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1、Breakfast or lunch,Lesson 2,Words & Prases 单词和词组,1. until 用于表示动作,状态等的持续,后面加(时间状语)从句 “一直到. .为止“ , “在. .以前“,在肯定句中: 表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻,eg. Ill wait here until 5. His father was alive until he came back.,在否定句中: 通常与描述短暂动作的动词词组连用 “到. . 为止“ , “直到. . 才“,eg. She cannot arrive until 6. His father didnt di

2、e until he came back.,2. outside adv. 在外面(作状语) n. 外面,外表,外界 adj. 外面的,外表的,外界的 pre. 在. .外,outside of . outside and in a coat with fur on the outside the outside wall an outside broadcast to wait just outside the door,3. ring (rang, rung) 动词 鸣,响(铃,电话等) eg. Every moring the clock ring at 6. The telephone

3、 is ringing. 打电话给 ring sb. eg. Tomorrow Ill ring you. 包围,套住,成环形,按铃 eg. Police rang the building. She rang service for a drink. 名词 (打)电话 give sb. a ring/call eg. Remember to give me a ring. remember to ring me. 戒指 a diamond ring,4. surprised adj. 感到惊讶的 surprising 令人惊讶的,be surprised at . eg. I was sur

4、prised at her reaction.,surprised to do . surprised (that) 从句 eg. We were surprised to learn that he was French. I am surprised (that) she did not sack you on the spot.,5. arrive vi. 到达,抵达,arrive at 到达(较小的地方) eg. He arrived at the station at six this morning. (经过努力)达到,做出 eg. After many hours talk, t

5、he committee arrived at a decision.,arrive in 到达(较大的地方) eg. She arrived in Paris on Friday.,Sentence & Grammar 句子和语法,省略感叹句 (以what引导感叹句表示愤怒,喜悦,惊奇,赞赏等感情) What a day!(it is) What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + (主语 + 谓语) eg. What a great pity you missed the lecture again! What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 其他 eg. What inte

6、resting books you have bough us! What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 其他 eg. What great fun surfing on the Internet.,2. 表述频度的副词 never、sometimes、often、always、still、seldom Im never late for appointments. Sometimes he tells us jokes. We often meet at the coffee shop. She is always nice and friendly to people. Are you

7、still working? I seldom watch TV.,3. 一般现在时 (1)表现在的事实、状态或动作 eg. Birds fly. She loves music. Marys parents get up very early. (2)表习惯性动作或职业,常与时间副词连用 eg. I always take a walk after supper. She writes to me very often. (3)表客观真理,格言警句或事实 eg. The earth moves round the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets

8、 in the west. Two and two makes four. No man but errs. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。,(4)表将来 在由when,after, before,as,as soon as,although,because,if,even if,in case,till,until,unless,so long as,where,whatever,wherever 等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。 eg. Ill tell her when she comes tomorrow. Even if it rains this afternoon, Ill

9、 meet you. Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed. Ill be right here waiting for you wherever you go. 按时间表示将要发生的动作或事件,用一般现在时表达将来时概念。 eg. The play begins at 6:30 this evening. When does the plane take off? He leaves for that city next week.,1. The Browns _ a nice car and Browns brother _ a nic

10、e jeep. A. have / have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have 2. If their house _ not like ours, what _ it look like? A. is / is B. is / does C. does / does D. does / is 3. - _ you think he will come? - If it _ tomorrow, he will not come. A. Do / rains B. Are / rains C. Do / will rain D. Are / wil

11、l rain 4. The little child _ not even know that the moon _ around the earth. A. do / move B. do / moves C. does / moves D. did / moved,4. 现在进行时:is / am / are + 现在分词 表示现在正在进行的动作。 eg. The kettle is boiling. Shall I make tea? Dont you think you eat too much? Youre putting on weight. The workers are bui

12、lding a new bridge across the river. 表现阶段正进行的动作。 eg. He is taking physics this semester. Weare preparing for our final examination this week.,go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join等用于进行时态时表示即将开始的动作。 eg. Look! The bus is coming. The old man is seriously ill, and he is dying. Al

13、ice is leaving for Beijing with her mother. 与 always, forever, continually, constantly 等副词连用,表示说话人带有感情色彩:赞赏或厌恶。 eg. He is always thinking of others. The boy is continually making noises.,下面表示状态、感觉、情绪、精神活动的动词不可用于进行时。 注意:have a party / think about可以用进行时,因为这里have意为“举行”;think意为“考虑”。,look(看起来) seem(看上去)

14、show(显示) mind(介意) have(有) sound(听起来) taste(尝起来) require(要求) possess(拥有) care(关心) like(喜欢) hate(讨厌) love(喜爱),believe(相信) doubt(怀疑) see(看见) hear(听见) know(知道) understand (理解) belong(属于) think(认为) consider(认为) feel(觉得) detest(憎恨) desire(意欲),1. How can you _ If you are not _ ? A. listening / hearing B. h

15、ear / listening C. be listening / heard D. be hearing / listening to 2.The girl even wont have her lunch before she _ her homework. A. will finish B. is finishing C. had finished D. finishes 3. The old scientist _ to do more for the country. A. is wishing B. has been wishing C. wishes D. has been wished 4. If he _, dont wake him up. A. still sleeps B. is still sleeping C. still has been sleeping D. will be sleeping still,The end.,Thank you!,


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