H”,第一步 审题,认真读题然后找出,把答案写

6、在题中相应的位置,NMET2000书面表达,假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。根据下列图画写出报告。 1、目击者应该准确报告事实; 2、词数100左右; 3、结尾已为你写好。 _ About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,附图,1,2,3,4,At 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000, I saw a woman d

7、riving a car hit the man in the street.,第二步 抓要点,一幅图,一要点,时态直达 语态到位,介/副词紧随,抓要点,配动词,第三步 扩展成句,把要点变成完整的句子。,注意使用介/副词,第四步 连句成文,增加细节 呼应首尾,句与句相连,词与词搭配,第五步 查错改错,主谓一致吗?,时态正确吗?,时态正确吗?,有“半截话”吗?,第六步 誊写,卷面整洁不一定加分, 卷面潦草一定要扣分!,作业选评,要改进吗?,为什么?,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,At 7:15 a.m. on the morning of Feb. 8th, 2000, I was heading e

8、ast on the south side of the Park Road, taking my morning walk as usual. I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park.,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing.,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,The car was so fas

9、t that the old man even didnt have time to dodge and the car hit the elder hard.,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,I thought the driver would have stopped to help, but she didnt. Instead, she just drove off, leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain.,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,Fortunately, I noted down the details: it was a

10、 yellow car, the plate number of which was AC864, and the driver was a young lady. After that, I went over to check out the old man.,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,精 彩 范 文 赏 析,图1,图2,图3,图4,AC864,小结,审题,抓点 造句,成文 改错,誉写,作业,

11、复习本课要点 背诵精彩范文,Thank you!,请不吝赐教!,二、注意两个写作技巧 1用词造句要扬长避短 I spent two thousand yuan on the colour TV set I spent two thousand yuan in buying the colour TV set The colour TV set cost me two thousand yuan Two thousand yuan was spent on the colour TV set I paid two thousand yuan for the colour TV set I use

12、d two thousand yuan to buy the colour TV set,怎样做看图作文 一、写作技巧 1认真阅读文字说明、参考词语和画面,确定作文体裁。 2仔细观察画面,抓住题目中心。 3编写提纲。 1)描写的顺序;2)段落的安排。,二、写作实例 假若下面图画中的学生就是你,根据以下六幅图画,用英语写一篇故事。 生词:calling card名片 注意:1故事须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯。2词数100左右。,我们可以分三步来写这个故事。 第一步:确定体裁。 第二步:确定主题。 第三步:编写提纲。 这个故事的提纲为: 1)我放学回家 2)我在323路公共汽车站附近捡到一个钱包 3)我打开钱包,4)钱包里有许多钱和一张名片 5)我给失主打电话 6)我在323路公共汽车站等候失主 7)失主前来认领钱包 8)失主表示感谢,


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