焊接消耗品控制程序Welding Consumable Control Procedure,中英对照.doc

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《焊接消耗品控制程序Welding Consumable Control Procedure,中英对照.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《焊接消耗品控制程序Welding Consumable Control Procedure,中英对照.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、焊接消耗品控制程序Welding Consumable Control Procedure目录1.目的: Purpose32.范围: Scope33.职责: Responsibility34.程序 Procedure35.参考文献:References71. 目的: Purpose确保采购的焊接材料满足XX石化项目的要求,并符合法律、 法规及其它方面对安全、环境和健康的规定。Ensure weld material meet XX xxPetrochemical Project requirements and laws, regulations and HSE rules stipulate

2、d in other aspects. 2. 范围: Scope本程序适用于CC施工承包商的焊工培训、现场测试及产品焊接 所需焊接消耗材料的采购、验收、存放、控制及发放包括对供方的评价。This procedure covers procurement, acceptance, storage, control and distribution( including evaluation to vendors) of weld expendable that needed by welders training, site test and products welding.3. 职责: Re

3、sponsibility3.1. CC技术部提供焊接材料的需用计划及各项技术质量指标/要求。CC technique department is responsible for providing requirement plan and technical guideline/requirement of welding material.3.2. CC材料部负责采购计划编制产品供方的评价和选择、采购合同签订进货验证及组织进货检验和试验的实施。CC material department is responsible for establishing procurement plan, ev

4、aluation and choice to vendors, signing of procurement contract, procurement verifying and implementation of organizing procurement and testing. 3.3. CC质检部参与产品供方的评价,并对焊材的进货验收进行监控。CC QA/QC department will participate in evaluation to vendors and control the acceptance for procurement of welding mater

5、ial. 4. 程序 Procedure4.1. 焊接消耗品采购 Procurement of Weld Expendable4.1.1. CC技术部根据合同规定及施工图纸,标准或规范要求编写工程项目需用的焊接材料、计划,报项目经理审批。CC technique department establish welding material plan according to the rules stipulated in contract, construction drawings, standards or regulation, then submit it to Project Mana

6、ger for approval.4.1.2. 设材部根据需用计划编制采购计划,报项目经理审批,对需PMC批焊接消耗品,由焊接工程师将焊接消耗品(如焊丝、焊条等)的生产T家、型号、规格等报PMC焊接工程师批准后购买。Equipment and material department shall establish procurement plan according to requirement plan, then submit it to Project Manager for approval. For weld expendable need to be approved by PMC

7、, only after weld engineer report the manufacturer, type and specification, etc. of weld expendable (such as welding wire and welding rod, etc.) to PMC weld engineer and approved, can them be purchased. 4.1.3. 焊材的进货验收由设材部同质检部焊接工程师共同对焊材的外观质量、批号、炉号、型号、规格等技术指标进行验证,供应商应提供相应的材质证明书,焊材需要有国际标准的机械性能及化学成分分析,所

8、有的焊材分类标准应体现在WPS中。任何时候,对供应商的产品质量有怀疑时,CC应启动PMI程序。Weld engineer from QA/QC department together with equipment and material department verify the appearance quality, batch number, stove number, type and specification of weld material. Vendor shall provide relevant material certificate.Welding consumable

9、 shall have documentation that specifies mechmical and chemicl analysis under their various international classifications.ALL Consumables shall be shown on the WPS with their code classifications. CC shall start PMI procedure when have doubt about quality of vendors products. 4.2. 焊接消耗品存放的环境要求 Envir

10、onment Requirements for Weld Expendable Storage4.2.1. 温度应控制在室温5左右 The temperature shall be control about 5 room temperature.4.2.2. 要有抽湿设施,湿度控制在60%以下,当湿度达不到要求时,在加一台抽湿机器。Moisture shall be controlled under 60% through moisture control equipment. If the moisture can not meet the requirement, another dri

11、er machine will be equipped. 4.2.3. 焊材库环境清洁,不同炉号、批号、材质、规格的产品应标识清晰,应有两个独立的焊材存放库;一个用于存放焊材,一个用于焊材发放。Keep welding material storage clean, products of different stove number, batch number, material and specification shall be marked clearly.Two separate welding consumables warehouse are provided with one

12、for welding material storage,and one for welding material distribution.4.2.4. 焊材存放应符合制造商的要求,应密封、原装存放在清洁、干燥的地方,并且焊条应存放在高于地面150mm的地方;对焊材的存放还应满足生产家的出厂说明Storage of welding consumables shall be in accordance with manufacturer instruction under clean, dry condition in their original unopened containers. T

13、he clearance between packages shall be sufficient and the package is above 1500mm floor. Storage of welding materials shall accord with manufacturers specification.4.2.5. 焊材仓管员应每天记录焊材库的温湿度参数Welding material storage supervisor shall record temperature and moisture of welding material storage every da

14、y.4.3. 焊材的烘焙、领用Bake-out and distribution of welding material.4.3.1. 焊材仓管员每天根据需用计划和焊材供应商说明打开包装,并放置在焊条烘箱内,按规定的焊条形码烘干温度、速度进行烘焙Welding material storage supervisor open the packing according to the requirement plan and vendors specification, put welding rod into oven. Bake them according to the weld bar

15、code bake temperature and rate.4.3.2. 焊条烘干后按规定的温度和时间在恒温炉内保温After drying, put welding rod into constant temperature oven for insulation per set temperature and time.4.3.3. 应将低氢、低合金或合金焊条存放于单独的烘焙炉内。不同等级的低氢、低合金和合金焊条在烘干、恒温时要隔离放置。Low hydrogen, low alloy or alloy welding rod shall be stored in separate bak

16、e-out oven. Different grade low hydrogen, low alloy or alloy welding rod shall placed separately during baking and insulation.4.3.4. 焊条烘干温度及恒温时间一览表Table of Electrodes Baking Temperature &Constant Temperature Time焊接材料烘干和使用 Drying and Using of Welding Materials 种类Type烘干温度()Baking Temperature恒温时间(h)Tim

17、e of Constant Temperature用前保温温度Holding Temperature before UseJ42735040012150J50735040012150A10215020012150A20215020012150A30215020012150烘干后的焊条,应保存在100150的恒温箱中,随用随取4.3.5. 焊工在领用焊条时要装进焊条保温桶内,每一个焊条保温桶只能存放一种等级的焊条。Welders shall put welding rods into insulation caddy when received them. Every rod caddy sha

18、ll store the same grade welding rod.4.3.6. 焊工领取焊条时要在焊材领用表上签字,每次领用焊条的数量不能超过4个小时的工作量。使用时一条一条拿出,用剩的焊条头要及时清理干净,能回收的应放在炉条桶内退回给仓库。Welder shall sign their name on welding material distribution form when received them. The quantity shall not more than 4 hours workload. Take them one by one when use. Clean u

19、p the surplus welding rod, recoverable one shall be put into weld bucket and return to storage.4.3.7. 第一次烘干的焊条未用完应进行回收,重新烘干,但焊条烘干次数不得超过两次,重新烘干的焊条应先使用。对于烘干次数超过两次的焊条而没有使用完,应回收作为废物回收处理,不得使用。现场的焊条不能随意丢弃,当焊条药皮受损后,不能使用,应当作废物进行回收。对于当作废物回收的焊条应放在专门的焊条箱内,并贴上废物标志。The rest electrodes in the first-time baking sh

20、all be recycled and re-baked. And the electrode shall not be re-baked more than once. Re-baked electrodes shall be the first ones to be issued to the next shift. The rest electrodes which have been baked more than ones shall be disposed as waste materials and shall not be used any more, and shall be

21、 disposed as waste materials. Marks is to be put on the wastes electrodes. Electrode at the worksite shall not be lost on the site and shall not be reused if exposed or the flux coating is damaged.4.4. 设备仪器的维护保养 Maintenance of Equipment and Instrument 4.4.1. 焊条烘箱、恒温箱应处于良好的工作状态,仪器仪表经检测合格。Welding rod

22、oven and constant temperature oven shall be in good condition, instrument and apparatus shall be eligible.4.4.2. 焊条烘箱、恒温箱在第一次安装后要用经核准的高温计进行核准,以后应每周进行核准并填写焊条烘箱,恒温箱温度核准记录。After the first installation of welding rod oven and constant temperature oven, they shall be verified by approved pyrometer. After

23、 that, temperature verifying records of welding rod oven and constant temperature oven shall be verified and completed every week.4.5. 记录 Records4.5.1. 焊材库温湿度记录(焊材库配有R/H温度计)Records of moisture of welding material storage (ware house equipped R/H thermometer)4.5.2. 焊条烘焙保存记录Welding rod bakeout preserv

24、ation records.4.5.3. 焊接材料发放台帐Welding materials distribution machine account.5. 参考文献:References项目程序:PR-8710-0000-0038Project Procedure: PR-8710-0000-0038焊 接 材 料 发 放 台 帐 Issue Summery Welding Material 工程名称: 单位: 年 月 日 Project: Unit project Date设备号Pipe line图号Drawing No:工艺卡编号Procedure card No年Year月month牌

25、号Brand规格Size复检(批)号Re-check (lot) No数量Qty领料班组User Group领料人User备注Remarks审 核Approved by制 表Recorded by广 东 省 石 油 化 工 建 设 集 团 公 司Guangdong Petrochemical Engineering Construction Group Corporation焊料库温度、湿度记录表Temp/Humidity Record Of Welding Material Room月Month日Tine温 度Temperature湿 度Humidity备 注Remarks月Month日Tine温 度Temperature湿 度Humidity备 注RemarksElectrode baking and Issue Record Sheet焊条烘焙保存记录Consumable Type焊条类型Size 规格B a k i n g烘 焙I s s u e发 放Date日期Batch No批 号Amount数 量Time In开始时间Time out终了时间Amount数 量Time时 间Quiver No领用人Comment记 录


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