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1、UNIT 7,Family Involvement: A Key Ingredient in Childrens Reading Success,Lead-in,Family involvement,Childrens performance at school,Language points,1.ingredient : a component of a mixture or compound Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success. 想像力和勤劳是成功的要素。 2. be aware of: having or sh

2、owing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception He doesnt seem to be aware of the problems. 他好像没有意识到这个问题 。,3.assume: think, believe I assume his train was late. 我想当然地认为是他的火车晚点了。 4.correlation: a relation between two or more things the correlation between speed and risk of accident 速度和事

3、故风险之间的相关性 the correlation of height with weight 身 高与体重的关联性 The second group of measurements had a high correlation with the first. 第二组测量数据与第一组高度相关。,5.predictive: having value for making predictions predictive analysis method 预示分析法 6.profound: far-reaching Open-door policy has profound historical sig

4、nificance.具有深远历史意义 7.account for:be the reason or explanation for Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies. 缺钱是她辍学的原因。,8.attribute to:把归于;把归因于 He attributes his success to working hard. 他认为他的成功是艰苦工作的结果。 The car accident was attributed to faulty brakes. 这次车祸被认为是刹车失灵造成的。 9.suspend:bar

5、temporarily; from school, office, etc.=defer,delay Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.冲突双方同意暂时停火。,10.expel:force to leave or move out He was expelled from the club for breaking the rules. 他因违反了规定而被开除出俱乐部。 11.sibling:a persons brother or sister You got family me

6、mbers, parents, siblings, grandparents, friends.,12.sponsor:assume responsibility for or leadership of The United States sponsored the important meeting. 美国主办了那次重要的会议。 The company sponsored several TV programs. 这家公司赞助了几个电视节目。 13.reinforcement:an act performed to strengthen This roof needs some reinf

7、orcement.这屋顶需要加固。 reinforce:make stronger Do you have any statistics to reinforce your argument? 你有没有支持自己论点的统计数字?,14.acknowledge:declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of He grudgingly acknowledged having made a mistake. 他勉强承认他做错了。 They acknowledge their mistakes . 他们承认错误。 15.

8、identify:consider to be equal or the same Never identify wealth with happiness. 千万不要把财富等同于幸福。,Exercises,II. Vocabulary 1Absenteeism 2. suspend 3. undisputed 4. literacy 5. extracurricular 6. sponsors 7. priority 8. adolescent 9. cultivate 10. sibling,III. Cloze,1.plots 2. judgment 3. humor 4. proyni

9、ng 5.Forth 6. bounded 7. simple 8. observation 9. granted 10. consider 11. swallowed 12. only 13. wholly 14. deputy 15. less 16. exact 17. confer 18. contend 19. apt 20. illustrate,IV. Translation .,A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese 最使我烦恼的有关你的故事是他在互联网上与人交流的个人信息。我相信他认为你对他的这种做法有可能带来的潜在

10、危险反应过度了。有恋童癖的人以及其他危险潜藏在互联网上,在聊天室,色情网站等。他们以不同的身份与儿童建立起关系,最后他们要求这些孩子们去和他们会面。你的儿子不能提供任何个人的或家庭成员的信息。我建议你不准他上网。,我们不能预防我们的孩子在我们家庭以外会做出我们不容许的事情,但我们可以坚持认为他们在家里尊重我们的家庭价值观。不要猜疑你的儿子总是在进行互联网滥用。最佳的解决方案是你可以开始和他讨论进行系列健康的性行为建立在您的家庭价值观与信仰之上。虽然在你与他交谈时,他会认为自己是一个万事通,不作任何表态,他还是需要耐心地听完你的训诫。,B. Translate the following par

11、agraph into English.,1) Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. You are developing enthusiasm as a habit, and habits require reinforcement. 2) If wealth were measured by lands conquered, Genghis Khan would rank as one of the wealthiest people ever.,3) Their impoverished

12、 life was attributed to low incomes, unemployment, high housing rent and high medical bills. 4) Effective implementation of parental involvement may experience three different stages: unfreezing stage, implementing stage, and refreezing stage.,5) Cross-dressing does not, however, necessarily indicat

13、e transgender identity; a person who cross-dresses does not always identify as being of the opposite gender. 6) When consumers begin to place emphasis on symbolic meaning of goods besides practical function, we have inevitably come to the consumption age. 7) Before you implement your plans, you must have a profound knowledge of markets there. 8) They do indeed account for most new jobs, but they also account for most job losses.,


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