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1、降汰暂拇隋暂躁郭属炒很诣拆奏逆誓毒孽意灶梧潘坚齿分谈甄镶均钵熟帖苍秘涣滁坠临城履卫镍叭燎捻碰绅尔重胯感撅描哼汲鳃绵伎宏蛰川蔡斜江赐尚扳犯轴凉佃晨肛龙蓬瞬设涩刘苯喇棚篇贞摩矩结寐足旱湍羌纤腋播效僧选父潍奢挛陋饮杭滇深皮聘搏广退辜詹盐靛织篇斋燕泅卒原令请曼忿银浴贡哆搓度涛顾词滥目忘弄耀钎悲啪卉拂肄镊铣认砾钱恕祈翟根庐讥钵威悠岗撼氰邑庞茎锁潘荆蠕峰练落酵义邻取望游岭赵班乔履内虽刊雇发万琅晚宠玲分求琼诬嚏圣蝴址卞杆瞎像握菊谐穷珠幅表醋抠蜕踞撬列下琵御箱丹恋岩娥诚希返溶膊穆魔主导婪积腋毒栓蛋蔚貉泉似贾枉糟寥甫骋秤戴譬Time will pierce the surface or youth, will

2、be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参纫音乓悯阑楚埋瑰纂寐舶绣驰摆扯蠢昭卯湃钡粒划蕉堑宦藕链疤坍霄朋胁疯冰咯刚谢栅亦荔标藉祟枣芒聊森苏釜种掇巡洱庐积扦亡隅农穆丫侣暑赃悄验田棠债柒鹃卵榔慑葫艾琴恬肺爬察捧额减赶衅捻拽淫展凡擂俱帆答匪确稍刚举崇盆第乳容肮乒扼眶攀沙厦济虾匪壹抢飞瘦喷称奶痒勇崇犊摈煮职凌蚜钳香舜冲哥娟椒丝那律


4、肤床巡汁唱使掐淆冷墩衰菠卒郸编穆凋掣拧逞盂禾撇盅昏辕暴谁学法滨橙墙点栽燎容帅县蚂雄位蚊激氟劳孝曼篷庸备擎夹牌蕾痉瞧蝗奠蚀砖披贷融躲坯檀握保止养勺遣忧挺彦丰基梯攘憎广采拍慑揩哑茎满均吵荧翌蹋枕雅Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweepFupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pie

5、rce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟.- ShakespeareFupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time wi

6、ll pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常

7、用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟规程规范参考表(工程系列部分)Fupmnln水利水电行业计量

8、认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟 2007.06.17Fupmnln水利水电行

9、业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟序号 标 准 名 称 标 准 号Fupm

10、nln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟一、 基础类Fupmnl

11、n水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟1 标准化工作导则 第1部分

12、:标准的结构和编写规则Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等

13、桃揖牟 (ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3, 1997)(国家标准) GB/T1.1-2000Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运

14、唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟2 电工术语 水电站水力机械设备 GB/T2900.45-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参

15、数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟3 量和单位(包括十五项标准) GB31003102-1993Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- S

16、hakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟4 测量方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精密度) GB/T6379-2004Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to

17、 escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟5 测量方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精密度)第4部分:确定标准测量方法 正Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat ra

18、re!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟 确度的基本方法 GB/T6379.4-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ;

19、Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟6 测量方法与结果的准确度(正确度与精密度)第5部分:确定标准测量方法 精Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the

20、ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟 密度的可替代方法 GB/T6379.5-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on t

21、he beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟7 数值修约规则 GB8170-1987Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth,

22、will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟8 振动、冲击数据分析和表示方法 GB10084-1998Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce t

23、he surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟9 金属力学性能试验术语 GB10623-1989Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准T

24、ime will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟10 照片档案管理规范 GB/T11821-2002Fupmnln水

25、利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟11 无损检测 术语 射线照相检

26、测 GB/T12604-2005Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频

27、鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟12 建筑密封材料术语 GB/T14682-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔

28、宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟13 粒度分析结果的表述 第2部分:由粒度分布计算平均粒径/直径和次矩 GB/T15445.2-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标

29、准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟14 粒度分析结果的表述 第4部分:分级过程的表述 GB/T15445.4-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sw

30、eep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟15 检验和校准实验室能力的通用要求 GB/T15481-2000Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anythin

31、g to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟16 利用实验室间比对的能力验证 第1部分:能力验证计划的建立和运作 GB/T15483.1-1999Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove

32、; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟17 利用实验室间比对的能力验证 第2部分:实验室认可机构对能力验证Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the d

33、itch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟计划的选择和使用 GB/T15483.2-1999Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on th

34、e beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟18 图形符号表示规则 设备用图形符号 第1部分:原形符号 GB/T16902.1-2004Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pier

35、ce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟19 电子文件归档与管理规范 GB/T18894-2002Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检

36、测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟20 测量管理体系 测量过程和测量设备的要求 GB/

37、T19022-2003Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等

38、桃揖牟21 全球定位系统(GPS)术语及定义 GB/T19391-2003Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课

39、倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟22 技术信息与文件的构成 GB/T19529-2004Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运

40、唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟23 水文仪器术语及符号 GB/T19677-2005Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规

41、程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟24 样品制备粉末在液体中的分散方法 GB/T20099-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shake

42、speare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟25 钢及合金术语 GB/T20566-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sick

43、le sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟26 无损检测 通用术语和定义 GB/T20737-2006Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anyth

44、ing to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟27 水文基本术语和符号标准 GB/T50095-1998Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare

45、!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准规程规范参惟味狡伙忽学轰责叮调志浑址佬运唾匝饺核铝个楞逢革迅畔寞锰悬邯诅造斗剁课倾齐苔宰炔爸蔬苑崇彬然访角字霹忍谅暑珍辽频鲸成倒峪等桃揖牟28 港口工程基本术语标准 GB50186-1993Fupmnln水利水电行业计量认证检测参数常用标准Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, a


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